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Karleighs Cowboys

By Paige Tyler

Copyright 2011 by Paige Tyler All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the author. Cover Design by Rae Monet

Other Books by Paige Tyler

Security Risk The Postman Always Comes Twice Dead Sexy Ghost Hunter Good Cop, Bad Girl Mr. Right-Now Just Right Erotic Exposure Unmasked Sexy Secret Santa If You Dare Animal Attraction Animal Instinct Librarian By Day Protective Custody Vampire 101 Samantha and the Detective Kayla and the Rancher The Magic Spell The Ambassadors Daughter Not the Man She Thought Nosy By Nature The Cutler Brothers Series (Cade, Madoc and The Cutler Brides) Spicing Up Her Marriage Taking Her Friends Advice Its Just a Job All She Wants for Christmas The Trouble with New Years Resolutions Austin Malone, Private Eye The Girl Next Door Caught Red-Handed Bridezilla A Date for the Wedding

With special thanks to my extremely patient and understanding husband, without whose help and support I couldnt have pursued my dream job of becoming a writer. Youre my sounding board, my idea man, my critique partner, and the absolute best research assistant any girl could ask for! Thank you.

Karleighs Cowboys
Two ranch hands are better than one!
Karleigh Blake hasnt take a vacation in years, so when her friend talks her into coming out to her Colorado ranch for some fun and relaxation, she jumps at the chance. Once there, she meets up with two hot and hunky ranch hands named Holden Donnelly and Mav Ryan who definitely know how to show a girl a good time. It starts as two separate rolls in the hay, and shes concerned she isnt going to be able to hide that shes sleeping with both of them. She's surprised when the two cowboys compare notes and decide they dont mind sharing her as long as they can do it at the same time!

Chapter One
Two weeks with no telephone, no internet, no meetings and no deadlines. Karleigh Blakes plane had just landed in Colorado Springs and she was already having withdrawals. How the heck was she supposed to survive for two weeks with nothing to do but stare at the scenery? She pushed her long, blonde hair behind her ear and gazed out the small window at the snow-capped mountains in the distance. Her friend Heather was right. They were beautiful. She sighed. Maybe this was exactly what she needed. She hadnt taken a vacation since going to Florida for spring break her senior year in college five years ago. Unless she counted coming out for Heathers wedding last year. But did flying in on Friday just in time for the rehearsal dinner, then leaving on Sunday right after the wedding reception really count as a vacation? More like a weekend getaway, only without the hot guy to go along with it. She groaned. Another unwanted side effect of working fourteenhour days, she supposed. Ignoring the urge to turn on her BlackBerry and check her messages the moment she stepped off the plane, Karleigh followed the signs to the baggage claim, where Heatherand hopefully her suitcasewould be waiting for her. She spotted Heathers head of curly red hair immediately. Her petite friend was searching the crowd, her face a mix of anticipation and concern. Like she was afraid Karleigh had backed out and decided not to come. She cringed at the thought of how close to being right her old college roommate had been. Ashamed, Karleigh hoisted her bag higher up on her shoulder and hurried over to her friend. Heather squealed the moment she saw her. Arms wide, she ran over to Karleigh and wrapped her in a tight hug. I cant believe youre here! I feel like I havent seen you in forever, she said. How was your flight? You didnt have to sit next to anyone annoying the whole way, did you? Did they give you something to eat on the plane? Of course not. Airlines dont do that anymore, do they? Unless you count a bag of peanuts, I suppose. We could stop and grab something on the way to the ranch, if you want. Or Karleigh laughed. Shed forgotten how fast Heather could talk. After rooming with her all four years of college, she should have remembered. But that kind of stuff got kind of lost in an email. To answer your questions in the order you asked them, Karleigh said. The flight was fine. No, I didnt sit next to anyone annoying. And no, they didnt give us anything to eat. Not even peanuts. I had something before I left New York, though. Which was hours ago, now that I think about it. I figured. Heather gave her a knowing grin. Well hit Starbucks on the way out. Karleighs suitcase was one of the first on the conveyer belt, so she didnt have to wait long for her skinny latte and cinnamon coffee cake. She ate as Heather drove, chatting with her friend between bites. So, whats going on with Steve? Heather asked as she changed lanes. You havent mentioned him once. Steve was her latest in a long string of now ex-boyfriends. Theyd met through a mutual friend, but between her job at the magazine and his as a financial analyst on Wall Street, their schedules never seemed to mesh. We broke up a couple weeks ago, she told Heather. Oh, no! Karleigh shrugged. Its no big deal. I wasnt really that into him. Beside her, Heather looked skeptical. Well, all the more reason you needed a vacation. Colorado Springs is full of hot guys. Karleigh looked at her friend in surprise. Heather Collins, are you suggesting I throw modesty to the wind and hook up with someone while Im here? Heather hadnt hooked up with a guy in the whole time Karleigh had known her. When shed gone out with someone, it was because he had the potential to be Mr. Right, not because shed been looking for a roll in the hay. That approach had obviously worked for Heather. She was married to a fantastic guy. Her friends face colored, the freckles sprinkled across her nose and cheeks standing out even more. Im just saying. I mean, youre here to have fun, arent you? Yes, but she hadnt considered the possibility of hooking up with someone while she was there. Of course, if she happened to meet an attractive guy who was looking to have some fun, too, then she certainly wouldnt turn him down. Karleigh would have said as much to her friend, but Heather had already changed the subject and was talking about the new tractor she and her husband Clint had gotten for their ranch. Karleigh didnt know the first thing about farm equipment, but she nodded and listened anyway. While she might not know a lot about farming, Karleigh had to admit she was impressed by her first glimpse of Heather and Clints ranch when her friend turned down the driveway an hour later. Heather had sent her pictures when theyd bought the place, of course, but seeing it nestled in the foothills of the mountains, it was even more impressive. Shed had no idea how big a thousand acres really was. Wow, she breathed. Dont tell me you and Clint run this place all by yourselves. Heather laughed. Of course not, silly. We have ranch hands. A lot of them. She parked the SUV beside the house and opened the door. Come on. Well drop your bags in the guest room, then Ill show you around. The redhead gave her a quick tour of the house as they went. Recently renovated, the downstairs consisted of the kitchen, dining room, living room and home office, while all four bedrooms were upstairs. Traditional, yet casual at the same time, it was warm and homey. Setting her suitcases on the floor by the four-poster bed, Karleigh quickly freshened up, then followed her friend downstairs. I probably should have asked before, Heather said as she led the way to the huge barn. You can ride a horse, right? Yeah, but I havent been on one since I was a teen. Its like riding a bike. You never forget. Karleigh wondered if she should mention shed never been very good at riding a bike. Unless it was the stationary, spinning kind. Heather must have seen Karleighs expression because she grinned. Dont worry. Ill give you the gentlest mare we have.

Karleigh relaxed a little at that. As long as she didnt have to jump any fences or clear any ditches, shed be fine. The barn was just as impressive on the inside as it was on the outside. Lined with spacious stalls on either side, it was home to fifteen of the most beautiful horses Karleigh had ever seen. But as much as she adored horses, it was the two hunky guys pitching hay sans shirts halfway down the center aisle who immediately caught her eye. Both tall with broad shoulders and killer pecs, not to mention some seriously lickable abs, one had dark hair and a sexy trace of scruff, while the other was blond and more clean-cut. When Heather said Colorado Springs was full of hot guys, shed neglected to mention two of them worked for her. Karleigh leaned in closer to her friend. Who are they? Two of our best ranch hands. Heathers lips curved in a knowing smile. Come on. Ill introduce you. Karleigh was hoping shed say that. The two men stopped what they were doing to look up at their approach. As their eyesone pair of baby blues, one dark and soulful met hers, Karleighs pulse skipped a beat. Boys, Id like you to meet my friend Karleigh Blake. Karleighs here on vacation from New York for a couple weeks. Heather glanced at her. Karleigh, meet Holden Donnelly and Mav Ryan. Heather gestured to each of the men as she said their names. Holden was the blue-eyed blond. Mav was the one with the smoldering, dark eyes. Both men took off their leather work gloves and held out their hands. Their hands were big and strong around hers. They were rough and slightly calloused, too, she noticed. Nothing like the men back in New York City. Damn, it was sexy. Pleasure to meet you, maam, they drawled as they shook her hand, each of them flashing her their own version of a heart-stopping grin. Me, too. I mean, you, too. Its a pleasure to meet you. Her face colored. Darn it. She was normally poise and well-spoken, but concentrating on anything other than those two glorious bare chests in front of her was almost impossible. Oh, and its Karleigh. Im going to take Karleigh out riding and show her around the ranch, Heather said. Beauty hasnt been out today yet, has she? No, she hasnt, Mav said. It might take some doing to pry her away from Highwayman. They seem to have taken a fancy to each other. Heather sighed. I thought that might happen if we put them next to each other. Just dont tell Loverboy. Holden must have seen the look of confusion on Karleighs face because he explained, Weve been trying to figure out which male to breed Beauty with and were pretty sure shed taken a liking to Loverboy, but then Highwayman went and wooed her, and now all bets are off. Ah, Karleigh said. I see. So, its a love triangle. Mav rested both hands on the handle of the hay rake, flexing his big biceps and making them look even bigger. Karleigh bit her lip to stifle a moan. My moneys on Highwayman, Mav said. Fifty says she picks Loverboy, Holden insisted. Mav grinned. Youre on. Heather shook her head, but Karleigh saw a smile playing around the corners of her mouth. Well, right now, shes going to have to settle for a couple hours of girl talk with Honeysuckle because Karleigh and I are going for a ride. If anyone needs me, well be out by the east pastures. See you guys later. Karleigh would much rather have stayed and watched Holden and Mav flex their muscles some more, but she obediently fell into step beside Heather as the redhead led the way to where the mares were stabled. She threw a covert glance over her shoulder to get another glimpse of the two men working, and found both of them standing there admiring her instead. Or more precisely, admiring her jean-clad ass. The lust in their eyes made heat pool between her thighs and she squeezed them together to ease the sudden ache there. An hour ago shed been flirting with the idea of hooking up with a guy if she happened to meet one. Now, she had two gorgeous guys to pick from. Choosing wasnt going to be easy. Giving the men a sexy smile, she turned to see Heather leading out a chestnut-colored mare. This is Beauty, Heather said. Shes as sweet and gentle as they come, so youll be fine on her. Karleigh could see where Beauty had gotten her name. She was absolutely gorgeous. Reaching up, Karleigh ran her hand down the mares sleek neck. Beauty gently nuzzled Karleighs cheek with her nose. Karleigh laughed. Oh yeah, they were going to be fast friends. Do you need help saddling her? Heather asked. No, thanks. I got it. Thanks to summers spent on her grandparents farm, Karleigh knew how to saddle a horse, as well as ride. Since she hadnt done it in a years, it took a little longer to get everything cinched up just right. Though that could have been because she was a bit distracted. Holden and Mav had gone back to pitching hay into the stalls, and the light sheen of sweat glistening off their combined muscles was extremely mesmerizing. It didnt help that they glanced her way every now and then with heat in their eyes. She wanted to stop what she was doing and run her hands over all that glorious skin. She probably would have if Heather hadnt spoken. Ready? Karleigh reluctantly dragged her gaze away from the two half-naked men. Just about. She finished buckling the breast collar, then made sure the back cinch was snug before stepping back to check her work. Her grandfather had been adamant about always making sure the saddle was in place properly and that the straps were tight. Satisfied, she put her foot in the stirrup and swung up onto the saddle. Heather was already on her horse over talking to Holden and Mav. Taking the reins in one hand, Karleigh gently nudged Beauty forward to follow Heather and Honeysuckle. Holden and Mav flashed her a pair of devastating grins as she rode past, telling her theyd see her later. Karleigh hoped that was a promise. Remembering how to ride a horse was much easier than riding a bike, and Karleigh had no problems as she rode alongside Heather

through the lush meadow. Heather kept up a steady string of conversation, pointing out a new herd of cattle here and a place where the fences had been mended there. Karleigh nodded, replying at the appropriate times, but it was the two cowboys back at the barn she was really interested in. Now that she was seriously considering hooking up with one of the men, she needed some help choosing between them. Since Heather had brought it up on the drive to the ranch, Karleigh thought she would bring it up again, but her friend hadnt mentioned Holden and Mav once. So, she said, trying to make the words as casual as she could, have Holden and Mav worked for you and Clint long? Since we bought the ranch. Are either of them married? Nope. Seeing anyone? Nope. Heather gave her a sidelong glance, her lips curving in amusement. Why? Karleigh shrugged. Just wondered, thats all. Uh-huh. Do you want to hear about the rest of the hands we have working for us, too, then? Are they all as attractive as Holden and Mav? Not nearly, Heather admitted. Well, there is Dax, but hes married. Oh. Then no. The redhead glanced at her again. So, which one do you like? Heather, Im not picking out a prized horse. Its not so different. They are some pretty fine studs. Karleigh laughed. Her friend could say that again. Yeah, well Im as indecisive as Beauty here. Choosing between Holden and Mav is as hard for me as choosing between Loverboy and Highwayman obviously is for her. Heather sighed. Poor Beauty. I saw her looking longingly at Highwayman while you were saddling her. Karleigh shook her head. It was a regular soap opera at the Collins ranch. In all seriousness, though, she was going to have to figure out which cowboy she most wanted to sleep with so she could start flirting with him. She was still considering that as she and Heather stopped at a creek to water the horses a little while later. She had never had a type when it came to guys. She wasnt one of those woman who always went for blonds, or guys with dark hair. If a man was good looking, tall and well-built, then he was her type. Since both Holden and Mav fit that description, she was going to need to narrow it down some. Karleigh was about to ask Heather if she could tell her anything more about the men when the sound of horses hoofs interrupted her. She turned to see a man riding toward her and Heather. She shielded her eyes with her hands, squinting behind her sunglasses as she tried to make out who it was. But the mans cowboy hat hid his features, making it impossible. He had big, broad shoulders, though. Could it be Holden or Mav? Her pulse skipped a beat at the possibility. She held her breath as she waited for the rider to get close enough, finally catching a glimpse of blond hair. Holden. In addition to the cowboy hat, he had a plaid shirt on, and although it covered up that amazing chest of his, Karleigh had to admit he still looked sexy as hell atop the bay steed. Reining in his horse, he dismounted and walked over to her and Heather. Giving Karleigh a grin, he tipped his hat to her before turning his attention to the redhead. Sorry to interrupt, but Clint needs you to come back to the house. A grain delivery just came in and they screwed it up again. Karleighs brows rose. What, they didnt have cell phones out here on the ranch? Not that she was complaining, of course. Holden could deliver a message in person anytime he liked. Heather groaned. She gave Karleigh an apologetic look. I hate to cut our ride short, but Ive got to go back. I handle all the purchases. I love Clint, but hes clueless when it comes to that stuff. If I dont take care of it, well end up getting double-billed or something. Karleigh laughed. No problem. I dont mind. I could show Karleigh around. Holden turned those impossibly blue eyes on her. If thats okay with you, of course. Okay? It was fantastic! Heather spoke up before she could answer. Thats a great idea. Karleigh would love it. Wouldnt you, Karleigh? Karleigh felt her face color. Could Heather be any more obvious? Realizing Holden was looking at her expectantly, she smiled. I would, she said. Excellent! Heather said. She leaned close to Karleigh, her voice dropping to just above a whisper. Dont do anything I wouldnt do. On second thought, scratch that. Im married, so there are a lot of things I couldnt do. Definitely do something I wouldnt do. Karleigh darted a look at Holden to see if hed heard. From the way his mouth twitched, she decided he almost assuredly had. She and Holden mounted their horses along with Heather, who turned hers around and immediately rode back toward the house. Anything in particular you want me to show you? Holden asked. Your bare chest again. That might be too forward, though. Her lips curved into a smile. You decide. When Karleigh moved Beauty up to walk alongside Holdens bay, the mare immediately nuzzled the other horse. Karleigh didnt think anything of the exchange at first, but realization dawned on her. So, is that Loverboy or Highwayman? she asked Holden. Loverboy. He gave her a wink. Figured Id give them some alone time away from Highwayman. That was nice of you. His mouth quirked. I got fifty bucks riding on this relationship. Karleigh laughed. She glanced at Holden out of the corner of her eye. He rode as if hed been born on a horse, his hand loosely holding

the reins, his booted feet relaxed in the stirrups. And yet despite how casual he looked, he was in complete control of the animal the whole time. She liked that quiet confidence in a man. Youre from New York, huh? he asked. Im from Pennsylvania originally, but I moved to New York after college. Whereabouts in New York? Manhattan. He grinned. Ah. So youre a city girl then. And proud of it. She lifted her chin. Is that a problem? He chuckled. No, maam. Ive always had a thing for city girls. Karleighs heart did a funny little backflip. Im glad to hear that. What do you do back there? Im the assistant editor for a fashion magazine. Oh yeah? He gave her a sidelong glance. I would have guessed model. Karleigh blushed at the compliment. Holden Donnelly definitely knew what to say to a girl. What about you? Are you from Colorado? Texas, actually. Shed thought his drawl was a bit different from Mavs when she first heard it. So you grew up on a ranch then? Yes, maam. Karleigh opened her mouth to remind him he didnt have to call her maam, but as he launched into a story about life on a ranch, she decided he could call her anything he liked as long as he did it in that sexy voice of his. The man could read from the phone book and get her hot and bothered. Of course, it also made it practically impossible to pay attention to what he was saying most of the time. She barely even noticed the landmarks he pointed out as they rode. In fact, she didnt even realize they were heading back to the barn until they rode inside. She glanced down at her watch and was surprised to see theyd spent almost two hours together. She could easily have spent the rest of the day with him. Some of the night, too, she thought wickedly. The barn was empty and as they unsaddled their horses and rubbed them down, Karleigh wondered if she should ask Holden out. If theyd met at a club back in New York City, she wouldnt have hesitated, but she wasnt sure what the etiquette was out here. Hed already demonstrated he was old-fashioned by calling her maam. That could mean he also liked to do the asking when it came to going out. She chewed on her lip, trying to decide, when Holden suddenly spoke. Would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight? She stopped running the brush over Beautys coat to look at him over the horse. He was folding the blanket hed used beneath Loverboys saddle. Id love to, she said. Great. He grinned. Ill pick you up around seven. She smiled back. Ill be waiting.

Chapter Two
It wasnt until Karleigh walked into the house a little while later that she remembered Heather and her husband. She felt awful about skipping out on them, especially her first night at the ranch, but she didnt want to pass up the chance to go out with Holden, either. Besides, her friend had encouraged her to have fun. Even so, that didnt make her feel any less contrite. Heather was at the kitchen counter peeling potatoes when Karleigh walked in. She looked up from what she was doing, a smile on her face. How was the ride? Fun, Karleigh said. Holden is a very good at playing tour guide. I thought he might be. Heather grabbed another potato and started to peel it. Do you want some help with that? Karleigh asked. No, thanks. Im almost done anyway. She cut the potato in half, then in quarters before tossing it in a pot of water. So, what did you and Holden talk about? Mostly about what its like to live on a ranch. Karleigh leaned back against the counter, watching as Heather reached for another potato. He asked me to go out to dinner with him tonight. Heathers eyes lit up. You said yes, I hope. Are you sure you dont mind? Her friend tossed the last of the potatoes in the pot and set it on the stove. Of course I dont mind. I was hoping you would hit it off with one of the guys. You obviously have. Karleighs lips curved. Holden is pretty great. What time is he picking you up? Seven. Karleigh pushed away from the counter. Which reminds me. I still have to unpack and find something to wear. She hadnt brought much in the way of dressy clothes, but shed packed a few sexy skirts just in case. Heather wiped her hands on a dishtowel. Hang on. Ill help. Ten minutes later, Heather was stretched out on her stomach across the bed in the guest room while Karleigh paired practically every top in her suitcase with the aforementioned skirts. It really shouldnt take so long to decide on something to wear, especially since she worked at a fashion magazine. Wear that one, Heather said as Karleigh pulled on a navy blue cami-top. Karleigh turned one way, then the other in front of the full-length mirror. The color did go well with her blonde hair and blue eyes. You think so? Most definitely. Needing to see the complete outfit to be sure, Karleigh started to slip her feet into the high-heeled sandals shed brought when Heathers voice stopped her. Wear your boots. Karleighs brow went up. Seriously? Seriously. Karleigh chewed on her lower lip as she considered pairing the boots with the short, flirty skirt. I dont know. Heather rolled her eyes. Karleigh, this isnt New York City. Cowboy boots are very fashion-forward here. When Karleigh hesitated, she added, Holden will think you look sexy as hell in them. Karleigh thought about that. Guys did seem to like a girl in boots. But cowboy boots with a skirt? Shrugging, she shoved her feet into them, then surveyed her reflection in the mirror. She had to admit, they did look good. Her friend must have taken Karleighs half smile for agreement because she pushed herself up and hopped off the bed. Okay, Im going to let you finish unpacking and get ready for your date. Fresh towels are in the linen closet. Ill be downstairs if you need anything. Karleigh opened her mouth to thank Heather, but the redhead was already out the door. Taking off her clothes, she slipped into the short robe shed brought with her, then tackled the rest of the unpacking before taking a shower. As she ran her soapy hands over her breasts, she imagined it was Holden touching her. The thought made her pussy tingle and it was all she could do not to slide her hands between her legs and play with herself. If she and Holden ended up in bed like she hoped, she wanted to save her orgasm for him. That didnt keep her fingers from lingering on her clit a little longer than necessary anyway. The mere touch sent shivers racing through her, and she quickly rinsed off and reached for a towel. An hour later, she was dressed and hurrying down the stairs. Since Holden wasnt due to arrive for another half hour, Karleigh went to see if Heather needed any help in the kitchen. Her friend had everything under control, and was just waiting for Clint to get home, so she and Heather sat at the kitchen table and chatted instead. They were talking about the new beauty products being featured in the upcoming edition of the magazine when the doorbell rang. Karleigh glanced at her watch. Holden was right on time. She grabbed her purse and got to her feet. Dont wait up, she teased, giving her friend a grin. I wont. Heather laughed. Have a good time. Pulse fluttering like crazy, she hurried into the entryway and opened the door. Holden stood there, a jean-clad dream in boots, a flannel

shirt and a cowboy hat. If her magazine ever did a feature on western clothes, she was insisting on having him be part of the photo shoot. He looked her up and down, his blue eyes caressing her legs. Damn, you look hot. So, the boots were a hit. Shed have to remember to thank Heather later. Im glad you think so. She smiled. You look pretty dang good yourself. Had she just said dang? It must be the cowboy boots. Holden didnt remark on her use of the word as he led her to his pick-up truck. She was surprised when he held the door open for her, though from the way his gaze lingered on her thighs as she climbed inside, she suspected he might have an ulterior motive. Not that she minded. They went to a bar and grill in Colorado Springs called Wranglers. Considering how packed the parking lot was, Karleigh was afraid theyd have trouble getting a table, but most of the people waiting to be seated were in groups of four or more, so getting a table for two was much easier. The hostess led them to a booth that was still relatively private while offering a great view of the band. She didnt usually listen to country music, but the song they were playing had a good beat and she found herself tapping her foot as she opened her menu. While the house specialty ribs sounded tempting, they were way too messy for a first date, so she went with the safer choice of a cheeseburger and fries. Holden decided on a steak, medium-rare. Hoots of laughter from the other side of the room caught Karleighs attention, and she looked that way to see what the commotion was about. Her eyes went wide as she took in the big, brown contraption in the center of a corral. What the heck is that? she asked. Holdens mouth quirked. Thats a mechanical bull. Youve never seen one before? In the movies. Not in the middle of a restaurant. They arent really big in New York City. He chuckled. I guess they wouldnt be, would they? In the corral, a stocky guy with a beard and mustache climbed on top of the mechanical bull. So, people just ride on it in the middle of dinner? Mostly before or after they eat, Holden teased. Though usually better than that guy, he added as the bearded man got tossed off the machine to land in the hay, much to the amusement of the crowd gathered around the corral. Holden set down his bottle of beer and slid out of the booth. Come on. Ill show you how its done. Taking Karleighs hand, he led her through the maze of tables to the corral. She watched as he walked over to say something to the man operating the mechanical bull, then strode into the corral. Stepping onto the platform, he swung himself effortlessly atop the bull, then gripped the handle. Glancing Karleighs way, he gave her a wink, then nodded to the mechanical bull operator. The machine began bucking slowly, then gradually picked up speed until it went around so fast Karleigh was getting dizzy just from looking at it. She held her breath, sure Holden would get thrown off any minute, but miraculously, he didnt. When the machine dipped forward, he leaned back; when it rocked back, he leaned forward. He made riding it look easy, but from the way his jaw clenched, she was sure it had to be hard as hell to stay on the thing. And while she had to admit her heart was in her throat every time the mechanical bull bucked and spun around, another part of her anatomy enjoyed the way Holdens muscles rippled and flexed. She had no idea riding a mechanical bull could be so sexy. Though it seemed like hours, he was probably only on the mechanical bull for twenty or thirty seconds, and when the machine came to a stop with him still firmly seated on top of it, the crowd cheered. Laughing, Karleigh added her voice to theirs. She waited for Holden to hop off the mechanical bull, but instead he waved her over. There could be only one reason hed want her to join him. He wanted her to take a turn on the contraption. The mere thought was enough to make her stomach lurch. She didnt even like roller coasters. She started to shake her head, but he ignored it. Flashing her a grin, he gestured with his hand again, then patted the seat in front of him. Clearly, Holden wasnt going to get off the mechanical bull until she came over. Face coloring what she was sure was an embarrassing shade of red, Karleigh made her way to the opening in the fence. She was keenly aware of everyone watching her as she entered the corral and walked over to where Holden sat. He held out his hand. Come on up. She hadnt realized he meant to ride the mechanical bull with her. That completely changed things. Taking his hand, she put one foot in the stirrup and let him help her up so that she was sitting astride in front of him. Her short skirt rode up, exposing even more of her thighs, but she barely noticed as Holden wrapped his strong arm around her and gently pulled her back against him. His skin was hot through his shirt, the muscles of his chest hard, and she had to stifle a moan. He put his mouth to her ear. Comfortable? All she could do was nod. Comfortable? She was in cowgirl heaven. Ready? His lips brushed her ear, making her shiver, and she nodded again. Karleigh didnt know how the mechanical bull operator knew when to start the ride, but all at once the machine slowly began to rock beneath them. She tensed, unable to help herself. Holden pressed a kiss to her ear. Relax, baby. Just let your body move with mine. Heat pooled between Karleighs thighs at the words and she found herself obeying his softly-spoken command despite how uneasy the mechanical bull made her. Then again, the man-made beast probably could have been bucking like a crazed bronco beneath her and she wouldnt have known it. Right then, she wasnt aware of anything but Holdens body pressed up against hers. More specifically, the bulge in his jeans pressed right up against her ass. A very sizeable bulge at that. She wasnt sure how it looked to the people around them, but to her, it felt like she and Holden were having sex with their clothes on. Much more and she might actually start moaning. Unfortunately, the mechanical bull came to a stop before she could find out. Holden dismounted first, then lifted her off, his hands lingering on her waist. Your face is flushed, he said. Youre not feeling dizzy, are you? She shook her head. No. I-Im fine.

Just a little lightheaded from being near that incredible body of yours. He took her hand. Come on. The waitress just brought our food. After a ride like the one shed just had, Karleigh wasnt sure she could eat, but she let him lead her back to their table. Since the emphasis at Wranglers clearly seemed to be on the bar instead of the grill part of the restaurants name, she was surprised to discover the food was actually really good. Then again, she probably could have been eating cardboard and not have cared. Focusing on anything but Holden was almost impossible. Giving herself a mental shake, she picked up her cheeseburger and forced herself to pay attention to what he was saying as she took a bite. While they came from vastly different worlds, they had enough in common to have something to talk about. While Karleigh had to admit her attraction to the hunky cowboy was purely physical, it was nice to be able to pretend to be interested in conversation while they gazed at each other with lust in their eyes. Want to dance? Holden asked as the waitress left with their empty plates. Not only was Holden good looking, charming and blessed with a gorgeous body, but he liked to dance, too. Back in New York, she usually had to resort to begging to get most guys out on the floor. Id love to, she said. I should warn you, though. Ive never done the two-step. He grinned. Ill teach you. Taking her hand, Holden led her onto the crowded dance floor, then gently pulled her into his arms. Its really a pretty simple dance, he told her. You just take two steps in the same direction on one foot, then follow with the other. Holden demonstrated the move as he spoke, and she automatically followed. Mirroring his steps was easy, especially since he held her so close. All she had to do was move her body in time with his just as shed done on the mechanical bull. Only this time, the erection in his jeans was deliciously pressed against her tummy. Her pussy spasmed in response to being in such close proximity to his cock and Karleigh adjusted her position so one of his muscular thighs was now between her legs. As they moved, she ground her pussy against his leg, riding him in time to the music. The friction of his jeans against the thin material of her panties was as erotic as hell, and it wasnt long before she felt the familiar tingle that always came before an orgasm. Her breathing quickened, and she clutched his shoulders as she rubbed her pussy against him. First, theyd given the crowd a sexy show on the mechanical bull. Now she was going to come right there on the dance floor with the whole restaurant watching. And from the hungry look on Holdens face, he knew it. What do you say we get out of here and go back to my place? he asked in a husky voice. Karleigh could only nod. Holden didnt wait for the check, but simply caught their servers eye, then tossed more than enough money on the table to cover their meal before leading Karleigh to the door. Outside, they hurried to his truck. Instead of opening the door for her, Holden pulled her into arms and kissed her. His mouth was urgent, his tongue almost desperate, as if hed wanted to do this all night. Karleigh was just as eager, and she wrapped her arms around his neck to hold him even closer. Despite the barrier of their clothes, his cock throbbed against her. She broke the kiss with a ragged moan. Please tell me you live close by. He chuckled. About ten minutes. Thank God. Karleigh wasnt sure how she controlled herself as they drove to his apartment. Shed dated some good looking men, but she couldnt remember wanting a guy this badly. Maybe it was the combination of the ride on the mechanical bull and the dirty dancing theyd done. Or maybe it was the fact that for the first time in a long time, she wasnt thinking about work. Or maybe she just had a secret thing for hot cowboys she never knew about. Whatever it was, she had a hell of a hard time keeping her hands off him. Holdens apartment was on the fourth floor. The moment they were inside, he urged her back against the wall and covered her mouth with his. The kiss was hot and demanding, and Karleigh let out a throaty moan of approval as he kissed his way along the curve of her jaw and down her neck. Youve been driving me crazy all night, he said hoarsely. A shiver went through her. I have? He cupped her breasts, palming them gently. When I saw you in those boots, I wanted to say to hell with dinner and bring you straight here instead. Maybe thanking Heather for the suggestion wasnt enough. Maybe she should buy her something instead. Like a bottle of really expensive French perfume. She cooed as he pressed a kiss to the curve of her neck. But then I wouldnt have gotten to ride on that mechanical bull, she pointed out breathlessly. Or learned how to two-step. He found her nipple through the material of her shirt and rubbed his thumb over it. You liked that mechanical bull, huh? Mm-hmm. He was making coherent thought all but impossible, and she really had to focus. I never knew it could be so much fun. He caught her bottom lip between his teeth, giving it a tug. Thats an understatement. I was so hot for you, I wanted to flip up your skirt, yank down your panties and take you right there. She gave him a flirtatious smile. How do you know Im wearing panties? His eyes went a little wide at her words, and he made a sound deep in his throat that was half groan, half growl. Holding her captive with his gaze, he ran his hand up her bare thigh and underneath her ruffled skirt. When he encountered her tiny scrap of panties, he cupped her hot sex. Even through the silky material, his touch was electrifying, and it was her turn to moan. Tease, he murmured against her mouth. I never said I wasnt wearing any, she pointed out, her voice trembling as little as he ran his fingers over her panty-covered pussy. Finding her clit through the fabric, he made lazy circles around it. She whimpered. Now, whos being the tease?

Holden chuckled. Pulling his hand away, he grasped the hem of her top and pulled it over her head. Her skirt followed, falling to the floor at her feet to leave her naked except for her bra, panties and cowboy boots. Damn, he breathed, taking a step back so he could look her up and down. Do you even know how sexy you are in those boots? Youre every cowboys fantasy. Karleigh gave him a coy smile. Every cowboy? His mouth quirked. Mine, for damn sure. And right now, he was the only cowboy whose fantasy she was interested in. Theres only one thing that would make it even better, he continued. She wet her lips. Whats that? If you were completely naked. Her pulse kicked into a whole nother gear at the silky tone in his voice. Looking at him from underneath her lashes, Karleigh reached around to unclasp her bra. Instead of taking it off right away, though, she slid off first one strap, then the other, careful to keep her arms crossed over her breasts. Holden watched her every move, his blue eyes hungry. Catching her bottom lip between her teeth, she lowered her arms, letting her bra to fall to the floor. Then she hooked her thumbs in her panties and slowly wiggled them over her curvy hips until they slid down her legs. She automatically moved to take off her boots, too, but Holden stopped her. Leave them on. Her breath hitched. He seriously had a thing for a woman in cowboy boots, didnt he? She could oblige him. There was something very sexy about wearing nothing but a pair of boots. She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him closer. Your turn. Karleigh wasnt nearly as slow when it came to undressing Holden. Unbuttoning his shirt, she pushed it off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Seeing all those muscle from afar in the barn earlier wasnt the same as seeing them up close, and she eagerly ran her hands over his broad shoulders, then down his well-defined chest and finally his rock-hard abs. She tugged open his belt, intending to take off his jeans, too, but the buttons of his 501s were more stubborn than shed realized and she was glad when Holden took over. She leaned back against the wall, watching impatiently as he pushed down his jeans and underwear. When his thick, hard cock sprang free, all she could do was stare. He was just as big as shed suspected, and then some. She could hardly wait to have him inside her. Making quick work of his boots, he stepped out of his jeans, then swung her up in his arms. Karleigh would have been fine doing it right there up against the wall in the entryway, but as he set her down in the middle of a big, soft bed a few minutes later, she had to admit she liked his idea much better. Cupping her breasts, he leaned over to take one rosy red nipple in his mouth. He suckled greedily on it, swirling his tongue around the tip before letting it slide out of his mouth so he could capture the nub with his lips again. He repeated the sequence over and over until she thought she would go crazy from how good it felt, and when he was done with that breast, he turned his attention to the other so he could do the same thing to that nipple. She threaded her fingers into his blond hair, though whether to make him stop or urge him to keep going, she wasnt sure. He made the decision for her, releasing the nipple hed been tormenting to kiss his way down her stomach. He didnt stop along the way to tease her, but instead cupped her ass in his hands and buried his face in her pussy. She gasped at the feel of his mouth on her clit. He flicked the sensitive nub with his tongue once, then twice, before making quick, little circles around it. The move made her crazy right from the start, and she writhed on the bed in anticipation of the orgasm she was sure was coming. But Holden was clearly intent on teasing her. While he brought her to the brink, he never let her go over it, not even when he slid his finger in her pussy and fucked her with it while he lapped at her clit. She was just about to wrap her fingers in his hair and demand he stop torturing her when he suddenly stopped altogether. She opened her mouth to protest, but he swooped down and silenced her with a kiss so thorough she was breathless by the time he lifted his head. Giving her a wicked grin, he opened the drawer in the bedside table and took out a foil packet. She licked her lips in anticipation as he rolled the condom onto his erection. Her clit could wait a little longer to come. Climbing on the bed, Holden braced himself on his forearms above her. She held her breath, expecting him to enter her right way, but instead, he rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit. He was determined to tease her, wasnt he? Holden, please, she begged. No more teasing. Im ready now. She was half afraid he would continue to toy with her, but to her relief, he stopped what he was doing and slowly slid into her pussy. Karleigh gasped as his length filled her, her arms and legs going around him as he started to thrust. She lifted her hips to meet his, the leather of her cowboy boots digging into his muscular ass as she pulled him in deeper. Holden mumbled something she couldnt make out, the words lost as his mouth closed over hers. He grasped her thighs with his hands, urging her to lift her legs higher. She obeyed, and was amazed when the new position brought his cock into contact with her G-spot. Most men seemed to have a hard time finding that particular pleasure point on her, but Holden seemed to have no problem, and every time the tip of his penis touched her there, it was like she was having a mini-orgasm. Harder, she demanded. Fuck me harder! Holden obeyed, pumping into her hard and fast until she was practically dizzy with how good it felt. In fact, she thought she might actually have lost consciousness for a moment because one minute she was on her back, and the next, she was on top. Holden had rolled over so quickly, she hadnt even realized hed done it. Ride me, he commanded. Once Karleigh got her breath back, she was more than happy to comply. Placing her hands on his chest, she slowly began to move up and down on him. Damn, that feels amazing, Holden groaned. Yes, it did. And Karleigh was in no hurry to rush it.

Aware of him watching her, she lifted her hands to cup her breasts. Her nipples immediately stiffened at her touch, and she gave them a firm squeeze between her fingers before giving them a gentle tug. But as enjoyable as playing with her breasts was, there was another part of her anatomy crying out for some attention. Lifting her hand to her mouth, she drew her forefinger into her mouth and sucked on it until it was nice and wet, then slid it down to the soft curls between her legs to make circular motions around her clit. She was already primed from the tongue lashing hed given, so she knew it wouldnt take much to make herself come. Holden sucked in a breath. You have no idea how hot that is. Eager to put on an even better show for him, Karleigh leaned back and began to slowly rotate her hips in time to her fingers. The position not only put her breasts at a sexy angle while he played with them, but it also spread her folds, making it easier to touch her clitoris, and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth, moving her finger faster and faster. Oh yeah, Holden rasped. Make yourself come, baby. Karleigh couldnt have stopped herself from climaxing if she wanted to. It started directly beneath her fingertips, then slowly enveloped her whole body, and she moaned as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her. It felt so good she could barely keep touching herself. Somehow, she managed to move her fingers round and round until she coaxed every last bit of pleasure from her clit. When her orgasm finally subsided and she opened her eyes, it was to find Holden gazing up at her, a sexy smile on his face. Did you enjoy yourself? he asked. Very much. His grin broadened. Me, too. Sitting up, he grasped her ass cheeks in both hands and gently moved her up and down. She wrapped her arms around him, making tiny circular motions with her hips every time she came down on his cock. Holden tightened her hold on her ass, urging her to go faster, and she rotated her hips more, clenching her pussy around his shaft. Then he completely took her breath away by slipping his hand between her cheeks and sliding his finger in her ass. Karleigh gasped. Shed never had a guy do that before, at least not while he was buried deep in her pussy, but the sensation was extremely pleasurable. Especially when he began to thrust his finger in and out. It made her feel as if she were being fucked by two men at the same time. The fantasy was enough to make her come all by itself, and she bounced up and down on Holdens cock faster. Thats it, baby, he urged. Ride me. Karleigh picked up the pace even more, squeezing both his cock and his finger each time she came down on him. The tingling in her ass combined with the spams in her pussy to make for one mind-blowing orgasm that had her screaming so loud the whole apartment building must have heard. She didnt care. And neither did Holden. He tightened his arm around her and buried his face in her neck with a hoarse groan as he reached his own climax. It was a long time before Karleighs breathing returned to normal. When it finally did, she leaned forward to rest her head on Holdens shoulder. Cowboy sexnow that was the way to start a vacation.

Chapter Three
Karleigh let herself into Heathers house as quietly as she could the next morning so she didnt wake anyone. She neednt have worried. Heather was at the kitchen table, a coffee mug in one hand, the newspaper in the other. Please say you didnt wait up for me, Karleigh scolded her. Heather made a face. Of course not! Youre on a farm, girl. Ive already been to bed, got up, showered and started breakfast. Which were going to have as soon as Clint gets out of the shower. I made enough if you want to join us. Unless you already ate with Holden. She grinned. How was your date anyway? Considering you didnt come home until sunup in the morning, Im guessing it went pretty dang well. Laughing, Karleigh pulled out the chair across from the redhead and sat down. It was amazing. Tell me all about, Heather said. And dont leave anything out. Karleigh usually didnt shag and tell, but the sex with Holden had been so fantastic, she found herself telling her friend everything she and the blond hunk had done in bedand out of it. It sounds like the only thing you didnt do last night was sleep, Heather teased when Karleigh had finished. You must be exhausted. Karleigh laughed. She couldnt remember the last time she stayed up all night having sex with a guy, if ever. Clearly, shed been going out with the wrong guys. I am a little tired, she admitted. But it was worth it. Ill grab a quick nap after breakfast. She must have been more tired than shed thought because instead of resting for a few hours, she ended up sleeping until two in the afternoon. Taking a quick shower, she pulled her hair up in a ponytail, then threw on jeans and a tank top and hurried downstairs. Heather was on the phone with one of the ranchs suppliers when Karleigh walked into the kitchen. Since it sounded like her friend was going to be a while, she decided to go out to the barn to visit with Beauty and the other horses. Maybe shed take the mare for a ride. If she was lucky, she might even run into Holden and they could go together. They hadnt made plans to go out that night, but when hed dropped her off that morning, hed implied he wanted to get together again. Unfortunately, Holden wasnt in the barn. His equally good-looking counterpart Mav, on the other hand, was. The dark-haired cowboy was putting down new sawdust bedding in one of the horses stalls, and he looked her way as she walked in. She gave him a smile and a wave. He returned both, those soulful, dark eyes of his a caress as they roamed over her. He was wearing a shirt today, but thanks to the top few buttons being undone, she still got treated to an enticing glimpse of bare chest. Not to mention his jean-clad butt, she thought as he bent to scoop up more sawdust. Damn, he had a great ass. Reminding herself she was there to visit with Beauty, Karleigh walked over to the mares stall. The chestnut horse immediately stuck her head out to greet Karleigh, affectionately nuzzling her hand. Hey, girl, Karleigh said softly. Any luck deciding between your two suitors yet? Beauty snorted in answer, and Karleigh laughed. There are some sugar cubes in the basket there if you want to give her one. Karleigh turned to see Mav jerk his chin toward the small wicker basket attached to the post between Beautys stall and that of the horse beside her. Thanks, Karleigh said. She pulled out a sugar cube and offered it to Beauty, palm up. Here you go, girl. As soon as the other horses saw the sugar cubes come out, they all wanted a treat, so Karleigh laughingly went from one stall to the next. When she got to the one beside Mav, she stopped under the guise of petting the sorrel there so she could ogle him up close. So much for Holden. She hadnt thought about him since she set eyes on Mav. She felt a twinge of guilt. Poor guy. You wouldnt happen to know where Holden is, would you? she asked Mav. Mav stopped what he was doing to rest his gloved hand on top of the shovel. A light sheen of sweat glistened on his muscular forearms. He had to go to Grand Junction to pick up a hay baler for the tractor. He wont be back until late. Did you need him for something? She shook her head, making her pony tail swing from side to side. Not really. We went riding yesterday and I thought he might like to go again. Mavs dark eyes were thoughtful. I could go for a ride with you if you want. Despite the way her pulse quickened at the invitation, Karleigh hesitated. While she was attracted to both men, Holden had asked her out first. It wouldnt be right to go out with Mav behind his back. Then again, it wasnt like Holden was her boyfriend or anything. Theyd spent the night together having some fantastic sex. Back in New York, that wasnt even considered a date. Besides, Mav was completely gorgeous. If she passed up the chance to go out with him, she was going to be kicking herself all the way back to Manhattan. She smiled. Id like that. Me, too. He grinned. Give me fifteen minutes to finish up and well get out of here. Sounds good. Karleigh turned, intending to visit with Beauty some more, but Mavs voice stopped her. You know, theres this place thats perfect for a picnic if you want to grab some food from the kitchen and bring it along on the ride. Horseback riding and a picnic. It sounded like the ideal date to her. Where had this guy been all her life? Her smile broadened. Thatd be perfect. Giving him one more look over her shoulder, Karleigh hurried back to the house. Heather was in the kitchen stirring something that smelled awfully good in the crock pot. Hey, she said. Sorry I was on the phone before. No problem, Karleigh told her. I went out to the barn to visit Beauty.

Heather put the spoon on the ceramic trivet and place the lid on the slow cooker. Dinner wont be for a while yet, but if youre hungry, theres leftover roast chicken from last night. Actually, Im going riding with Mav. Were going to have a picnic, so that chicken would be perfect for sandwiches. Unless you were going to use to for something else? No, go ahead and use it. Heather folded her arms and leaned back against the counter, her green eyes dancing. So, youre going riding with Mav, huh? Karleigh slanted the other woman a sidelong glance as she opened the fridge. Yes. And dont look at me like that. Like what? Like Im as bad as Beauty by not being able to decide between Holden and Mav. Heathers brows drew together. Who says you have to pick between them? Karleigh grabbed the chicken, then reached for the mayonnaise and bread. I dont usually make a habit of dating two men at the same time. Youre not dating them, Heather said, pointing out the same thing Karleigh had told herself earlier. Youre having fun while youre on vacation. Holden and Mav know that, too. Its not like youre going to leave the big city to settle down on a ranch with one of them. Karleigh took out the cutting board and began dicing the chicken. Her friend was right. As long as there were no expectations on the mens partand she didnt let on she was sleeping with both of themit would be fine. While she finished making the sandwiches, Heather put freshly-made cookies in a plastic container. She did the same with some strawberries, then put both containers in a cooler along with two bottles of water. Karleigh zipped the bag closed, then glanced at her watch. She had five minutes before she was supposed to meet Mav. Im going to run upstairs and freshen up, she said to Heather. She reached for the ponytail holder, intending to slip it off as she went, but her friend stopped her. Keep your hair like that, Heather said. Mav has a thing for ponytails. Karleigh opened her mouth to protest, but closed it again. Heather hadnt steered her wrong when shed suggested the cowboy boots. If she thought Karleigh should wear her hair in a ponytail, she wasnt going to argue. Mav already had Beauty saddled and waiting for her when she walked into the barn. Ready to go? he asked. She nodded and swung into the saddle while he held the mare for her, then waited while he mounted the beautiful black horse hed chosen to ride. As they left the barn, Beauty sidled up close to Mavs stallion. Karleigh smiled. Let me guess. Highwayman, right? Mav chuckled. That obvious, huh? Loverboys been spending a lot of time with her, so I figured it was Highwaymans turn. She laughed as the horses nuzzled each other. Apparently, they thought so, too. So, how did a girl from New York City learn to ride a horse so well? Mav asked as they made their way across the meadow. I grew up in Pennsylvania. My grandparents had a farm and I used to visit them every summer. He glanced at her. Pennsylvania? No kidding. I went to college there. She blinked. Really? Shed naturally assumed he hadnt gone to college. Which was narrow-minded and shallow. Just because he worked on a ranch, that didnt mean he wasnt educated. What did you get your degree in? Business. What are you doing here instead of working at some Fortune 500 company? I used to work at one of those places. He smiled wryly. Its kind of funny, really. As a kid, I couldnt wait to get away from ranching, and when I finally did, all I wanted to do was go back. So, now Im saving up to buy my own spread. Are you originally from Colorado then? she asked. He nodded. I grew up about hundred-and-fifty miles west of here outside a place called Gunnison. As she listened to him talk about his family ranch, Karleigh wondered why he hadnt gone back there to work, but much like yesterday with Holden, she found herself concentrating more on Mavs soft, sexy voice than paying attention to anything he was saying, and she ended up forgetting all about asking him. She wasnt paying attention to where they were going, either, so she didnt even realize they were there until he stopped his horse. This is it, he said. Karleigh reined in her mare and looked around. They had stopped in front of a clear blue stream that cascaded down out of the hills above them. It was absolutely beautiful. When Mav had said it was the ideal place for a picnic, he wasnt kidding. There was even a waterfall. They led their horses over to a big cottonwood tree to graze, then stretched out on a blanket to share the meal shed brought. As they lay there side by side, Karleigh decided the evening couldnt be more perfect. Not only was the setting beautiful and the food delicious, but Mav was just the man to share it with. Not that she really noticed the scenery or even what she was eating for that matter with a guy as handsome as he was beside her. Shed never understood how food could be considered sexy until she watched him bite into a strawberry, then lick the juice from his fingers. It was downright erotic. He reached over and held one out to her. His eyes locked on her lips as she wrapped them around the strawberry and slowly nibbled. She could do erotic, too. You want to go for a swim? Mav asked after they finished eating the strawberries and cookies. Karleigh blinked in surprise. After the sensual way theyd shared the strawberries, she thought the next thing hed be doing with his mouth was kissing her, not asking her to go for a swim. She took a swallow of water to compose herself. I dont have a swimsuit. His mouth twitched. Neither do I.

She arched a brow. Oh my. He was a naughty cowboy. Are you suggesting we go skinny dipping? His broad shoulder lifted in a shrug. Not if you dont want to. Was he kidding? Her pulse was beating like crazy at the mere thought of getting naked with him. Even so, she couldnt resist teasing him. What if someone sees us? Theres no one around for miles. She pretended to consider that, then gave him a coquettish smile. I suppose it is rather hot out here. His gaze smoldered. Is that your way of saying you want to go skinny dipping? Karleigh could have simply said yes, but the bad girl in her refused to do something as boring as that. Heart pounding wildly, she got to her feet. Holding Mavs gaze with her own, she reached down and took off one boot, then the other. Dropping them on the blanket, grabbed the hem of her tank top in both hands and pulled it over her head. She unbuttoned her jeans, pushing them down until they were at the curviest part of her hips, then she teasingly turned her back to him before going the rest of the way. Straightening up, she reached around to unhook her bra, letting it fall away from her breasts with painstaking slowness. Tossing it on the blanket with the rest of her clothes, she hooked her thumbs in her bikini panties and teasingly wiggled them over her hips until they slid down her legs to pool at her feet. Behind her, Mav inhaled sharply as she put a little extra sway into her derriere. So, he was an ass man, was he? Covering her breasts with her arms, she looked over her shoulder at Mav. Does that answer your question? Dark eyes caressed her from head to toe. Yes, maam. Her lips curved into a smile. Then what are you waiting for? Chuckling, he reached down yank off his boots. Excited to see him naked, but knowing shed get a better view from the stream, she blew him a kiss over her shoulder, then ran lightly into the water. It was chilly on her sun-warmed skin, but she was so eager to finally get a look at Mav in all his naked glory she barely noticed the temperature as she sank shoulder deep in the water and turned to face him. Hed already taken off his shirt and was making quick work of the buttons on his jeans. As he shoved them down his well-muscled legs, she held her breath in anticipation of the full reveal. When it came, she let out a moan of appreciation. His cock was thick, long and hardjust the way she liked it. Mav dropped his jeans on the blanket and jogged toward her, diving underneath the water when it got deep enough, then surfacing in front of her. Grinning, he pulled her into his arms for a kiss. He tasted like chocolate chip cookies, strawberries and hot-blooded cowboy, and she melted against him, her wet body pressing up against his as she kissed him back. Beneath the water, Mavs hands slid up her midriff to gently cup her breasts, and she moaned as he gave her nipples a firm squeeze. He chuckled huskily, his mouth finding its way along the curve of her jaw and down her neck. Karleigh grasped his shoulder, arching against him in invitation. Mav took her up on it, kissing and nibbling his way over to her shoulder, then back again, finding the sensitive little hollow behind her ear as he caressed her breasts. Keeping one hand where it was, he slid the other down her stomach to the juncture of her thighs. He slid his finger along the folds of her pussy, delving between them to play with her clit. God, that felt good under the water. Sighing, Karleigh ran her hands down his muscular chest and six-pack abs. Damn, he was built. Being a cowboy certainly did a body good. Mav let out a husky growl in her ear. Do you have any idea what you do to me, darlin? She moved her hand lower, wrapping it around his erection. Even in the cold water, he was hard and throbbing. As a matter of fact, I do. With a groan he grabbed her hand and swung her up in his arms. Karleigh expected him to carry her ashore, but to her surprise, he headed for the waterfall. She rested her head on his shoulder, wondering what he had in mind, when he circled around the side of the cascading water into a secluded grotto. Wading over to the smooth rock ledge, he set her down on it. He obviously must have known this place was here. He probably brought all his dates here. Well, after her, any other woman was going to pale in comparison. Mav gazed down at her for a long moment, his eyes hot and hungry. Then with a sound that was a mix between a groan and a growl, he gently wrapped his hand around her ponytail and tipped her head back, his mouth coming down possessively on hers. The kiss was intoxicating, his tongue smooth as velvet as it urged hers to come out and play. She eagerly kissed him back, her arms going around his neck to pull him close. Breathing ragged, he pulled away to trail his lips down her neck before moving back up to capture her lips in another searing kiss. When he lifted his head again, it was so he could lower himself down in front of her. The rock ledge put her at the perfect height for his mouth and Karleighs pulse raced with excitement as he placed his hands on her knees and gently spread her legs. She caught her breath as he pressed his lips to the inside of her thigh, then leisurely kissed his way up to the neatly trimmed curls between her legs. Carefully spreading her pussy lips with his fingers, he lightly ran his tongue up one side of her folds and down the other. Karleigh moaned and leaned back on her elbows, her legs falling open as he dipped his tongue into her wetness. He definitely knew his way around the female anatomy. God, that felt spectacular. As if to show her just how well-acquainted he was, he glided his tongue along the folds of her pussy again and again. While he got closer and closer to her clit each time, she had the feeling he was purposely ignoring the little nub of flesh. He was teasing her, damn him. Groaning in frustration, she threaded her fingers in his thick hair and firmly put his mouth where she needed it. Mav chuckled deep in his throat, but obligingly went where she wanted him, making slow, deliberate circles around her clit with his tongue before drawing it into his mouth and gently sucking on it. She moaned in pleasure, rotating her hips and grinding against his mouth. She loved it when a man knew how to go down on her, and Mav was definitely a master at it. As he licked her, Mav traced one finger up and down her slit. That would have been amazing all on its own, but then he slid his finger

deep inside her and began fucking her with it. Karleigh gasped, her pussy clenching around him as he moved in and out. She tightened her fingers in his hair. Oh yeah, just like that. Youre going to make me come. He lashed at her clit, thrusting his finger deeper into her pussy. The combination immediately sent her spiraling over the edge and she cried out as pleasure surged through her. The sensations were so intense, they made her lightheaded, and she clenched her fingers in Mavs hair, not sure she could take any more. But Mav didnt stop until the last remnants of her orgasm had completely faded away. Pressing a kiss to the inside of one quivering thigh, he lifted his head to gaze up at her. The heat in his eyes made her breath catch. She bent over and kissed him hard on the mouth. I need you inside me. Now. Letting out a sound that was half growl, half groan, Mav pulled her close for another soul-searing kiss before getting to his feet. Hooking his strong arm underneath her legs, he picked her up and carried her from the grotto. The walk back to shore through the stream seemed to take forever. When they finally reached the blanket, Mav set her down in the center of it, then grabbed a foil packet from the pocket of his discarded jeans. He clearly knew hed be having sex with her on this picnic. Apparently, this was one perceptive cowboy. Karleigh leaned back on her elbows and gazed up at him, shivering as much from the early evening breeze on her damp skin as from the sexy image he made standing there. His wet hair was even longer as it hung down around his face, his cock hot, hard and pulsing. She licked her lips as he rolled on the condom. Good heavens, he was the stuff out of fantasies. Get on your hands and knees, he ordered softly. Karleighs pulse quickened. Doggy-style had always been one of her favorite things to do in bed, but doing out here in the open like this made it seem even more primal. Especially the way he had commanded her to do it. She quickly got into position, then gave him a sultry look over her shoulder. Mav sucked in a breath. Damn, you look hot like that. Dropping to his knees behind her, he grasped her hips in both hands and rubbed the head of his cock up and down her pussy. Karleigh whimpered, waiting eagerly for him to enter her. When he finally plunged his length into her wetness, she almost cried out with the pleasure of it. Karleigh would have immediately rocked back against him, but Mav bent over her, holding her captive, his cock buried deep. Taking hold of her ponytail, he wrapped it around his hand and pressed a sizzling kiss to the curve of her neck. She was going to owe Heather big for suggesting she wear her hair like this because Mav certainly did go wild for ponytails. Pressed tightly to his rock-hard body like this, she could feel every magnificent inch of him throbbing inside her. The knowledge that he was completely in charge was more arousing than shed ever thought possible. She had no idea she had such a submissive side. All at once, Mav began to slowly pump his hips. Her pussy spasmed around him, squeezing him tightly each time he drove his cock into her. Harder, she begged. Fuck me harder! He thrust faster as he tugged her hair. Like this? he asked, his voice a hoarse whisper in her ear. Yes, she moaned. Dont stop. Please dont stop. I wont, he promised. Im going to make you come just like this. His hand tightened even more around her ponytail as he plunged in and out. The show of dominance combined with the force of his cock was magical, and she cried out as her climax ripped through her. Mav continued to gently pump his hips long after her orgasm subsided, and it wasnt until then that Karleigh realized he hadnt come with her. She was about to ask him why he hadnt when he brushed her ear with his lips. Ever been fucked in the ass before, darlin? he asked softly. His words made her catch her breath. Shed done quite a lot of things in bed, but never anal sex. No, she said softly. Would you like me to slide my cock in that perfect ass of yours? His voice was like velvet, low and sexy in her ear, and Karleigh quivered with excitement as much from the words as from the image they conjured. The thought of having him in her ass was so wickedly seductive all she could do was nod. He pressed a kiss to the hollow behind her ear. I promise this is going to be a ride youll never forget. Sliding out of her pussy, Mav cupped her ass and tenderly spread her cheeks. A moment later, Karleigh felt him press the head of his slick cock against the tight ring of muscle back there. She instinctively held her breath, stiffening. Relax, Mav coaxed softly. She exhaled, forcing herself to unclench her muscles. The moment she did, Mav slowly began to enter her. As he eased in the head of his cock, her asshole immediately stretched to accommodate him. Karleigh let out a moan. While the sensation of having him in her ass was so completely different than her pussy, it wasnt uncomfortable. On the contrary, it felt extremely pleasurable. It was as if her entire ass was tingling from the inside out. And he wasnt even in all the way yet. He didnt force the rest of his erection into her ass, but continued to inch deeper ever so slowly until he was completely and snugly inside. Even then, he didnt thrust right away, but instead stayed nestled there. Is this okay? he asked softly. Okay? She felt like she was in heaven. Why the heck hadnt she ever tried anal sex before? Maybe because shed never wanted to until she met Mav. It feels delicious. He pumped his hips ever so gently. How about if I thrust? She moaned. Mm-hmm. Mav bent over her like he did before, his hand going for her ponytail again. He really did have a thing for ponytails, didnt he? After today, she was definitely going to think of the casual hairstyle in a whole different light, that was for sure. Youre so tight, he rasped.

She sighed as he kissed the curve of her shoulder. Thats a good thing, right? He groaned. Its a very good thing. Another moan escaped her as his cock glided in and out. Is this good for you? Im not thrusting too hard, am I? She smiled. Its absolutely perfect. As Mav fucked her, he tightened his grip on her hairnot enough to hurt, but just enough to rock her back against him. The motion allowed him to drive his cock deeper each time, sending quivers of pleasure through her. She clutched at the blanket beneath them, her breath coming in little pants. Then Mav did something that took what he was doing to another whole levelhe reached around with his free hand and slid his finger deep in her pussy. Karleigh gasped. Feel good? he asked. Mm-hmm. Like last night, it made her feel as if she was being fucked by two men at once, but it a totally different way. The sensation was so intense that for one wild moment, she thought she wouldnt be able to take it. That she might pass out before she could fully climax. But as Mav thrust more forcefully, she felt an increasing tingle in her ass that told her she was on the verge of orgasm. She arched her back and pushed back against him as hard as she could. Shed never dreamed she would want a cock shoved so far up her ass. The ecstasy that flowed through her took her breath away. You coming for me, darlin? Mav asked. She tried to answer, but all that came out were ragged moans. Thrusting his finger even deeper into her pussy, Mav pulled her back hard against him, surging his cock into her ass as he found his own release with a hoarse groan. It was a long time before he slowly pulled out and when he released her, Karleigh could only stretch out on her stomach in blissful amazement. Mav stretched out beside her, his arms going around her to roll her onto her side and pull her close. She snuggled against him, content to stay right where she was for the rest of the night. Two days into her vacation and shed already had incredible sex with two hot, hunky cowboys. She couldnt imagine how she was going to top that.

Chapter Four
As it turned out, she and Mav fell asleep right there on the blanket underneath a canopy of stars. That was definitely a first for a city-girl like Karleigh, but she had to admit it was romantic as hell. When she walked into the house as little after six-thirty the next morning, Clint was just leaving and Heather was putting the breakfast plates in the dishwasher. The redhead flashed her a smile. Late night again, I see. Karleigh just smiled. That good, huh? Karleighs smile broadened. Good doesnt even begin to describe it. That man should be a ride at an amusement park. An adult amusement park. Heather wiped her hands on a dishtowel. Sit down and tell me everything. So, over coffee and breakfast, Karleigh related the events of the previous night in the same glorious detail as shed done after her date with Holden. Im concerned I wont be able to hide that Im sleeping with both of them, though, she finished. But I cant choose between them. Her friend shrugged. So, dont. Youre here to have fun, and having sex with two hot guys on your vacation definitely qualifies as fun. Karleigh groaned. It could also qualify as a recipe for disaster if Holden and Mav find out Ive been sleeping with the other behind their back. They might not be as upset by it as you think, Heather said. Karleigh wasnt so sure. Which was why she purposely avoided going out to the barn the rest of the day. If Holden and Mav were both there, the lust on her face when she looked at them would almost assuredly give her away. To make sure she wasnt tempted, she spent the day shopping with Heather in Colorado Springs instead. Even though she had a good time, it didnt stop her from looking longingly in the direction of the barn when she and Heather got back to the ranch that afternoon. Clint and I are thinking about going out for dinner and a movie tonight, Heather said as they carried their purchases into the house. Want to come? Karleigh shook her head. Thanks, but Im kind of tired. Im just going to grab something to eat and curl up in bed with a book. It wasnt the most exciting of evenings, but she didnt have Holdens or Mavs numbers so it wasnt like she could call one of them. Even if she did, which one would she call? After Heather and Clint left, she made herself a sandwich, then took a long, hot shower. Instead of curling up with a book, though, Karleigh found herself going out to the barn to visit with the horses. Since all the ranch hands had already left for the day, there was no chance of running into Holden and Mav. Beauty must have sensed Karleigh the moment she walked into the barn because the mare whinnied in greeting at her. Lips curving into a smile, Karleigh took a sugar cube from the basket and held it out to the horse. The mare gently took the treat from Karleighs outstretched palm, then nuzzled her hand affectionately. Karleigh ran her hand over the mares silky chestnut coat with sigh. On the other side of the barn, Loverboy and Highwayman stuck their heads out of their stalls to look longingly at the female horse. Compared to Beautys love life, hers didnt seem nearly as complicated, Karleigh thought. If she was careful and did some strategic planning, she could keep seeing both Holden and Mav without either of them finding out. How hard could it be? The sound of the door opening interrupted her before she could answer that question. Startled, she turned to see Holden and Mav walking into the barn. Her stomach did a crazy little backflip at the sight of them. It should be illegal to be in a room with two guys this gorgeous. Mav gave her a grin. Where were you hiding all day? Had it been that obvious? Karleigh ran her hands down the front of her short, silk robe. She wished shed worn something a little less revealing, but she hadnt expected anyone to be on the ranch. Not that it would have mattered. Both men were undressing her with their eyes anyway. Heat pooled between her thighs, and she stifled a moan. I went shopping with Heather in Colorado Springs, she said. Holden hooked his thumbs in his belt, his fingers resting lightly on the big buckle. Karleigh heard somewhere that when a man did that, it meant he was thinking about sex. Mav said you two went for a ride and a picnic yesterday. Oh crap. She reached up to nervously tuck her long, blonde hair behind her ear. Um, yeah. You know, Holden continued. You should have told me you liked anal sex. We could have tried it out the other night. Double crap. Karleigh stared at Mav in shock, unable to believe hed told Holden theyd slept together. But why wouldnt he? Mav had no idea shed wanted to keep it a secret. She tensed, bracing herself for the anger she was sure was headed her way, but to her surpriseand reliefneither man looked angry. In fact, they were grinning. She looked from one to the other. Youre not mad? Why would we be mad? Holden asked. She thought it would have been obvious. Because I slept with both of you. Oh. That. Mav chuckled. Youre a whole lot of filly. We dont mind sharing you. She blinked. You dont?

His dark eyes took on that smolder she was coming to recognize. As long as we do it at the same time. Or more precisely, do you at the same time. He slanted Holden a glance. Isnt that right? Holdens grin broadened. Thats right. Her eyes went wide. You mean, like a threesome? Mav nodded. Unless youre not comfortable with that. Karleigh chewed on her lower lip thoughtfully. Shed never had a threesome, but the chance to have sex with two incredibly hot guys was too good to pass up. She looked at them from beneath lowered lashes, her heart beating a little faster. I didnt say that. So, what are you saying? Holden asked. Just that Ive never actually had sex with two men before, she said. But Im all about trying new things. Especially when they sound like theyre going to be so much fun. Mavs dark eyes flared. Is that a yes? She gave them a sultry smile. Its most definitely a yes. He grinned. We were hoping youd say that. Karleigh wasnt sure what the rules were when it came to having a threesomeor even if there were any. Fortunately, Holden and Mav seemed to know exactly what to do because they immediately walked over to her. She waited expectantly to see which of them would take the lead when Holden pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She looped her arms around his neck, her lips parting as his tongue took possession of hers. His erection bulged in his jeans and rubbed against her tummy, telling her how turned on he already was. His hands went to the belt on her robe, giving it a tug. As it fell open, Mav stepped up behind her, slipping off the garment and leaving her naked. Being sandwiched between two rock-hard male bodies made her pussy purr, and she moaned against Holdens mouth. He slid his hands in her hair, gently tilting her head back while Mav pressed his mouth to the curve of her neck. Two sets of hands roamed over her body, caressing her everywhere. She tried to focus on who was touching where, but she lost track. After a while, it felt like she had a dozen hands touching her body, not just four. And it felt damn good. When hands finally buried themselves in her hair again, she decided that must be Holden. Which meant Mav was cupping her breasts. As he rolled her hard nipples between his fingers, his cock pressed against her ass, straining at the material of his jeans. The reminder of how delicious hed felt inside her asshole made her moan, and she rotated her hips in invitation, silently letting him know she wouldnt mind him doing it again. Holden made enough room so Mav could slide his hand down her stomach to find her clit in the downy curls between her thighs. While he began making circles around the sensitive nub, Holden took over massaging her breasts. He rubbed the pad of his thumb over her nipples before giving each of them a firm squeeze. Being touched in both places at once made the sensations that much more intense, and she let out an audible sigh as Holden pulled his mouth away to trail kisses down her neck. Behind her, Mav brushed her ear with his lips. Does this feel good? His breath was warm and moist against her skin, and she shivered. Mm-hmm. Would you like us to make you come like this? Holden asked. The way they were touching her was making it difficult to think, much less speak. Us? Taking one hand from her breast, he slowly glided it down her stomach to join Mavs between her legs. Ah, so that was what hed meant. Instead of both of them trying to rub her clit like she thought, Holden gently slid his finger in her pussy. Karleigh gasped. She hadnt expected that. Most of the men she knew werent coordinated enough to rub her clit and finger-fuck her pussy at the same time. Shed never felt anything so extraordinary. Holden lifted his head to gaze down at her, moving his finger in and out of her pussy as Mav reached around with his free hand to cup her other breast. His fingers moved round and round her nipple just like he was doing on her clit, and she cooed. You know what they say. Holden flashed her a grin. Two hands are better than one. Karleigh started to laugh, but it came out as a sigh. The same could be said of two ranch hands. She clung to Holdens shoulders, moving her hips in time with both mens fingers, which, amazingly, were in synch as well. It made her wonder if theyd done this before. Thats right, little darlin, Mav urged softly. Go ahead and come for us. She couldnt have held back if she wanted to. Not with the way Mavs finger was circling her clit and Holdens was teasing her G-spot. Grasping Holdens shirt and holding on for dear life, she dropped her head back and moaned over and over as he and Mav brought her to orgasm. If the two men hadnt been pressed so tightly against her, she might actually have slid to the floor. Shed never had an orgasm that powerful from manual stimulation in her life. These boys certainly knew how to pleasure a woman. As her orgasm subsided, Holden and Mav slowed their movements until every quiver had left her body. When her wobbly legs were able to support her again, she opened her eyes to find Holden gazing down at her with a thoughtful expression in his blue eyes. You know, he said almost conversationally. Just because Mav and I dont mind sharing, that doesnt mean you arent a very bad girl for sleeping with one of us behind the others back. She blinked up at him, not quite sure what to say to that. She knew he wasnt mad at her, so she wondered where this was going. Holdens right, Mav agreed. You should definitely be punished for what you did. Mav and Holden had stepped back a little, giving her some room, and she turned to look at Mav in shock. Punished? I agree, Holden said. I think a spanking would be very appropriate, dont you, Mav? Couldnt agree more. Karleigh looked from one to the other to see if they were teasing her, but both men looked quite seriousand determinedin spite of the smiles tugging at the corners of their mouths. Shed never gotten spanked before, but her pussy was already spasming at the idea of being held down over each cowboys strong thighs while he reddened her ass.

So, who should spank her first? Holden asked. Rock, paper, scissor? Mav suggested. Holden considered that for a moment, then shook his head. Nah. I slept with her first, so I should get to spank her first. Mav shrugged. Fine by me. You start the fire. Ill get it roaring. Karleigh gaped at them. Im standing right here, in case you didnt notice. Mavs brows drew together. Do you have a preference for which one of us spanks you first? She chewed on her lip as she mulled it over. Finally, she shook her head. No. Holden grinned. Then its settled. I guess I get to tan that bottom of yours first. He didnt give her a chance to answer, but instead took her hand and led her into an empty stall. Karleighs heart beat faster as he sat down on a bale of hay and expertly guided her over his knee. As she placed her hands on the floor to steady herself, she darted a quick look Mavs way and found him leaning against the door post, arms folded across his broad chest, dark eyes eager with anticipation. Knowing he was going to be watching her get spanked made the whole thing that much more exciting. Karleigh jumped as Holden placed his hand on the small of her back. Despite how turned on she was by getting spanked, she couldnt help but be a little nervous. She held her breath as she waited for the first smack, but instead Holden ran his other hand over the curve of her derriere and down the backs of her legs before moving back up again. Your ass was just made for spanking, he said. Did you know that? The compliment made her blush. No one had ever told her that before. She looked over her shoulder at him. It is? Oh, yeah. Dont you think so, Mav? Karleigh turned her head to look Mavs way, and the molten heat she saw there made her breath hitch. Most definitely. Holden gave her right cheek a squeeze. Ready? She hesitated for a fraction of a second, then nodded. That must have been good enough for Holden because he lifted his hand and brought it down on her ass with a firm smack. Karleigh gasped, but the sound was lost as his hand connected again, this time with her other cheek. The spanks stung, but in the most delicious way, and she found herself waiting breathlessly for the next one. It never came. Instead, Holden stopped to rub her ass some more. She moaned as his fingers caressed the underside of her cheeks. Shed had no idea having her backside massaged could be so arousing. If this was their idea of punishment, then she wanted to be signed up for a life sentence. Giving her bottom another squeeze, Holden lifted his hand and smacked her right cheek again, a little harder this time. He followed it up with another on her left cheek before moving back and forth from one to the other with an easy rhythm that soon had heat spreading over her ass. She especially liked the way his hand lingered on her derriere between spanks. Wondering if her bottom was as hot as it felt, she reached back to see for herself. Holden immediately caught her hand in his free one. Bad girl, he admonished, wrapping his hand around her wrist and holding it prisoner against the small of her back. None of that. As if to emphasize his words, he gave her an extra-hard smack to both cheeks. I just wanted to see how hot my ass was, she protested. He rested his hand on her bottom. Its hot, trust me. Not to mention a sexy shade of red, Mav added. That it is. Holden chuckled. Its going to be even hotter and redder by the time I finish spanking you, though. Karleigh felt her face flame as hot as she was sure her bottom must be. She wanted to push herself off Holdens lap and run into the house so she could see her ass in the mirror, but he held her captive. Not that she probably would have done it even if she could have gotten free. She wanted this spanking too much. Holden was only too happy to oblige her, bringing his hand down on her upturned ass over and over. Despite having had an orgasm moments earlier, her clit was throbbing again, and she ground against his muscular thigh as he spanked her. The motion sent quivers through her body and she moaned at how good it felt. She wondered if she might be able to come like this, but Holden stopped the spanking before she could find out. Bending forward, he pressed a kiss to her ass. His mouth was surprisingly cool on her red-hot skin and she shivered at the feel of it. Shed never been kissed there before, but as he nibbled his way over the curve of her freshly-spanked bottom, she had to admit it was erotic as hell. When Holden lifted his head, Karleigh assumed it was so he could continue spanking her, but instead he slipped his hand between her legs and glided his finger along her wet pussy. She let out a throaty moan. You enjoy getting spanked, I see, he observed. She spread her legs for him. Is that a bad thing? His finger dipped into her pussy ever so slightly. Its a very good thing. Karleigh waited for him to slide his finger all the way in, but to her surprise, he took her hand and pulled her to her feet. She immediately reached back to cup her ass with both hands. It felt delightfully warm to the touch and she couldnt resist giving her cheeks a little squeeze. Mav pushed away from the door post and sauntered into the stall. My turn, darlin. Her pulse skipped a beat as he took her hand in his strong grasp. Instead of sitting down on the bale of hay Holden had just vacated, Mav turned her to face him. Holding her wrists gently in one hand, he produced a thin strip of leather and bound it around them. A little thrill of excitement shot through Karleigh. Wh-what are you doing? Tying you up. His mouth quirked. Just in case youre tempted to reach back with your hands while Im spanking you. Karleighs pulse raced. This whole punishment thing was turning out to be even more fun than shed imagined. Shed had guys tie her up before, but there was something about being calf roped by a sexy cowboy that made the whole thing even hotter. She gave her bonds an

experimental tug to see how tight they were. While they werent tight enough to be uncomfortable, they were definitely too tight for her to get free. Bend over for me, Mav instructed. She obeyed, bending over the bale of hay, her ass high in the air. As she wiggled to get more comfortable on the blanket draped over the makeshift bench, Mav took her bound wrists and stretched them out in front of her. She watched in fascination as he looped another strip of leather around the center of her bonds and secured her wrists to the stalls side rail. Clearly, he was serious about not wanting her to reach back while he was spanking her. She realized why when Mav picked up the cinch strap that was draped over the railing. Karleigh eyed the piece of leather in his hand, half excited, half nervous. Youre not going to spank me too hard with that, are you? Mav doubled the strap into a loop, slapping it against his palm. His dark eyes met hers, a grin playing around the corners of his mouth. By the time Im done strapping that gorgeous ass of yours, youre going to be on fire, darlin. Something told Karleigh he wasnt talking about the temperature of her derriere, but rather another part of her anatomy. She turned her head, her gaze following Mav as he walked around to stand behind her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Holden leaning against the door post, his thumbs hooked loosely in his pockets, his face rapt with attention. From where he was standing, he not only had a perfect view of her ass, but her pussy, too. Which, at this very moment, was extremely wet. Behind her, she saw Mav tighten his grip on the strap. Karleigh held her breath as she waited for the first lash. When it finally came, she gasped. While he hadnt smacked her nearly as hard as she was sure he could have, the feel of the leather kissing her ass still stung like crazy, and she let out another gasp as he smacked her other cheek. He alternated from side to side, never smacking her in the same place twice in a row, which meant she couldnt anticipate where the strap would fall next. It was a subtle reminder that she was completely at his mercyand loving it. Unable to hold still, she danced from foot to foot each time he brought the strap down on her poor, defenseless bottom. Karleigh didnt know how something that stung so fiercely could feel so pleasurable, but it did. She didnt even realize she was grinding her clit against the blanket until she heard herself let out a moan. She wiggled her wrists against the leather binding them, wanting to get free. Not so she could reach back to see how hot her ass was, but so she could slide her hand between her legs and touch herself. Mav had been rightshe was on fire. After one more firm smack to each cheek with the strap, Mav tossed it on the floor beside the bale of hay. A moment later, his hand was on her ass, rubbing the sting from her skin. Karleigh spread her legs, silently begging him to touch her. He clearly knew what she wanted because he slipped his hand between her thighs to finger her clit. She thought for sure he would keep touching her until she came, but after a few more circular motions with his finger, he took his hand away. She opened her mouth to beg him not to stop, but Mav was already unfastening her wrists from the railing. Holding onto her hands, he gently pulled her upright. Arent you going to untie me? she asked when he made no move to undo her bonds. The corner of his mouth twitched. Not yet. I kind of like having you as my captive. Me, too, Holden said. He came over to stand beside Mav, and she was once again struck by the contrast the two men made. And how overdressed they were. She was about to comment on that when Mav spoke. Time to thank us for giving you that spanking, darlin. Her pulse quickened as the two men took off their clothes. Seeing them standing there in nothing but jeans and cowboy boots reminded her of the first day shed walked into the barn. Only this time, she was going to get to see a whole lot more of them. As one, they shoved down their jeans. She licked her lips as their beautiful, hard cocks sprang free. Shed given both men blowjobs when shed slept with them separately, but the prospect of doing it simultaneously was beyond her wild imaginings. Now, she just had to decide which cock to take in her mouth first. Giving the men a smile, Karleigh dropped to her knees in front of them. Is this what you had in mind? Mav just grinned. Sliding his hand in her long hair, he rubbed the head of his penis over her parted lips. She opened her mouth, wrapping it around him and swirling her tongue over the velvety tip. He tasted musky and sweet, and she sighed in appreciation. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Holden move closer. Realizing he probably wanted some attention, too, she lifted her head. Rather than take him in her mouth, though, she sat back on her heels and studied the two men. She hadnt given it much thought when shed slept with them individually, but now that they were side by side, she saw that their penises were very different. Whereas Mavs was long and thick, Holdens was thinner and curved slightly at the tip. With her wrists tied, she couldnt comfortably caress one while she pleasured the other with her mouth, so she had to ignore Mav as she wrapped her lips around Holdens shaft. Mav mustnt have minded too much because she saw him take his cock in his hand and rub up and down. Damn, that was sexy. Reminding herself she was supposed to be giving Holden a blowjob, she turned her attention back to him. Cupping his heavy balls in both hands, she gently massaged them as she slowly moved her mouth up and down. Holden made a sound deep in his throat, letting her know how much he approved. Wanting to show the men that she could tease just as well as they had, Karleigh let Holdens penis pop out of her mouth and turned her attention back to Mav. She sucked on him hungrily, taking him deeper and deeper each time until he finally touched the back of her throat. Then she took him a little deeper. Mav inhaled sharply and might have come right then if she hadnt let him slide all the way out of her mouth. Giving him a naughty smile, she went back to Holden, repeating the exact same maneuver on him. She alternated back and forth between Mav and Holden, sometimes performing the same oral techniques on both of them, sometimes doing something completely different, just to keep them guessing.

The two men could only take so much, though, and after she deep-throated Mav for the fifth time in a row, he pulled her to her feet with a groan. No more foreplay, he rasped. Time to get serious. Ill second that, Holden agreed hoarsely. Karleighs pussy spasmed. She waited for them to take the lead, wondering if they were going to bend her over the hay bale and take her that way, or whether they had something different in mind. She found out it was the latter when Mav took the same strip of leather hed used to secure her to the railing earlier and used it to tie her bound wrists to the beam above her head. Eyes never leaving her naked body, Holden and Mav rolled condoms on their cocks. When they were done, the men took up the same positions they had before, Holden in front her and Mav in back. Without a word, Holden grasped her freshly-spanked ass in both hands and lifted her up, burying himself deep inside her in one smooth motion. Tied like she was, Karleigh couldnt hold onto his shoulders like she normally would have, but she could still wrap her legs around him. The moment she did, she felt the head of Mavs erection against the puckered opening of her ass. Holden held her still while his partner slid into her inch by incredible inch, filling her as deliciously and completely as he had by the waterfall yesterday. Only this time, it was even more amazing because she was being fucked by both men at once. She couldnt believe how breathtaking it felt to have her pussy and her ass filled at the same time. It was more than just the physical aspect of having a threesome, though. There was something mentally intoxicating about being possessed by two men. Sandwiched between them like their own personal sex toy. As Holden pumped into her, he tightened his grip on her derriere, sending tingles of pleasure along her tender skin and reminding her of the spankingcorrection, spankingsshed just gotten. Her pussy clenched down on his cock, while her ass did the same to Mavs. Mav groaned, reaching around to cup her breasts with his hands. Her nipples immediately responded to his touch, and she whimpered as he rolled them back and forth between his fingers. Continuing to play with her breast with one hand, he slid the other down her tummy to the damp curls between her legs. Finding her clit, he made small circular motions with his finger. Being touched there at the same time Holden and Mav were driving their cocks into her was almost sensory overload, and for a moment, Karleigh almost begged them to stop just so she could catch her breath. But it was too late. She was already starting to come. There was nothing she could do now except throw back her head and scream as ecstasy coursed through her. Then Holden and Mav were coming, too, and she was transported to whole nother level of mind-blowing as they both surged into her at the exact same time. The pleasure was beyond orgasmic. She thought she might just explode. Karleigh didnt remember them sliding out or untying her afterward. But a moment later, she was lying on a soft blanket in the horse stall, Holden on one side of her, Mav on the other. Holden lightly trailed his fingers up and down her arm. So, how long are you in town for, did you say? Two weeks. She smiled. But I havent taken off since I started working at the magazine, which means I have five years' worth of vacation time saved up, so I could always come back. Mav flashed her a grin. Or we could come visit you. Karleigh hadnt thought about that. She certainly wouldnt mind showing them around Manhattan. Not that theyd probably have much time for sightseeing since she didnt plan on letting them out of her bed. Im going to hold you to that. And so is my pussy. Which is in need of some more attention, by the way. Her smile broadened. Who wants to do the honors first? Holden looked at Mav. Rock, paper, scissors? Mav chuckled. Nah. Not when we can both do it at the same time. Karleighs eyes went wide. Was that even possible? But Holden and Mav were already kissing their way down her body, stopping for a moment to suckle on her nipples before continuing on to her nether regions, when she discovered that yes, indeed, they could go down on her at the same time. She threaded her hands in their hair with a moan. With two hot cowboys making love to her like this every night, she might never go back to New York.

Heather was making coffee when Karleigh walked into the kitchen the next morning. The redhead smiled. I guess that thoroughly satisfied look on your face means you spent the night with Holden. Or was it Mav? Karleigh grinned. Actually, it was both of them. She waited for her friend to give her that oh-my-God look and say, You didnt! But Heathers smile only broadened. You dont seem very surprised, Karleigh observed. In fact, if she didnt know better, shed think the redhead already knew. Yikes, what if Heather and Clint had a closed-circuit camera in the barn to keep an eye on the horses and had seen the whole thing? Heather gave her a shrug. When I saw how attracted to Holden and Mav you were the first day you got here, I asked them to show you a good time as only those two know how. Karleigh blinked. Dont go looking at me like that, Heather admonished. Its not like I paid them to sleep with you. They were as hot for you that first day as you were for them. I just gave them a little push in the right direction. Like you told me to wear boots on my date with Holden, and my hair in a ponytail for Mav? Karleigh asked. Exactly. Karleigh frowned as something suddenly occurred to her. How do you know so much about what turns Holden and Mav on anyway? Heather only smiled. A cat-that-licked-the-cream kind of smile. Karleighs eyes went wide. Did you sleep with them?

The redheads smile only got bigger. Karleigh gaped. Oh, my God. You did sleep with them, didnt you? Heather shrugged. What good is having a ranch full of hot cowboys if you cant ride them every once in a while. She smiled again, this time at someone behind Karleigh. Isnt that right, honey? Karleigh whirled around to see Heathers husband, Clint, standing there, a huge grin on his face. He obviously knew what his wife was talking about and didnt seem to mind one bit. For all Karleigh knew, maybe he took part. She tried to imagine the shy redhead shed roomed with in college engaging in wild sex with her husband and the two hot cowboys who worked for them. The image boggled the mind. Her friend had obviously changed a lot since college. For the better, Karleigh thought. She would never have had her first threesome if it wasnt for her best friends scheming. She suddenly realized that Heather and Clint were looking at her with the same devious smiles on their faces. A thought struck her then. What if a threesome with Holden and Mav was only part of her friends sexy plan? Karleigh decided that as long as it involved more hot and hunky cowboys, she was game.

About the Author

Paige Tyler is a full-time, multi-published, award-winning writer of erotic romance. She and her research assistant (otherwise known as her husband!) live on the beautiful Florida coast with their easygoing dog and their lazy, I-refuse-to-get-off-the-couch-for-anything-but-food cat. When not working on her latest book, Paige enjoys reading, jogging, doing Pilates, yoga and P90X, going to the beach, watching Pro football and vacationing with her husband at Disney. She loves writing about strong, sexy alpha males and the feisty, independent women who fall for them. From verbal foreplay to sexual heat, her wickedly hot stories of romance, adventure, passion and true love will bring a blush to your cheeks and leave you breathlessly panting for more!

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