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Spanish Ranch #1 Information

RESIDENT MANAGERS/OFFICE Manager: Teresa Cruz, Rutherford Investment Co. Office address: 28400 Granada Circle Phone: 510-783-5535 Office hours: 9-12 and 1:30-4 Monday-Friday. Rent may be dropped in mail slot in office door (next to laundry room). Jeffrey Stoops, Assistant Manager On-call for emergencies Sat.-Sun.-Holidays In an emergency, call 510-783-5535. Call will be directed to pager (510-312-0277). ORGANIZATIONS The Spanish Ranch #1 Association and the Spanish Ranch #1 Ladies Club are automatically comprised of park residents. There are no dues. MEETINGS of the Association Board are the FIRST THURSDAY at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse. Residents are encouraged to attend. LADIES CLUB meets the SECOND THURSDAY of each month at 12 NOON in the Main Clubhouse. The LUNCH BUNCH meets the THIRD THURSDAY of each month to go out to lunch at various area restaurants. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH meets the SECOND TUESDAY of alternate months at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse BINGO is the FIRST and LAST SATURDAY of each month. MISCELLANEOUS The Clubhouses are available to residents for private affairs. Contact the Office, 510-783-5535 SWIMMING POOL / HOT TUB Pool open May-October. Hot Tub open year round. The POOL ROOM inside Main Clubhouse is available for residents to use. See the office for a key. COMPLAINTS/SUGGESTIONS/REPORTS are to be submitted to Park Management in WRITING and must be SIGNED. For any complaints or suggestions concerning safety, maintenance, replace/repair, notify the Executive Board as well. This may be done through the website at, RESIDENT SUGGESTION/COMPLAINT FORM ON PAGE 14. Bus transportation information on page 15.

SR-1 Association & Community Contacts

ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President: Pat Smith 784-0105 Vice President: Dawn Plaskon 887-2199 Secretary: Jeanie Schultz 784-1997 Treasurer: Peggy Nichols 782-8950 ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE BOARD Marvin Daley 783-0360 Clint Dean 266-0979 Brenda Glover 303-2308 Jerry Higgins 410-6893 Barbara Sacks 783-8176 Spanish Ranch I Association Officers and Executive Board Members meet the FIRST THURSDAY of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse unless otherwise announced. ALL RESIDENTS WELCOME Annual Membership Meeting held each April. COMMITTEES Dime Bingo . . . . . . . . . . Lorraine Schmuck, 783-7294 HMOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open Lunch Bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ruth Horton, 732-6671 Welcoming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open COMMUNITY CONTACT CHAIRPERSONS Bingo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ron Gomez, 782-5183 Neighborhood Watch . . . . Peggy Nichols, 782-8950 Clint, 266-0979; Judy, 785-4894; Patty, 783-1534 N.E.R.T. . . . . Jeanie Schultz/Dawn Plaskon, 887-2199 EL TORO Jeanie Schultz 784-1997 e-mail: Deadline for all submissions to the El Toro is the 10th of each month for the following month. WEBMASTER: Rev. Charles Eldred EL TORO MAGAZINE
is published monthly by Mobile Home Park Magazines and distributed by volunteers around the first of the month. Dates and times of activities are noted on the calendar therein. Special activities will be announced in the regular pages. Extra copies of the magazine (or replacement copies if you got missed) are available in the Main Clubhouse after distribution is complete.

Residents are welcome at the meeting of the

S PA N I S H R A N C H 1 L A D I E S C L U B Open to all par k women


SR1 Association Board

January 3, 2013 7:00 p.m.
in the main clubhouse
The Executive Board meets on the first Thursday of each month. Residents are invited to attend.
A special meeting will be called any time there is a need to gather park residents for anything other than routine business.

Ladies! Bring your lunch and lets get together. Dessert provided.
+ .25 for the bank which gets raffled back to somebody at the first gathering in January. CONGRATULATIONS to LOUISE on winning the 2011 Bank.


Join the Ladies Club at noon on the second Thursday for

Costs only a dime a game, winner take all!

Join the Lunch Bunch

Come join our group of park women as we visit area restaurants. Youll get acquainted with some great gals!
The Lunch Bunch meets on the third THURSDAY (unless otherwise announced) of each month at 12 noon. All are welcome to join us as we visit area restaurants. Call Wilma, 397-5701, to let her know youre coming (so we know how many to tell the restaurant). Lady friends are welcome. 2013 January 17 February 21 March 21 April 18 May 16 June 20 July 18 August 15 September 19 October 17 November 21 December Sizzlers Applebees Mimis Hometown Buffet Rigatonis Harrys Hofbrau Panera Sweet Tomatoes Olive Garden Cocos Elephant Bar Christmas Party Hayward Hayward Hayward Hayward Hayward San Leandro Hayward Fremont Hayward Hayward Hayward

You like to eat, right?

Come to the Main clubhouse on the Second Thursday, at noon!

For more information call Lorraine Schmuck 783-7294
Ladies Dime Bingo is for mature women who would like to get together for sharing ideas.


Questions, Ruth 732-6671 or Myrtle 786-1182

HOLIDAY BRUNCHA record number of park kids received gifts from Santa. Additional pictures on pages 5 and 6.


Saturday, February 16 9-12
We skipped December so some litter and graffiti has accumulated and we want to keep ahead of it. Many hands make light work, so please join us in our efforts to keep our neighborhood looking cared for, which helps make it uninviting to the criminal element. Anyone interested in helping out with this cleanup can e-mail Dawn at Or just show up!

First and Last Saturdays of each month,


Join us for

Meet at FOLSOM STREET gates to creek area.

Gloves, garbage bags, tools provided.

NOON TO 3:00 P.M.

Snack bar open before play and during breaks serving nachos, hot dogs, sodas, snacks.

Rain cancels
Our responsibility includes graffiti cleaning and trash pickup on the west side of the flood control channel (part of Ward Creek) that runs the length of Spanish Ranch I, between Folsom Avenue and Pacheco Street. This area is just the other side of the wall that borders the park behind the homes on Miranda Street.

Ron Gomez, coordinator 782-5183

Volunteer help is appreciated, call Ron for info.

Per state law, no one under the age of 18 is allowed in the clubhouse during Bingo


currently fashioned from large PVC pipe if your newspaper doesnt supply one, are used to notify residents of events via flyers and the monthly park magazine. Please call the office if you need a tube installed at your home. 783-5535

Newspaper Tubes

Our next meeting will be held on


We sincerely hope that you will join us.

is available in the Clubhouse daily during regular office hours for residents of Spanish Ranch 1.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor are welcome on any subject. Send to: (You MUST sign your name but we wont use it if you so request.)

Neighborhood Watch
December 11, 2012 7:00 pm Welcome & sign in (5 In Attendance) Neither Gale Bleth, Crime Prevention Specialist, HPD or a Police Officer were available Crime In Park: Zamora Ct, 3 Patrol units and 1 crime scene unit arrived to find a resident had died from natural causes. OPEN FORUM : We talked about having classes or guest speakers to inform and educate us, Here are a few ideas: Police Safety Officer: Burglar Proofing Your Home Fireman: Fire Safety/How to use a Fire Extinguisher Crime Prevention Officer; How to Handle Bullying for 5 to 12 year olds When to Use 911 or The Non Emergency #293-7000 Hayward Neighborhood Alert Next meeting is January 23, 2013 7pm at Southland Mall State Of The City Speakers: Mayor, City Manager & Police Chief. PLEASE CHECK City website for info: http://www. Next Spanish Ranch1 Neighborhood Watch Meeting: Tuesday February 12, 2013 at 7pm at the Small Clubhouse on Granada Drive NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH TEAM: Peggy Nichols # 782-8950 Clint Dean # 266-0979 Patty Little # 783-1534 Judy Allen-Rodgers # 785-4894


For information that leads to the arrest and conviction of graffiti vandals in Hayward. Para informacin que dar lugar a la detencin y a la conviccin de los delincuentes de graffiti en Hayward.

Mind your butts

If you smoke, please dispose of your butts properly. Dont litter by throwing them in the street, and

SR-1 Helping Hand

Are weeds, rubbish, or overgrown plants on your lot a cause for concern? Is your home in need of sprucing up with washing or painting?

Call: 510-583-5500
English & Espaol More info:

Were here to help!

especially dont throw them in peoples yards.

Give us a call, and well see what our team can do to extend a helping hand. Call us, or park management, to schedule a lot assessment. 510-274-1771 (Assn msg); Marvin 783-0360.

Were ready for the next phase of planning!

Emergency Prep/Disaster Meeting

Tuesday, January 15, 2013 7:00 p.m. in the Main Clubhouse
sponsored by the SR1 Association Disaster Committee and NERT

Wed like to get started on a parkwide notification plan that would work for other kinds of emergencies and minor disasters such as

street closures, water shutoff or power outages.

If its known in advance that the water or power will be out, wouldnt YOU like to know too?

Lets kick around ideas on how this could be done

Come and join us!

As usual, we will have printed materials available and we can fill you in on how to be prepared, as well as information about the parks disaster plan as a whole. Pick up a handy guide from the USGS: Protegiendo a su familia de los terremotos Los siete pasos a la seguridad para prepararse en case de un terremoto.
Protecting your family from earthquakes The seven steps to earthquake safety.

If you have questions, check your El Toro and call NERT or any member of the Board. Refreshments will be served.

A hall-filling crowd enjoyed a breakfast feast, door prizes and presents from Santa at the December 9 Holiday Brunch, sponsored by park ownership and management. The hardworking kitchen crew (thats Mr. G, opposite page center right, demonstrating his bacon frying flair) turned out a hearty breakfast, aided by family, staff and volunteers. Adults enjoyed a drawing for a number of door prizes then Santa arrived with a ho ho ho and was received with varying degrees of enthusiasm by the park kids. Little ones like the tyke top left werent into it, but the older kids knew a good thing. Mrs Claus, aka manager Teresa, who did the shopping, is shown bottom left sorting the hundreds of gifts, so volunteers could hand Santa a gift just right for the age of his visitor. A sincere thank you to all who helped make this annual event a huge success. Photos by Jeanie Schultz


Happy New Year! Wow what a whirl wind was 2012. I am certain that you will all agree that these years are passing quite rapidly. We are expecting a GREAT 2013 with lots of new and exciting things occurring in about Spanish Ranch #1 MHP. The Holiday Breakfast was a HUGE success with most accounts indicating that it was a largest turnout in recent history, even larger than last year. Santa made his appearance and delivered more than 200 special gifts. Santa would also like to thank all his special helpers. This Holiday event would not have been the success it was if it was not for the unselfish dedication of the people that assisted in the planning and implementation of all the bits and pieces that are required to help Santa prepare for these events. Rutherford Mobile Home Management Company was represented by Mr. Greg OHagan. Thanks for your help Greg! Over the past holidays the abuse of guest parking continued to be an issue. Typically the complaint was that there was no parking available for guests as residents were parking in the spaces reserved for casual guests. Please be considerate to your neighbors and their guests. Do not park in guest parking. We would like to address the Club house reservation procedure: We cannot and will not hold a date unless there is a reservation form submitted, approved by management along with the deposit check of $100.00 made payable to Spanish Ranch. When your event is over, your check with be returned to you when it is determined you have left the facilities in good condition and clean. Please keep in mind that reservations of the clubhouse facilities are for RESIDENTS ONLY. You cannot allow your family outside of Spanish Ranch #1 MHP or friends of residents, to reserve the clubhouse facilities. Please allow yourself plenty of time in scheduling your event. Typically the Large club house is reserved by Bingo on the first and last Saturday of each month. The remaining weekend days are normally reserved at LEAST eight (8) weeks in advance. NOTE: There is, on occasion, abuse in the size of parties allowed in the clubhouse areas. Please use the following numbers allowed in the clubhouses in planning your events: For the large clubhouse, when used for dining (that means that the tables and chairs are in place) the MAXIMUM number of guests allowed is 124. For the small clubhouse, when used for dining (this means that the tables and chairs are in place) the MAXIMUM number of guests allowed is 40. If the number of your guests MAY exceed these numbers, then please DO NOT reserve the facilities. You must plan to have your event elsewhere. The maximum number of guests allowed are not arbitrary, set by management of Spanish Ranch #1 MHP, but have been determined by the Fire Marshall for the City of Hayward. If your party exceeds these numbers, you may be subject to a fine and /or a loss of privileges. If your home is serviced by AT&T for phone service, internet or television and you have a problem with these services, please call AT&T for assistance. The park management cannot assist you in resolving any issues you may have. If your home is serviced by Comcast for phone service, internet or television and you have a problem with these services, please call Comcast for assistance. The park management cannot assist you in resolving any issues you may have. The same is to be said about your account with Waste Management. You have to contact them directly for any issues you may have. Home Maintenance Procedures. Please pay attention to your furnace filters and change / clean them every thirty (30) days during the heating and cooling seasons. Open the drain on your water heater and allow the sediment to flush away. This will increase the life of your hot water heater AND allow it to operate more efficiently. IF you HAVE to use your garbage disposal (it is preferable to simply put debris into your trash and food waste into your green bin), turn the water on (hot is preferred), turn on the disposal, place material in the disposal as it is running (a wooden spoon is handy to help the material into the mouth of the disposal), turn off the disposal and allow the water to remain on for about 30 more seconds to completely flush any debris into the main line. Keep the storm gutters on your home clean. By keeping the gutters clean, water can and will run off. This may protect your home from water damage. Guillermos Corner: Tagging continues to be a challenge throughout the park. Please help us by taking note of any activity that might be construed as tagging. Keep in mind, the City of Hayward has instituted a reward program against those that may be tagging. Report street lights that are non-operative. Thanks for those that are continuing to report the burned out lights. In the month of Continued on next page

MANAGER, continued December 2012, thanks to the reporting of streetlights being non operative, Guillermo has repaired seven lights that were not working properly. Now, a word about your yard care. We are a very close community and must be aware of how our actions may affect those around us. When you or your gardeners are using a blower, please do not blow your leaves, lawn cuttings or other debris into your neighbors yards. Please take note and speak to your gardeners about your expectations. Please take a moment and look at your utility pedestal area (this is where your gas, electric and water meters are located). The rules and regulations of Spanish Ranch #1 MHP AND the State of California Regulations REQUIRE that it be accessible at all times and have a clear three (3) foot area on three (3) sides that is unobstructed. The car wash areas continue to be a dumping ground for trash. Please place your personal trash in your personal trash receptacle at your home. Jeff Stoops SR1 Assistant Manager

Smoke alarms expire!

Food Bank Donations

for the Alameda County Food Bank Barrels,
an ongoing community service project,

may be dropped off in the office.

(Due to scavenging and theft, the barrels are kept in the conference room, but staff will see that all donations are put into them.)

Food donations must be UNOPENED, not perishable and not require refrigeration.



Thank you!

Please Report Vandalism

(tagging too, its vandalism)
Please call the police and then the office if you see anyone vandalizing property in the Park such as breaking street lights, signs and back gate key pad, etc. Please report anything suspicious. Thank you, Teresa Cruz, SR1 Manager


(and if it is yours, keep it inside)
Sure, you feel sorry for that stray cat or dog, but if you feed it, it WILL stick around and perhaps not go back to its rightful family. Dont leave pet food outside! Food left out will attract raccoons, stray pets, opossums, and other varmints! Only indoor pets are permitted in the park so dont encourage outside animals to stay!

ITS A FACT: All hardwired or battery-operated smoke alarms, installed before 2003 should be replaced this year! A smoke alarms lifespan is 10 years, which means any smoke alarm installed before June 2000 is too old and needs to be replaced. The smoke alarm is no longer reliable. Part of smoke alarm maintenance includes knowing when to replace the unit. The few minutes it takes to replace a smoke alarm can save the lives of roommates, family members, neighbors and firefighters. More than 3,000 people die in home fires each year, and the majority of them have no working smoke alarms. To prevent these deaths, the Hayward Fire Department has partnered with the United States Fire Administration (USFA) and is sponsoring the nationwide Install. Inspect. Protect. Campaign, which emphasizes that Smoke Alarms Save Lives. Your Hayward Fire Department offers a few helpful tips on smoke alarms: Every residence, and place where people sleep, should be equipped with both ionization and photoelectric smoke alarms or dual sensor smoke alarms, which contain both ionization and photoelectric smoke sensors. Place properly installed and maintained smoke alarms both inside and outside of sleeping areas and on every level of your home. Interconnected smoke alarms are best, because if one sounds, they all sound. Test smoke alarms monthly and change alkaline batteries at least once every year, or as instructed by the manufacturer. You can use a date you already know, like your birthday or when you change your clocks as a reminder. Write the installation date on the inside cover of the smoke alarm for future reference. If you have a tendency to forget when you replaced the batteries last, use a permanent marker to write the installation date on each battery for future reference.

If you have a gas furnace, water-heater, or stove you should have installed a CO detector in 2011

Attention Homeowners: California Law Requires You To Install A Carbon Monoxide Detector
According to the American Medical Association, carbon monoxide poisoning is the leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in the United States. The California Air Resources Board has determined that 30 - 40 avoidable deaths, on average, occur in California each year due to unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning. Additionally, this is the cause of 175 - 700 avoidable emergency room visits and hospitalizations in the state. Californias Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act of 2010 requires that all residential property be equipped with a California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) approved carbon monoxide detector when the property has a fossil fuel burning heater or appliance, fireplace, or an attached garage. All single-family homes (owner or tenant occupied) must be equipped with a detector (which can cost less than $30) on or before July 1, 2011. All other residential units (duplex/apartment/ condominium complex) must be equipped with a detector on or before January 1, 2013. Information specific to the Act is found in the California Health and Safety Code Sections 13260 thru 13263. Information specific to property owners and property management responsibility and disclosure requirements are found in California Health and Safety Code sections 17926, 17926.1, and 17926.2. What is Carbon Monoxide? Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly, colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. It is produced by the incomplete burning of various fuels, including coal, wood, charcoal, oil, kerosene, propane, and natural gas. Products and equipment powered by internal combustion engines such as portable generators, cars, lawn mowers, and power washers also produce CO. At lower levels of exposure, CO causes mild effects that are often mistaken for the flu. These symptoms include: Headaches Dizziness Disorientation Nausea Fatigue At moderate concentrations, angina, impaired vision, and reduced brain function may result. At higher concentrations, CO exposure can be fatal. The effects of CO exposure can vary greatly from person to person depending on age, overall health and the concentration and length of exposure. Where Should I Place Carbon Monoxide Alarms? Because CO is slightly lighter than air and also because it may be found with warm, rising air, detectors should be placed on a wall about 5 feet above the floor. The detector may be placed on the ceiling. Do not place the detector right next to or over a fireplace or flame-producing appliance. Keep the detector out of the way of pets and children. Each floor needs a separate detector. If you are getting a single carbon monoxide detector, place it near the sleeping area and make certain the alarm is loud enough to wake you up. Remember to read the manufacturers instructions for additional information on placement and maintenance of the CO alarm. What Do I Do If The Alarm Sounds? Dont ignore the alarm! It is intended to go off before you are experiencing symptoms: GET FRESH AIR IMMEDIATELY! Open doors and windows, turn off combustion appliances, and leave the house! If anyone is experiencing symptoms of CO exposure, DIAL 911 OR GO TO AN EMERGENCY ROOM. Tell the physician you suspect CO poisoning. If CO poisoning has occurred, it can often be diagnosed by a blood test done soon after exposure. No matter what, you should not go back in until the home has been ventilated, you have identified and remedied the source of the CO leak, and have appliances or chimneys checked by a professional as soon as possible. How Can I Reduce Exposure To Carbon Monoxide? It is most important to be sure combustion equipment is maintained and properly adjusted. Vehicular use should be carefully managed adjacent to buildings. Additional ventilation can be used as a temporary measure when high levels of CO are expected for short periods of time. Keep gas appliances properly adjusted Consider purchasing a vented space heater when replacing an unvented one Install and use an exhaust fan vented to outdoors over gas stoves Open flues when fireplaces are in use Choose properly sized wood stoves that are certified to meet EPA emission standards and make certain that doors on all wood stoves fit tightly Have a trained professional inspect, clean, and tune-up central heating system (furnaces, flues, and chimneys) annually. Repair any leaks promptly. Never use a generator inside homes, garages, crawl spaces, sheds, or similar areas. Deadly levels of carbon monoxide can quickly build up in these areas and can linger for hours, even after the generator has shut off. Additional information on CO poisoning prevention can be found at the Consumer Products Safety Commission and Environmental Protection Agency websites. For more information on fire safety tips or other Disaster Preparedness related materials please see our website at: www., click on the red Disaster Preparedness button or contact the Hayward Fire Department Emergency Services Office for additional information at (510) 583-4948.




Minutes of the SR1 Board MeetingDecember 6, 2012

Meetings of the elected Spanish Ranch I Executive Board are held on the first Thursday of each month (unless otherwise announced) at 7:00 p.m. in the main clubhouse. ALL residents are welcome to attend!

Meeting called to order at 7 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. In attendance: All officers and board members were present except Vice President Dawn Plaskon, who was stuck at work and excused. 1 guest. Minutes of the November meeting were reviewed and approved. Treasurers Report: E-mailed in advance of the meeting showing a balance of $1,320.28, and was approved. Resident Concerns: Someone apparently dumped bleach into the hot tub causing it to be closed for most of a week. It eventually had to be drained and the chemicals rebalanced. Another resident called to ask about replacement of the gas/electric/water meters and it was their understanding they were all to be replaced. Subsequent inquiry of management elicited the explanation that ownership is required to replace 10% of the meters per year (10% of our park would be 46) and that is being done as the homes change hands or if problems arise. All the meters are replaced at once when it is done. Any resident experiencing problems with their meters is encouraged to advise management so they can be included in the replacement quota. SOCIAL Chili Supper was postponed, and a new date will be discussed at the next meeting. COMMITTEES: Craft Fair made money for the Association through selling the tables, a successful raffle and the snack bar, but was almost a complete bust for the vendors. This was attributed mainly to the pouring rain and the date of the weekend before Thanksgiving which wed ended up with when our planned date wasnt available. Since all the usual advertising and signage was used, the consensus was to chalk it up to bad luck, and seek an earlier date next year. Helping Handno calls this month. COMMUNITY: NERT: An Emergency Prep meeting is scheduled for January 15, 2013 in the Main Clubhouse. Previous meetings have established an initial response plan in the event of a major disaster. NERT expects to now have regular bimonthly meetings, perhaps alternating with Neighborhood Watch, in order to further discuss how to get a phone tree or some other form of central communication in place that could notify residents about more mundane emergencies such as power outages and water shutoff. The possibility of having management change the outgoing phone message to inform residents of after

hours shutoffs and outages was previously discussed, and Prez Pat Smith will discuss this with management and report to the Emergency Prep meeting. Neighborhood Watch meets Dec. 11. Clint reported no calls. OLD BUSINESS: HMOANeed position filled, though information from HMOA is coming directly to the El Toro editor. NEW BUSINESS: Charity Drives: The current charity drive is One Warm Coat and one delivery of two boxes of outerwear, which included sweaters, jackets, and sweatshirts as well as coats, has already been made. Jeanie, who has been coordinating the charity drives and delivering the goods, noted that participation is minimal from the community, and contributions come mainly from board members and the Bingo players. It was decided to revisit the idea of quarterly charitable drives at the next meeting. Barbara Sacks passed on items of interest from the community including free flu shots at Target, a 20th anniversary celebration for the organization that provides free breakfasts for school children and a Shop Hayward promotion sponsored by the city. Respectfully submitted, Jeanie Schultz, Secretary

Treasurers Report for November 2012

STARTING BALANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,263.97 11-3-12 CK#119 Jeanie Schultz . . . . $ 55.41(Flyer copies for Craft Fair & Halloween) 11-9-12 PennySaver/Publication . . . . $ 41.89(Craft Fair Ad) 11-11-12 CK#120 Patty Little . . . . . . . $ 72.29(Raffle items/supplies for Craft Fair) 11-17-12 CK#121 Jeanie Schultz . . . $ 39.99(Daily Review Ad for Craft Fair) 11-17-12 Stacia Higman . . . . . . . . . . $ 145.11(Halloween Party supplies & gifts) 11-17-12 Amys Donuts . . . . . . . . . . . $ 14.00(Craft Fair Donuts) 11-19-12 Deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 122.00+ (Craft Fair Raffle) 11-19-12 Deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 210.00+ (21 Tables sold at Craft Fair) 11-19-12 Deposit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 93.00+ (Snack Bar sales at Craft Fair) ENDING BALANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,320.28 Respectfully submitted, Peggy Nichols, Treasurer



Bookshelves in the Main Clubhouse are available for the free exchange of books by park residents. Stop by and browse any time the clubhouse is open.

Come Get a Book!

Main Clubhouse, Small Clubhouse and the BBQ area in the courtyard are available for your events!
Both clubhouses and the BBQ area courtyard may be reserved by residents for private events. Call the office, 783-5535, for information.

From the Editor


The following are not allowed in the hot tub enclosure: NO Food NO Glass NO Floating Devices NO Toys (including squirt guns) NO Pets

Articles that appear in the El Toro are presented as an informational service to the residents. Contents are the option of the editor but do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editor, the homeowners association or management. Reader response is welcome. Your article must be in my paper tube at 28408 Granada Circle, or posted to my e-mail address, no later than the 10th of the month. All submissions must be signed with your name/phone number included, as any article must be verified. Your name will not appear, if you so request. Editor has the right to edit for space or libel. Articles considered in bad taste will not be printed. Submissions must meet the Editorial Guidelines as set forth by Mobile Home Park Magazines. If you are submitting an item someone e-mailed to you, COPY IT and PASTE it into a NEW e-mail window to send to us: Thanks, Jeanie Schultz, editor

Approved swimwear only

Use common sense and care when using the hot tub. Minors should always be accompanied by a parent or adult. Shower before entering the hot tub and get out to use the bathroom.


Route number 68 (which replaced line 77), a 2-directional circular route, services both the South Hayward BART station, as well as the Union Landing Shopping Center. Weekdays, going to South Hayward BART, board the bus across the street at Tampa / Folsom (where the park is) hourly from 6:16am until 8:16pm, arriving at BART at 6:23am until 8:23pm. Weekends / Holidays, service is from 6:44am until 6:44pm. Weekdays, returning from South Hayward BART, board the counter-clockwise, Tampa directional bus hourly from 6:30am until 8:30pm, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:42am until 8:42pm. Weekends and Holidays, service is from 6:00am until 6:00pm. Weekdays, going to Union Landing, board the bus at the corner in front of the 2 houses at Tampa / Folsom hourly from 6:47am until 8:47pm, arriving at Union Landing at 7:04am until 9:04pm. On Weekends/ Holidays, service is from 6:47am until 6:47pm Weekdays, returning from Union Landing, Board the clockwise, Tampa directional bus hourly from 5:59am until 7:59PM, arriving Spanish Ranch at 6:16am until 8:16pm. Weekends / Holidays, service is from 8:27am until 6:27pm. Additional frequency (now every 45 minutes, as opposed to every 1-2 hours) has been added to the Tuesday & Friday shoppers shuttle (Spanish Ranch to Southland Route 391). Busses now leave the Spanish Ranch Clubhouse at 10:10, 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm and arrive at Southland Mall at 10:35, 11:20am, 12:05, 12:50, 1:35, and 2:20pm. NOTE The last trip leaving Spanish Ranch at 1:55pm which arrives at Southland Mall at 2:20pm has no direct return trip back to Spanish Ranch. Return trips leave Southland Mall at 10:42, 11:27am, 12:12, 12:57 and 1:42pm, arriving back at Spanish Ranch at 10:55, 11:40am, 12:25, 1:10, and 1:55pm. Route 22: For those who wish to walk to/from Tennyson Ave, on weekdays route 22 will go to the South Hayward BART station every 30 minutes from 6:22am until 11:22pm weekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays from 6:22am until 11:22pm. From the South Hayward BART station going down Tennyson will leave every 30 minutes from 6:04am until 11:04pm weekdays, and hourly on weekends and holidays from 7:03am until 12:03am. Route 22 is a circular route, serving Tennyson, Hesperian (both Chabot College and Southland Mall), Winton, and both Hayward and South Hayward BART stations along Mission Blvd. Visit AC Transits web site at for more information. AC TRANSIT FARES $2.00 ages 18-64, ages 5-17 and 65+ are $1.00. Transfer good for 1.5 hours is an addl 25.




New Years Eve

6 7

New Years Day

NO BUS 8 9

SR-1 Assn Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. All residents are welcome to attend. 10

BINGO 12-3

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 11 12

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 13 14 15 16 BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 17

El Toro Deadline



BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 20 21 22 230 241 BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 25

HMOA Georgian Manor 10 a.m.


BINGO 12-3

Martin Luther King Day

27 28

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. 29 30 31

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m. FEB 1 FEB 2

BINGO 12-3

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m.

BUS 10:10 a.m. to 1:55 p.m.


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