The Bloodoath: © Khris Kazeras, 2011

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Khris Kazeras, 2011

Class: Date Built: Date(s) Decommissioned: Years in Service:

Carrier (as the SPD Illumine) Combat Carrier (as the Bloodoath) 1925 AC 1985 (under ownership of Silvan Planetary Defense) 2036 (under ownership of KiaadUerat pirate company) 1925-1985 (as the SPD Illumine) 2012-2036 (as the Bloodoath) 800 persons Approx. 10,000 persons 1800 14 (as SPD Illumine) (as Bloodoath, never replenished)

Minimum crew required: Maximum crew: Escape Pods: Hangar Capacity (Max):

260 (if all are Transport-class ships) 165 (if all are Fighter-class ships) 47 (if all are Frigate-class ships)

Typical Number of Vessels Carried: Undisclosed (as SPD Illumine) 5 Transports; 4 Frigates; 107 Fighters (as Bloodoath) Artillery (as the SPD Illumine): 5 Forward/5 rear EDEs (Energy Disruptor Emitters) Full array of beacons for averting heat-seeking projectiles Artillery (as the Bloodoath): 2 forward/2 rear EDTLs (Energy Disruptor Torpedo Launchers) 3 forward/3 rear PREs (Plasma Ray Emitters) 30 220mm EETs (Energy-Enhanced Turrets) 1 970mm PLC (Plasmatic Lance Cannon)* *illegally modified to surpass legal energy-enhancement limit set for the caliber by the Galactic Alliance. History: Built in the year 1925 on the planet Silva, the Illumine was designed to be the flagship of the Silvan Planetary Defenses entire unit of Carrier-class ships. It was designed to rival the size of a dreadnought in order to carry about 3 times the ships as a Carrier of typical size. Its

construction was met with some resistance when designs were submitted to the Galactic Alliance for approval, as some saw it as an aggressive move. However, due to its low defense capability, the Galactic Alliance approved the ships designs on the basis that its carrying capacity was merely to make up for its low ability of self-reliance. As Silva was careful to remain the neutral part in all planetary combat, the Illumine saw very little deployment, only being deployed a handful of times in the 60 years of its activity. In 1985, the Illumine was the target of a secret operation by the rising rebellion against the Silvan government. Operation Firestorm, as it is now known, included the sabotage of the Illumines engines and computer core. Both were rigged with high-impact explosives which crippled the ship while in Silvas orbit. This event marked the beginning of the 96-year long civil war that ravaged the planet afterward. As a result of the government being occupied with fighting the rebellion, the Illumine was effectively abandoned after all personnel and ships evacuated the carrier. However, despite its indefinite abandonment it was still officially owned by the Silvan military. This fact did not stop various scavenging teams to salvage the Illumine nearly 20 years after the civil war began by collaborating with each other and slowly towing it while the Silvan military was preoccupied with its terrestrial war. As the Galactic Alliance has a policy on remaining neutral in the cases of civil wars, unless such a situation would significantly hinder galactic progress, they made no motion to cease such an action. It took 2 years for the salvage teams to tow the carrier to a hidden location. Only in the year 2011 did it emerge with a new computer core and the engines salvage from a decommissioned dreadnought. It took one year for those salvage teams to reap its massive profit when it was purchased a Uerathynd pirate by the name of Morak KiaadUerat. Over the 3 years it became active and little by little the former oversized carrier was turned into what is called a Combat Carrier-class vessel, a class designed to be close to combat much like a dreadnought, yet with the carrying capacity of a Carrier. This was accomplished by the addition of heavy armaments and sensor scramblers. Through infamy and the conquering of smaller pirate outfits, the newly christened Bloodoath served as the mothership to the rapidly growing KiaadUerat pirate company; a ship fearsome enough for the Galactic Allaince to leave untouched as long as it didnt move to conquer colonies or planets, and a ship fearsome enough to be able to fell a true dreadnought if given enough time to get off 2 or 3 shots of its main gun. Late in the year 2036, the Bloodoath was ambushed the PMC Paragon Armaments Incorporated and crippled by the companies dreadnought-class motherships main gun. After the defeat of the KiaadUerats, Paragon Armaments acquired it as their own. As their forces were currently supporting the rebels on Silva, they had no intention or obligation to return the ship to the Silvan government. The Galactic Alliance confirmed that unless the Silvan government made an official demand to have the ship returned, they could not take any action to claim it from Paragon Armaments, Inc. The Bloodoath vanished then, put into storage at an unknown location, despite the potential value it had to the evangelist company.

Khris Kazeras, 2011

In 2082, when the bloody civil war of Silva finally came to an end with the rebels rising victorious over the crumbled former Silvan government, talks began with allies Paragon Armaments to return the carrier as a historical monument. An agreement was reached and the ship was carefully returned to the surface after the artillery added by the KiaadUerats was removed and its original state was restored. It currently stands as a monument and museum where the former Silvan capital once stood, celebrating the successful rebellion that was started in the very same operation in which it was involved.

Layout: 1st deck- Bridge 2nd deck- Officers Quarters/Airlock1 3rd deck- Armory/Main Gun station/Artillery Control 4th deck- Crews Quarters 5th deck- Crews Quarters 6th deck- Crews Quarters 7th deck- Mess/Medical bay/ Interrogation (as Bloodoath only)/Airlock2 8th deck- Holding Cells (as Bloodoath only) 9th deck- Engineering/Computer Core 10th deck- Hangar/Main Airlock (takes up 3 decks worth of space) 11th deck- Cargo Hold 12th deck- Firearms +Ammunitions Hold (as Illumine only)/Unknown use (as Bloodoath)

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