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Introduction. The text is from the book Jawhiri al-Adab f Adabiyyat wa Insha Lughat al-Arab by al-Sayyid Ahmad al-Hshim.

It contains various ancient prose and poetry texts that depict the high style and eloquence that has been exhibited by the Arabs in their literary culture across the centuries from the Jhilyya to the period of Andalus. This particular text represents the power play that words could carry in the ritual of supplication between an ordinary citizen and a royalty. The story behind the incident has been narrated in various history books. It was claimed that when Harun al-Rashid assumed the caliphate of the Abassid in the century in the eigth century Yahya bin Khalid and his family supported him and as a result he rewarded them well by appointing the father and his two sons, Jafar and Fadl to high positions in the administration of the empire. Harun developed so much trust and love for the family that he virtually gave them free hand to rule on his behalf. Jafar was his boon companion and he permitted him (Jafar) to marry his sister secretly with the promise that he would never touch her. But Jafar broke the promise and had a child with Haruns sister. Although they tried to hide the issue from Harun he came to hear of it and ordered that Jafar be decapitated and parts of his body hanged on the bridges of Baghdad. In addition to that, he confiscated the property of the Barmakide family and threw Yahya and his other son Fadl into jail. The wife of Yahya, who had suckled Harun tried to intercede on behalf of her husband and son but unsuccessfully

Ummu1 Jafar bin Yahyas supplication before Al-Rashid2 on behalf of Yahya3 her husband.

Sahlu bin Harun said: Ummu Jafar bin Yahya had suckled al-Rashid together with Jafar; and she nurtured him in her bosom and fed him with her breast milk. Al-Rashid used to consult her as a show of respect for her and to get the blessing from her advice. He had sworn while he was in her custody not to keep a barrier between him and her and never should she

There is no agreement between histories regarding her real name. While al-ql referred to her as Fumah Bint Muhammad bin al-Husein bin Qahbaah, al-ibr on the other hand referred to her as Zeynab bint Munr, and Ibn Khallikn mentioned that her name was Utbah and there are other histories who Mentioned that her name was dah. (al-Sayyid Ahmad al-Hshim, Jawhiri al-Adab f Adbyyt wa InshI Lughati al-Arab. Beyrut, Muassasat al-Marif, v. 1, pp. 85) 2 Harun al-Rashid (763 March 24, 809) was the fifth Abbasid caliph. Born to the caliph al-Mahdi and the former slave-girl al- Khayzuran, Harun was raised at court and received the bulk of his education from Yahya the Barmakid, who was a loyal supporter of Harun's mother. From his early age, Harun was made the nominal leader of several expeditions against the Eastern Roman Empire; his success resulted in his earning the title "al-Rashid," which means "the one following the right path". He was also appointed governor of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Syria and Tunisia, which Yahya administered for him, and named second in line to the throne (after his older brother, al-Hadi). Al-Mahdi died in 785 and al-Hadi died mysteriously in 786 (it was rumored that al-Khayzuran arranged his death), and Harun became caliph in September of that year. He appointed as his vizier Yahya, who installed a cadre of Barmakids as administrators. Al-Khayzuran had considerable influence over her son until her death in 803, and the Barmakids effectively ran the empire for Harun. Regional dynasties were given semiautonomous status in return for considerable annual payments, which enriched Harun financially but weakened the power of the caliphs. He also divided his empire between his sons al-Amin and al-Ma'mun, who would go to war after Harun's death. Harun was a great patron of art and learning, and is best known for the unsurpassed splendor of his court and lifestyle. Some of the stories of The Thousand and One Nights were inspired by the glittering Baghdad court, and King Shahryar (whose wife, Scheherazade, tells the tales) may have been based on Harun himself. (www.

Yahya was the son of Khalid bin Barmak, a Kurdish soldier who served the Abassids in their campaign against the Umayyads. He was appointed a vazir by the first Abassid Caliph, Abu Abas al-Saffah as well by the second Caliph Jafar al-Mansr. He died in 165 AH (722AD) living his son Yahya who was later appointed by the Caliph to assume his fathers position. Yahya served al-Mansur and his son al-Mahdi as well as al-Rashid for whom he was like a godfather. Al-Rashid later killed Yahyas son Jafar and imprisoned the other members of Yahyas family who all died in prison.

intercede on behalf of anyone but that he would grant her her wish. And Umm Jafar4, on her part, had sworn not to go before him unless with his permission; and neither would she intercede on behalf of any criminal. Many were the prisoners that she had set free, and many puzzles before him that she had solved and difficult issues from which she had relieved him. When her son Jafar was killed and her husband Yahya was detained together with the rest of his household, she asked permission to see him and she sought to get acquaintance with him but he refused to see her and did not order anything to be done about it. When she could bare it any longer, she went out bare headed, laying down the veil from her face and walking barefoot until she reached the gate of al-Rashids palace. Then Abdul Malik bin al-Fadl the usher entered and said: Your nurse is at the door, oh Commander of the Faithful, in a state which will turn the spite of the envious into the tenderness of a single mother. Rashid said: Woe unto you Abdul Malik! Is she walking? He said: Yes, Commander of the Faithful, on her barefoot. He said: Let her in, Abdul Malik, for many had been the hearts that she had kept alive, and worries that she had dispelled and shames that she had covered. Then she entered. And when Rashid saw her entering, walking barefoot, he stood up and walked barefoot until he met her between the pillars of the council chamber, then he bent down and kissed her head and her bosom. Then he sat her beside him and then she said: Would time come between us? And would bodyguards threaten us with fear, for you? And would slander carry you to be angry against us? Had I not nursed you in my bosom; and for suckling you, you had guaranteed me against my enemies and the adversities of time? Then he said to her: What could the matter be, mother of Rashid? Then she said: Your nurse Yahya, and

Jafar was the son of Yahya who grew up with al_Rashid and suckled together. Al-Rashid upon hearing that Jafar had had a child with his sister had him killed and dismembered the body which was hanged over the bridges of Baghdad for three years before he ordered that it be burnt.

your second father after your father. I will not describe him more than what the Commander of the Faithful himself knows about him; concerning his advice and affection for him, and his risking his life for him in the matter of his brother Musa.5 He said to her: Mother of Rashid, the order has anticipated (your intervention) and sentence has been passed and Gods anger has been executed. She said: Commander of the Faithful, What God wishes he clears or affirms, and with him is the mother book. 6 He said: That is right; this is what He has not cleared. She said: If Fate is hidden from the prophets, what about you? Then Rashid bowed down his head awhile and then he said: When Fate fixes her claws You will find all Tamim of no avail7

Then she said off hand: I cannot be compared to Tamim vis--vis Yahya, Commander of the Faithful. The first had said: When you are in need of treasures you wont find A treasure better than good deeds. This is besides the saying of God the mighty, the high: And those who suppress their anger and those who forgive people; and God loves those who do kind deeds.8 Then he bowed down his head awhile and then said: Mother of Rashid I will say: When my soul turns away from something It will hardly turn the face again to meet it She said: Commander of the Faithful, and I will say: You will cut your right hand in the world If you cut me, consider then which hand you will exchange Harun said: I accept.

After the death of al-Mansur, his son Musa al-Hd assumed the caliphate and he had wanted to diverge the caliphate from his brother al-Rashid who was the crown prince. Yahya was the only one who stood by the side of al-Rashid and changed the mind of his brother to confirm him in his psot. 6 The Thunder, 13:39 7 Abu Zuaib al-Huzali

She said: Then render him to me, oh Commander of the Faithful. The Messenger of God May Gods peace and mercy be upon him said: He who forgoes something for the sake of God will not be made by God to feel aggrieved for loosing it. Then Harun bowed down his head awhile and then raised it and said: God controls the matter both before and after.9 She said: Oh Commander of the Faithful: On that day the believers will rejoice by Gods victory, He makes victorious whom he wishes. He is the mighty the merciful 10. And remember, oh Commander of the Faithful, your pledge: never should I intercede, than you would grant me my demand. He said: Remember, oh mother of Rashid, your pledge not to intercede on behalf of a criminal. When she realized that his mind was made up to refuse her request and shrink from it, she brought out a small box made of green emerald and placed it in front of him. Rashid Said: What is that? Then she opened its golden lock and removed from it his prepuce, strands of his hair and his middle incisors; they had all been immersed in musk. Then she said: Oh Commander of the Faithful, I intercede with you, seeking Gods assistance and appealing to what I have been acquainted with of your honorable body as well as your noble limbs, on behalf of Yahya your servant. Then Harun picked those things up and kissed them and shed tears and cried profusely till all those in the council chamber cried too. When he came to himself, he returned all that in the box and said: How well you have preserved the trust!


Al-Imran, 3:34 Al-Rum, 30:5

She said: And how worthy you are in requiting it! He kept silent, closed the box and gave it back to her and said: God commands you to return the trusts to their owners11. She said: And God says: When you judge between people, judge justly. 12 And He says: And redeem Gods pledge if you are bound to it.13 He said: And what is that, oh mother of Rashid? She said: Have you not pledged not to put a barrier between you and me and not to treat me with contempt? He said: Oh mother of Rashid, I would like you to buy it using your discretion. She said: You have been fair, oh Commander of the Faithful. I have done so without choosing you, nor renouncing you. He said: For how much? She said: By your being pleased with the one who did not displease you. He said: Oh mother of Rashid, dont I have the same right upon you as they have? She said: Of course, Commander of the Faithful. You are dearer to me and they are more beloved to me. He said: Then, decide for your wish anything else than them. She said: Not at all. I have given him to you and made you free to do with him as you wish. She stood up and left him, and he remained bewildered, unable to say a word.

11 12

Al-Nisa 4:58 Al-Nisa 4:58 13 Al-Nahl, 16:91

Sahl bin Harun Said: She left and never came back. And by God, I have not seen her shed a tear nor heard her moan.

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