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This is a list of major sins taken from the poem: Explained by Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Al-Badr, son of Shaykh

Muhsin Al-Abbad. Shaykh Stressed a lot in these lessons and also in other lessons of his that we all should take out time to study the major sins because the sins and transgressions have increased a lot. Shaykh said we should learn so we can avoid these sins and be warned of them. Additionally, he said that our scholars and imams have authored books listing major sins so one can learn about them to avoid them. Why it is important to learn about the major sins? The Answer is very simple: You always read hadith that tells you, if you do such and such, all your sins are forgiven (minor sins, NOT major sins). After reading such hadith, dont you wonder what are the major sins and what are the minor sins? Dont you wish that you are free of major sins and that you are of those whose all sins are forgiven? However, if you do not know what are the major sins, then how do you know if you are free of doing major sins or not? Shaykh Abdur Razzaq says a statement in many of his lessons that is: If you do not know what you should fear, then how would you fear what you are supposed to fear? In order to fear something, you need have good amount of knowledge about the matter. So here for you i list out the major sins, and i hope you find some benefits in this in shaa Allah. 1. Shirk (worshipping other than Allah) 2. Killing a person without just cause 3. Consuming Ribaa (interest) 4. Magic (A magician can never become magician without first disbelieving in Allah, learning magic is disbelief, it is prohibited to learn this) 5. Accusing a chaste woman of Zina (fornication) 6. Consuming the wealth of the Yateem (orphan): except in the case of the exception that Allah allowed, which is that the take career of the orphan can take some wealth of the orphan in case of his/her financial needs. 7. Running away from the war field (jihad field) 8. Zina (fornication) and all that leads to it 9. Homosexuality 10. Alcohol 11. Highway robbers 12. False witness bearer 13. Disobedience to parents 14. Backbiting (Giba)

15. Tale carrying (Namima) 16. Al-Yamin Al-Gamosh (Disobedient liar) 17. Leaving the prayers (salah) (i.e. Not performing salah) 18. Praying without ablution (wudhu) intentionally 19. Praying outside the prayer time intentionally 20. Not facing Qiblah in salah intentionally 21. Not reciting the Quraan in the Salah 22. Losing hope from the mercy of Allah 23. Bad (evil) thoughts about Allah 24. Feeling safe from the plots (punishment) of Allah 25. Cutting the ties of womb (Kinship) 26. Self amazement and pride 27. Lying to cause fitnah (problems) 28. Lying on the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam 29. Al-Qeadah (1) & Ad-Deasha (2) (1. To take middle in doing whats forbidden, 2. Being pleased with disobedience in the family) 30. Marrying a woman to make her permissible for her previous husband (after the 3 divorce from him) 31. To boycott a righteous Muslim for no reason 32. Not performing Hajj while one is able to do it 33. Not giving Zakat 34. A Judge ruling in favor of the wrong side 35. Giving and taking bribe 36. Breaking fast without an excuse in Ramadan (i.e. not fasting) 37. Talking about Allah and His Deen without knowledge 38. Cursing the Companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam 39. Being pleased with doing sins (i.e. minor sins) 40. Not cleaning after urinating, (From it is to let urine affect your clothes and body parts) 41. Having sexual relationship with a woman who is on her period 42. Wife not obeying the husband when he calls to bed without an excuse

43. Bringing up and attributing a child to ones husband who is not from him 44. Hiding knowledge from one who came eagerly to learn it 45. Taking pictures of Animated beings (that has soul as human, birds, animals etc) 46. Going to the soothsayer and fortunetellers (Includes: 1. One who claims to know the future this one takes help of shaytan, 2. Claims to know matters through: a. by throwing ropes, b. by using the stars, 3. Looking at the hands, 4. Knowing about things a person like such as color, shapes, food etc, then tells about the future of the person) 47. Prostrating to other than Allah as a manner of greeting and/or respecting 48. Calling to innovations and misguidance 49. Taking from war booty before its division 50. Wailing after someones death (crying, tearing, screaming etc) 51. Omen (Ex. By bird and its movement) 52. Eating and drinking on gold and silver utensils 53. Not fulfilling the will of the dead person as he/she instructed 54. Slave running away from his/her master 55. Anal sex with wife/women 56. Selling a free person 57. Forbidding the facing of the Qiblah in the salah 58. Writing Ribaa (interest) transaction and bearing witness to it 59. Being double faced 60. Claiming a lineage that is not ones real one 61. A guardian/leader not giving the rights of those who he/she is responsible of 62. Doing sexual relationship with animals 63. Not performing Friday Jumuaah salah 64. A slave master treating the slave badly (Ex. Beating the slave)

Source of this list is: If you find errors in my list, kindly comment on my blog, or pm me, or email me, or take any means possible to inform me. Jazakumul Allahu khayran. Prepared by: Nasrin Akther (Thuriayaa) As.Salafiyah

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