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What is .NET Framework?

Posted By :Abhisek PandaPosted Date :28/11/2009Points :25Category:.Net FrameworkURL:

What is .NET Framework?

.NETFrameworkisanenvironment/platformbuilding,deployingandrunningwebservicesandother applications. The .NET Framework form the infrastructure for the overall structure of .NET platform. TheCommon Language Run Time(CLR) a n d class libraries(including windows form,ADO.NET and ASP.NET) combined together to provide services and solutions, that can be easily implemented within the .NET framework. .NET Framework consists of three parts, CLR, Framework Classes and ASP.NET. .NETFrameworkisa layer between operating system and programming language. In .NET there are different types of classes and libraries which can be shared.

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The.NETframeworkrepresentsanenvironmentwithmulti-language support. .NET supports multi-language due to the following components, 1. CLS (Common Language Specification) 2. CLR (Common Language Runtime) 3. CTS (Common Type Specification) T h e b e l o w p i c t u r e s h o w s t h e s t r u c t u r e o f . N E T


Cross language Specification(CLS):Itdefines a common standard to which a language must support if they want their applications and components widely usable by other .NET compatable languages. Itallowsthedevelopertoinheritclassesfromotherlanguages. Itprovides a set of rules by Microsoft which is used by the compiler to make the object code .NET compatible and these features makes it most powerful.

Common Language Runtime(CLR):Runtime:

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A runtime is an environment in which the program is executed,e.g, to run a VB program we need a VB runtime environment(msvbm.dll). Similarly to run VC++ or C# applications we need there respective runtimes. When different languages have different runtime it is a difficult task for the programmer. To avoid this problem .NET introduces a common language runtime for all the .NET supporting languages. Common Language Runtime(CLR) provides a runtime environment that manages the execution of .NET framework applications. The code that targets the CLR is called as managed code. T h e CLR is an execution engine for the .NET framework applications and provides a unified environment. TheCLRisresponsible for managing memory applications, starting up, killing threats, and enforces security policies. Whenwewritethecodein.NETandcompileit,itistranslatedintoasetofmachineindependentinstructionscalled as IL(Intermediate Language). ButthisILisnotunderstoodbythemachine.Thelinker takes the MSIL(Microsoft Intermediate Language) and converts it into exe or dll format which is again taken by another compiler called as JiT(Just in Time) and convert it into the native code. After that it is executed on the CLR.

Components Of CLR:
Base Class Library Support:- It provides different classes which is compatible for all .NET compatible language. Thread Support:- It provides classes and interfaces for multiprogramming. COM Marshaller:- Marshaling to and from COM(Component Object Model). Type Checker:- It avoids uninitialized variables and other typecasting. Exception Engine:- It helps in error reporting. Security Engine:- It provides security to the program and user. Debug Engine:- It helps in debugging and implement towards execution. MSIL to Native:- IL is converted to CPU dependent with the help of JiT. Code Manager:- It manages the code. Garbage Collector:- It is a program which provides lifetime garbage collection for the object. Class Loader:- It loads the implemented class for its execution. Cross Language Interoperability:Itisdefinedasthesharingofcomponentsofonelanguagewithotherlanguages. .NETsupportscrosslanguageinteroperability,butitdoesnotmeanthateveryprogramwritteninonelanguagecanbe used by other language. Forcrosslanguageinteroperabilityalanguagemustenablecrosslanguagespecification. AclasswritteninC#canbeinheritedbyaprogramwritteninVB.NET.ItiscalledasCross Language Inheritance. IfanexceptionraisedinC#itcanbehandledinVB.NET.ItiscalledasCross Language Exception Handling. Cross Language Interoperability is only possible due to CLS(Common Language Specification) and CLR (Common Language Runtime).

CTS(Common Type Specification):Itisacomponentof.NETframework.CTS represents the datatypes of different languages in a specific format specification. Example:- A datatype in VB.NET can be represented as "integer", but in C# it is "int". Int in CTS is represented as "int32". Eachofthesedatatypesmaptoacommonlanguageruntimetype.Thereservedwordsusedtonamethedifferent datatypes are simply aliases for the predefined structure type in System namespace. The'int'datatypeisanaliasofthestructtype'int32'inthesystemnamespace.Thefollowingsaresomedatatypes and their corresponding CTS specifications, Boolean------------System.Boolean Byte---------------System.Byte Char---------------System.Char Date---------------System.DateTime Decimal------------System.Decimal Double-------------System.Double Integer------------System.Int32 Short--------------System.Int16 String-------------System.String

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Object-------------System..Object UserDefinedTypes- - -System.ValueType

This ends our discussion. I hope this article will help you to understand .NET framework easily.

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