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Carrier Implementation Services Blackberry Fast 100 Carrier Launch-Process Overview


BlackBerry Fast 100 Carrier Launch Process Overview

Author/Owner Date Version Document Number Overview

Carrier Implementation Services 30 August 2005 1.5 CISD-600 The purpose of this document is to give a high level overview of the BlackBerry Fast 100 carrier launch process. It also details the key objectives and milestones to be achieved in each phase.

2005 Research In Motion Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Document Number: CISD-600 Version: V1.5 RIM Confidential Page 1 of 11

Carrier Implementation Services Blackberry Fast 100 Carrier Launch-Process Overview

Contents 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................3 1.1 This Document...........................................................................................................................3 1.2 Intended Audience......................................................................................................................3 1.3 In Scope .....................................................................................................................................3 1.4 Out of Scope...............................................................................................................................3 1.5 Associated Documents...............................................................................................................3 2 Launch Phases..................................................................................................................................4 3 Department Resources and Responsibilities....................................................................................5 3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................5 3.2 Project Management...................................................................................................................5 3.3 Resources and Responsibilities..................................................................................................5 4 High-Level Launch Activities..........................................................................................................8 5 Communication..............................................................................................................................10

Table 1 - Change History

1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

16 Jun 05 24 Jun 05 13 Jul 05 19 Jul 05 27 July 05


Change Description
Initial version PLMN information wbs code changed After review After review After Review

Legal Disclaimer This document is provided for informational purposes only, and does not constitute a binding legal document. All data and information contained in this document is the confidential and proprietary information of Research In Motion Limited (RIM), and all rights therein are expressly reserved. By accepting this document, you agree that the information contained in this document is for your internal use only, and must not be disclosed to any third party without the express written consent of RIM. This document is to be treated as Confidential Information for the purposes of any Non-Disclosure Agreement between you and RIM.

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Carrier Implementation Services Blackberry Fast 100 Carrier Launch-Process Overview

1 Introduction
The purpose of the BlackBerry Fast 100 carrier launch process is to enable the carrier to complete all the tasks required to bring about a state of commercial readiness, whereby, the carrier is able to actively sell and support the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution and BlackBerry Internet Solution to end-users.

1.1 This Document

The purpose of this document is to give a high level overview of the BlackBerry carrier launch process and to provide the carrier with suggestions as to the make-up of their launch team.

1.2 Intended Audience

The intended audience for this document are: Carrier executive sponsors Carrier launch team leaders Carrier launch team members Carrier project management

1.3 In Scope
This document will explain the phases, high-level key objectives to be achieved, carrier teams likely to be involved and communications processes for the BlackBerry Fast 100 carrier launch process.

1.4 Out of Scope

This document does not give a detailed step-by-step description of the BlackBerry Fast 100 carrier launch process, this is defined in Associated Documents Section 1.5 [2].

1.5 Associated Documents

[1] [2] [3] BlackBerry Fast 100 Carrier Launch Process Overview BlackBerry Fast 100 Carrier Launch Detailed Process BlackBerry Fast 100 Carrier Launch Process Schedule

Note on [3]: The BlackBerry Fast 100 Launch Process Schedule [3] is provided to the carrier as a template only. It does not contain the definitive timeframes for the launch process. Many of the timelines contained within are wholly owned by the carrier and are included in the template as guidelines only. It is the carriers responsibility to review each and every tasks for which the carrier is responsible with the relevant internal resources and then to populate the schedule with accurate and realistic timeframes based on internal policies, procedures and resource availability.

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Carrier Implementation Services Blackberry Fast 100 Carrier Launch-Process Overview

2 Launch Phases
The BlackBerry Fast 100 carrier launch process has been designed to assist the carrier in launching the BlackBerry Enterprise and Internet solutions as quickly as possible. To achieve this, the launch project requires aggressive effort and strong commitment from the carrier teams, and assumes availability of all key resources at the carrier. The BlackBerry carrier launch process can be split into 5 distinct phases, the high-level descriptions for which are detailed in Table 2 Carrier Launch Process Phases

Table 2 Carrier Launch Process Phases

Initial discovery and legal agreements including: Non-Disclosure Agreement Company information shared between the carrier and Research In Motion Due diligence begun, including handheld radio certification and compliance, and handheld configuration details (for CDMA networks). Initial contacts lists (this will grow as the launch progresses) Carriers network infrastructure survey


Dependent upon network type there may also be an extra phase within the commercial phase to enable the correct handheld/network settings to be evaluated. The carrier completes the BlackBerry application package, which includes: The Master Supply Agreement Initial handheld order


All areas of the application must be completed and approved before the launch project can be progressed Information about the BlackBerry Wireless Email solution and handheld overviews can also be provided to help the carriers project team to learn about the BlackBerry solution before the implementation phase begins. During this phase the internal RIM and external carrier launch teams are identified RIM project management and other RIM functions set-up carriers launch tools Carrier sets-up launch team Initial call between carrier and RIM project managers Scheduling of Technical and Sales knowledge transfer seminars Transfer of all launch documentation and materials to carrier


The main launch activities take place in this phase and include: Network connectivity Technical and Sales knowledge transfer BlackBerry Enterprise Server installation and testing Technical Support Processes Technical web-based training and certification Sales web-based training and certification Sales and Marketing plans and resources Logistics Provisioning and Billing Electronic Software Distribution


Evaluation of launch readiness and confirmation from both the carrier and RIM that all launch readiness activities have been completed Initial handheld order ready for collection Press release to announce launch. Transition to the commercial phase.


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Carrier Implementation Services Blackberry Fast 100 Carrier Launch-Process Overview

3 Department Resources and Responsibilities

3.1 Introduction
Achieving full commercial readiness will require alignment of both organizations and joint development efforts in key functional areas including: commercial, legal, marketing and sales, product management, operations, logistics, support, technical and network engineering and project management. RIM resources will be assigned for the duration BlackBerry Fast 100 carrier launch process.

3.2 Project Management

In order to manage and co-ordinate the development of the tasks necessary to achieve a state of market readiness, the RIM project team is managed by a RIM project manager, who is assigned to the launch project from the set-up phase until the transition to the in-life support in the launch phase. The respective RIM and carrier project managers are responsible for the co-ordination of all activities within the launch project phase, as well as for managing all project reporting. If required, the project manager will also manage project escalation procedures.

3.3 Resources and Responsibilities

In order to help you to identify the correct personnel required to successfully launch the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution and BlackBerry Internet Solution, Table 3 - Project Resources lists the typical departments involved and gives a high-level overview of the activities each department is responsible for. It is key to the successful launch that you align your internal departments as closely as possible to the responsibilities listed below. In some instances responsibilities within your organisation may be shared by multiple groups. It is the carriers responsibility to ensure the correct groups are engaged. N.B. It is the joint responsibility of the functional leads from both the carrier and RIM to ensure the delivery of the relevant functional deliverables (as detailed in Tables 3 & 4).

Table 3 - Project Resources

Suggested Carrier Owner

Obtain signatures on all required legal agreements between the carrier and RIM Manage deliverables to and from legal regarding the commercial arrangements Legal support to commercial and legal discussions and agreements Perform credit check

RIM Department Name


Business Development

Legal Finance

Business Development Business Development

Manage resources and timing to ensure timely launch of BlackBerry into market Ensure cross-communication between internal functional teams Project Reporting Escalate critical path issues through project sponsors if delays occur Manage transition to business unit once launch is completed Carrier Implementation Services

Project Management

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Carrier Implementation Services Blackberry Fast 100 Carrier Launch-Process Overview

Suggested Carrier Owner

Installation and configuration of pre-commercial connection to RIMs network infrastructure Installation and configuration of commercial connection to RIMs network infrastructure Define NOC-to-NOC communication escalation processes and working level procedures Installation of the carriers BlackBerry Enterprise Server Wireless Handheld type approval/certification Field testing of BlackBerry Enterprise Solution on carriers network

RIM Department Name

Network Operations

Carrier Services

IT Terminals Management (IOT)

BlackBerry System Engineering Compliance and Certification BlackBerry System Engineering BlackBerry Internet Solution Product Management (Managed by Partner Launch Manager) BlackBerry Licensing

Product Management

Creation and testing of the carriers BlackBerry Internet Solution website (if required)

BlackBerry Connect and Built-in devices Initial orders for handhelds, BlackBerry Enterprise Server, Client Access Licenses and accessories Define in-life operating processes and procedures for the carrier to raise orders on RIM


Operations (Managed by Partner Launch Manager)

Develop and implement technical support strategy

Technical Support (Managed by Partner Launch Manager) Education Services (Managed by Partner Launch Manager)

Technical Support

Selected Tier I and Tier II technical support personnel complete appropriate web-based Technical Support training/certification

Implement back-end business support processes including sales order processing, billing and provisioning:

Provisioning and Billing

Manage billing readiness Provisioning process development and site set-up BlackBerry Enterprise Server and Client Access Licenses electronic software distribution processes and site set-up Manage collection of handhelds and servers in compliance with the contract terms

Operations (Managed by Partner Launch Manager)

Logistics and Shipping Repair Services Enterprise Marketing

Logistics (Managed by Partner Launch Manager) Repair Services (Managed by Partner Launch Manager) Enterprise Marketing

Define internal repair management processes

Develop the following for BlackBerry Enterprise Solution: o o o o o Channel Strategy Marketing Communications plan and materials Initial Target Customers Sales Tools and Programmes Events Plan

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Carrier Implementation Services Blackberry Fast 100 Carrier Launch-Process Overview

Suggested Carrier Owner

Selected enterprise sales personnel complete appropriate web-based sales training/certification Develop the following for the BlackBerry Internet Solution: o o Channel Strategy Marketing Communications Sales Tools and Programmes Events Plan

RIM Department Name

Sales and Marketing Education Services

Retail Marketing

Retail Marketing

o o

Selected Retail Sales personnel complete appropriate webbased sales training/certification

Sales and Marketing Education Services

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Carrier Implementation Services Blackberry Fast 100 Carrier Launch-Process Overview

4 High-Level Launch Activities

The high-level launch processes and the suggested carrier owners for each process are detailed in Table 4 High-level Launch Activities. The Work Breakdown Structure code refers to the code used to identify the task in the BlackBerry Fast 100 Carrier Launch Process Schedule [3] and the BlackBerry Fast 100 Carrier Launch Detailed Process [1]. The red, amber, green (RAG) status column is intended to allow the table to be used to track the high-level progress of the process and provide a concise report to senior management.

Table 4 - High-level Launch Activities

Commercial/Legal Non-disclosure Agreement Signed Collaboration Tool Terms and Conditions Signed Company Information Shared Credit Check Complete Pre-Commercial Approval Master Supply Agreement Signed NRE Payment Application Approved Launch Approval IT BlackBerry Enterprise Server Set-up Logistics Logistics Processes Tested Initial Order Collection Date Provided to Carrier Develop and Implement Internal Repair Services Processes Initial Order Collected Network Operations GSM/CDMA Application Form Completed GSM/CDMA Network Information Survey Completed Implement Trial Connectivity Network Operations Processes Migrate to Commercial Infrastructure Product Management Complete BlackBerry Internet Solution e-mail service Product Configuration Sheet Complete BlackBerry Internet Solution browsing service Product Configuration Sheet Approve BlackBerry Internet Solution Product e-mail Service Configuration Sheet Approve BlackBerry Internet Solution Product browsing Service Configuration Sheet Create BlackBerry Internet Solution Website Release Live BlackBerry Internet Solution Website Test BlackBerry Internet Solution Website Project Management BlackBerry Solution and Launch Project Tool Set-up Introductory Project Management call with carrier Provide Mandatory Knowledge Transfer Sessions Schedule Carrier internal kick off meeting held Bi-weekly milestone management meetings arranged Document Number: CISD-600 Version: V1.5 RIM RIM & Carrier RIM & Carrier Carrier RIM & Carrier RIM Confidential Page 8 of 11 Owner RIM & Carrier RIM & Carrier RIM & Carrier RIM & Carrier RIM RIM & Carrier Carrier RIM RIM Owner Carrier Owner RIM & Carrier RIM Carrier Carrier Owner Carrier Carrier RIM & Carrier RIM & Carrier RIM & Carrier Owner Carrier Carrier RIM RIM RIM RIM Carrier Owner IT Department Department Commercial/Legal Commercial/Legal Commercial/Legal Commercial/Legal Commercial/Legal Commercial/Legal Commercial/Legal Commercial/Legal Commercial/Legal Department WBS Code 1.3 1.5 2.3.1 2.3.4 2.4 5.4 WBS Code 4.5 WBS Code RAG Status GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN RAG Status GREEN RAG Status GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN RAG Status GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN RAG Status GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN RAG Status GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN

Partner Launch Manager 4.13 Logistics Partner Launch Manager 4.14.2 Logistics Logistics Department Network Operations Network Operations Network Operations Network Operations Network Operations Department Product Management Product Management 4.16 5.5 WBS Code 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 WBS Code 4.12.1 4.12.2

Partner Launch Manager 4.12.3 Partner Launch Manager 4.12.4 Partner Launch Manager 4.12.5 Partner Launch Manager 4.12.6 Product Management Department Project Management Project Management Project Management Project Management Project Management 4.12.7 WBS Code 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

Carrier Implementation Services Blackberry Fast 100 Carrier Launch-Process Overview

Provide Test SIMs Provide Test Kit Functional area review of carrier readiness Functional area review of carrier readiness Final Joint Milestone meeting Hand over to in-life support team Provisioning and Billing Complete and Submit Provisioning Product Configuration Sheet Approve Provisioning Product Configuration Sheet Create Provisioning Site Release Provisioning Site Turn on Billing Purchasing Initial Order Submitted Initial Order Acknowledgement Create Test Electronic Software Distribution Site Test Electronic Software Distribution Site Release Live Electronic Software Distribution Site Sales and Marketing Identify Key Sales Representatives (for training) Determine Channel Strategy Finalise Pricing Determine BlackBerry Positioning Determine Sales Quota and Compensation Deploy BlackBerry handhelds to Sales Reps Develop Sales and Marketing Tools and Collateral Plan Launch Campaign and Events Develop Joint Press Release Technical Support Technical Support Infrastructure in Place Identify Support Representatives Document Technical Support Processes Review Carrier Technical Support Process Documentation Provide Partner Zone, e-Learning and Knowledge Centre Login details Create Technical Support e-Learning Accounts Complete Web-based Technical Support Training Review Training Status Terminals Management Certification Survey Completed and Returned Handheld Type Certification sent to RIM Handheld Type Certification verified BlackBerry Enterprise Solution Field Testing completed BlackBerry Enterprise Solution Testing results submitted to RIM BlackBerry Enterprise Solution Field Testing Technical Approval Miscellaneous Knowledge Transfer/Ask the Expert Sessions BlackBerry Connect/BlackBerry Built-in

Carrier RIM RIM Carrier RIM & Carrier RIM Owner Carrier RIM RIM RIM RIM Owner Carrier RIM RIM Carrier RIM Owner Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Carrier Owner Carrier Carrier Carrier RIM RIM Carrier Carrier RIM Owner Carrier Carrier RIM Carrier Carrier RIM Owner RIM & Carrier Carrier

Project Management Project Management Project Management Project Management Project Management Project Management

4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.3


5.6 WBS Department Code Provisioning and Billing 4.11.1 Partner Launch Manager 4.11.2 Partner Launch Manager 4.11.3 Partner Launch Manager 4.11.4 Partner Launch Manager 4.11.5 WBS Department Code Purchasing 2.4.5 Partner Launch Manager 4.14.1 Partner Launch Manager 4.15.1 Purchasing 4.15.2 Partner Launch Manager 4.15.3 WBS Department Code Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing Department Technical Support Technical Support Technical Support 4.8.2 4.8.3 4.8.4 4.8.5 4.8.6 4.8.7 4.8.8 4.8.9 WBS Code 4.9.1 4.9.2 4.9.3

Partner Launch Manager 4.9.5 Partner Launch Manager 4.10.1 Technical Support Technical Support 4.10.2 4.10.3

Partner Launch Manager 4.10.6 WBS Department Code Terminals Management 1.6.2 Terminals Management Compliance and Certification Terminals Management Terminals Management Systems Engineering Department Various Product Management 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.5 WBS Code 4.6 4.17

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Carrier Implementation Services Blackberry Fast 100 Carrier Launch-Process Overview

5 Communication
Table 5 details the communication methods that have proved effective with other carrier launch projects. The RIM project team is happy to work with the carrier to accommodate suggestions to customize the communications process to make it as effective as possible for the carrier and RIM.

Table 5 - Communication
Contacts List Document Sharing A list containing the email addresses of the functional contacts will be jointly produced and managed by the RIM and carrier project managers All communication between RIM and the carrier will be via the email addresses detailed in the contacts list Documentation required by the carrier during the launch process will be provided via a secure RIM website. It is imperative that key carrier personnel involved in the launch process have external internet access. To track ongoing progress and ensure communication between the carrier and RIM, a regular bi-weekly status review conference call will be scheduled between the RIM and carrier project management leads. The conference call will be used to monitor overall launch progress and report back to the stakeholders within each organization. The conference call attendees shall be responsible for the following: o o o o Management/escalation of resources, tasks and issues Communication and management of launch process schedule Communication and co-ordination between functional areas Communication of launch process status to stakeholders at both the carrier and RIM


Status Review Meeting

Launch Process Schedule

The BlackBerry Fast 100 Launch Process Schedule [3] is provided to the carrier as a template only. It does not contain the definitive timeframes for the launch process; many of the timelines contained within are wholly owned by the carrier and where this is the case, timelines are provided as estimates only. It is the carriers responsibility to review each task in the project plan with the relevant internal resources and then update the schedule with accurate and realistic timeframes based on the carriers internal policies, procedures and resource availability. Please note that the timelines for RIM-owned activities are fixed. These timelines should not be adjusted by the carrier when the schedule is being updated. Once the schedule is completed and updated by the carrier, it should be submitted to the RIM project manager who is responsible for communicating the schedule to RIM functional groups, to ensure that all teams are working towards the same estimated launch date. An issue register will be maintained for the duration of the launch process. RIM proposes that the carrier project manager manage this document and coordinate feedback and input from the RIM project manager at the bi-weekly review meetings.

Issue Register

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Carrier Implementation Services Blackberry Fast 100 Carrier Launch-Process Overview

Executive Report

Table 4 in the BlackBerry Fast 100 Carrier Launch Process Overview [1] provides a high-level process checklist that can be used by the carrier to provide an executive report. Sections 2-6 of the BlackBerry Fast 100 Carrier Launch Detailed Process [2] provide detailed task checklists for each launch phase. The carriers project manager will maintain the detailed checklists, in conjunction with the launch process schedule. The carriers project manager will submit updated checklists to the RIM project manager prior to the bi-weekly status review meeting. Section 1.6 of the BlackBerry Fast 100 Carrier Launch Detailed Process [2] describes in more detail how to use the detailed task checklist. On completion of the launch process a joint launch confirmation call will be held to ensure that both parties are satisfied that all tasks required to successfully launch the BlackBerry Enterprise Solution and BlackBerry Internet Solution have been achieved.

Task Checklist

Launch Confirmation

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