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CHAPTER II This part of the study discuss the procedure and types of research that the researchers would

utilize in order to find out the outcome of the study. Research method and design, the and the statistical treatment of the that is relevant to study. RESEARCH DESIGN: The researchers assess the number of which a specific group is involved in and through which valuable clues as to a cause and effect relation might be derived. Field (2008) define the method as describing, recording, analyzing and interpreting condition that exist. Good (2005) claimed that descriptive survey of approach to problem solving seek to answer question as to the fact relating to existing condition discover the relationship between existing non manipulated variables. On the other hand, correlational research is to the study the relationships among variables. In this research, researchers do not control the independent the variables presumed causative factor because it has already occurred. Correlational research that is designed to explore causal relationship sometimes is described as either retrospective or prospective. Correlational studies with a retrospective designs are ones in which a phenomenon is observed in the present is linked to the phenomenon occurring in the past.

Theoretical Framework Theories and framework have been very useful for nurses. These provide direction for structuring professional nursing practice, education and research. It gives explanation and prediction for care outcomes, these also provide guidance in assessment, interventions and evaluation of the client and the nursing care that was given. Nurse theories have made contribution to the development of nursing knowledge which actually caries in different levels of abstraction and concepts for the clientss health and illness. To be very effective and comprehensive it must be applied in setting to promote application. The theoretical framework of the study was based on Betty Neumans Systems model which states, nursing is concerned with all of the variables affecting an individuals response to stress. The nurses perception influences the care given; therefore Neuman states that the perceptual field of the caregiver and the client must be assessed. She has developed an assessment and interventional tool to help with this task It is categorized respectively; Person the concept of person as a client/client system that may be an individual, family, group, community, social issue. Health she views health as a continuum of wellness to illness that is dynamic in nature and constantly subject to charge Environment identified as the basic phenomena of the Neuman systems model with the relationship between environment and person being reciprocal

Synthesis People differ not only in their ability to do, but also their will to do. People learn to care, to love and serve not just by thought of it or by just were speaking of it, rather, acquisition of caring values is doing and is changing what we do through experiential processes. Caring is still the single most important aspect of nursing, but if the person is not thought to care for other people in their childhood the question would be, in what degree would a person be able to care for people he or she wont even know. All the literatures and studies placed in this research study is very fundamental and significant in relation to evaluation the performance of the student in relation to the family support systems.

Motivation from this study came from the researchers own perception, people see that in everyday life Filipino families leave their children to work abroad so that they could give their children better lives, and so that they could send them to decent schools but also at this stage of middle to late adolescence students need guidance, but with the lack of which, we would like to investigate on how the students cope with such problems.


The purpose of the study is sought to determine the perception of the nursing students of Olivarez college as to the effects of having absent or single parent to rear them, to answer the following questions. Specially, this study seeks to answer the following questions: What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 AGE 1.2 GENDER 1.3 USUAL HOURS OF STUDY 1.4 FAMILY BACKGROUND 1.5 GRADES 1.5.1 ACADEMIC 1.5.2 CLINICAL 2. To what extent is the system given by the family among the respondents in

In terms of: 2.1 Psychological support 2.2 Financial support 2.3 Spiritual support 2.4 Emotional support 2.5 Moral support 3. what is the level of performance among the respondents in terms of: 3.1 Academic Grade (NCM) 3.2 RLE Grade 4. is there a significant relationship between the family support to the level of performance of the students 5. is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondent to the level of performance. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The basic unit of society is a family it is where we start to live, to learn, and to thrive, but without the proper guidance especially when we would need it, in part of the critical stages of our lives like childhood and adolescence would be catastrophical The study extends to the students that have both or one of any percent separated from them and trying to give them proper education with the cost of their presence, we with the

collaborative help of a few personnel of our local parish would like to help out on these problems for them to understand, accept, and cope with these problems, so that they may function better in the clinical area , academics subsequently in society

SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The scope of the study would be any BSNursing students of Olivarez college with both or any one of the parents separated from their children in the effort of giving the respondent proper education. HYPOTHESIS HO1: there is no significant relationship between family

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