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Yogyakarta . YOGYAKARTA (often also called Yogya or Jogja) is the capital city of the province of Yogyakarta Special Region.

It is located in the Southern part of Central Java Province. It is known as the educational city and the centre of Javanese culture, it is also known as the main aim city of the tour in Indonesia after Bali. Most tourists come to Yogyakarta for its strong Javanese culture and tradition. It has more than just culture. It is a very lively city and a shopper's delight. Yogyakarta kept many interesting tourist attractions to be visited. Some of the tourist attractions are Jalan Malioboro, Sultans Palace of Yogyakarta, Taman Sari Water Castle, Prambanan Temple and Borobudur Temple. The main road, Malioboro Street, is always crowded and famous for its night street food-culture and street vendors. Many tourist shops and cheap hotels are concentrated along this street. Sidewalks on both sides of the street are crowded with small stalls selling a variety of goods. In the evening several open-air streetside restaurants, called lesehan, operate along the street. Sultans Palace of Yogyakarta, Parangtritis beach, Baron beach, Tamansari , At the north end of Yogyakarta, you will see Mount Merapi stands proudly almost as high as 10,000 feet. This mountain is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. In the southern part of Yogyakarta, you will find many beaches. The most famous beach is Parangtritis with its legendary figure of Nyi Roro Kidul (Queen of the South), but Yogyakarta has also many natural beautiful beaches in Gunung Kidul. You can see the Sadeng Beach which is an ancient estuary of Bengawan Solo River before the powerful forces lifted the surface of the southern part of Java Island so that the flow of the river turned to the north like today. You can also visit Siung Beach which has 250 channels of rock climbing, Sundak Beach and many more.

Yogyakarta is known as the educational city and the centre of Javanese culture, Yogyakarta was also known also as the main aim city of the tour in Indonesia after Bali. Yogyakarta kept many interesting tourist attractions to be visited:
palace was located in the centre of the heart of the Yogyakarta city, appear before to the north, in the North Selatan axis between Mount Merapi and South sea. located approximately 400 m. from the Yogyakarta palace. Where in ancient was the place of recreation for Yogyakarta Sultan as well as relatives of the palace. The Taman Sari Water palace could be visited by the public's community every day from 08.00 to 16,00 WIB

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