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Libya 1

Andre Jacques, Carter Maxfield, Joe Ambroz, Darren Celley Julia Hewitt, Lee Penniman Contemporary issues 23 October 2012 Libya and its Uprising: An Annotated Bibliography Dziadosz, Alexander. "Neglect, Tribalism, History Fuel East Libya Revolt." Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 23 Feb. 2011. Web.19 Oct. 2012 < article/2011/02/23/us-libya-east-rebellion-idUSTRE71M6RM20110223>. Reuters is a good news source. There is really good information in this source on Gaddafi. It also gives in depth information on oil production in Libya. Most of the information in this source discusses East Libya. This source is credible because I used Easybib on the website. Gatehouse, Gabriel. "Libya Marks Anniversary of Revolt Which Ousted Gaddafi." BBC News.BBC, 17 Feb. 2012. Web. 19 Oct. 2012. <>. BBC is a really good source because it is in the news and has excellent information about Libya. Libyans have been marking the anniversary of the uprising that led to the overthrow of Col Muammar Gaddafi after his rule of more than 40 years. This source is talking mostly about Gaddafi and celebrations around what happened to Gaddafi. What happens is that on Friday 17 February, marks one year since the first major demonstration against Col Gaddafi's rule in Benghazi, which became the rebel stronghold. This source is credible because it is commonly used as a resource.

Libya 2

"Libya." Democracy Now! N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. <>. Democracy Now is an independent global news source. They have a large amount of information on Libya, and the events that have taken place there. It is updated frequently, which allows us to keep up on any events that take place, and ensure that we have current information. We can be sure that it is credible, because it is independent, and also because EasyBib evaluated the source and confirmed that it was credible. "Libya." In Revolt. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. <>. News-Basics is an extremely helpful source. They provide a good amount of background information on our topic, and then proceed to show all of the major events that have taken place in Libya. The events are laid out in chronological order, which makes understanding the topic very easy. Since the source is updated often, we can be sure that their information is up to date and is not missing any important events. "Libya's Legacy." The New Republic. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2012.< world/83992/qaddafi-libya-protests-iran>. We used this site to develop a strong understanding of the history of Libya. We already had plenty of sources detailing the current events in Libya. However, a background knowledge of the country was needed to better understand what has led up to these more recent events. The source appeared to be credible, it was from a trusted news source. EasyBib also confirmed that the source was credible. "Libya: Popular Uprising, Civilian War or Military Attack. Lalieu, Michel

Libya 3

Collon." Libya : Popular Uprising, Civilian War or Military Attack N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2012. < lang=fr>. This source is a great place to find information about the history of Libya and its uprisings. This site brought with it a great knowledge of Libya and how it was as a country before and after the most recent uprising. This source was accepted as a credible source by Easybib. "Libya Uprising." Daily Pakistan Observer. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2012. < detailnews.asp?id=98364>. This source is an informational website that gives sufficient information on the uprising in Libya. It is a great website that offers a comments section to allow you to converse with other people interested with this information. This is a reliable and informative website and our group would recommend it for anybody who is looking for facts about the uprising.

"Political MoJo." Mother Jones. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2012. <>. Mother Jones is another independent source that reports on current events. It has a quite extensive report on why Libya revolted, and how the revolt was carried out. It tells you when it is updated to make sure that you are getting the most current information. No only does this site give you an understanding of why the Libyans revolted, but it explains where the revolt is now. I am sure this is a credible source because it gives an extensive amount of information that when checked, proves correct.

Libya 4

"The Truth about the Present Revolutionary Uprising in Libya | In Defence of Marxism."The Truth about the Present Revolutionary Uprising in Libya | In Defence of Marxism. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2012.<>. Marxist is a very credible source, and one that it interesting to read. It talks about Gaddafis reign, and what statements the rebels have made. It gives a well informed, nonbiased opinion. I cant understand anyone siding with Gaddafi after learning about his reign, but this article tries its best to see both sides. "Uprising in Libya; Qaddafi Out?" The Weekly Standard. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Oct. 2012. <>. Weeklystandard is a non-biased new source that gives reports on current events. It tells the reader about why Gaddafi became a hated figure in the political world. Because the rebels killed Gaddafi, this sparked an update from this website that has correct facts. When compared to other sources of information, this site is helpful because it goes in depth about Libya and its different political struggles.

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