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BIG SISTER by Marly J.


December 25, 2012

Marly J. Kurtzer 917.692.5451

FADE IN: INT. RESTAURANT BAR - NIGHT An upscale New York City restaurant. JULIAN, early 30s, goodlooking, arrogant, sits at the bar, impatiently waiting for someone. BARTENDER Another one? JULIAN Please. What time do you get off? BARTENDER Arent you waiting for someone? JULIAN Sure. But what if she-She laughs. BARTENDER --You mean, if shes not hot youd sneak out? He hands her his business card. JULIAN Tell me you havent done it. Come on, well have fun. He watches in the mirror behind the bar as a striking woman enters. This is DIANA (mid-30s). She makes a beeline to him. DIANA Julian? Diana. She extends her hand to shake his and he kisses her on the cheek instead. DIANA (CONTD) Sorry Im late. JULIAN No worries. How about a glass of Syrah? Diana smiles demurely.

2. INT. RESTAURANT - LATER Diana and Julian sit next to each other at a candle-lit table. The date is obviously going well. She looks around. DIANA I like this place. Its homey, but still classy. JULIAN I pick the best. DIANA When I was a kid, I had this vision of myself-She stops, embarrassed. JULIAN What? Go on. DIANA Its silly. JULIAN Go on. I want to know. She studies him. DIANA Nah. Its silly. JULIAN No, really. I want to know everything about you. Is that--? DIANA --Its nice. I like that. They stare raptly into each others eyes. DIANA (CONTD) I was going to say that when I was a kid, I always dreamed of dressing up and going to fancy places. But not too fancy. Not snooty, but, well, sophisticated. (Beat) Are you the oldest? JULIAN The youngest. Why?

3. DIANA You have an air of authority. Youngest of how many? JULIAN Just me and my brother. You? DIANA I have-(Choking up) I HAD a sister. Im sorry! He hands her a tissue. JULIAN No, no. Im sorry... How did it? Sorry, I shouldnt-DIANA --Bad break-up. She was young... JULIAN Wait, did he--? DIANA --No, no. He took up with someone new. She couldnt move on. Look, Im sorry. This is very heavy for a first date. He shrugs. JULIAN No, listen. Hey. He looks her over while she checks her mascara in a handmirror. He takes in her beauty: her cleavage, her neck, her strong calves. She catches him looking at her and wrinkles her nose flirtatiously, arches an eyebrow: What? JULIAN (CONTD) You remind me of someone. DIANA Dont tell me. An old flame? JULIAN How about some more wine? She laughs and nods. CUT TO:

4. INT. CAB - LATER They make out in the back of a cab. The cab stops. CABBIE (O.S.) 23rd and Third. They break off. Julian gets his wallet out and pays. EXT. CAB - CONTINUOUS He steps out and she stumbles drunkenly after him. Oops!! I got you! DIANA JULIAN

DIANA That was really good wine. They kiss again. She breaks away and teeters a bit. JULIAN I better walk you to your door. DIANA Such a gentleman. A group of PARTY GIRLS pass by. One of them catches Julians eye. They smile at each other. Dianas oblivious. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING - CONTINUOUS She pulls him to her and they make out passionately. DIANA (Whispers in his ear) Come up and tuck me in. INT. BEDROOM - LATER Theyre going hot and heavy and shes on top. She gets a very naughty look in her eye, then brings out handcuffs. Wow. JULIAN

DIANA You dont mind, do you?

5. He slaps her ass. She takes both his wrists and cuffs them to the bed. Then she takes out another pair and cuffs his ankles to the bedposts. JULIAN Youre fucking hot. She wrinkles her nose. JULIAN (CONTD) That thing you do with your nose. What? DIANA

JULIAN Are you Latin? She nods. DIANA Oh, she was Latin too? Youve had a lot of girlfriends, havent you, Jules? He gets a little nervous. Somewhat. JULIAN

DIANA I dont mind. I think its hot. Means you know what youre doing. His cell PINGS with a text. DIANA (CONTD) Thats probably one of them right now. She kisses him to get him back in the mood. DIANA (CONTD) What was her name? The one I remind you of? JULIAN To tell you the truth, I dont even remember. DIANA Come on. Im curious.

6. JULIAN Shit, youre totally not what I expected. DIANA I bet. So what was she like? JULIAN This is getting weird. Over Dianas shoulder, he catches a photo of her with her sister ANGIE, a younger blonde version of her. DIANA (O.S.) Angie. Her name was Angie. His eyes widen as he recognizes her, but before he can react everything goes black. CUT TO: INT. BEDROOM - FIVE MINUTES LATER Diana holds a black plastic bag over Julians face. A bloody mallet lies next to his head. We pan up to a blood-splattered picture frame. Its a picture of Diana with her little sister. FADE TO BLACK. THE END

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