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Brotherhood of Blood Revelion and mystery of Count

Long ago in Germany Berlin in a small town in North Rhine-Westphalia deamigos group Foreign presented to a fraternity, an idea of making a covenant bleeding, which each had to grab a small knife and cut his hand, yderramar his blood in a small cup, and take all of them In order, seal their pact, that is lacking in his fraternity and his covenant, the penalty was to kill a family member a penalty which was difficult to execute, since none wanted murdered a member of your family fraternity soon give a jiro, Sudden random missions people would kill mission, but each of the members would his own dark secret, some killed and others had committed deactos satanic Over the years the Fraternity had obtained new members andwith them a new leader who would be a very mysterious member since supiel was pale and clear to see, his eyes were red, with an unusual carcterpoco One day in November one of the members would realize that sulder was a demon of the night. He described as a demon with alascon brown skin and very long fangs. With much surprise after Made for doors, and throw to after a small rubber band habatropezado holding the door, stumbling, thenntpd that had seen, he stared intently and then tomosu this human form and told It's not amazing, own immortality I can offer you this and much more, but you must pay me with your blood the frightened, not knowing what to do, and told to answer

- What would happen to the people I love most, see you die while eternally yovivir and replied -forget about it, you will have serious strength and faster than any other eternally yvivirs without measure and say while I accept his proposal and this grant will lainmortalidad and the gift of living forever The next day the Fraternity iso call on all members mediode their leader, decided to turn all this into demons, human Lasangre veverian wreaking havoc on humanity

And this fraternity would cease to exist publicly, becoming elprimer clan, those human beings on, with a speed and fuerzaincreble Not far from there a few kilometers from Germany in a small pueblollamado Mecklenburg's a townie named Resident HadgerCrousk knew about myths and legends, and to read the local newspaper, on unaFraternidad who had disappeared mysteriously took his things, and salioen for information and data on what happened With almost two day trip was Crousk Hadger documenting everything in daily unpequeo wearing the He wondered to himself as a fraternity Entan disappear out of nowhere one day, when his journey ended took a taxi and headed for the center labiblioteca, to find information on fraternities that had disappeared from lamisma this way, the librarian to see what was in the section Hadger books, lost Fraternities approached him and said, - What do you want, if you're looking for some information, do not waste your time finding anything vasa He replied Hadger even if I have to get something that has to do with the disappearances the librarian told -Come'll tell you something, Seventy years ago, my grandfather had found in Ireland, unaFraternidad lost, but what he found was not good answered Hadger missed -as well, which discovered -My grandfather before he died, wrote in a scroll aosdespus find something about demons that hunted humans and vevian his blood, After there not heard anything of the - What happened to the We do not know the Fraternity and disappeared together but leave strange little stone algouna -to see it, you could show me the -I have almost forty years with her, no one knows who is

Hadger shocked disbelief told

-No way, this stone can not be real, is supposed to be a myth its history the librarian replied missed -As you say Tells Hadger -If they like me, this stone is supposed to be a myth, the myth has deIrlanda that this stone was part of a statue that became alive, and it cadaves Asia, villagers disappeared The librarian replies -talk in cerium 'I'm afraid so, and I think it's going The librarian answered -to excuse my rudeness, my name is Jack Wrong Jack-a taste, I'm Hadger Crousk, and I fear that I will need your help to start a hunt you and me the, replied firmly -Count me in Erika Crousk and padreRobert Yenaru, would begin its journey across England London enbusca of information on fraternities desaperecidasDe many years ago and the possible location of his padreHadger Crousk in the JovenCrousk debusqueda plans and best friend deHadger Crousk vicitar choose the Central library deinglaterra dela, after that vicitan a town called abandonadosEn city of this small town is talked about incredible allasgos very pococomunes statues in a cave they found the people very serca abanada where descubrieronlas unique statues, which were made by a diamond-like material reaching the village padreRobert the girl and decide to spend for a house to be called (tHE fULL MOON hOUSE), here the girl and Yenaruse padreRobert fully ospedarian Wednesday October 25, 1896 hour 5 : 32 am Upon arrival the next morning the father decides to go alone to the caves of the mysterious statues, the father, at the site is amazed and says, 'My God this is something amazing, never seen anything so amazed semejanteEl takes account something very peculiar that he had seen and discovered and hablaen loud and firm-by god these images and these statues are very similar to those that had painted Hadger inits fourth is an derrepente voices heard in the cave they called -help help us, please father Robert with both fear and fear both decide to leave in a hurry and very nervous in the house already to be very clear to the young man's father was not in sudormitorio and left in your search. not far from there when she goes to look at padreRobert, he meets a woman who tells her girl-wasting your time, and do not find it muertoY Consider it responds that as fact that you say that, I understand that

you mean I do not understand .........


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