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MILWAUKEE PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION [MPA] June 1, 2012 TO: Chairwoman Marina Dimitrijevic Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors President Willie Hines Milwaukee Common Council FROM: RE: 414.610.1044

Open Letter I


Greetings Chairwoman Dimitrijevic and President Hines! This Open Letter calls for Inclusive and Relevant leadership from your offices for the iconic city of Milwaukee. It recognizes the importance of joint-leadership by the two of you that is warranted for infrastructural turnaround that will impact the dismal ratings that the City of Milwaukee constantly receives due to the lack of ELECTED government leadership in partner with the over half-million people for quality of life and economic development wellness at the neighborhood level. The status of the iconic city of Milwaukee has been allowed to flounder by addressing the agenda of every Tom, Dick, Harry, Sue, Sally and Jane who DO NOT live-in and pay Milwaukee taxes. The Code of Conduct of raping the coffers and blaming the victims has allowed the City of Milwaukee to be reduced to predatory and predictable negative reports. We can and MUST change this changeable abyss. All Hands on Deck Milwaukee Professionals Association launched All Hands on Deck, WE, Not Me Initiative on January 23, 2010 to stop Enduring Concentrated Poverty for Milwaukeeans by re-defining, rebranding and un-trapping opportunities for neighborhood-level businesses and hidden talent. We ask that your offices become beacons for Code of Ethical behavior and best practices. We ask that each day your leadership embrace privately and publically a city-county jointconstituency agenda that focuses on INNOVATION in Milwaukee not Greater Milwaukee, not southeastern Wisconsin; but, re-build the iconic city of Milwaukee.

June 1, 2012


Why? Because raising the banner high, saying that the city and county governments of Milwaukee recognize the importance of top customer service to its tax-paying base is good business. Because Milwaukee is the winning hand if we are INCLUSIVE for all to do his/her part. Because Milwaukee is sitting on assets The people/talent, land, water and innovation. Because Milwaukee is the largest city, largest urban city in Wisconsin. Because Milwaukee is the only 1st-class city in Wisconsin So, why are we always dead last in reports especially since it is the city all other cities have been able to link benefits. Because Milwaukee assets can yield a higher per capital income per individual and family for Milwaukeeans your 2012-2016 leadership fingerprint can help put it in place. We ask that you join us in redefining, re-branding and Untrapping over a half-million population from Enduring Concentrated Poverty by supporting access, literacy and fluency in academic and technological attainment. The translation is the creation of benefits using the above assets. It is investing at the neighborhood level, requiring and rewarding partnerships in all funding. Lead-by-example This goes beyond in-house meetings and outside meetings with your city and county colleagues, corporate Milwaukee, real estate barons and donor-for-hire organizations. All Hands on Deck seeks neighborhood business and hidden talent empowerment for pipeline updates. It ask and expects your offices to find, coordinate and implement opportunities for the stakeholder/stockholder so they are able to enjoy quality of life and economic development issues so they can see the benefit in replenishing the coffers at the end-of-each-year in paid taxes. So, if taxes have to be raised, you have buy-in on the front side not as an after-thought and got-cha. As a matter of fact, MPA and the People will judge you on bold leadership that replaces the status quo, that seeks moral wisdom and produce reasons for TRUST since the bar is presently so low, you can do so much to set the infrastructural framework and foundation. Barometer Bottom up Since both of you are incumbents, your record will/is coming under scrutiny for sharing with the public square through our review of your press releases, daily management of the Peoples business, press conferences and our special Email Alerts MPA Public Policy Review. 2 MARY GLASS MILWAUKEE PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION | OPEN LETTER|

June 1, 2012


Question: Will you work together in a transparent and joint leadership role to maximize your governance and fiscal management through monitoring and evaluation of relevance of laws on the books and enforcement of laws for better outcomes? Start with an audit city and county. Question: Will you seek the hands-on and wise leadership of your stock-stakeholders at the neighborhood level that can and will forge a NEW bottom-up economy through vetted entrepreneurial-engines lacking capacity building; i.e., mechanical automotive repair and restoration, day care (children and seniors), food-restaurant-catering, retail/boutique, barber/cosmetology, chef/waiter/waitress, housekeeping and facilities management, land/law care, restoration/green care, mortuary science, tavern/liquor/wine enthusiasts, medical care, pharmacy and health sciences, security guard, Bronzeville tourism, real estate ventures, vets rechanneled and internet engineered opportunities unique to the neighborhood-corporate format? Question: Will you support State Statute 36 and seek connected academic and practicum field experience with the newly organized Milwaukee County Youth training initiative (ex-Supervisor Eyon Biddle and Supervisor Theodore Lipscomb) and the City of Milwaukee youth group connected to our trifecta public schools, especially the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee; who recently went to Beijing, China to recruit Chinese students for access-literacy-fluency (with Wisconsin funding) and have not fulfilled State Statute 36 to train Milwaukeeans, especially African American, Latino, Asian and American Indian. Three state employees, Chancellor Michael Lovell, Provost and Vice Chancellor Johannes Britz and Mayor Tom Barrett travelled 6505 miles to China but fail to go 2.1 mile to Dr. Martin Luther King Drive to recruit/pipeline and change education inequalities. You must stand up so that INCLUSIVE use of funding is per law and, enforcement of law. So that Milwaukeeans are able to take advantage of entrepreneurial and employment laws, investments and strategy plans that call for specialized education and technological attainment. CLICK Question: Will you take a look at the suggestions in the blog: MILWAUKEE'S County Chairwoman Dimitrijevic and City Common Council President Hines Call to Action CLICK. Targeted Inclusiveness MPA conducted a 5-Year Signature Plan (2005-2010) that revealed widespread by-design wrongdoings that have gone on that have contributed to the years of underclass and poverty for Milwaukeeans, especially African American, other People of Color - the dominate populations. Our research has revealed how it is a MUST that the federal government agencies investigate and provide the appropriate compliance punishment of those elected-appointed-hiredvolunteered and donor for hire that have/are participating in DISCRIMINATION of African American, other People of Color and the Work=Challenged (un-, under-employed; un-, underdegreed and certificated; un-, under-financed neighborhood-level business; disabled; and re-entry especially those returning from WAR, INCARCERATION, BOOMERANG EMPLOYMENT, BOOMERANG RETIREMENT and DEGREED students without employment).

Milwaukee Professionals Association seeks a grand investigation from the U.S Department of Justice and ALL major federal departments that provide funding to the state, county and city on behalf of Milwaukeeans. 3 MARY GLASS MILWAUKEE PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION | OPEN LETTER|

June 1, 2012


Outreach We strongly support massive communication that includes videotaped broad-based dialog, formation of committees from the neighborhoods to provide you input, regular neighborhood panel hearings held in the facilities of the neighborhoods and business districts - where the People address the issues in dialog during the day-evenings and weekends. We ask that NEW blood people-appointments have a majority NEW blood on committees you appoint or have input. JOBS/STOCK On April 5, 2012, President Obama signed the JOBS-Jumpstart our Business Start-ups. It is one of the major options we see your offices providing leadership on behalf of the neighborhoodlevel businesses in the Milwaukee area remembering Milwaukee is the target. On April 3, 2012, President Obama signed the STOCK-Stop Trading of Congressional Knowledge Act. This is an Act that is federal; we are asking that the two of you begin to capture language for support of such regulation for the city and county elected officials. We see lobbying, passing information of benefit, a conflict of interest and should be front-andcenter for transparency as you and your colleagues do business; especially in groups such as the Milwaukee 7, Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce, Greater Milwaukee Association of Commerce, Wisconsin Center District, MEDC/Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation and non-profits. SINAI Hospital We are supporting the innovation of Sinai Hospital of 12th Street for our URBAN HEALTH center. We definitely have need and the need can support a site that is a premier campus for URBAN HEALTH for Milwaukeeans. We see it as a model by which other urban cities could gain information. It would easily become an economic engine that has a business structure that would support an Urban People Health Plan. It is an INNOVATION idea a people project for galvanizing the People and creating excitement. It would pursue a competitive health plan that includes partnerships for research, todays training and training sites, client services, urgent and specialized care for wellness of illnesses that plague our population. It would provide convenience of customer transportation for Milwaukeeans. It would focus on specialization of urgent care, kidney disease, HIV, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, low birth weight babies, women and men care, gerontology, drug related and mental disorders due to trauma and high levels of gun violence in Milwaukee. I will be in touch with your offices for an upcoming event Milwaukee Professionals Association will be hosting in July, 2012. 4 MARY GLASS MILWAUKEE PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION | OPEN LETTER|

June 1, 2012


Websites With Recovery in Mind,

_______________________ Mary Glass Chair/CEO/Founder Milwaukee Professionals Association [MPA] 414 610.1044


June 1, 2012


Data Sheet
Spatial Mismatch (jobs in the suburbs, people in the city and NO transportation to join the two), was depicted as an over-arching fact creating enduring poverty and challenges. Background - Enduring Concentrated Poverty Milwaukee is the largest and only world-class city in Wisconsin 594,833. African American 39.5, American Indian 0.8%, Asian 3.6%, Caucasian 43.6% - 37% without Latino, Latino 14.9 (Census 2010). In 2006, the poverty breakdown was: African American 41% American Indian and Asian 9% (combined) Caucasian 12% Children 41% Latino 38%

With the downturn since 2006, we feel confident the percentages are higher in 2011. Another Observation The City of Milwaukee is able to command federal MILLIONS based on its high numbers of disenfranchised/entitled groups. However; we have NEGATIVE report-after-report. They include: 2011 2011 Forbes report (worst housing city) Forbes report (worst place for African American entrepreneurs)

2011 Daniel Denvir Report (10 Most Segregated Urban Areas in America Milwaukee was No. 1) of quality of life and economic development for the halfmillion population that span 190 neighborhoods. 2011 NAACP (Call for Wisconsin audits at city-county-state level)

2010 DWilson Report (City of Milwaukee disparity of contracting and engagement of African American, other People of Color and Work-Challenged) 2008 Federal Reserve/Brookings Institution (1 of 16 Cities in America identified in The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America) Ongoing UW-Milwaukee Dr. Mark Levin Reports (un-, under-employed and segregation ratios) Ongoing Journal Sentinel in Milwaukee Reports (un-, under-employed and review of studies)

Milwaukee has a high level of medical disparities that range from infant mortality, gun shots to chronic adult illness. We will pursue wellness of mental disorders due to trauma and high levels of gun violence. 6 MARY GLASS MILWAUKEE PROFESSIONALS ASSOCIATION | OPEN LETTER|

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