The Crucible Act 1 Questions

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The Crucible Act 1 1. What role do you think rumors have in the creation of hysteria?

Rumors created hysteria because it engraved horrifying thoughts into the townsfolks minds and there was nothing to prove the rumor wrong 2. How do Pariss tone and gestures change when he talks about his enemies? (Lines 78-) Paris becomes defensive and worried about what is happening with Abigail and Betty 3. How might comments like the ones that Mrs. Putnam makes in lines 158-166 contribute to the sense of hysteria among the townsfolk? Mrs. Putmans comments add to the hysteria among the townsfolk by adding to the rumors circulating around town as well as implying that Betty is possessed by the devil and hell is upon her. 4. Why does Parris speak with dwindling conviction now (line192)? On line 192 Paris speaks with dwindling conviction because in the previous lines he was asked if he called for help and when confronted about the rumor he feels conviction because he is supposedly involved in witchcraft. 5. Miller used examples of writing from the 17th century as models for his writing. What repeated phrase sounds dated? 272-282 Word Choice? Line 281 Inverted sentence? Line 272 the repeated phrase that sounds dated is Theyre thirsting for your word the words from the 17th century he used in line 281 were dyhear as well as the inverted sentence in line 272 Now look you, sir 6. In Proctors presence, Miller writes, a fool felt his foolishness instantly-and a Proctor is always marked for calumny therefore. What is a Proctor? What trait does a person need to make a fool feel his foolishness instantly? A proctor is basically a person who spreads and starts rumors about people to cause harm. A person to make as fool feels his foolishness instantly; needs to be an intelligent, discernment, and observant man. 7. Has Miller made it clear whether he wants the audience to believe Betty truly is possessed? He has made it clear that having Betty show guilt when confronted about witchcraft has possessed Betty. 8. According to the paragraph on page 152, why is the devil a weapon? The devil is considered a weapon in page 152 because it is a weapon used from time to time to whip men to surrender to a particular church or church- state 9. Explain metaphor in lines 804-805. The metaphor is saying that their action could bring up the cause of their troubles. 10. What are Abigails motives? (Lines 905-937) Abigails motives are to blame all of her actions on Tituba 11. Hysteria feeds on fear, anger, and panic. How are the seeds of hysteria sown in these lines? (1023-1056) The seeds of hysteria are shown in these lines with Tituba saying Mr. Paris must be killed and how he makes Tituba get out of bed and cut the townspeoples throats. Then Abigail admitting to dancing for the devil added more hysteria to the moment.

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