Origin of Languange

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The Origin Of Language

Home Videos Dictionary Lost Book of Thoth is Torah

God isnt a philosophy, the mystery of how he created many languages out of one is revealed here.

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Summary The Hebrew Alphabet Lost Book of Thoth is Torah Who Is God and Who Is His First Born

The origin of language is often equated with the beginning of the human race. But scientists recently discovered that language, that letters predates life! Scientists confirmed that before creation of animal and plant life was possible Someone or something: nature, god or aliens, chose, cut, shaped, four different phosphates, 4 real and physical DNA Letters, 4 different complex molecules of specific shape, size and weight, that were paired (2+2, AT, GC) then used/combined by someone or due to series of yet inexplicable accidents to physically write programs for different energy manufacturing systems and unique replication systems that determine varied but limited options for growth and behaviour. The facts: The facts are 3.5 billion years ago, 1 billion years after earth was created someone

Words and how there were Confounded Who Are The Hebrews? Moslem/Judeo-Christian Conflict The Criminal Justice System The Word in Science How God communicates With Us "Man shall not see me and live"

To summarize

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succeded on his first attempt to create 4 real physical programming letters and have been using them ever since to WRITE programs for all life. Those original letters never evolved. It happened once and never again.

1- 3000 English words with correct Hebrew meaning, proving Hebrew meanings are universal. 2- "The Writing of God" the original Hebrew letters are Latin Letters, proving we can't see the obvious. Conclusion: This can only happen by Design. The Table (tavla) below: Latin is ancient Hebrew Some letters are sideways or upside down, 19 are the same, 3 were changed by being split or combined.

Intelligent design: WE ALL KNOW LETTERS MEANS INTELLIGENT DESIGN....when we see writing, even few letters on paper or stone it always indicates intelligence, no one ever suggests:' the wind did it by accident' because we know nature doesn't do that. BUT YET..... Scientists who are discovering the enormous complexity of creating life by programming a series of complicated chemical reactions are still insisting just that. They have managed to convince themselves and us that it's somehow different on the molecular level. That Nature created 4 letters that banged into each other senselessly and then were paired for no good reason, then combined resulting In Physically Writing millions of programs that predetermines FUTURE growth and behavior which we can't duplicate... All by accident. I see, said

the blind man' 'a few letters means intelligence but a whole library...that had to be by accident. The theory of evolution posits accident wrote those programs. Evolutionists suggest that those chemicals combine spontaneously trying every possible combination till it stumbled upon the right formula... wow...nature is a computer... Some scientists claim that they have almost proven evolution because they might be able to show how nature can create amino acids... But the manufacture of Protein, the stuff of life is only programmed in DNA and can't be repoduced. the program uses some Protein as a catalyst - from where? 'having lost our objectives we redoubled our efforts' is not a scientific method. In order to have a theory of creation scientists still need to show how complex molecule were used as letters to write complex programs....by accident. It suggests a series of accidental movements of chemicals created letters-complex molecules, then created 'paper' , more complex molecules, by accident...Then random movements wrote programs. It suggests a series of accidents could have written the Bible and all other myths... The entire Bible and Mahabharata has far

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less bytes of information and is less complicated programming than human genome...Since we don't know their origins, using the same logic: it is more likely they were written by accident than DNA programs were written by accident.

Accidental creation is not due to a single wondrous accident, one cell Ameba has 5 million bytes of information, then it had billion mutations and evolved to become a human while another Ameba didn't have one single mutation in 3 billion years...by accident? Really? In the case of humans, a series of accidents, random movement of 4 different phosphates, themselves complex molecules programmed an almost unlimited memory, which like a hard drive records our entire life including everything we ever saw, heard or read, that's great! we all could have been geniuses....but our access to most of the information is blocked. Why would nature do that? Use it or lose? Who is using it? And that's just one app, one program out of millions of different programs (apps) for animal life! Plant life is not less complicated, an anion has 70 times more genes than humans? All By accident? Call me crazy (you wouldn't be the first...) but I think this is beyond ludicrous because its not even imaginable. EVOLUTION IS A FACT BUT ACCIDENTAL CREATION IS NOT EVEN A THEORY. Scientists now claim that we needed only 4100 genes to survive as an organism....that's less... is it more likely? But then what do I know?... evidence that life was created accidentally because it evolved is accepted by all thinking man as evidence that there is no need for a god in order to imagine creation. Evolution is a misdirect lawyer like argument because in no way does it suggest how life was created...it begins with 'once life was created then it evolved', very scientific!! . But the 7 day creation seals the deal..everyone is convinced the Torah is wrong, evolutionists feel the argument is won in a knockout so creationist go home!!. Please read it correctly! They are god days not earth days...how many hrs was it? the moon was a lot closer, days were only 6 hrs and anyway earth was created after 2 days so how was it measured before then? Stupid Torah.. The stupid Hindu myth claims a god day is 4.32 billion
So...No One Noticed? what Else?

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years... once the two myths are combined earth was created 8.64 billion years after the big bang . This happens to be exactly what science found out 4000 years later. No doubt Just a coincidence or did god split the information, confounded it in order to delay our receiving it? Those connections couldn't have been made by us because we stupidly teach interpretation as fact and pointing out differences as a sign of intelligence. This is the study of sameness -The Shem is the same. The supreme court affirmed this kind of thinking making it the law of the land, preferring one over the other, allowing teaching only evolution in our schools. They prohibited the teaching of creation theories because they are religious... Evolution, Accidental creation is a religion pretending to be a science it's a belief without any supporting evidence!...THE THEORY has always been WHO DID IT? ACCIDENT OR DESIGN? The Word or Hashem is a Scientific acronym for the creator who create phosphates as letterswords(complex molecules), and then combined them, wrote a DNA program 'to created the whole creation and everything to be created in the future.
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"Hamafteh" published in Israel in '97.

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God is not a philosophy but a mystery soon to be revealed.

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Religion. No one is even surprised that a single set of laws created many religions, the explaination 'because of interpretation' ought not to be acceptable since it means that god is old and isn't aware of our new enlightened discoveries. His laws are unclear and antiquated so we have to change them to fit our new reality. If god is running the world he is running a messed up world is the reason most don't believe. What if it's true? 'The tablets were the work of God; the writing was the writing of God, engraved on the tablets'. exo 32-16
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I thought this is Gottcah funny As the table on the side demonstrates: contrary to what all expert claim Latin didn't originate in Italy!! The original writing of God, the Hebrew letters god used to write the Torah are modern Latin English Letters... but no scientist, linguist or religious scholar noticed. All god had to do is write it from left to right and change the order a little and rotate them(side upside down). This is a technic god uses through out the Torah when he is encoding a secret. What else have they not notice? We all know it's all about language. But is it about words or the letters that make up everything? The Hebrew alphabet has always been the only key to the knowledge of the god's revelation. Nothing is as important as the knowledge of the Hebrew number/letter/word. The 22 letters represent a combination of number name and form of our physical universe. The 22 letters are holy letters which are the first energies, the raw material to the creation of the universe. They represent the will of God into reality. It has always been understood that the language secret couldnt be discovered by genius, hard work or accidental events, but only by the will of God. The fact that we humans are receiving the information now is a good sign, it is preparing us for better fairer time, for a time when Tru-th(torah) and righteousness will rule, otherwise why bother telling me to write this? Unless I just hallucinated it...which I did. I also hallucinated that there really are 23 letters. The one letter omitted is the space the nothing between words, the zero that is solely responsible for the creation of every word ever uttered written or imagined...the nothing that made everything... How did you think of it? is the most often asked question. I am not that smart, I never even considered the possibility that there is a god. As it turns out I am a Cabbalist Cable A (cable has identical meaning in both languages) meaning I am able receive information, I received pretty much everything. Even when I did research to confirm those findings I was led to the information. To be clear I never read the entire bible or entire anything. I was always lead to the correct answer. When I wasn't receiving information, sometimes for period of years, if I tried to write..I drew blanks.. I realized I couldn't

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even force it, that's what made me think it could be prerecorded. Some of the earlier experiences were while awake and aware receiving teachings that had nothing to do with language, it couldn't have been I forgot Hebrew, I read everything in English. I received the language secret the first time I read the Psalm in Hebrew. I was experiencing info in still pictures but with knowledge that entered my brain throw my forehead (visually), I was scared that my brain was spilling out information, I thought I could be going crazy...and then there was the lack of control, and the uncertainty, the inability to differentiate between real and imagined, to be honest I couldn't take it, thank god it stopped. For the past 4 years I been receiving it in dreams. I Never remember any dream, but I wake up KNOWING...After I write it down It's always a WOW for me, especially the Letters similarities since it's in 'black and white' but it seems I am the only one impressed, I guess it's one of those 'you had to be there' stories but I wasn't there, or was I?... Any shrink will tell you...this must be due to 'Hallucination caused by visions of grandeur' which is true, the idea that all languages and myths are Hebrew is beyond stupid, but proving it is divine. I omitted the personal experiences because . I felt the facts ought to speak for themselves regardless if I am a nice guy, spiritual and religious or a cheating lying drug addict who has visions and is a magician with words, which is a pretty good description of me. And then I realized god is real. Why was I given the de-confounding tools...I believe it is likely due to genetics programming . It is even possible that all my experiences and information was pre-programmed rather than real time experiences which would then seem like just a dream because it is (god has the technology)...Of one thing I am certain, it's not a reward for good behavior or for seeking god but 'bezhoot avot' 'based on my forefather earnings', (their learning) which was then programmed in my DNA, blessed be their souls. I was born as Yoseph ben Yaakov(my fathers name) in Babel where language was confounded. The biblical Joseph name was change by the Egyptian priest to ,Tsafnat paneh' meaning The code solver in Hebrew, not Dream solver? why?. I had a dream, actually I had many dreams and like Joseph I 'solved' a code. But the Spaniards insisted on calling him Hoseh (jose) why? well actually the

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Torah describes Joseph as Hoseh Haalomot, meaning a seer of dreams. In truth it is irrelevant how I got it...it's all about the facts, they ought to validate my claim of receivership not the other way around. But this body of work demonstrates over and over again that the facts never confused anyone. This is a prophecy about how things really happened. The Torah says...a true prophet is one whose prophecy (information received) comes to pass...is True...unless the prophet tells you to follow a different god...then it's just a test from god.

My Cabbalah: I never wondered nor looked into letter origins, I don't believe I even remembered that the original writing of god was changed. I never thought about it, never looked into it which looking back is pretty strange for one doing research about Hebrew as the language of god. Just the same I woke up one morning knowing that ancient Hebrew is Latin, a cursory 20 minute research proved it so. This is pretty much how I received most of the information. I often wonder how is it that scholars didn't notice what seems obvious. Few months later some people in Jerusalemem University suggested that there is some evidence that Hebrew is connected to Latin...Really? 19 out of 22 letters are the same but they didn't notice!! Once told it took me 20 minutes to verify... I concluded that I am not dumb and neither are they, we are all victims of the 'Unseen hand of god' caused by wireless programming that can make us blind to the obvious (not hard if one actually controls the program). I am proud of this explanation because in our world blaming someone else shows strong potential for leadership (as demonstrated by our leaders... Obama and Romney). It is what one might say our KARMA. Kara M A which means:called out-From-God (programmed) in Heb. Cre-ate Cara-ot means Called-outletters (into a computer, they perfected it...) What it boils down to is that for the past 32 years I have been trying to 'solve' a multi language multi myth crossword puzzle...Keys (to the library of god) was the title of book published in Israel in 97 which is really part one of this. Incidentally, in 'real life' I am hate crossword puzzles.

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The crossword puzzle that is the crossroads where science and Theology Finally meet.

The dictionary has 3000 words with with my Hebrew origins as compared with that of Webster unabridged Accident or Design? 'Uncle sam' (wants you) is used as a rallying cry for the for the USA. .... It makes no sense! Uncle Sam, Sam Wilson sold meat to the army in 1812!! Why would the USA choose such name to rally the country? Or maybe it was chosen for them? I suggest this and scores of other examples point to the certainty that the subconscious hears things differently than the conscious brain and controls it...evidence by the fact that each new and old word maintains their Hebrew meaning - this can only happen if it were suggested from above..No way I thought, this is worse than sci fi movies about mind control. The idea that someone is screwing with our mind made me ill. It might be easy to understandnd but almost impossible to accept. Uncle Sam (U.S) = Un Cle Shem. means in Hebrew call(cle=call)- of The-word (sam =shem). RushMore, Rosh-More means TEACHING-HEADS...the name was there just waiting for the presidents heads to be chiseled. Accident? Hiroshima - yerou shama = will-shoot-there another name predicting an event. Accident? Babel - Bab El = The door of the Gods in Arabic, but Ba Bal means In-it confounded in Hebrew. I Ching- The book of changes. the words Ching and change sound similar and have the same Respond- to the

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meaning and consonantal sound. Ching --shin haga = change thought-out. Of course Shin stand for The Word and Light(shine)but it literally means Change...shina .Change is then programmed in light? how? like a smart phone but more better....accident? God whose name Tho is 64(To )managed to give us his 64 (46 Chromosomes)combinations that predict future change, which is not coincidentally is written in the book of: change-thougt-out...in Hebrew...The Hebrew word for sun is meaning CMC or MC2, it adds up to 640. The seed of kings: 12-year-old girl created family tree linking 42 (including Obama) of 43 U.S. presidents to King John of England, who signed Magna Carta in 1215. All the presidents are cousins!! Pretty good lineage that assures some very solid programming!!! Could this be an accident? Unless King John sired 90% of the population it is statistically almost impossible to explain as accident especially because it happened over 200 year period!! its like hitting the lottery over and over. Not policy or likeable personality, but lineage is likely the most accurate way to predict the next president. who is really doing the voting? Magna Carta was the first to limit the kings power by declaring that no "freeman" could be punished except through the law of the land. One law for everyone is one of the 2 foundation-laws the Torah is based on, the other is eye for eye, whch the Hindus renamed as balance the enrgies....You can't do one without the other. Magna Carta = Magna= or Protector-god-Called-out. ...Magen means to-shield and it refers to god(magen david-the shield of David)).. But Sumer was where the gods were first. Sumer (shomer- )means Guard in Hebrew. Then the Sumerian Ekini moved to Egypt called himself Thoth but held an Ank (the original cross). The Egyptian gods were called Neter meaning watchover in Hebrew.....The north and south American Indians called the gods the Watchers. accident or Design?

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Vatican was established in 313 right after the destruction of the second temple, Jews were kicked out of Israel and just before the council of Necea (nasi a meaning presidents-of-god) that decided on the contents of the new-testament. Vatican = vaiti kan My-house-Here......God moved? That's what it says...the pope still wears a scull cap and Talit (Jewish prayer vestments) and advocates for a Jewish son of god. Catholic = cato li This-sect-for-me Slaughtered one. Christian Kera Shin means readers of the word (Koran = Kora-ayin=reader see).. The People of the Cross are connected to The Hebrews, Abram ha-Evri means Abraham The Crosser...in Hebrew. Why a Cross? I believe it is mostly because The seed of god and man were crossed when the sons of god(sons of Cain) took the daughter of man(seth/adam)(sounds wierd but the bilbe says just that), that we are in effect hybrids. Hi-Bar-yad = life-created-by-hand-by the numbers. The grandson of Abram Ha-evri, Jacob name was changed to Yisra-el meaning The-Surviving-god...a Demi god, a Crosser. The cross, Evri- means crosser, in Heb, it is actually Ankh without the handle represents eternal life in Sumerian and Egyptian religions. The original Hebrew letter Tav but it is mispronouced it because European Jews had problems pronouncing Tow ,it is written as a cross, as we find out later it represents the God Yhwh....Contrary to universal belief, T is the first letter in the Bible-To-rah and the last in the Hebrew Alpha ... Tow. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last rev 22-13. The Hebrew To- is the last Heb letter, it is the 22nd letter(4)....while 13(4) represents numerically the Hebrew word Ahava meaning Love, yes even the number of chapter and verse are part of the program. I know it is far reaching....but the god whose Or when spelled differently Katali meaning The

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sign is the Cross wrote Torah....Tow Rah, rah, rah, rah. Torah - The god Tho did the bidding of the god Ra....The book of Tho that contains all the secret formulas disappeared and Torah appears. no bells went off? LETS BE HONEST the idea of a Hebrew god that is also an egyptian, sumerian and Hindu god would really confuse things. As a Jew who was brought up in Israel I had real problem accepting this...years. ThoTh is depicted holding an Ankh...This more than suggests(hint hint) the god Thoth (thought) was the god ANK-I a.k.a Enki the sumerian god of water whose secret number is 40 which correspond to the Heb. letter Mem- M-water(enki is the god of water) . ANOKI means I AM in Hebrew, suggesting he is the humans creator god, When Thoth left egypt he became YHWH meaning in Hebrew -Ye Howeh - The present god...but god mentions he was known by other names before. (for more connections read 'the lost book of thoth is Torah') The Samoan Hawaiian Priest name is The great Kahouna.....You say Kahouna I say Cohen or Kehouna (the priesthood)...you say tomato, I say....But then you say Samoa I say Shemo A = his name is A. 'Everthing comes from Greek' and 'At the end we are all fruits' My Greek wedding(the movie)...This is pretty much what I claim about Hebrew...

The Soul: It is outside the body!! It was created first and lives forever, then god created us from earth (not light) the physical body was created inside the aura, we are inside our soul. It doesn't weight 21 grams that was one erroneous measurement the 30 prior tests came up with 0. It is the reason the soul eluded everyone. It is what the Hindu call Aura meaning in Hebrew Light

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god, while Christians call it the holly Ghost. The Aura is like a light computer, is connected to god and the subconscious. It is programmed to be gods over us, to do and suggest bad and good things depending on the 'lessons' being taught, it is why when we screw up the soul is hurt so it cries out. . It is he reason people with near death experiences always describe the place of their death from above often seeing themselves on the ground and since they left the body they feel no pain. The aura, the soul, the light of god is the life force that runs 86% of the brain which is the subconscious- the god files. 86 happens to be the numerical value of ELOHIM 1+30+5+10+40 the Torah creation god ....God runs the brains using a science we can't even imagine. the time. Are you going to 86 this? By the numbers, for those whose eyes don't glaze over Tho/god name adds up to 46(chromosomes). Adam 45(xy gene) which confirms Psalm that adam was made a little less than god (psalm). 'In his image' is not our creation not in the flesh. God is Light Adam (a-dam=god blood) Adam was made in his image light- FIRST CREATION chap 1, when god created man and woman. Second creation is described in chapter 2 when God created eve Hava 19(meaning experience) . 26(yhwh), is the difference between Adam45 and Eve19. 26 is the numerical value of YHWH, our Aura, our personal god. Chapter 2 god created the the physical body in order to provide a physical experiences for the soul. aDoNAi (DNA) to watch over us was created. It explains why god sometimes refers to Israel as a female. This might better explain the symbiotic relationship we have with our soul. So like the song says: 'Let the light in'. Proof of heaven by Dr. Eben Alexander supports my conclusions, it describes heaven and the spiritual worlds he visited while in a coma. He wrote his entire experience examining it as brainGod worked for 6 days or 86% of the time while he Shab-at ( sat To) 14% of

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surgeon and from the point of view of a person who experienced or imagined a very complicated story that others experienced, or maybe it's just a dream a movie. Because of his position many doctors attended to him and all his bodily functions were being monitored constantly. Eben who travelled on

the boat of Ra to eternal life wondered how is it that while he was on this wondrous trip to heaven his body and brain didn't register any activity-He was brain dead so How?....since the soul is outside the body it goes up like a magnet to it's source...It continues and always will continue to Be which Eben confirms. Some Doctors claim this is common hallucination, a common pre death movie masquerading as an experience..We are simply all watching a common movie that turns on automatically before death (so? who directed it? and who produced it?. That means that the brain must have prerecorded and left it on automatic pilot: to be open upon death. Even if one agrees with Doctors that certain chemicals in the brain produce those dreams, the remaining questions are: why didn't it produce brain activity? and more importantly how and who programmed it in all of us? how did we all get the same dream? Those doctors suggest Mother nature programmed it. When? I guess it experimented with many dreams and it fell upon this one, tested it with a focus group and then proceeded to write a program for all man-kind? In short scientists are endowing mother nature with real feelings and intelligence, even fixes dreams so before we turn to earth to become nothing but chemicals again (according to scientists) nature was concerned about us being traumatize before death. That conclusion was made in face of the fact that nature dishes out zillion bad- feelings that lead to bad thoughts that lead to bad deeds. Nature took pity on us and created (planned and thought out) a movie for us-You are kidding me, right?... This somehow makes sense to our learned ones?... A position that is based entirely on the idea that there is no god so accidental creation has to be a fact, when in fact its not even a theory - there is not a single shred of evidence to support such notion...scientists now know the complexities of our chemical factory, but still insist that somehow someone made a bunch of chemicals into life programming it using 4 letters. No one suspect intelligent design? Instead everyone banded to accept such an impossible

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theory-why? 150 years and counting(Darwin) and we haven't developed one credible accidental creation theory!! the most obvious answer is that life was designed, but....'they have eyes but will not see'. The secret is that on the subconscious soul level, the god level, we are all connected to the same computer, we all share experiences... Om is what Eben uttered upon waking, he calls god Om...very Hindu...Om means Em- Mother, Yam -water, and M -From it is one of the 4 letters that signify god. Elohim is actually spelled god-of-ocean-elhayam. The god of ocean- The letter MeM-mem M-40 representing water(om) and hydrogen looks like a wave and is the13h letter which numerically spells out LOVE in Hebrew. ..the other letters are 4 -D meaning Knowledge and 22-400- meaning Thought. All together the Letters D.M-T.Th.....spelling out the sentence blood of Thoth, explained later....4 DNA letters - atgc .read as letter words it reads. god Tho thought'out the-word

Resurrection: Eben brain had puss and he registered no brain activity, he was dead but kept alive by machines for 7 days. His soul travelled on 'the boat of Ra' to god. How did he imagine conversations yet...no brain activity? He was resurrected, actually more like reminded that we are all Light. During that time his doctors thought that even a miracle would only allow him to live as a vegetable. They recommended pulling the plug. When he returned to his body he was resurrected THE SECOND TIME in the flesh (that's why 'in the flesh is specified) - he sat on the bed and took out the breathing tubes...His brain functioned like nothing happened, since there was no brain activity how did the body cure itself??? Eben means SON in Hebrew. I am not suggesting Eben is the Messiah, his NDE(near death experience) happened to many others. In point of fact most NDE are actually deaths which god

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or magic resurrects - this proves resurrection is a real event. Both Yhwh and Thoth claimed to be able to do revive the dead. There is no other scientific explanation....Unless you believe in magic... I don't! Immaculate Conception: it is impossible to understand how it could happen because we always imagine penetration as essential to impregnation, but yet it is repeated in the Torah where it was so badly translated it is impossible to understand- (explained at length later) Cain is the first of creation and son of god whose offspring contributed knowledge to society and were never reported as dying. We already kind of do Immaculate conception which we call artificial insemination, god does it by wireless programming! Or do you believe in magic?..The program is the unseen hand of god. Program = perio garam His-fruits-caused. Immaculate =meakel ot =

digests letter. Conception=con Shafat shin = Here judged by the WORD....This incidentally makes it clear that a concept is simply a judgment. Satan = satan = veer-of-the-path (as in: the car veered of the path) It is a prime example of the adage 'be careful what you ask for' We asked for choice-free will and we got Satan. It is not an enemy but an agent of god...without which 'free will' is not possible. The brain which is 86% subconscious keeps bombarding the conscious the 14% Spells out David) with good(god) and bad thought-ideas, the conscious then chooses to accept or reject, free choice is suggested...both 86/14 add up to 5...( I personally do not believe in free choice, not completely...otherwise how can one predict the future? Since it's a learning device, we have been recieving concentrated badness if you will. Unfortunetly the only way to differentiate between 'good and bad is to experience bad. It clearly doesn't seem fair. It is the reason so many reasonable people don't believe in god. I can't blame them, I even agree with them, but go explain it to god ...This too shall pass....The god of ocean seeks balance...God started us with a lot of bad experiences so we can end up with the goodness of god....I believe Most badness will be programmed out of our DNA. Satan will lose, In other words we would get far far less

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bad suggestions. Messiah = Mashiyah = = read backward Chai shem meaning The-living-name. He will

come riding a white donkey. In this day and age? and not even a horse? The words Hamor lavan means White-donkey, read ham-Or-lavan, meaning WARM WHITE LIGHT which will enter through the Temples(the only soft part in the brain). It's not a myth, we are all light computers. The Spanish word for soul is ALMA meaning the UNseen or the disappeared one will re-appear. DAVID-DaWiD name adds up to 14 which is the percentage of the conscious brain. Its letter meaning is DaWehDa = knowledge connected to knowledge...knowledge from above connected to knowledge from below. I believe the dead will rise: a change in 'mind-set', will cause the veil to be removed, a major program update will happen through the Optic chiasm = Chai-Shem-living name. At that point we will be able to see the dead...who are all still alive but as light forms. We will then realize we are all Light beings. The bahgvat gita tells such story of the fight of the brothers who all die and go to heaven. They then complain to god about all the pain and death...god laughs and tells them that all of it was really a play that they are still all together in heaven. The fear(sight) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding(intelligence). To him belongs eternal praise. Psalm111:10(4) .

Blessed be The Word, Blessed be Ha-shem, Blessed be His Name.

Israel is Palestine

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Israel - Literally means the surviving god. If you are Muslim, Christian or Jew remember your god wishes to reside in Jerusalem and wants the Israelite to serve him. God spent 40 years making sure they get there, one might say god insisted!! The Muslims are trying to kick the Jews in the name of god...but against his wishes. The results ought to be predictable. Who are The Hebrews? The are not mythical. As it turns out the Aamu from Avaris, or AM EVRI The HEBREW NATION, known to us as the Hyksos, a name given to them by the Greeks. Their story matches the biblical story. About 1800 b.c., they built and resided in Avaris. 400 years after the hebrews left the name was changed by the Egyptians to Raamses which explains the Torah claim that the Hebrews built it. The Hyksos left 3500 years ago the same time the Hebrews are reported to leave Egypt. There is no recorded history of any other people leaving Egypt. The embarrassed Egyptians tried to destroy all evidence of their existence. History called then the Semitic pharaohs which. The bible says we were workers(slaves) to the Pharoah but neglects to mention it was a Hebrew one. The Hebrews with Joseph leadership and know how propelled the Egyptians technically by building Baher Youseff, Joseph's Sea: A project he no doubt suggested a solution for the seven bad years, resuting it increasing Egyptian irrigable lands by digging a lake and offshoot canals. The Hebrews also developed navigable ships and the chariot. Baher Yousouf is used today and is still named Baher youseph, the ocean of Joseph. Yoseph know how, his technical expertise not his dream solving talent was responsible for giving him the reins. His family were tax collectors...they eventually ruled. Who are the Palestinians? The ancient Palestinians have been extinct for about 2500 years. They used to occupy the area between Gaza strip and Ashkelon. The current people calling themselves Palestinians are the ones who lived in the country before 1948. Point of fact: Israel name was changed 2000 years ago by the Romans, to Palestine. Point of fact Palestine is ancient Israel.There has never been any migration of Arabs into desolate Israel. Israel was never sovereign country since, consequently it is more the likely that the current Palestinians are but converted Jews, Israelites....A

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real brothers war. It explains the Palestinians insistence on the land, the converted still have genetic memory of the promised land...

You can change the world by simply changing your mind

The Origin Of Language is a T.O.O.L, it is a linguist scientific prove that a God created us and is still involved in our daily life. It demonstrates the building blocks of language are letters not words, that a creator programmed Hebrew letter-words his creation TOOL into us but later confounded IT.....The letter-meanings are still there... Since new words continue having Hebrew meaning it also suggests the creator is still in communication with us wirelessly by 'suggesting' each new name...through the subconscious/soul which explains how thoughts we didn't initiate come to us 'as if from no-where and for no apparent reason'.

Book of 'Formation', Sefer Yetsirah Sepher Yetzira,meaning the book of manufacture describes the manufacture of real physical letters that were later combined to create everything. This book is reported to be written by Abraham and predates the Bible by 500 years. 2:2 Twenty-two 22 (2+2=4) foundation letters: He ordained them, He hewed them, He combined

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them, He weighed them, He interchanged them. And He created with them the whole creation and everything to be created in the future. 'Sepher Yetzira', 'the book of (DNA) formation' describes Letter creation...Though written by humans, there is no chance any human really understood this. The book of formation written thousands of years ago explains a scientific fact that was only recently discovered: It clearly describes how God/Nature first created real physical DNA letters which are useless on their own....unless used specifically to write programs for animal and plant life. We know now those letters had to be created before life could be Programmed. But...the idea that letters created life is an explanation that could not have been understood until the discovery of DNA. It is the reason why many Kabalists tried to SAW LETTERS together in order to create a Golem (a robotic type human). It is also the reason Hebrew is tought as having a 3 letter root-words (shoresh-source) when it truth Hebrew letters are words and the language has a 1 letter root....But....this was an honest mistake because ALL DNA is written in 3 letter combinations.

The New Testament "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". John 1:1 The New Testament affirms the book of Formation, it describes life as beginning with the word, meaning letter combinations. This was written 2000 years before our scientists were able to confirm it. Accident or Design? This most eloquent of sentences like the Book of Formation was misinterpreted because no one could have understood it untill 1953.

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In the beginning god thought of the word Hashem( meaning the name in Heb) as concept a thinking/creation method. The word formulated in gods head : the word was then with god. He, the programmer then implemented his program The programmer left the program called Hashem or the Word to run things to be god over us.and the word was god. The above couldn't have been understood by their authors nor by their readers forcing the church to misinterpret this sentence to mean Jesus is the word and the first to be born. But...Israel the offsprings of Jacob and Joseph were also called 'my first born' and he wasn't even Isaac first born...(explained later in this article) Human language: After 3.5 billion years of evolution few hundred thousand years ago mankind was gifted with a creation system (we like all organisms have always had the ability to communicate). A unique human specie specific creation system appeared wholy programmed but as if from nowhere. HumannLanguage centers are located oposit the limbic system where monkey cries are located But the two systems are not conected, suggesing language didn't develop naturally from prerecored communication. Language gives us the ability to create new worlds in our mind. We then communicate it to ourselves and sometimes to others: We are able to create by framing real or imaginary pictures(elements-complex chemicals-letters-words-symbols) and then combine them to create words, sentences, stories formulas and finally letters for our high tech computers: combining and recombining letters: on...off....2 letters which took lot's of thought and program writing before we made those 2 letters useful. 4 letters were used to create all elements (92 elements were created with 4 letters: electron proton neutron photon and another 4 complex molecules for the creation of life.... we managed two letter by design and nature lucked out into a 4 letter systems at least twice? ... accident or design? Words- Letter/picture combinations is a creation tool, god aliens or nature used it to create DNA

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and Shakespeare used it to write plays and we used it to create computers and program them. Letter combinations also creates complex molecules, it is the only creation tool for god or man. Real or imagined things/letter/picture assembly and reassembly is uniquely human trait. Once we possessed it, it took only 60,000 years to elevate a barely surviving species to gods on earth. True enough we are not yet good gods....Unfortunately we mislabeled it as a communication tool which allowed evolutionists to lump it with other organisms, But it misses the point that we are unique by design. Linguist and Scientist concur that language is inexplicable labeling Language in Human as 'incompactable with the evolutionary theory'...so if it's not evolution then how? There are only TWO RELIGIONS - Accident or Design are their names.

The Old Testament - The Torah The Torah affirms the Book of Formation and John 1:1 If understood correctly it explains that the God of Water first thought out the entire creation system and then used Water, vibration and a black hole to create the universe. This will help scientists understand that 2 elements H and O, WATER was what blew up in that black hole. -, , , . , , , - ; , - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters. This makes no sense...god created the world and the world was without form? it should be

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reversed...unless we misunderstood it....unless it was confounded.

It is shocking to me that The confounding was completed ONLY 2600 years ago and that like the confounding of language began in Babel when 3 events occurred almost simultaneously : 1- Ancient Hebrew letters were changed to their present form. No one protested? 2 - diacritical marks were first introduced which directed us for narrower understnding of the Bible. 3 -Ancient Hebrew letters were then re-introduced somewhere in Italy as Latin (table to the side). This last move was very important because all scientific formulas had to be written with Latin Letters, The Writing of god....someone was thinking ahead... The diacriticals marks caused (by divine design) The first three words in the Bible to be misunderstood and therefore mistranslated... ToRah The only meaning of this word in Hebrew is: 'its turn' suggesting in effect that the Torah is a computer program. Torah appeared as if from nowhere when the Israelites left egypt. The Egyptians tells us the god Thoth (thought) wrote all knowledge and did the bidding of Ra, his book contained all the magic formulas but it disappeared...but yet no scientists nor scholars or religious leaders see any connection between the lost book of Tho and the To-Rah that was gifted to the Israelites ...Is Tho YHWH? yes, he is also the Sumerian Enki and the Hindu Brahma. God stamped his name in us: Yhwh is numerically 26(8)...26000 chromosomes....The letter Tow is numerically 4-6(10)....there are 46 chromosomes. the 8- and 10- united to create(18) to create

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life It is the reason those two letters spell out the word chai-life. God is in the numbers and the numbers are in us. The letter Tet representing the creative impetus, has a value of 9=1+8.....it goes on and on, but if I go any further people get glazy eyed.

Second word: Beroshit (stars with B) meaning In-Head but we were told to read it as BERESH IT (as if there is no = god....we are further instructed to understand 'in head' as: 'in the begining' instead of the more literal 'in his head (head = rosh )the god ( it) created the Heaven and the earth (yes, even god needs a plan).. IT is made up of the letter meaning God and the letter TO meaning letter, musical note and Tho...(Tow is how the last hebrew letter is pronounced. The second verse..and (that was ) when earth was without form ... = Bara Sheet (cognate to the Eng Sheet) means Created fabric/garment or created Foundation using the Bara method....using Big bang (notice that the word meaning big bang starts the word Third word: Created = = Bait =one house (byte) ... (went boom) to raish = universal matter = Energy = Or meaning Light in Heb, by = god ...big bang...little bang, in both cases 2 cells unite to one B(pictorially says just that) and then explodes (divide) to zillions...Bara = bir-th = bar ot = created by letters in Heb. or even in bear (a child). (cre-ate = cara et = Called out everything. Fourth word (the god position): God Elohim - the creator god, whose name is spelled as El Hayam (YHWH only appears in the second chapter) El Hayam meaning God-of-ocean which is the natural way to spell and say it if it werent for the diacritical marks, but we are told to pronounce it ELOHIM (as if it has an extra letter) ( Torah is written without the diacritical marks. (the Hebrew spell check marks as misspelled). If we used -El Hayam it would then be too obvious that it repeats all major myths...God of ocean created using water a black hole (dark deep/abyss) vibration

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(spirit of god, the Heb reads 'the wind of god) ..God-of-ocean like Brahma (Hindu), Nun(Egyptian) and Anu (Babylonian) ...our MODERN scientists finally concur that life was created from water. They are not different gods nor written by different entities. That the same entity wrote (dictated wireless to subconscious) all myths, religions and languages and left highly scientific and historical information, but this can only be found when combining (making one) the information from all myths...we are all holding only part of the truth, this means that's impossible to understand any single text, we need to combine the information, make it whole again. God of Ocean, El-h-ayam is celebrated in Brazil, every new year food and drink is left on the beach to the Godes of Ocean which they call: Yam - a-ja = Ocean god in Heb. God of Ocean like Brahma (whose name like Abraham means creator father) saw his reflection in water (hovered over water) and then created MATTER from water...The big bang began with WATER a black hole and vibration that went boom and then Rained MATTER...The Hebrew word MATTAR cognate to MATTER means RAIN-(WATER)....The Hebrew word for MATTER is GASHMI which means RAIN and MATTER in Hebrew... 2 Hebrew words for Rain are used to express MATTER...one used in English the other in Hebrew. God exploded ...hoh = mym...Very heavy Water. Scientists tell us Earth was created 8.64 billion years after the big bang, which according to the Torah was on the third God-Day - according to Brahma a god day is 4.32 Billion years or 8.64 billion years for 2 god days. P.S only when the Mahabharata, the Torah and modern science are combined, understood as one we can finally understand what god really meant when he said it took two days.... The Lord of hosts, literally means ordered-Letters. the word ordered is

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numerically 92 which is the exact number of natural elements on earth. The Hebrew means The Army of letters or ...The Army of Tho...thoth = thought. When combining Latin Letters with Hebrew Meaning we get: Sun = SheMeSh = CeMeCe (there is no Ch Sh sound as one letter) =CMC (in consonantal Heb) = MCC+ MC2....expanded explanation later.... WATER = = h2o =hoh = water M =mayman=Hydrogen = H The first few words in the Torah are formulas which we have only recently discovered...accident or design??? The idea that life began from water is the most recurrent theme in all major myths. (The Hebrew letter Mem means WATER, and FROM and AM meaning Mother, it looks like a wave in both Hebrew and English..M m....AUM The two older myth than the Torah confirm the Torah Assyro-Babylonian mythology states that the gods, and subsequently all beings, arose from the fusion of salt water (Tiamat the Heb Tehom) and sweet water (Apsu). Egyptian mythology: In the beginning there was only water, a chaos of churning, bubbling water, this the Egyptians called Nu or Nun.

Elohim, God-of-Ocean (El-HaYam) the God Nun or Nu or Brahma created life from Water and some salts but only after a complex 4 letter program was written.... Then more and more complex programs were written, like us but more better....Someone we call aDoNiA (my lord) created a DNA computer and left it's program to rule over us - and the word was god. We mapped the Human genome....this is in fact...reverse engineering, we are trying to figure out

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how this very complicated chemical factory is build.....Non of it looks like an accident, but our scientists insist that this is due to a series of accidents.... We all know that 6 billion bytes of information programmed in every cell that includes instructions for manufacture that are so complex our computers are unable to emulate, how can this be accidental.... There are ONLY two options: accident or design ...we all know accident is a zillion to one!! so...the left over % is the likelihood for intelligent design....100% less a zillionth part!!...accidental creation is not even a long shot...to say the least...so why do so many scientists reject the god theory? because most reason what I used to...no way that a reasonable god is running such a screwed up world...commendable sentiment but not scientific.....Follow the evidence... To understand the idea of Aliens or God one needs to thinks of them as possessing very powerful DNA computers that can create organisms as well as possessing Interactive computers that are able to communicate directly to our subconscious. How else does one god communicate with billions? God said 'abrah cadabrah is not magic. God called instructions into a computer. This idea couldn't have been understood until as late as 20 years ago....now everything is wireless....that's only 50 years after computers were invented...think a million years... unimaginable!! abra cadabrah = = avra kedibra meaning 'it came to pass as it was spoken' (into a computer) Carbon = Car bon = called out the builder (the element all life is built from)...Bone = builder = all cells are built in the bones, the builders.

Prophecy: Couldn't have come to pass unless life was programmed well in advance.

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Maktooba = 'It is written' in Arabic (I was born in Baghdad) it is what my father used to say, 'its been programmed, its inevitable,' is what he meant.

Intelligent design means: a programmer wrote ours and everyone elses program, likely creating life in a laboratory.... ; 8 , - -- And the LORD God planted a garden eastward, in Eden; and . , - there He put the man whom He had formed (elsewhere).

'God knows the thought of man': And if my personal experiences are any indication, God has total access into our hard-drive our subconscious - The God files, they record everything, forget nothing, but by design we have very limited control and access to those files. Accident or design? God (Eng) = HiGiD = to tell, to instruct(Heb meaning). It also describes the light wave those instructions are transmitted on: the invisible purple Gamma Rays in the D band, thus G_D. It is the reason after god spoke to the people of Israel he called them 'Special people' using the word Am Segula literally meaning : The purple people.... Yhwh means the Present ( )God ( = )the ruling god in Heb....No it's not god's first name, its a name he created because Moses insisted, the text says he was called by other names before. Your mantra when reading this : An almost beyond imagination sophisticated computers WROTE THE TORAH and created us. Man Tra = mean Torah = kind of Torah... Aum: as we will see later is one of the most important of god's names...it means From, Water, Mother.

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The Origin of Language 'The origin of language' uses the scientific method to prove the existence of gods (let us) by proving the 'writing of god', the Hebrew language is Proto language, the creation tool that was first gifted to mankind and then confounded - The Origin of Language reveals how the Gods used a crossword puzzle system and HEBREW CONSONANTS to create all world languages. After decoding 3000 English words using Hebrew Word and Letter meanings it is clear that our true 300,000 year history and all the science we would ever need is hidden within all myths and Languages... but only when read 'as one' in Hebrew. 'And the Writing was the writing of god' The theory : The basic assumption is not revolutionary nor new, it is what every religious person purport to have assumed for the last 3000 years, that the Torah is telling the Literal truth, that gods confounded (split the information into many languages so we can't understand each other) because it contained highly advanced, potentially destructive scientific information. That as the Torah states (which is unfortunately contrary to religious teaching) there are many Gods

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who are a scientific and physical rather than spiritual magical gods. Finally, it ought to have been obvious that the original 'writing of God' is not some mysterious language that disappeared but a well known Heb. This is only possible with Hebrew letters because they are unique among all world letters. Each Letter is a word conveying: a shape, a sound, a picture and a number. For example: the Letter B = bet(Heb) = B sound, picture of a housing (contained), a number = 2 and the shape is B,b. I demonstrate that Be sound - has the same meaning and numerical value in all languages. Since each letter is a picture words are small sentences. The WORD/HASHEM is a scientific name because god uses Numerical-Letter-Sound, Word combinations as his and ours only creation method which was used in the programming of DNA, language and all scientific formulas which are but letter combinations. The new assumption/theory I am proposing is that: The building block of language are Letters not Words. Let's see...4 letter language, 4 writing letters, 4 Phosphates.... Phosphates = po sapha ot = here language letter.... sapha = Speech = sapha ish = language man. Sa.ph.a spelled Shin Peh Heh = word mouth breath Spell = Sapha el = Language god Because the word Sapha, the Shin Peh consonants are used as part of a word no one looked, no one noticed. It's like thinking the Atom (word) is the smallest particle and then finding out it's got few pieces inside and that those pieces (letters = electon, proton, neutron,photon) are the same but in different configeration in all atoms. Letter combinations using Unchanging Letters suggest intelligent design

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Though there are millions of programs for life and millions of programs for our computers, the programming letters, the 2 letter computer language or 4 letter DNA language can't change. If the 22 Hebrew letters are the writing of god, then they can't evolve nor change...Constant, like the speed of Light and the writing of God. Bet (Heb) = a housing = Byte (computer). BET used as a word BoY = In-It/contains Y (chromosome) BET used as a letter-word Yes, it suggests that 'the gods' who wrote and confounded language knew thousands of years ago that we would call the molecule Phosphate and the male chromosome Y and that we would call a single bit ( single housing) of computer information a Byte (bet)...how? The best way to predict the future is to create it....This apparent 'delima' (dou lama = dua(l) questions) is repeated so often with so many words and terms that I lost count....Why just confound why not erase? Proff Moranz of NYU has shown the brain breaks down each word to letters suggesting the letters are genetically encoded...we are meant to use it again.... This the scariest of my conclusions, clearly suggests some sort of mind manipulation. It was also a most encouraging of conclusions...we are meant to use it...again Program = perio garam = it's fruits caused molecule = mila hakol = word everything The dictionary claims Fruit is from Fructose meaning sweet or profitable...that obviously is got to be chronologically wrong, the fruit as a word has to be far older than the idea of fruitful...the Hebrew word for Fruit is identical: P/FEROT (p&f are the same letter in Heb.)...no one looked...no one looked. The methodology: Once I was able to Convert a variable to a constant, I was able to test my theory, to un-confound, understand non-Hebrew words in Hebrew. I first assign consonantal Hebrew letters in other languages and then read them while looking for Hebrew meanings. Because I am claiming

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intelligent design my system is far more rigid than conventional linguists. Though both linguists and I ignore vowels and accents, my system doesn't allow consonantal changes nor suggestion of degradation of meaning due to the passage of time...each word, the ones created 4000 years ago and the scientific terms coined yesterday have to have correct Hebrew meaning even today. ...In other words....I need to demonstrate that Both the new formula E= Mc2 and the old word Shemesh = Sun have correct Hebrew meaning. = mc2 = =mcc = cmc = Shin Mem Shin = SheMeSh meaning Sun in Heb, The numerical value of Shin is 300 which is identical to the speed of light(km). Shin has the Sh and Se sounds and means Word (abreviated SheM) and meaning Light or Shine(Sun =shine=shin) it is the origin of the word Sun (shin) which conveys it is Light and that it represents 300 which is the speed of Light. ...Einstein decoded correctly the word Sun in Hebrew....Mc2 SheMeSh defines the power of the Sun. accident? magic?....or....Just a science we don't understand... Water....H2o = hoh = mym (mem.yod.mem-in Heb) hydrogen from the Greek for Water = thus H. Mayman = Hydrogen from the hebrew Mym , water).... thus H (Eng) = M (Heb). thus Water =mym= Hebrew =2h2o= (all those words and more have far more deltail explanations later in the article). hoh = mym h (eng)=m (Heb) This and more suggests that the authors of the Torah were able to understand and harness the energy of the Sun....our scientists are still looking for the right words, formulas that can express such event...The final research will not be in space but in the ToRah... I saw the sentence below plastered on walls all over israel: I understand it became Rabbi Odesser's personal meditation and song. Before he died, he taught this phrase to a group of devotees who

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formed the Na Nach movement. No one could tell me what it meant...not even the encyclopedia. That's what I think it means: I believe this sentence summarizes it all.... = Nahman is meouman = trained, in what? stuttering? more likely Nahman summarized his Kabalah in one sentence: thinking, meaning using the creative tool of letter combinations. a letter and another letter and then another... 1+2+3+4 Letters = 10....a message to god that says...I got it! God is a physically visual Light = Lahat = Flame It is how god is described. It is his only description. 'Ashan kelahat hakivshan' 'smoke like flame of a furnace'...too bright? it explains his answer to Moses...'No one sees me and lives' It Also proves beyond the shadow of the doubt that god is physical. God covered Moses with his hand and removed it after he passed so Moses can see his back....hand, back and a face one can't see. We don't see god for our own protection!! Spiritual god? yes...language is the daily spirituality we all practice... DNA our personal ruler has the same letters as aDoNAi our personal god...DNA = dina A = verdicts god.....clearly beginners luck... otherwise.... I suggest Language was originally designed so a one year old learns the word Sun - Shemesh, Mym - water and aDoNiA - god. At 12 he/she learns it's also Mc2, H2o & DNA. Imagine.... a whole language designed this way....the way we would all design it if we could!!! Unlike Webster's unabridged dictionary, I wouldn't dare suggest that Cloud originated from Anglo Saxon Clud meaning big Rock...There is no way they confused the two 4000 years ago....This origin was offered by Webster because after researching dozens of languages that's the only word that sounded similar.... In contrast, using ONLY Hebrew, a Semitic supposedly non related language: Cloud = coulo ed (Heb)=

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All Vapor. This is Scientifically correct but there is no way to explain it assuming evolution. There is no way to explain how the original English speakers had such knowledge and spoke Hebrew thousands of years ago. And why didn't etymologists find it? Because they didn't look!! They didn't look (linguistics is a comparative science, meaning it researches the parts never the whole) because they assumed Hebrew is not related to English or Latin. Unlike conventional linguists my system requires that Each word has a correct Hebrew meaning, 'another way' of saying the same thing, like in a crossword puzzle. These rules are far more rigid than linguist's and I still achieve far better results than suggested by Webster's. This is only possible because all Life & all Languages were created with Hebrew letter combinations - words (formulas) called-out instructions likely into a DNA computer. This was hiddenconfounded so we can't understand one another. The fact that I was able to decode scores of new scientific words and ancient religious terms, 3000 Old and new words (mostly English) using Hebrew letter meaning proves Speech, the ability to imagine and create was not a product of series of accidents. Formula = po re mila = here see word We are not different from other organisms because we are better communicators, they all do...even cells in the body communicate. We are different because were gifted the creation tool of the gods -language, the ability to frame pictures which enables us to move them and combine them with other pictures in order to imagine - create. Imagine = em genes = with/in genes create = cara et = called-out/read everything (god creation method in the torah) Language = lan hagig = thought dormant within Because we sometimes communicate our thoughts this creation method was mistakenly labeled by a us

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as a communication tool. Based on the accumulated meanings of the decoded words it appears that all Languages collectively were encoded with our true history and the secrets of creation...because it is written in the language of creation. On it's face this sounds too outlandish to believe A professor at Bar Ilan, a religious University in Israel told me it has been proven that heb is not the origin of language 100 years ago!! Evolutionists tell us we were created by accident. Etymologists claim they have it figured out and Hebrew is definitely not proto language, listing many languages that were created before Hebrew. Even our ears and minds tell us that my theory must be wrong. There is no way thousands of languages were made from one and no one noticed. How can letter meaning be the same, constant, in all languages? How can newly created scientific terms decipher correctly in Hebrew? and If it's that obvious how is it No one noticed? the answer is: The same way No one noticed that Latin Letters are identical to ancient Hebrew (table on the side) and unlike language it's not in code. All it took is to write them left to right instead of right to left... Sounds impossible but it happened. Because etymologists ASSUMED language evolved from monkey grunts, they naturally created a system that matches their theory which assumes the building blocks of language are words created by accidental sound combinations rather than designed using letter combinations. It is the reason why using Hebrew as a universal decoder has never been tested. In order to prove my theory 'beyond reasonable doubt' I accumulated 5 times more words than the 600 required. Though you soon realise I question most accepted theories, but I use a lot of recently discovered scientific facts in the process of proving my point that scientific information is hidden in the word. I do not deny any scientific facts. This body of work is the result of many years of trying to connect the dots. Assume, Ashame, two seemingly unrelated words find their origin in the Hebrew Ashame meaning guilty.

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one Assume (guilt)...One is ashamed because of 'felling guilty'...for me this and other simple revelations were far better than going to a shrink. A theory by it's nature is a string of circumstantial evidence of what might have happen. Each event on it's own could be coincidental and accidental, but when calculated together the probability that 3000 words, enough to understand 80% of the bible, are due to accident becomes as astronomical as the probably that DNA was accidental....By extension the obvious conclusion which no one is willingto admit is that the probability for intelligent design approaches 100%. Theory = tiour = description Euphemism = yapheh mishem = prettier than it's name. Euphoria = yapheh or ya = pretty light of god. accident or Design is the ONLY question. I might sound 'too sure' 'euphoric' without enough evidence...My statements are based on a whole new picture, brand new never examined before set of evidence in the form of 3000 deciphered words, which NO one had ever had before now.....THIS IS ENTIRELY ORIGINAL. so...please reserve Judgment. Theory or Fact? 100 decoded words makes it a credible theory, 3000 decoded words and irrefutable evidence that ancient Hebrew letter are practically identical to Latin letters is enough evidence to make this as close to a fact as one can get...almost 100%, beyond reasonable doubt. Unless.... my Hebrew decoding system is false or faulty, which every Hebrew speaker will tell you it ain't! Evidence = ovda nas = Carries facts LOOK AT THE Evidence...3000 THE DECODED WORDS I give few examples through the text in order to make my point, but I am able to decode over 50% of words in this text. In 97 when my book was first published my dictionary was far less than 1000 words,

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today it contains 3000 words and grows almost daily. I have a grade 9 Hebrew education and English is my second language (evidenced by my syntax- oye), that ain't bad. Offcourse many words are not yet decipherable because our science isn't there yet. We counldn't decode many words even 50 years ago....It is likely that even 500 years from now many words would still be a mystery to us....after all the program designer, Hashem wrote this. Blessed be the Word, Blessed be Hashem, Blessed be his name. Chomsky was only partially right: Language is innate, and from a Martian or Pleiadian point of view we are all speaking the same language...But he wrongly concluded Syntax is innate (if it is, most of us are born handicap), it can't be programmed without an extensive semantics dictionary(this is a noun, this a verb)...I will demonstrate that We are all using Hebrew (he bara = It created) Shemantics, (shem = word, Tic = file ==word file). Syntax = Shin Texes ot =word set-arrangement. We are all speaking Hebrew with funny accents and weird expressions...Of course Chomsky managed to name our Innate ability L.A.D which happened to mean At-Birth - Innate (Heb) ......and Birth = Bar ot...Create by letter....are we then part gods part earthling? Hybrids =hi bar yad = this created by hand. And people say god has no sense of humor......Yup sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction...Torah = True... Man plan god laughs. The Origin of Language reveals that our designer and programmer is called The Word because he used letter combinations with assigned numerical values to write all DNA programs and all languages. The Word, Hashem is a scientific acronym for god who used the Word - Letter, Number and Picture combinations as the building blocks for language and life. After decoding 3000 words it is clear beyond reasonable doubt that consonantal Hebrew Letter meaning are universal. Because the decipher works equally well with both ancient terms and new scientific words, it suggests that the naming process is on going and not Really under our own control.

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Positive = po zi tive = here this good Therapy = troufa = medication Alternative = ilter native = changed path All 3000 words are that simple and obvious. ***Only with a Hebrew letter decoder Accident or design? If its so obvious how is it no one noticed? 'Enaim lahem welo yeroo', 'they have eyes but will no see'. Creation began with Letters 'Sepher Yetzira', 'the book of formation' describes Letter creation. 2:2 Twenty-two 22 (2+2=4) foundation letters: He ordained them, He hewed them, He combined them, He weighed them, He interchanged them. And He created with them the whole creation and everything to be created in the future. Book of 'Formation', Sefer Yetsirah, 2:2 The Book of Formation/manufacture seems to be offering an inappropriately physical description for the creation of writing-letters. Strangely it is scientifically speaking, a very good physical description for the creation of the 4 elementary particles: Photon, Proton, Electron and Neutron which were combined to create ALL the elements and then recombined to create the 4 DNA letters...which themselves were combined to create all life. God is in the numbers: 22 letters of creation (22 bones in the head 8&14. Elohim =86=14, Yhwh = 26 = 8. accident? as we will see the answer is an emphatic NO) 2+2=4 particles of creation and 4 DNA letters paired 2&2...chap2:2...40 days, 40 years, 40 weeks of birth and 4 seasons....as we will see later

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this is Not accidental ...This is a signature, a clue to who is our creator, our god.

The difference between evolutionists and creationists: After a father explained to his children how we all came from monkeys, the children went to the mother to ask if that was true. He could hear his wife's reply: 'Its true about his side of the family'. (Dick Gergory) Another difference is that evolutionists assume that nature- a series of accidents SOMEHOW programmed DNA with 6 billion bytes of information (I find it funnier than the Joke). Creationists who believe in intelligent design believe a god created us by creating and then using a DNA computer. Accident or Design? you be the judge Some Facts What Scientists know is that: The backbone of DNA is based on a repeated pattern of a sugar group and a phosphate group, which themselves are complex molecules of Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen which are somehow used like a sophisticated computer chip to record instructions for patterns of behaviour due to stimuli. Someone or something used a bunch of chemicals to create RNA, DNA, Protein, cell membrane and many more parts that are useless on their own but together somehow created movement - life. Protein: Proteins are biochemical compounds consisting of one or more polypeptides. The sequence of amino acids in a protein is defined by the sequence of a gene, which is encoded in the genetic code. all life structures are made up of Protein. Manufacture of Protein is only programmed in the DNA, the hard drive that contains all the instructions programs that are far more complicated than the ones silicon valley writes with great effort. But nature wrote them by accident?...How?

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The conundrum is that the creation of Protein can't begin without some protein as a catalyst. Who made that original Protein? After all it useless unless it is used as a catalyst. More perplexing, how does nature write complex programs using 4 letters made up of different phosphates. How does Nature decide to split the DNA to reproduce itself and then create a 'spell check' to insure correct replication. When it makes an error the spell check finds it reverses the process and corrects it. No wonder our scientists who marvel at the complexities of life, can't at the same time even imagine how a series of accident could have written those programs... DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA is a nucleic acid containing the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. The DNA segments carrying this genetic information are called genes. RNA transmit the information. DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the use of this genetic information. Along with RNA and proteins, DNA is one of the three major macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life. Below are 3 of 3000 words...How is it that once deciphered in Hebrew the word describes the function correctly? DNA Din A = verdicts god (Heb) RNA Rin a = song god (transmit information) Deoxyribonucleic Da ze ribon col co = know this ruler of everything (Hebrew) c0= 26 = Yhwh gene Gan = Garden Do the facts suggest accidental creation or do they point to a lot of forethought prior to letter creation, followed by very complex program writing - letter combinations (words) ....If on the other hand... Accidental creation: Million sequential accidents (not a single event) manufactured 4 different

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phosphates and combined them. Suggesting nature wrote those programs spontaneously, naturally, by simply trying all possible combinations, billions multiplied by billions, multiplied again by billions attempts till it Accidentally finds a successful formula, is like suggesting the Torah could have been written by accident (our programming is far longer and more complex than any single book). If that was the case we should find a lot of failing attempts...Non? Surely we ought to detect subsequent attempts?...Non? ...beginners luck? succeeded on it's first attempt and never tried again? Conclusion All the research indicate life requires very specialized and complex program writing. All the scientists concluded that it is inexplicable assuming accidental creation. This then means they are unable to even theories how so much forethought/pre-planning and program writing was created by a series of accidents. 200 years after Darwin false creation theory (life began in a warm pond), no one can explain programming replication, future survival, forethought as an accident. 'Given time everything can happen' is the evolutionists slogan...It is true if one assumes nature used a computer who was programmed to try all possibilities...that's when theoretically, mathematically speaking it could happen. But in fact combining Amino Acids into DNA is not a natural event anymore than finding silicon (both are used to record information) and suggesting nature can make computers and write programs on silicon chips. Otherwise, if amino acids combined spontaneously and started writing programs using previosly created letters, we would be able to observe it in nature or at least to reproduce it in laboratory experiments, neither has yet to happen. The information is so multi faceted and non linear that I don't believe anyone could have accidentally stumbled over it. I am therefore not suggesting anything sinister...I too believed there is only one god and his name is Evolution. I therefore don't believe that scientists are trying to hide the truth. Everyone knows if you spin long enough and fast enough you get dizzy...Magic or logic? which came first the chicken or the egg? This is only a conundrum if one assumes accidental creation/evolution. They came together as one, a chicken and a future chicken...Organisation, future

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planning and replication can only mean intelligent design! The truth is It is only now that our science is developed enough to be able to understand any of this. We were programmed!! it is the reason we don't have control or unimpeded access to the hard-drive, the subconscious, 86% or 6 parts of 7 of the brain is not under our control...by choice? . Who is then in charge of sending random (evil/bad - satan, good -god) thoughts into the conscious mind? Who programmed us and who is running all the back ground programs without which we can't exist? God works 86%-6 days and rests on the seventh-14% (conscious is 14%). The programs, the secrets of creation are hidden in our 'god files'. T Free choice is suggested by the fact that both 86 and 14 adds up to 5. 86=14= dwd = 4.6.4 David...the seed of god.... As we will see throughout my writing god is in the numbers which are represented by letters...like all computers...but more better...The number combinations are far more complex and involved, I left it for later in the article. The 'god files' were written in the Torah, on a stone supplied by god, written in the writing of god and in the hand of god, which Moses broke, the sparks exploded... The information is now hidden in All languages and myths collectively. This is only obvious when all languages are decoded in Hebrew. The word, the program has been written and confounded, we need to un-confound it - decode it. We need to know the rules/laws of creation so we know when we break them. The words: Code = akod = Knotted, Confound =Can peh anand = here speech tied-up. Law = lo = No (Heb)....The laws are the rules of what NOT TO DO....Law = the NO rules. Rule = roeh al = Shepherd over , another word for Rule.

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In effect the the laws are the gods over us. The Hebrew word No = LO (lamed Aleph) is El = god, Backward. who is El-god? El adds up to...3+1= 4 again? Like someone used a crossword puzzle method to create many languages from one....Everything went boom and everything goes back to ONE... I offer about 3000 decoded English words with correct Hebrew meaning, scores containing scientific information we didn't possess then... As additional evidence for intelligent Design, and evidence to the hidden hand of god is the fact that The Original Hebrew letters, the original writing of god (table in the next section-Language in Human) are the Roman letters (left right, right left = tomato, tometo). How is it no one noticed that 19 of the letters are identical to the ancient 4000 year old letters used to write the original Torah? Accident or design? The Consonantal English letters are how the above words were spelled in the original Hebrew which were changed about 2500 years ago. Why did someone change 'the writing is the writing of god'? If nature didn't program us, who then programmed us ? who is our god? The New Testament describes letter combination, the Word, eloquently but yet cryptically. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". John 1:1 How can The Word that was with god become god? Who or what is the Word? Why do we call god Hashem, The Name, the Word? 'In the beginning was the word': The idea of creating the program for life using letter combination called the Word formulated 'in-god's-head: 'Berosh-it (= in-head) the first word in Gen1-1, was misunderstood as in-head-of things thus was translated as 'In the beginning' instead of the more literal:

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'in-head god created the heaven and earth'. Yes even god needs to first imagine...Once formulated the plan was implemented, used to program all life. The genetic code of DNA letters, the Word, the program became our god: 'and the Word was god'... .The Hebrew word for our 'Personal god' aDoNiA... = DNA ........in Consonantal Hebrew. ***In order to follow the Hebrew decoder please do not listen to the vowel, ignore the music of the word, its there to confound, to cloud the sameness. Read the consonants void of music... Consonant = Can shinant = Here memorize diligently. Vowel = bo el = in it god...the confounder... Creation according to Torah

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1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

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2 Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the water.

This makes no sense, god created the heaven and earth...followed by 'now the earth was unformed', this is backwards...it ought to read: the earth was unformed, and god created the heaven and earth....Is god a bad writer? Or was this mistranslated? My translated version: Gen 1- In his head god of ocean created the heaven and earth,

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2- That was before the earth was formed, when darkness was upon the face of a black hole and the spirit/ wind/ vibration of god hovered upon WATER. This makes far more sense....Elohim -El Hayam (Yhwh only apears in the second chapter), The God-ofOcean while hovering over water, first imagined his creation, then using (very heavy) Water god created MaTTeR. The world beganwith a black hole, vibration of god and water....Scientists confirm that life couldn't begin without Water and that the big bang couldn't start without vibration-a bang. The language decipher (Da-sipoor = Know story) confirms this. Both Hebrew and English words for Matter mean Rain, thus affirming the Torah assertion that everything is from Water. The English Matter is from the HebrewMaTTaR meaning Rain. Matter=Mattar. Gashmy means both Rainy and Matter in Hebrew...Rain=Gashmy =Mattar =Matter =Water. The third Hebrew word for rain is Yoreh. RaiN = YoReh ayN = Rain See (consonantly). ToRah is likened to (Wa)TeR = ToRah. Ma-TTeR = From.Torah....Torah is then the Program that first created water and then life. FiRST = Po Reshit the letter P (here) was substituted with B (in) and the word was compressed Po Reshit = Here in the head of things. (the English P F are represented by the single Hebrew letter Peh. Be-gin = Ba Gan = In garden...where it all began....Gan/Gen = gene....There is no Ge sound in hebrew. Organise = Ergoon ish = organisation there is. Ergoon = arag = weaved = A Rag (English)... Accident? Hindu Creation: The primordial Nature called Prakriti gives birth to Brahma. Brahma imagined his creation in Maya of illusion. 'and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the water'.What's Maya? Maya =yam (Hebrew) = Water. What's a Prakriti? The Hebrew decoder transliterate Pra kriti = brought-

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forth by-calling-out (Hebrew). Kriti = Create = Cara et = (Hebrew) = Called out everything - god's creation method in the Torah. BrahmA is married to Sara sawati andABraham is married to Sarah his half sister. ..sawati - zo ahoti meaning...she my sister in Hebrew. Not obvious? If it were it wouldn't be a 5773 year old secret....The Hebrew calendar counts the years language was confounded, not when the world began.... - - , Gen-1-5 And there was evening and there was morning, Day One. Or in Hebrew AHD means both One and he-made-one...united wave with particle to create Matter. That's why the Torah starts with a Bait-2. Wave = Ha-Av = the father...and water the Mother - Em,M became 'as one'....AM. Em. Bo-Om. We call it the big bang....and the son? its the SUN...Light = Particle and wave. Elohim-god-of-ocean made two into one-united, not only as translated 'day one' but DayUnited. Two units become as one and then explode into a universe...The big bang is God Creation method described with the word = BRA. One housing containing B elements that first fused and then exploding to universal matter aR- Energy (AR means light in Hebrew). AElohim. BiRth suggests BR type creation. Our scientists label this Fusion, explaining that when 2 unite they create more energy than their sum. But quantum physics seems to has shown that on the subatomic level they might still be independent. Quantum physics calls it The Quantum enigma,I prefer the god Enigma: When observed subatomic particles are seen as Matter. But when unobserved the evidence is that the subatomic particle acts like a wave meaning able to enter a wall at 2 separate places, to be at 2 places at the same time. When one tries to box-in the particle to measure it, it inexplicably creates enough energy to escape the box Scientists comment is that it is as if Nature (god) doesnt want to be measured. It suggests 'Rouah Elohim hovers over water', is still there. It suggests that information or even thought is reported to two separate places at the same time. But when we attempt to measure using light...The act seems to turn

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it to a particle...by design? No that's clearly an accident. Quan-Tum = Here completed. God Days: All this happened before the earth was formed. It means the days of creation are not earth days but god days. What's a god day? According to Hindu myth Brahma day is 4.32 billion years. Sun Moon and Earth were created on the 3rd day. According to Brahma days it's 8.64 billion years before earth was created. Our scientists estimated that the big bang happened 13 billion years ago or app. 8.63 billion years before earth was created. Lucky coincidence? For sure.... Light of God: Everything and every body emits light. Light travels at a constant speed of 300/kms, this number is identical to the numerical value of the Letter Shin whose meaning is the Word and Light (shine) Shin is the 21 letter =3 = C (3rd letter). God created the Sun and described it as Shemesh in Hebrew or spelled it consonantly...CMC = MCC = mc2...which expresses how the sun produces energy. I have to believe god 'suggested' to Einstein the true meaning of the Hebrew Shemesh and then 'suggested' C instead of L for the speed of light so it can be expressed as: ...MC2 = CMC= Shin.Mem.Shin. SheMeSh. The word Sun is identical to MC2 numerically and letter wise. No wonder Einstein declared: god doesn't play dice with the Universe...He knew: God is in the numbers. Water is life, it's abundant on earth but non of the stars or moon around us have any...Yet it is controlled by the moon without which life wouldn't be possible. Luck? All water gathered on earth and nowhere else? why? Life in ocean is possible because god or nature designed water to expand and become lighter when frozen (the only liquid with such properties), if ice became heavier than water it would sink to the bottom of the ocean, in other words rivers would freezefrom the bottom up... all animal life would die ...Luck? The Hebrew word for Luck/chance is MaZaL or Maz (mizima) El = Crafty trick of God...we say: by 'Chance' = Cha ness = This Miracle. The Hebrew word for water is MYM = H20..., Hydrogen is M-Mayman in Hebrew, 2 Hydrogen =2 Mayman (Hebrew) 2M= 2H(English). Oxygen is eqivelant to the letter Yod in water-MYM and O in H2O.

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Yod is numerically 10th letter which represents Yhwh, numerically 26. Those two number represent God. Oxygen is the 8th element with 2 orbits of 2+6 electrons = 26...H2O-MyM has 10 Protons as is the value of the letter Yod. The word Yhwh a.k.a Yod signifies 'ruling god' and can refer to many different things. The Hyoid (H-Yod) bone is called the lingual bone and therefore Yod (ruler) over language. The human genetic code is programmed in 46 Chromosomes (4+6=10=yod) contained in 26,000 (YHWH=26) genes. Of course there is the Mayan holy year of 260 days and the astronomical big year of 26000 year. this cycle will be completewd in dec of 2012. God is in the numbers. Hashem the stringer of letters/numbers into words/formulas, designed those 3 letter words that way! num-ber = dormant the-creator Letter = el tor = god Torah formula =po re mila = here see word Molecular Biologists discovered that DNA is not programmed randomly. Life was programmed by stringing 3 letter combinations which form the RNA and DNA Molecules...a systematic 3 letter language suggests DNA was programmed whole not piece meal - not through slow evolution...Hebrew like DNA was also written whole, Hebrew like DNA has a 3 letter Shoresh = source meaning Root in Hebrew. Molecule = mila hakol = It's all a word.... DNA = din a = Verdicts god (the program). RNA=rin a = song god = transmits information. It took me a long time to understand that if it's made up of letter combinations it must be intelligent design. Though the DNA letters were the first physical creation, prior thought as to how to combine them is required. It is equally true about letters that turn into words, sentences, imagined creation that

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are the bases of all real creation. I then Finallyunderstood that The Word, Hashem means The Namer (another word for programmer) a scientifically inspired name, chosen to describe the creator of Life and Language by Letter combinations - The Word is then an acronym for the programmer of life, the stringer of DNA letters. It finally happened, the crossroad where science and theology meet. Scientists and theologist, evolutionists and creationist finally agree that before Life could be created someone or something had to first Invent a 4 Letter Language which was used to program an expandable Operating and Replicating system we call DNA by encoding behavior patterns.... did a designer god or billions of accidents programmed this big 3D game we call life? The Eyes do not see in 3 diamention. Each eye sees in two diamentions like a camera, then the brain extrapolates a 3 D diamention form from the combined information of both eyes...Just like a computer.... Accident or design? If by design...there bound to be an upgrade to 4D, a 4th dimension.... if by accident....forget about it.... If life wasn't a program why do salmons swim together upstream to mate thousands of miles away in the place of their birth, at a cost of 94% of their species. Experience tells them most die...and they are already swimming together...survival of the fittest? Why and how did the salmon decide this is good for them? Why not evolve not to return to where most are being eaten? why do they practically sacrifice themselves? Or, as we all know they have no choice, they were programmed to have prolific ability to reproduce and return to the same place and are powerless to override it.... This was programmed so other species can survive....the delicate balance of nature - the interdependence is recognised as delicate...could not be accidental because it can only be explained in the context of the Whole. In other words the programmer has to view nature from above and consider all possibilities. But again, our scholars assure us this was done by

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accident...not by plan...A series of accidents made sure the salmon was programmed to return to the same place regardless how many get eaten, because reasoned the Salmon: 'we make enough babies to survive as a species'... Very Solomonic !! we too are programmed and unlike the salmon we are partially gods, we can change our programming. Pro-gram = perio garam = his fruits caused. Language in Human Torah:

6 , And the LORD said: 'Behold, they are one people, and they have - , , ; . , all one language; and this is what they begin to do; and now nothing will be withholden from them, which they purpose to do.

'Come, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.' Gen 11-7 The inescapable conclusion is that god thought that the people building the city knew language contained a lot of scientific information and were about misuse it. NYU Professor Alec Marantz has shown that the brain looks at each word as a sentence; he said, "We would see the same pattern of brain activity within a word as within a sentence, though more compressed in time. Proffessor Marantz findings point to a real and specific place in the brain programmed to break down words into letters. This suports the theory that letters not words are the original building blocks of language. This dovetails with the Torah story that Hebrew letter meaning were first encoded into Adam's DNA who used them to create words that described everything. This is possible because

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Hebrew is a unique computer/god generated Proto language made up of Letters that are actually words and words that are actually short sentences, each Letter is: 1-Word 2-sound 3-Picture 4-Number....E.G: The Letter M = MEM (Hebrew)= (EM-English) = MOTHER (EM), WATER(MYM), FROM(M) = The Hebrew meaning AND The Universal meaning of the letter that looks like a wave the letter mem...MeM with value of 40 ... Each letter is a short cut to programmed information. Those unique letters were first combined into Hebrew words, which were later used to create all languages by employing a crossword like system. The letter meaning that proves intelligent design 'disappeared' but not erased (for later use), they are still in the subconscious (done tirelessly). Letters = eL ToRah = the Torah god. The evolutionary option: Skeletal evidence suggest Homo-Sapien Cro-Magnon appeared about 60,000 years ago, as if from nowhere, possessing Language and other advanced social skills. Language is not a learned social skill, before we possessed it, many simultaneous mutations in a group of related people were required. Therefore Scientists and Linguists concluded language in humans is incompatible with the evolutionary theory, meaning inexplicable assuming accidentalcreation. Safian = Safa Ayn = able to speak (in Hebrew), Thinking man in Greek. Cro-Magnon (caroo megan on= called from the garden of god is named after Cro-Magnon the place where skeleton was found. Evolution is a fact, Accidental creation or Designed creation are the two theories. Though lacking any evidence it doesn't stop our Scholars from teaching it as a scientific theory. Accidental creation is a beliefs without supporting facts.... it's a religion not a science. It has been shown that most people (I guess it includes scientists) ignore facts rather than change their set of beliefs. Believe = ba lev = In Heart. (love,live) Lobby = Lev = Heart (of a building). Love = Le-hove = lev = to love/heart.

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Live = Heart. Involve =Ayne bo lev = see a heart of-it....and on and on.... Earlobe = ear Heart?. A ten year study by a heart surgent showed that 90% of the people he operated on had creases in their earlobes. Todate no one has been able to connect the heart with earlobe....but the Word whenunderstood in Hebrew knew!! Are we all speaking Hebrew with funny accents and weird expressions? ...And No One Noticed? ...Yup! Writing

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Exo-16 And the tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, graven upon the tables.

And how about writing? Are we all Writing Hebrew Letters and no one noticed? No way! ...Yup! WiKiedia : Latin ( /ltn/; Latin: lingua latna; IPA: [latina]) is an Italic language [3] originally

spoken in Latium and Ancient Rome. Along with mostEuropean languages, it is a descendant of the ancient Proto-Indo-European language. It originated in the Italian peninsula

This Is Gotcha Funny!! English/Latin letters Not current Hebrew letters are the original writing of god!!

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Create = Bara in 4000 year old Hebrew was written as bRA.. not The Latin Roman Alphabet was not invented nor based on several alphabet as suggested by all the experts. The original Hebrew Alphabet, the one used by God to write the Torah was radically changed...why?...The holy language, the writing of god!! who dared to allow such a thing?...Few hundred years later the original Hebrew alphabet was reintroduced as new Latin alphabet. No way!! So no one noticed? Not Even Hebrew religious and language scholars? They looked at those letters for hours days and years and couldn't see it? ....Nope! They ASSUMED evolution and therefore never looked....but still....this in not in code!! AsSuMe = HeShiM = Blame To my untrained eye this looks obvious! I included an explanation for the 3 letters that are the exceptions Aleph

English A looks like Aleph from 1000 b.c Bull for 2000 b.c Bull of Heaven? Bait

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The English b looks like upside down b Bait from 1000 b.c Gimel (exception)

G was made up of 2 Hebrew G sound. g looks like the letter Ghah (entwined rope), the original Gimel was used as J sound.

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The English K looks like upside down Caph from 1000 b.c. Caph was used as Partial Shin/Sin (Ce), that's why it was only partially used. It looks like a Caph without the two sticks inside C . Lamed

the English L looks like the Hebrew Lamed from 2000 b.c Mem

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the English M m looks like a wave, Mem from 2000 b.c and it means water. Peh (exception)

This letter looks somewhat like an inverted P from 2000 b.c. This letter was not copied because the sound was split to two English Letters: P F *Shin/Sin

Looks like an S inverted. This important sound was not given a letter in English but ...SH. CH. C. S Z can all be decoded as Shin/Sin .The Samekh meaning of Sin was to Shin Current Samekh was called Sin and Shin was Shin. but then Shin became Sin. The new Samekh a letter that looks like a Dalet or inverted D was created...it suggests enclosed Knowledge. Tait

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Looks like T t in a circle from 2000 b.c Tow

Looks like T t from 2000 b.c and it explains the circle around the letter Tait. Below is a chart with all 23 original hebrew letters and their meanings (my undersanding)

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NOTHING IS NEW UNDER THE SUN... If our experts didn't notice the obvious...what else did they miss? ...a lot. No one noticed that To-Ra are the names of the Egyptian gods of Moon and sun, of conscious and subconscious? ...no? phd in comparative religions? no?

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Nature = Noun.To.Raish = ayiN ToRa = see Torah.... Theo = God in Greek. Egyptian mythology tells us that Tho 'who expressed in words the wishes of Ra, thus ThoRa' should have been an obvious conclusion? The mysterious YHWH who seemed to appear 'out of nowhere' gifting a book no one has heard of is none other than the Egyptian author of all knowledge, the god ThoTh the god of all Thought, who with his wife Maat the goddess of truth and Justice (Maat=amate = truth) quietly disappeared into mythology (MyTh=aMeT=True). Both Torah and the book of Tho claim to contain the secret of the universe...How everything WAS programmed...One book disappeared and another appeared. And what of the 4 letters used to program DNA? 4 is Thoth's Number...his 4 letters spell out his plans: ATGC = A(god) T(tho) G(haGa) C (Chin) = God Tho Thought-out the word. It is likely why 'they' say: 'Nothing is new under the sun', and 'everything is meant'. Thoth other names are Daijty = Daty meaning Religion. Another of his names is Tam meaning complete (Noah was TAM in his generation- the only seed saved by god). His full name reads: TamDat-Torah meaning: complete-religion-Torah. The four letters of his name: D 4 (4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet) M 40 (13th letter) Tho (22nd letter) and T 400. Tait (9th) letter spells out a recoiled snake or a description of the creator of the double helix. Together it spells out DaM ThoT = theblood of Thoth. The fourth letter is D = dalet = da el tho = know. To is the last Hebrew letter with value of 400 that is bigger than the 300 for Shin and the speed of light suggesting that Thought travels faster than light. the oldest city in the world Jericho is about 10,000 years old and existed pre-confounding of language, is dedicated to Tho the Moon God. YeRiCHO = Yod(god) Moon.The Hebrew Yareh means god of Spirituality werouah Elohim Merahefet al pnai hamayim

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The Torah confirms in code that it is the secret book of Thoth who is the god Enki who is YhWh who said ANoki Yehoweh Elohwekawhich might confirm the teaching that every word is the name of god. English Hebrew decipher Sabbath shav tho sat Tho Thoth = Moon God = elohim = el hayam = god-ocean moon controls ocean. Elhayam is numerically 86. 6 days of creation = 86%, subconscious = 86% of brain, Human brain is 86% water.are you going to 86 this information? The Torah also claims that one super-continent appeared firstwe didn't know that till 20 years ago, turns out to be truethat life began in the ocean is only 70 year old knowledge...turned out to be true... that humans were first created as vegetariansturns out to be true. Torah turns out to be true...Oh yesthe supercontinent bears the name Elbabara = God on it created in Hebrew The numbers: The God Tho thought Of The Word...40 years, 40 days, 40 weeks of birth, 4 seasons...1+2+3+4= 10...The Hebrew letter TO adds to 46 this is why he programed us with 46 Chromosomes in 26000 (yhwh = 26) genes as does sun-SheMeSh= 640... both add up to 10 ... The Sun is exactly 400 times the moon in diameter. The distance to the sun is 400 the distance to the moon. The distance to the earth is 0.0026 (yhwh =26) times the distance to the sun. 86%=14%= both representing conscious and subconscious add up to 5 suggesting that though they are different sizes both have equal powers. This bring to mind the relationship between moon and sun that are iidentical in size once the distance is factored....moon controls subconscious and sun conscious mind. This relationship i unique in the universe. 14 = DWD meaning David, numerically 4.6.4 the seed of god this three letter word spells out numerically and letter wise TO 46 forward and backword. The Hindu god times is in multiples of 4.32 spelling out Lev To = Heart Tho. God is in the numbers...And the Words.

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The English words Birth and Breath of life 'Rough Elohim' confirm it was given to us by Thoth...Brea-th = created-Thoth. Birth = created-Thoth. As a Jew who was brought up in Israel...though my conclusion that YHWA is THOTH was unavoidable it was a scary conclusion, because even though they are the same god the name change felt like a religion change. Since Thoth clearly created Thought which resides in the subconscious. it is clear that the god still has access... It took me a while to accept. It is still mind boggling to me... The Letter T looks like a cross which suggest the Christian worship the Cross as a symbol of The god Tho/Yhwhwho was described holding an ANK (Enki ) the symbol for eternal life that was the inspiration for the Cross. i explain at lengh in the chapter "who is god and who is his first son" that Kain is the secret son of god, the original Jesus whose offspring contributed to mankind and are never reported to die, they live forever. So what happened to them? 'And the sons of god Took the daughters of man...'the two lines intermarry. the book calls the sons of cain the sons of god and the daughter of Adam is the name given to the line of Seth. Evrit means The Crossers....both worship ElHayamGod-Ocean, the moon god Thoth. Hebrew Holidays were decreed by Yhwh the god of the moon who based them on Moon cycles. Moon = Maon = Residence. If I were to guess, God is physically on the moon...the dark side ain't so dark... YHWH/Enki/Tho was/is not an exclusively Jewish god, actually the Christian story of a son of God born to an earthling is the story told in the Torah in code. Did god move temporarily to the Vatican?

I believe the Torah tells the Sumerian and Egyptian Mythology but coded The Sumerian Enki killed a young unmarried and childless son of god who had knowledge (Jesus?) to create mankind, A-DAM = God-Blood was used. Enki created mankind thus Tho/Enki =Anoki = I-am in Hebrew....His father Anu created the original humans thus Ani means I in Hebrew (Anu = One Tho =

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Two). Enki then ordered the creation of the holy ghost to remember the slain god. I show in another article that Cain is the original secret son of god, Killed his younger brother. Enki the god of water secret number was 40 same as the Hebrew Mem meaning Water. Enki killed a young god for the sins of his rebel brothers. Enki a.k.a the SNaKe (Se eNKi = this Enki), a symbol that conveys the fact that he created the double Helix. Enki backward is KaiN, suggesting that his mother knew who the true father is (Adam is never mentioned). The Snake/Dragon god who lives forever is the real reason Eve called him Kain to honor Enki. Enki changed his name to Thoth when he moved to Egypt. Thoth is described holding an Ankh....which eventually becomes the Cross. Cain builds a city, never die and then his offspring contribute to the advancement of mankind. It has been thought that the Torah skips them.but it doesnt. Chap 4 tells about the sons of Eve and there Adam is never mentioned, Eve thanks god for selling her a manwhat does that mean? What happened to Adam. chapter 5 talks about the son of Adam and only mentioned Seth and never mention Able or Cain.Chapter 6 tells us that the line of Seth called the daughters of Adam marries the sons of Cain called the sons of god. Expanded in who is god and who is his first born. Eastern religions are not much different...Hare Krishna was born of immaculate conception, a union between the sun God and female earthling named Kanti. Kanti named her child Karna (keren A) meaning Ray of god in Hebrew to secretly honor his father the Sun God... Kanti name in Hebrew means the purchaser, it is what Eve said Kanti: Kanti et Yhwh meaning 'I bought a man from god' which was mistranslated as 'i purchased a man with the help of god'....and thats why she called him Kain. This liaison was a secret because Kanti (Eve meaning Desire in Hebrew)) was suppose to marry a prince. She placed the infant Karna in a basket in the river and ... It's the same gods telling the same story in all myths 'ota geveret beshinouy aderet'- same lady different costume....a male god mated with an earthling that's Why its the Y looks like it doers, to suggest that two races united as one...Y Moses broke the book of Tho, The writing of God' written by the hand of god with a stone supplied

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by a generally grouchy god who never complained about the broken stone or the 40 wasted days... implied here is pre-arrangement with god, otherwise...40 days and boom-gone??? and not a word? MoSheH already knew about the golden calf...so he suddenly gets uncontrollably upset? MoSheH?? The one god buried personally? I don't think soooo...Mosheh was God's main Dog, dog is god backward, the Torah always spells something backward when it's a secret. This act of breaking the compuer and the program delivered us from slavery to freedom.... The Bible Code demonstrated that only a computer could have written the Torah. Additionally it found the words 'Torah, written by a computer'. God, Moses and a computer... rewrote the Torah with spaces...The Words, the letter combinations, the Programs have been written. The word Torah (ToR means In-Line) means It's her-Turn in Hebrew confirming again it is a computer program. The Truth (ToRah=TRue, consonantly) has been recorded, but alas (el as = god made) confounded... The original book of Tho was a computer program...the one written on a crystal without spaces between letters...The original book, a computer program was broken not lost. He the rearranger of words was bestowed with the = M.Sh.H.... it reads H.Sh.M (Hashem -read backwards) .... No its not an accident. Moohamad backward is Dam Ham meaning the blood of Ham Noah 3rd son, the father of all Moslems. This is not just 'cute', the Torah was written at least 2000 years before Moohamad was born.... If one remembers Ham's sin of looking at his father's nakedness one can understand the Moslem prohibition of ANY nakedness. It might even explain the hate the sons of Ham have towards the sons of Shem who reported Ham's misdeed. Ham means Hot (headed) in Hebrew...but no one noticed. How is it that the sons of Shem, the people of the Word -Shem contribute more to universal scientific knowledge than any other group ??? How does a book predict behavior pattern or what will happen 2000 years later!! We have an account ofrivary between Palestinians and Israelis 3000 years ago and today. The Palestinian are not the same people just the same name...This suggests the possibility that a computer is programming behavior which seem to repeat itself. How???

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The Best way to predict the future is to create it. Mashiah (mem.shin.Yod.het) backward...Hi shem (Het.yod.shin.mem) = Living Name...Seeing the Living name is a Miracle = mareh Kol = sight Voice. The one direct encounter between god and the people of Israel is described as: 'Wayerou et hakolot' 'and they saw the voices'....it suggests telepathy. Speech, the transmition of pictures through sound. Speech is a poor substitute for Telepathy. Shema Ysra el Listen Israel. Shema = Shin.Mem.Ayin = SheM-Ayine = Word-See....so let's WordSee. Let's see the word....the living name.... Hear = Re-ay = See (ray)... In order to See the Truth WE need to collect those sparks that flew from 'the stone of god', to Decode all languages. Unconfounded English English Hebrew Decoded Code = Confound = Program = Phosphate akode Knotted kan peh anad here speech tied up. perio garam his-fruits caused po sapha ot here language Letter

Formula po re mila here see word Molecule DNA mila col word everything din a verdicts-God..
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Da osi ribon col co know maker ruler everything co

Consonant... Can-Shinant... here memorize diligently. Vowel Bo El god in-it (confounding tool) A lot of people like to comment about what part they agree or disagree with. The only question the reader need was it God or Nature? Accident or Design? I received this information telepathically. This is a summary, my best understanding of 30 years of Kabalitic (Cavel=cable to god) meaning Receptions experiences, teachings about our past and The knowledge of the letters, the writing of godI was given The Keys to a vast library, keys to the secrets of our universe. The reason it took so long was because there were breaks of many years between teachings, I now understand it was done in order to allow me to slowly accept and develop a new set of beliefs. The idea of a physical computer-programming god who works in consort with other real gods felt unnatural and scary, very tough to accept and likely will be for most Christians, Jews or Moslems. Far harder than learning the de-confounding system. I never believed in god, nor do I now. I know!...I experienced very strange reality and received stranger information, which mind blowingly turned out to be true!!...It is impossible for me to explain why god spoke to me and maybe that's the point. I always thought telepathy would be like 'streaming' a movie, like thinking, but instead I received very vivid still pictures, like baseball cards void of sound but with meaning attached to them. To illustrate, when I was told its a sad state of events I experienced a long forgotten painful memory that was culled out from my subconscious I can recall the pain but not the experience when I wondered How was it done, I was shown an old cash register with a cartoon like finger pressing a keyTelepathy + total access to my subconscious was clear . The idea that someone knows all my thoughts Freaked me

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out for months In my first encounter I was instructed to read only original scriptures, avoid ALL Interpretation and look for what is the same in all of them.Consequently I did not read nor quote any expert's opinion. 10 years later I finally figured out why the TRue (Torah) God allows other religions and scripture to exist and thrive. It is because alllife, religious myths and languages were written by the same God, that ALL myths tell one aspect of the truth. That Abraham is BrahmA and Kar-m-a means Happened-from-god. That evening I received the language secret a process that I named 'Hashem is the Same'. It is in truth irrelevant if I went up 'The stairway to heaven' or just thought I did, I didn't imagine the results, the fruits, the Evidence. Using the system I was given, I accumulated real evidence by decoding 3000 English words using Consonantal Hebrew. It proves that all linguistic grouping are flat out wrong. I am convinced that most would agree that Based 'the preponderance of the evidence' it is 'beyond reasonable doubt' that language like life began with forethought, with Letters that combined into words. Before those experiences I didn't believe in god. I accepted evolution by default. I can't even explain why I found myselfchallenging god to reveal himself to me through the Torah 'as if I was on an isolated island'. And the last thing I expected is to end up with a language lesson...'like a puppet' is the song that comes to mind...Dooda,Dooda turned out to the final answer, spelled: Dalet.Waw.Dalet.Ayin... Doo Da means Duel-Knowledge (in Hebrew), the knowledge from below (scientific, historical, mythical) connected to the knowledge from above. DooDa can also be spelled D.w.D, or David...DooDa dooda....which explains why god gave him that name...DawiD...2Ds and vowels....doo-da. Or was it LaDi Dah? Dude... P.S When I wondered...why does DooDa mean a Worm in Arabic...'Ani Tolaat welo Ish' 'But I am a worm and not a man' flushed...it is how King David describes himself in Psalm 22-6...this kind of none linear

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confounding method insured it would always stay hidden. Why would King david describe himself that way? Low self esteem? When I looked at the DNA molecule I wasn't surprised to find out it actually looked like a worm witheach section a letter....Sounds like Kingdavid understood he is made up of DNA and that it looks like a worm... 3000 years ago...No way...Yes way!! Elohim = 86 = 14 = Dwd = Dawid....This more than suggests King David was explained he is from the seed of Gods....No wonder god promised him his seed would rule earth!! Unlike accidental creation Intelligent design is no longer an esoteric philosophy but a scientific Linguistic theory that is IMPOSSIBLE to argue against because it is backed by hard evidence-facts, 3000 decoded words, enough to understand 80% of Shakespeare or the Bible. This means that the playing field has been irrevocably changed... Accident or Design are the Two homes, the two theories, the doubts we visit 'Like the circles that you find in the windmill of your mind'...contrary to popular believe being open minded is an interim position and tiring... I am close minded....I do not the have the option of belief, I know god exists....but I have to assume that without the personal experiences...its just a Theory. Don't believe me, believe in yourselves, judge the Evidence for yourselves...without experts opinions..... English Hebrew Decoded Theory = tiouri Description Believe = ba lev - In Heart..... Evidence = ouvda nas carries facts Please, please, pleeeease (James Brown on one knee with the cape) show it to to any linguistic or religiousorganisation...I am claiming they are ALL wrong!! Their understanding of the scriptures and Creation is WRONG. Their experts should be able to shoot my theory down...

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I welcome criticism, but received none to-date! not one single comment about my decoding!! This allows me to conclude that the linguistic evidence is impossible to argue against!!... Ignoring my theory will only work for so long ... Ta-yime is my saaayid'...Yes it is. The advice I recieved was: Kabdehoo wehashdehoo = Respect and suspect. Don't leave a Spec of a Doubt,Don't Speculate, Suspect & Inspect. English Hebrew Decoded Spec of a doubt? Spec saphec doubt in Hebrew. Speculate Saphec cal ot doubt all signs Suspect Su-saphec ot this-doubt Sign. Inspect ain saphec ot No doubt sign. Doubt =- dou bite = 2 Home (2 ideas). or Doubts = De-Ot = opinions Respect = re sipook = see contentment Looks complicated? Even when it's obvious no one notices... In case one wonders...I am writing this in English because my Hebrew isn't good enough... I admit thatmyEnglish syntax (shin-tekes = word arrangement) is a little confused but my Understanding of Semantics (shemTick = name file) is pretty good...I can decode most words in this text. How is it that with all the computer mavens (mevin-understand) in Israel...No one Notice!! Unless... mind control? nah...we are too smart for it... Beemet?

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Even the Israelis didnt notice. How then does one explain the Scores of English words that have been Hebrewtized. It is impossible to explain how a whole nation, 8 million people are using English words with Clear and Perfect Hebrew meanings, on tv, in print and in everyday life, and no one noticed... To Illustrate: Though my Hebrew is 'on the face', I will show you 'from where the fish pees' 'a cow a cow'. Those are my three favorite Hebrew expressions in one sentence (translated literally). In English...Though my Hebrew ain't no good, I will show you something no one has ever seen before, one word at a time...Be Emet! below are but 10 such examples English Hebrew Decoded Positive ArtilleryProcedureProtocolIllusion Automatic Alternative Automobile Sorry po-si-tivy Ar-till-yeria p-ro-cedura proto colIllusia elou ze haya auto matic alter nativa auto-mobil me (auti) tzary Here this good light missile shoot here see arrangement perteh call detail of everything. as if it happened copies itself changed path transports movil=mobile sorry

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Couldn't be more obvious? could it? but yet No one Notice!!

, ; ., Thinking

A locked garden, my bride sister; a locked spring, a fountain sealed. The song of Solomon

'Reshit hohma Yerat Yehowa' 'First in wisdom is the sight of god'... How does god think: God says his thought process can be summarized by: Sof maaseh mahshavat tehila'. Last act is first thought'. we call it today 'management by objectives'. Beroshit...In head. visualize your objective first...imagine your creation first. 'having lost our objectives we redoubled our efforts'...if one doesn't know where he wants to end up, trying hard might be in the wrong direction, away from the objective.... My first lessons were about thinking correctly, The advice I received: ' Separate what is from what is imagined', separate facts from judgments. Though it sounds elementary it improved my thought process by leaps and bounds... Look for what is the same...Everyone is trained to look for differences. Why is generally a lie...Explanations, interpretations that aren't obvious are generally wrong.

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The word Intelligence in Hebrew is SeKeL = ....SKuLl, SChooL, SKiLl...the tools of thought are: SCaLe CyCLe...SeKeL =SHin Kaf Lamed = Word Palm God.... pretty good for a series of accident.... The subconscious is hardwired not to know if something was imagined or actually happened. This then requires that we first put information in the right file...otherwise fact and opinion get confused...we take facts as opinion and opinion as facts. We end up remembering few facts with lots of potentially useless bullshit masquerading as intelligent repartee... This body of work contains a lot of my opinions, which can easily be labeled as lots of bullshit masquerading as intelligent repartee, but it is not about my opinions but about Evidence, facts THE WORD-HASHEM, 3000 Decoded words, which anyone can test and reproduce. An example of confusing facts and opinion is 'the theory of evolution' What's the theory? Evolution is a fact!! we misnamed a fact as a theory...then we use the evolutionary fact as a theory to argue for accidental creation when in point of fact the fact that life evolves doesn't indicate accidental creation. This is how most things get twisted...it is called a misdirect and is used often to mislead. Intelligent design is termed a religion because there was never prove. I suggest that creation by god is NO longer a philosophy but a bona fide SCIENTIFIC theory that's based on at least 3000 decoded words!! The only question left unanswered is: Are the English words with Hebrew meaning due to: Accident or design? God or nature? In other words even if you the reader do not agree believe or accept any of my opinions that's o.k...but when one labels the facts I offer as opinion...the 3000 WORDS in evidence are not opinions they are facts...the theory is that that it is not by accident. Don't be so judgmental....Actually all the conscious mind can do is Judge...so...don't judge...don't

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think? Be open minded a good interim position...but don't forget...close minded, making a decision is the goal....For example I m not open minded about murdering someone, consequently if asked I will not rethink or hesitate, I am not open minded...when I walk in store isles I think of stealing the merchandise but don't... finally close minded... God says not to be Judgmental ...really? that's only half the sentence...God said not to be Judgmental because he already Judged. It means do NOT change my laws!! Example of my thought process:

Is Affirmative action good or bad? (heady topic) god says one law for all, meaning affirmative action is unacceptable. WHY is not really relevant if one is religious but .to answer. I was always for affirmative i thought like the Israelites the blacks got screwed and are still being screwed and that will balance things. But then when I examined it from the point of view that it is wrong because god wouldnt say so otherwise....What is affirmative action affirming? that one group isn't as smart or able as the other!! Is that really helpful to the group? or is it helpful for few and harmful for the group? That's why we don't have affirmative action in sportsThough the differences in abilities between blacks and white are obvious we no longer have separate leagues, but in truth the differences in ability are far more pronounced in sport, we should then demand at 3 out of 5 players in B ball should be white and at least 6 out of 11 in sports....I wouldn't wach it would you?...One Law means no affirmative action.

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In other words: Inequality is corrected by legislating equality not by legislating preferential treatment that will create new inequality. .'Reshit hohma Yerat Yehowa' 'First in wisdom is the sight of god'..

Sex Pleasure, procreation or both? One sentence says it all. God says: If you want a male child you should wait for your wife to orgasm first(it doesnt say organism but it says spills her seed.)....You Go girl. This by the way is scientifically correct. When a woman orgasm 30 different places in her brain get extra oxygen...get awakened...we men don't do nearly as well, but we get it more often. Quantity or quality?

Spirituality We practice daily spiritualitywe speak, transmitting pictures through sound or other means such as letters on a page is the spirituality we practice daily. It is easier to capture the wind than to capture a word, capture it and you will capture god. But it doesnt mean god is only spiritual anymore than we are only physical beings.god is both.everything is both..we are part physical but we are nothing without the program that operates usthe hardware of your computer and telephone are nothing but scraps of metals without the program that makes those parts hum with the gift of the gods Words made up of LETTERS, understand the letters and you might understand the thoughts of creator of those letters. Breath = created Tho, Death = know Tho.

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Spirit = Sephirot = counting, numbering or naming the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabalah. It is easier to imagine them as Spheres of influence. God created the world with Sepher, Sphar and Sipoor, Book, numbers and story...or 3 Spheres, 3 dimensional...different levels of knowledge. Is the writing of god, Se.Phe.R To.Rah. a book written from our future, the forth the DaLeT dimension?...know DaLeT and you will know one face of god. Word =or da =Light know WorLd =or Lad =Light birthed L= El = God (in Hebrew) LIght = Lahat = Light 'Ke-Lahat hakivshan' 'like the flame of a furnace' is how god is described from the foot of Mount Sinai by 74 elders who dined while viewing god from afar. A physical god who is rearranger Light. The same god who hid behind a bush and inside a column of light, but mostly he hid in a cloud.''' A light too dangerous to look at directly, but nevertheless Real and Physical, but yet: like nothing on earth or in the skies.... 74= spells ED= Ayin.Dalet = Witness. Is the Soul our Aura? light of god? according to the decoder the word Morteh meaning Dead is Me-orTho The Messiah Oh yesThe Messiah will come riding a white donkeyHamor-Lavan in Hebrewnot even a horse? In this day and age?...pretty weird, or maybe god didn't know we would be technologically advanced?....It ought to be read as Ham-Or-Lavan = Warm-White-Light. Messiah - Mashiyah =

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Mem.Shin.Yod.Hait. Read backward: Hi-Shem= Living-name The Messiah is not a person but a Lightthat will naturally enter through the Temples. Let the LighT Shine In

Satan The meaning of the Hebrew Sata = veer off the path. It would be used in the sentence 'the car SATA of the road'. The basic believe is that Satan is not part of god but separate from god, a competitor? ...if Satan is separate fom godthen god isn't 'all powerful', worse yet Satan is able to enter our mind and make Evil suggestion...while god only makes the inspiring suggestion....Or does god needs to play both sides... because god ain't about to give the job to someone else... Evil = Avel = evil Devil = da avel = Know evil Satan = satan = The veerer of the path.....the creator of free choice....otherwise?? We ask for it: If it wasn't for Satan we wouldn't have free will World Destruction No! After the first world destruction god said he isn't going to do it again...Wein berouho remia' Thank god...

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- - ,

9 For then will I turn to the peoples a pure language, that they may all

, , call upon the name of the LORD, to serve Him with one consent. . Zephania 3-9

20 At that time will I bring you in, and at that time will I gather you;

: - , for I will make you to be a name and a praise among all the peoples , - } , . } of the earth, when I turn your captivity before your eyes, saith the LORD. {P} Zephania 3-20

'But greater than any earthly sacrifice, is the sacrifice of sacred wisdom. For wisdom is in truth the end of all holy work' Krihshna to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita 4-33 'Me and my shadow'.... 'He ain't heavy he is my brother'....actually...he is very LIGHT. LeT The LighT Shine In.... Blessed be the Word, Blessed be Hashem, Blessed be his Name.

The methodology to prove the 'writing of god' is far stricter than current linguistic system. Unlike linguists, I can't claim deterioration due to evolution, consequently Each Decoded word has to have a reasonable crossword like meaning and consonantal changes are not allowed. I write other languages

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in Consonantal Hebrew letters, which then enable me to decode them - understand them in Hebrew. I have no secret codes...no secret meanings. I offer in evidence thousands of English words with almost perfect Hebrew meaning. The evidence is admittedly hard to follow because it is based on written Letters - consonants-void of vowels which is diametrically opposed to our present assumption that speech began with grants and accidental sounds. The process I use is akin solving a crossword puzzle in two languages. Though I base everything on scientifically known and accepted facts, the ideas suggested by decoded words still assault almost everything we believe in, which can cause an overloadat least it did for me... The total sum of the decoded words, confirms that one creator/programmer using many different acronyms wrote all languages and religions using Evrit- meaning Crossers in Hebrew (Christian insist they are the people of the cross...) since decoding works equally well with old and new words, it suggests the process is ongoing, the same programmer is responsible for each new word. This is possible because the programmer is still controlling the hard-drive, our subconscious, which records everything and forgets nothing. ..it explains why we have only limited and selective access to information which we diligently and tirelessly collect, we have come to believe it is natural. We even believe that our subconscious streams thoughts into our conscious mind...like passing gas......it implies that the subconscious has a mind of its own ...which we all know to be true,But how could it be? Doesn't a thought requires a thinker?....2+2...do the Math... I know this sound like sci-fi. But is it really? Is a bodiless undefined magical god who is everywhere but nowhere easier to believe than a physical scientific DNA program writing god? Though obvious no one noticed, instead of proving accidental creation, scientists confirmed the ideas in the Bible and other ancient religious writings that life began with DNA letter creation! Without forethought or a prior plan of how to combine letters in order to create words, sentences, programs or organisms, letters are of no use. It ought to be self-evident based on the recent experience of

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creating a two-letter computer language that a lotof thought, pre-planning and program writing was required to create letters that can combine meaningfully. Would anyone believe that nature could accidentally create computers from metals, silicate and time? It is far more complex to program an operating and duplicating system that can expand almost infinitely. This was accomplished by manufacturing four different chemicals/letters of specific size, weight, shape and then combining them in such a way that created movement and life, which we havent been able to emulate.

Darwin suggested a creation theory life began in a warm pond. Today, we know life began in the ocean after someone or some series of event created DNA. The evolutionary theory is confined to explaining what happened AFTER creation, after one-cell organisms were programmed with millions of bytes of information. There is a promise by scientists that they will soon produce an alternative theory. Even if we assume an inexplicable and miraculous accident created DNA letters, we still need to explain how is it that life began with four letters when two are about a zillion times more likely to happen by accident... DNA developed the same way as did modern computers: the programs got more complex but the programming letters did not change. The letters are the common denominator of all life-the word, the never evolving constant that proves intelligent design. It explains the reason the gods had to 'hide' the Hebrew Letter meaning. No one wonders why is it that even after we mapped the human genome, our scientists are unable to develop a theory that explains how nature randomly created the first 4 DNA letters? How did a series of Accidents anticipate evolution by writing an expandable system that was used to program the first ameba with five million bytes of information and humans with six billion bytes of information. Lets try to imagine accidental creation of DNA letters :

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Four different phosphates, specific chemicals of specific size, weight and shape were somehow created by accident, all four exist in close proximity, in a warm pond waiting, then they were accidentally paired for no apparent reason, adenine (A) forms a base pair with thymine (T) and guanine (G) forms a base pair with cytosine (C) Why?. The two pairs of letters, the first two words then re-combined in such a way as to accidentally program and then create a sustainable movement/life which required at least million bytes of information. This then means that DNA creation was NOT due to a single lucky event. In order to maintain life Nature had to program accidentally and at the same time an operating program which to my limited way of thinking is unimaginable as accident, that created energy from ADP, ATP and another enzyme that converts amino acids to protein. Assuming that this happened, it would still be a meaningless one-time lucky accident. Except that at the same time, nature would have had to accidentally create a very sophisticated replication program that splits DNA as well as, creating an accompanying spell check to insure correct replication (it makes one mistake in 10 to the power of 7). I still havent addressed the simultaneous creation of RNA as a messenger that carries genetic information or the outer membrane or how DNA needs Protein as a catalyst to start the production of Protein. My understanding of the cell is clearly limited, but my point is that the cell has many complicated parts and functions that are interdependent, meaning they are useless separately and therefore had to be programmed simultaneously into our DNA. It is impossible to imagine accidentally writing a program, yet innate and/or automatic behavior is all around us. The only logical conclusion is that just as we imagined and planned computers, someone imagined and planned all those biological functions and then programmed them simultaneously using DNA computer - as one package, a living cell, a chemical factory containing DNA!! Someone or something had to first imagine an intelligent system that was able to expand almost infinity and then select the right four letters to accomplish the task. "And He created with them the whole creation and everything to be created in the future." Only with today's scientific

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discoveries, thousands of years after this sentence was written we finally understand that the formation of DNA is what the Book of Formation, describes When this is understood correctly, we will understand that it is not about sawing letters to create a Golem, but about how to combine DNA letters in order to create life... Unless one accepts life was programmed it is impossible to explain why Salmon risk life and limb to swim upstream just to get laid with the fish swimming next to them....Lucky we human don't have this kind of programming...I would have to go back to Baghdad...oy The actual facts suggest life was a planned event 1. Because of the complexities of human speech, which like life required many simultaneous mutations it too is defined by scientists as, incompatible with the evolutionary theory Scientists agree that both language and life are impossible to explain assuming accidental creationwhich most call evolution 2. Monkey language center in the limbic system in the back of the brain and IS NOT connected to the human language centers in the front of the brain. This suggests insertion of language centers rather than evolution. 3. We know of only one successful attempt without evidence of failure or another ATTEMPT in 3.5 billion years. 4. One hundred fifty years after Darwin published his theory of evolution and many years after mapping the human genome we still can't explain the accidental creation of DNA. 5. Radioactivity as the cause for evolution is suspect as well. In both Nagasaki, Hiroshima and in laboratory experiments though mutation occurred, people or organisms did not reproduce or reverted back to type, meaning the population of Hiroshima is normal today there was no indication for accidental changes.if not radio activity then how?

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The supreme court: Given that the above facts are well known, why is Evolution still taught exclusively in our schools? Since Evolution doesnt even attempt to prove accidental creation, evolution as a creation theory is best described as a religion with a basic tenet that there is no god! Scientists, who began this belief system managed to fool the rest of us to believe that they will discover how nature created DNA real soon. Really? So, why not investigate intelligent design as well? Their collective reply as voiced by the Supreme court is;That a religious theory must not be taught in school; that we must separate religion and science! a stupid decision!! Yes...it is an ass backward decision. Evolution doesnt present any evidence or even a theory of creation, except that the supreme court didn't figure it out yet!! so it seems the Supreme Court said its ok to teach a stupidity, as long as its not religious? A Theory is an Illusion...Lets pretend it happened this way....let's see if its true....Lets pretend god really created the world using a computer...LETS SEE IF IT'S TRUE...my theory.....and it's not religious!! It's scientific!! Its biblical.... What if what everyone including most members of the Supreme Court pretends to believe is true?. What if the Bible was really written by god and contains all the secrets of creation? Dear Supreme Court...A theory is a Theory regardless who suggests it,... Teaching a theory is not the same as supporting it, we do that often, prohibiting its teaching based on religious grounds is what the law was specifically designed to protect against...The Supreme Court decision is discriminatory. Believe in god...but not really...After all we are the educated thinking elite... If it wasnt ironic it would be funny.because I predict, I prophesies, it is my one andonly prophecy, that thats all we will be teaching in our school. Finally, one wonders why linguist who research language didnt stumble over it. The simple answer is: because they didnt look. They erroneously assumed that evolution inexplicably created words from grunts, that words are the building blocks of language, thus their method compares words. Now,

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instead of admitting they were wrong they standtheir ground!! I believe Mr Pinker in his book the Language Instinct summarized it all by claiming it is impossible to explain language in humans using evolution but he goes back to trying to explain everything from evolution, accident that he admits is impossible to explain; after all divine creation is our only alternative... Both Chomsky and Pinker are Jewish...I know they think they are innovative and geniuses but...god told them too...I know that! but without faith, they onlyunderstood half the story...'Rishit hohma yerat Yehowa'....'first in intelligence is the sight of god'...they ain't got it...so they went so far...so they end up believing the impossible is true...We even gave Chomsky the Nobel price for proving language is innate meaning genetically programmed...by nature ..Because he didn't believe in the possibility of a god he accepted the stupidity that Syntax is prerecorded. It is impossible to program syntax without a good knowledge of Semantics = Shem Ayin Tick = Name file See. Mr Chomsky ACTUALLY PROVED INTELLIGENT DESIGN...But refused to accept God...He called his discovery LAD pronounced LAD it means AT-BIRTH Innate, in Hebrew...He speaks Hebrew...Did he notice? no doubt...but everything is programmed...he couldn't help it. On the other hand, intelligent design assumes that Hebrew letters, not words, are the building blocks of language. This has been actually proven by linguists who show each language has a narrow number of sounds that creates their language. All those sounds need to boiled down to Hebrew letters. We can now assign Hebrew meanings to letters and words in other languages and see if they produce correct meanings. In other words this is a testable theory...test away... Everything that we find inexplicable when assuming accidental creation makes sense when one theorizes that life was created by a scientific god with a DNA computer, wireless programming capabilities and more and more complex programs. But how can one god do this? It is possible if one imagines a god who uses a super-interactive computer with programs that can access our subconscious, which is, in effect, a hard drive with almost limitless memory that records everything and

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forgets nothing. A wondrous total recall would have made us practically, "in the image of god." How or why did we block access to 86% of the brain? We were created as geniuses in the image of God, but did amutation change us, making us all dumb and dumber? That doesn't sound smart or product of natural evolution. It only makes sense if one assumes a creator programmed us and then blocked access to our subconscious, yet the hard drive keeps recording. God still reads and manages our hard drive, bypassing all the judgments (stories, lies and bullshit) produced by the conscious mind. Could it be possible? Think about development in the last 40 years of computer technology, now think of what computers might be like in 500,000 years which is when the gods arrived on earthaccording to Sumerian myth - technology that is so high tech it is well beyond our imagination....Everyone looks for UFOin the skies and show how ancient aliens made stone buildings...they created us and are in charge of the hard drive...at least of mine... We can finally begin understand the Bibles insistence of the seemingly impossible is not miraculous but high tech: "God knows the heart of man," which means that God can read the subconscious. "God will harden the Pharaohs heart," which clearly means God has mind control abilities. I believe God transmits information on the purple ultraviolet Gamma rays the god rayscarried in the D row (G-D rays) to our aura (or-ah = light God, In Hebrew) which is but another name for the Soul which is connected with the subconscious. This system enable god to know each of our consciousness. This is not magic and not impossible, just a high tech light show.the light of god is not a figurative but a real and physical description of god, a light so intense.like a small sunno one can see it, gaze upon it, and live. The Soul Is The Aur-A = The Light of God When we die the soul, the aura = the light of God, which surrounds the body lets go of it causing it to rise to reconnect with the light of god.

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The Greeks believed one's shadow is his soul, blackened by sins. According to Egyptian mythology, The god Rah told the god Thoth to create 500,000 light beings that can judge mankind, souls that live forever. Hare Krishna tells Arjuna that the soul-the Dahin (dea ayin=see knowledge), or Atman (at mean= you from where) and has the knowledge of all past life and lives forever. The Sumerian claim life was created by Anu (Ani means I in Hebrew)The Sumerians further claim that the creator of mankind, Anus son Enki (Anoki means I Am in Hebrew) used blood of god to re-create mankind, rearranged our genes and ordered that the Holy Ghost be preserved in order to rememberthe slain god and the Torah summarizes it all by calling the new creationA-DaM meaning God-Blood in Hebrewof course the Hindu claim that DammA (just like brahma the A was moved to the back) is where the ultimate truth of godresides The Torah tells it in code, telling us that god wrote the names of 600,000 IsraelitesIt is even likely the Egyptians description of the trip of Ra to the afterlifeis the trip the soul takes to join the Light of god. Billie Meir the most famous contactee said the Pleiadians are our forefather and that their religious leaders are Light being one can put one hand through but is visible light, the Horelphato (the light of the god Pe-ta) or even Hore elpatho =the light ale ph-tho = light god of speech Tho. That they give each of the Palladians telepathic suggestions. PeLieAde = Mouth/speech My witness.and they are in Taurus..Torah us =Torah made...it is likely everything is just Bull Shit... It started with the Gods at Sumer = shomer = guardian...moved to Egypt, the land of the gods called Neter =natar = guard, moved Israel and are called Magen David = protector of David. The names changed but the meaning stays the same...In Hebrew!!! Cantor = ca neter = like a guard? weird! yup!...The Hebrew word for Cantor is Hazan...form the Hebrew Hosehmeaning Overseer. Yes the Hasans were originally overseers and eventually took over the singing. But their name in Hebrew was preserved.

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Everything in the Torah and other Myths...is not figurative but factualall description are real and literal we just chose to believe they are figurativethat of course allowed our religious leaders to interpret the lawsso3 major religions were created from one book, one story, one set of laws which no one even questions, because this has nothing to do with godHe gave us the laws and we can do with them what we want, is the rabbinic interprets of how to use god's law ... If this was a movie...it would be a clear set up... at the end of which god shows up and says: Gotchya... and it all goes back to ONE RELIGION...It would be far better if we can manage to re-write the ending and say Gotchya first ...You ThinK?? The answer is still:...Dooda Dooda.. The first step to find the secret of god is to read the book from god's point of view. The Torah God instructs us: do not go to the left or right of the Law, do not add or subtract a word he also said that the Torah was given to am naval lo haham to a wilting not smart peoplein other words Please, no interpretation, read this literally I believe that the biggest objection to god is our inability accept the idea that a powerful deity is running the universe that seem so unfair, unorganised and generally screwed up? It is no doubt the best argument against the existence of god, I still can't understand, let alone explain it...unless the soul needed to go through those bad experiences...in order to learn to be good gods. We are all making a judgment of a movie - life on earth, by watching mere seconds of it! Without knowing the planned outcome we don't know if this is a horror movie or a comedy. The most surprising aspect of the communication was that god or whoever communicated with me could be very funny....A smile on my face was actually good indication of the end of the communication. The Evidence Statistically speaking 3000 English words that have correct Hebrew meaning reduces the possibility of a series of accidents to a number approaching zero. 3000 words are enough words to understand 80%

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of the Bible or Shakespeare, most people who speak English as second language do not possess more than a 3000 word dictionary.English is my third language. I introduce a newly discovered universal decoder in the form of consonantal Hebrew letters/picturewords, the key to vast amounts of historical and scientific information which was left encoded in all languages.but in Hebrew. Word in Spanish is Palavras - Peleh bara = miracle created...the Word, letter combination is then the miracle... Miracle = Mareh Kol = sight (of) voice..'wayerou et hakolot' 'and they saw the voices'. Telepathy is how the Torah describes god's communication with the Israelites..(notice the Lite in Israelite). Each word is picture word A picture becomes a word when we frame it, this enables us to move it, language gives us the ability to put together framed pictures which we might name as 'this' or 'that' or use a specific word in endless arrangements. Therefore there is no real difference between a letter a word or a sentence, in the sense that they are symbolic sounds that convey a picture. Each Hebrew letter is a word- a picture, and each word becomes a sentence. If language was prerecorded by god rather than invented by man then the brain should have been programmed to understand letters as demonstrated by brain scans. Below are few examples, they will hopefully give you a sense of how it was done. For example: Aleph = al eph = god speech, and Bet Bait - B means a house (byte computereze) in Hebrew. C =Shin = The word, Light, Spirituality andChange. The letter dalet-D means yeDa Know or iDea,. We can now test to see if they have the same meaning English and other languages.Dah English Hebrew decipher

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speech sapha ish speech man shin peh Eash word mouth man (Man=eash=each) The Hebrew word sapha = speech, is made up of the letters meaning: word/mouth. English Hebrew decipher letters el torah god tho rah Spelled: lamed tho raish / el thorah god thoRa see Spell safa el = language god.sp/sf = language Language Lan Hagig = lives in - thought Write re ot or re tho see letter, or see tho Spelled: raish tho see letter A al peh god speech Evolution eva el shin desire god spirituality -tion shin light spirituality; the word, change Phosphate pho saph oto here language letter Spelled: peh shin peh tho Meaning: here word mouth letter The Hebrew word Shin meaning the word, spirituality and light means change = shina literally means change.Evolution was programmedeverything to be created in the future 'And the Word was god' is the DNA program.

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Yhwh is not a name but a title: Ye-Howeh the Yod (the ruling god) in Howeh In the present. God made up this name when Moses insisted on a name.god Told Moses Ehyeh asher ehyeh meaning I will be whatever I will beit was a dont bother me kind of statement, but then God understands the need to give him a name and says: call me Yehoweh. The Torah tells us it is the first time the name used because before that god went by other names The entwined double snake is the double helix the symbol of Enki who is the Egyptian Tho, the creator ofmankind and is still the symbol used by the medical association. Tho/Enki? Etce-Tera is the creator of Adam = a dam = gods-blood. Moon...unique in the universe: without the moon oceans wouldn't move and life would seizes to exist. Very large almost a planet, Special wobble...Unique size in relationship to its sun, made up of materials that are notfrom earth, is the moon hollow? it rung for a day when we bombed it...Isaac Asimov hero, Golan (golan means discoverer in Hebrew) searched the universe in order to try and find out who is truly running it...3 books laterwe find out it was done by a computer/Robot who resides in the dark side of the moon ....I always believe Isaac had a special channelwe went to the moon...but why didn't we establish a station there? Why didnt the Russians?....that was the plan...it is clear to anyone who listened to the astronauts who WERE THERE that they saw aliens who warned them not to return...we have all been conditioned to laugh when Aliens are mentioned...even President Reagan and Carter who were trusted with the single greatest power in the world were laughed at when they claimed to have seen UFO...it is strangenot natural considering it ought to be scary not funnyAl-An =God I Am. And who is then NaTuRe? The combination of the three creator gods N=Noun the father of Tho and Ra.that is the only natural creation theory one can imagineby design of the creator. The literal Hebrew meaning of ToRah is it's TuR-n (consonants only please), suggesting that the Torah is acomputer program. Moses broke the first one written by god on a stone supplied by god and then

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re-wrote it.why was god not upset with him? He wasted 40 days. If I were to get poetic, Moses released us from the control of the com-pu-ter = like-mouth Torah, delivering us from slavery to the program to the uncertainty of choice....the greatest enslaver of mankind. The programmer, Thoth/Thought created the WoRD (the program), and then used it to create the WoRLD. The Letter L = el = God = Thoth, the god of all thoughts and writing put thought in the word wrote a program. Tho in English is el which has the double meaning of To (tho) and God-el, in Hebrew , therefore Tho = el =To.it, at, though and Thought. Lamed = El = god...La MeD = god measurement = god water know. God created by calling instructions into a DNA computer: English Hebrew decipher Create cara at called out everything/tho Program perio garam his fruits caused Nor is god exclusively western: Brahma is Abraham and both were married to Sarah: English Hebrew decipher karma kar m a happened from god The Hindu claim that the first woman was Prithavi = Perot havah = fruit havah (eve). It is as obvious in other languages but no one noticed. I do not speak Spanish but... Spanish Hebrew decipher Karo = Yakaro = Dear or expensive .

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Mata kill, Met = Dead Shama Shem Name too obvious? UNITED STATES...mistranslated in Hebrew to...Artzot Habrit...It Should have been Haaratzot Hameouhadot = The United states, but instead it was mistranslated = Artzot Habrit meaning ...The Nation of the Covenant...and no one noticed. In truth the United State, acts like Israel's big brother, I am not even suggesting it is conscious... Uncle Sam....This is a name of a Shmata salesman...or maybe: An Col Shem...respond-voice-god I show in laymans terms how it is done. I offer overwhelming evidence including a 3,000 word decoded dictionary: English Hebrew decipher code acod knotted decipher da sepher know story confound can fe anad here speech tied up This is a new revelation; a new theory; written Evidence (ovda nas =facts carries) of the origin of humans as told through un-confounding the language of god. I offer a new methodology that can be learned and used by anyone. The total sum of the meanings of the deciphered words reveals the truth about our past. Go figure, We are all speaking Hebrew with funny accents and strange expressions, but no one noticed. And the Torah is a highly scientific book, evidenced by the fact that the ancient Hebrew words

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sun and water are also the formulas MC2 and H2O. God is not singular Entity nor without body. Our creator told Moses, No one sees me and lives, he was communicating that he was physical and limited in his abilities to neutralize his energy; an alien life form too bright to stare at (like our sun). our personal survival is the reason we don't see God Tho/Enki/Yaweh. ..always hiding in a cloud or behind a bushor in a Colom of Light Lahat is the Hebrew word used to describe god on Mount Sinaithe god of light is described as LightLahat. The first commandment is, Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Exodus 20:1. We know God speaks to other gods on the sixth day of creation before deciding to create humans and again when language was confounded. This is confirmed with the first commandment that suggest that there are other gods and that we may worship them as well as long as it doesn't involve contradicting God's laws, otherwise why add, before me? I was surprised to realize that all scriptures tell of virgin birth of the son of god and a female earthling. I show that main stream religions missed the fact that the Torah makes the same claim about the first born ofcreation. Though both Jesus and Israel are called my first born (no contradiction since Jesus was an Israelite). Cain is the secret son of the god Enki (anoki = I am)who Eve Called Cayine, spelling Enki backward) who lives forever is the father of the sons of god who took the daughter of earth which explains the reference to the secret line of god who married the children of Seth. 5-3 And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, andbegot a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth.what happened to Cain? Hevel? NotAdams son?...The ToRah is always True. All major myths tell same story, but the Bible tells it in code. This was undoubtedly done to delay its discovery. Bottom line: Life was programmed, later we were re-engineered, We are hybrids (hybrid =

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was-created hand), and that Adam = God blood, which we call Homo-Sapiens (safian able to speak). Cro magnon (caro megan on = called from garden god), did not appear as if from nowhere, but were recreated in a laboratory and then placed in the garden of Eden. Simply stated, we humans are part Earthling and part godand all religions and all languages tell the Same (shem orZeh him = identical) story (zeTioury = this Description). Ti-our = describe =Theory Describe is de=se=cara b = know.this.happened.in-it!! And what of the FuTuRe? F & Pa re the same letter = Po- To- Re = He Tho See. Hebrew for future is ATID = Ayin.Tho.Yod.Dalet = see.tho.ruling-god.know =Dalet is the letter for Tho Dalet:Da El Tho = Know the God Tho ToDa means Thank in Hebrew, it also means ToDa + Know Tho Thank means Tha Nk or Tho Henik = Tho Bestowed.... ThinkTho Henik = Tho Bestowed The Origin Of Language =TO.OL = Tho El Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:24 This one sentence seem to apply to us all....: God Please forgive US ALL for we do not know what we are doing'... but in all fairness to us...the fix was in from the beginning...from when god imagined all this. Man plans, God laughs...a real practicle joker...a gotcha kind of god... Blessed Be The Word, Blessed be Hashem. Blessed be his Name.

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Selected Chapters Telepathy- a little explanation... 1- Summary ... my story and theory. Each word deciphered. 130 words deciphered. 2- Words and how they were confounded*. 200 words deciphered *Recommended 3- The Word in Science - Scientific words with their true Hebrew meaning. just like chap 2 but with scientific terms. 100 words deciphered.... 4- The Hebrew Alpha: explains how Hebrew was created whole likely by a computer. Kabalah 101, the key to any understanding are letters. 5- Torah is ThoRa. The Lost Book of Tho who expressed in words the wishes of Ra thus Thora....one god one religion. 6- Who is god and who is his first born 7- Who are the Hebrews: overwhelming Evidence that the Hebrews, known as Amu Avaris lived in Egypt, ruled it and then left. 8- How god communicate with us: explains that god is not a name of a deity but a name of the communication system that delivers god's message... directly to our subconscious. 9- The science of Speech: what scientists know about language. Reviews the complexities of required to communicate and understand others. 10- The criminal Justice system...and How to use language to change it....a rose by any other name...

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