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Basic Statistics

Chapter #2

Tuesday, December 4, 12

Q. What is a Frequency distribution?

A grouping of data into mutually exclusive classes, showing the numbers of observations in each group. Its also a statistical table which shows the arrangement of data, according to the size og magnitudes.

Tuesday, December 4, 12

Q. Why do we construct Frequency?

1. Techniques used to describe a set of data is descriptive statistics. 2. We use descriptive statistics to organize data in different ways. 3. We can nd out where the data values concentrate. 4. The rst procedure we use is frequency distribution to describe a set of data. 5. A frequency distribution is a clear picture & summarized form of statistical data. 6. Results from a frequency distribution can be obtained very quickly & easily as compared to the raw data. 7. A frequency distribution can be presented graphically where it is not possible for raw data.

Tuesday, December 4, 12

Frequency Distribution

Raw data: is Data which have not been arranged in a systematic order. OR UnGrouped data. (unorganized data) Grouped data: Data arranged in some form or order. (process data). The data presented in the form of freq. distr. is also called grouped data.

Tuesday, December 4, 12


Q. How we develop a Freq. distr. ? Q. What are Steps involved in making a freq. distr. ? Q. Show & explain by a step-by-step procedure?

Tuesday, December 4, 12

The step-by-step Method of making a freq. distr. Step.1. to Tally the data into a table that shows classes, and a number of observation in each class decide the number of classes. Step.2. Determine the class interval. Step.3. Set the individual class limit values. Step.4. Tally the data values into classes. Step.5. Count the number of item in each class & write it as frequency. Step.6. Check by totaling.

Tuesday, December 4, 12

114 135 116 Lowest Value 87 119 126 122 129 143 140

120 132 105 136 134 119 120 124 138 126

103 125 122 117 104 131 118 99 119 121

110 124 125 117 102 127 114 92 118 95

124 119 145 131 109 146 119 120 96 112 Highest Value

Range = Max.Value - Min.Value

Classes 1 85 - 92 93 - 100 101 - 108 109 - 116 117 - 124 125 - 132 133 - 140 141 - 148 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Tally Masks || ||| |||| ||||

|||| |||| |||| |||

Freq. 2 3 4 5 18 9 5 3

= 146 - 87= 59 Range = 59 59 = 7.375 ~ 8 8 width gap (n) n= Range ClassNo. 87 => 85-92
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|||| |||| |||| |||

The Assignment. 60 = 6 width, Classes: 10 10

Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Tuesday, December 4, 12

Tally Masks | |||| | |||| |||| |||| |||| ||| |||| |||| | |||| |||| || ||

Freq. 1 4 1 4 4 13 11 5 4 2 2 Total= 50

85 - 90 91 - 96 97 - 102 103 - 108 109 - 114 115 - 120 121 - 126 127 - 132 133 - 138 139 - 144 145 - 150

Q. Given the marks of 25 Students:

a) Form a Freq. distr. b) Find if f=n=25
26 28 29 31 31 31 35 36 39 40 40 40 42 42 42 43 43 43 43 43 46 46 46 46 51 51 52 52 52 55

Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 26 - 30 31 - 35 36 - 40 41 - 45 46 - 50 51 - 55

Tally Masks ||| ||| |||| |||| || ||| ||||

Freq. 3 3 4 7 3 5

Total = f=n=25

Total = 25
Tuesday, December 4, 12

Class Boundaries & Mid-Points

1) Class boundaries: it is obtained by adding 0.5 in the upper limits & subtracting 0.5 from lower limits. 2) Mid-Points: we take average to nd the midvalues. Middle Values

Tuesday, December 4, 12

Class Boundaries & Mid-Points

Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 85 - 92 93 - 100 101 - 108 109 - 116 117 - 124 125 - 132 133 - 140 141 - 148 Freq. 2 6 2 5 19 8 4 4 Class boundaries 84.5 - 92.5 92.5 - 100.5 100.5 - 108.5 108.5 - 116.5 116.5 - 124.5 125.5 - 132.5 132.5 - 140.5 140.5 - 148.5 Mid-Values
85 + 92 = 88.5 2 93 + 100 = 96.5 2 101 + 108 = 104.5 2 109 + 116 = 112.5 2 117 + 124 = 120.5 2 125 + 132 = 128.5 2 133 + 140 = 136.5 2 141 + 148 = 144.5 2

Total= 50
Tuesday, December 4, 12

Class Boundaries & Mid-Point

3) Cumulative Freq. distr.:
1. if the number of values occur under the upper boundary of a class. That freq. is known as Less than Cumulative Freq. 2. if the number of values occur Above or Over the lower boundary of a class. That freq. is known as More than Cumulative Freq. 3. The distributions for less than or more than values obtained in this way are called cumulative Freq. distributions for less than or more than
Tuesday, December 4, 12

Class Boundaries & Mid-Point

# Find cumulative freq. distr. for: a) Less than. b) More than. c) More than for the give freq. distr.

C.I 2-5 6-9 10-13 14-17 18-21

Fi 1 3 8 6 2

i is changeable

# For Less than C.F. *Upper Class Boundary* -Less than 1.5 -Less than 5.5 -Less than 9.5 2-0.5 6-0.5 10-0.5

Tuesday, December 4, 12

Q. Find Cumulative Freq. for:

a) Less than. b) More Than.
Class Interval 2-5 6-9 10 - 13 14 - 17 18 - 21 Total: Frequency 1 3 8 6 2 20

For each Lower limit we minus Subtract 0.5 to change it into CB (Class Boundary).
Tuesday, December 4, 12

A) Less Than:
CI 2 - 0.5 6 - 0.5 10 - 0.5 14 - 0.5 18 - 0.5 CB 1.5 5.5 9.5 Less than 13.5 3.5 Less than 17.5 7.5 Less than 21.5
Tuesday, December 4, 12

upper class boundary Less than 1.5 Less than 5.5 Less than 9.5

C.F cumulative Frequency 0 0+1= 1+3= 4+8= 12 + 6 = 18 + 2 = 1 4 12 18 20

B) More Than.
CI 5 + 0.5 9 + 0.5 13 + 0.5 17 + 0.5 21 + 0.5 CB 5.5 9.5 13.5 17.5 21.5 Lower class boundary More than 1.5 More than 5.5 More than 9.5 More than 13.5 More than 17.5 More than 21.5
Tuesday, December 4, 12

C.F cumulative Frequency 20 20 - 1 = 19 - 3 = 16 - 8 = 8-6= 2-2= Total Freq. 19 16 8 2 0

Q. Find Cumulative Freq. for:

a) Less than. b) More Than.

Class Interval 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 - 11 Total:

Frequency 1 3 5 4 2 15

Tuesday, December 4, 12

Solution: A) Less Than:

upper class boundary Less than 1.5 Less than 3.5 Less than 5.5 Less than 7.5 Less than 9.5 Less than 11.5
Tuesday, December 4, 12

C.F cumulative Frequency 0 0+1= 1+3= 4+5= 9+4= 13 + 2 = 1 4 9 13 15


Lower class boundary More than 1.5 More than 3.5 More than 7.5 More than 9.5 More than 11.5

B) More Than.
C.F cumulative Frequency 5 15 - 1 = 14 - 3 = 11 - 5 = 6-4= 2-2= Total Freq. 14 11 6 2 0

Tuesday, December 4, 12


Tuesday, December 4, 12


a) Denition of frequency distribution: - A table in which frequency is distributed according to classes.

Tuesday, December 4, 12

b) Steps to make a frequency distribution: 1. To Tally data. 2. Find Classes. 3. Set Class limits. 4. Tally the data into classes. 5. Count the Freq. 6. Check Total.
Tuesday, December 4, 12


c) Data of 50 or 25 values will be given. Range = Max.Value - Min.Value Width = __Range___ No. of Classes

Tuesday, December 4, 12

Q. In the following Raw data the values of 20 people are given.

a) Construct a freq. distr. table by taking a class interval of 1 year . b) Find CB & Mid-Value. c) Prepare less than & more than type of cumulative freq. table.
















Tuesday, December 4, 12





Range- (Max Value) - (Min Value) Range = 6.1 - 2.6 Range = 3.5

Classes 1 2.6 - 3.4 3.5 - 4.4 4.5 - 5.4 5.5 - 6.4 Total:

Tally Masks |||| |||| || |||| | ||

Freq. 5 7 6 2 20


2 3 4 5

Tuesday, December 4, 12

B) C.B & Mid.Value
CI 2.5 - 3.4 3.5 - 4.4 4.5 - 5.4 5.5 - 6.4 Total: F 5 7 6 2 CB 2.4 - 3.45 3.45 - 4.45 4.45 - 5.45 5.45 - 6.45 20
0.5 0.05 Non-Decimal Decimal

Tuesday, December 4, 12

Ages in year less than 2.45 less than 3.45 less than 4.45 less than 5.45 less than 6.45 C.F 0 (0+f1) 0+5=5 (5+f2) 5+7=12 (12+f3) 12+6=18 (18+f4) 18+2=20

Tuesday, December 4, 12

CI 2-3 4-5
lower limits

F 1 3 5 4 2
3 + 0.5 5 + 0.5 7 + 0.5 9 + 0.5 11 + 0.5

CB 1.5 - 3.5 3.5 - 5.5 5.5 - 7.5 7.5 - 9.5 9.5 - 11.5

6-7 8-9 10 highest limit - 11

Tuesday, December 4, 12


Mid points

Frequency Polygon
Tuesday, December 4, 12

Freq. Curve


5 4 3 2 1

Tuesday, December 4, 12


3.5 5.5 7.5 9.5 11.5



A Histogram is a visual graphic or representation of a continuous freq. distr. , Histogram is a set of adjacent rectangles. (boxes joined together).

Tuesday, December 4, 12

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