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From Al Carter Master 9's Blog (These Lessons can be found here: http://alchemyoflife.ning.

com/ ) The following is a revised version of Meditation instructions given by Dr Malach i Z York to the Nuwaubian community from the pamphlet (Nuwaubian Istatlaat). The reason for posting this is to not only help explain how to practice meditation in a balance way as outlined here, but also to inspire those Nuwaubians who are stuck on the path, and need further guidance from Dr Malachi Z York himself. Meditation establishes a living link of mortals with its vast inner realities wh ich is hidden and formatted in normal conditions of the mind. A truly successful meditation brings about an integration of normal consciousness with its higher counterpart, the Soul. Let us try to overstand the nature of meditation from another view point. Most o f the time mortals are thinking various thoughts. The mortals seeking immortalit y mind jumps from subject to subject, idea to idea, object to object, in an irre gular fashion. In meditation there is first a calming of the mind with breath wo rk, then an observance of thoughts as a silent observer, then focusing the mind on a single thought. When the single thought is held for steady periods of time, finally the thinking is transcended altogether in a transcendental consciousnes ses Most of the time mortals are physically active. Your eyes move, your hands are r estless, your body is in ceaseless motion. In meditation all physical movements stop. Most mortals are struggling, straining and working. In meditation all of t hese strivings come to a momentary halt, and the energies both physical and ment al flow inward. Instead of becoming, there is a being, instead of sound there is a silence, instead of struggle there is harmony, instead of going out there is going in. Thus, in meditation the mind gradually becomes calm and serene like th e still surface of a lake, pure darkness bliss. In that transparency of the mind the pure consciousness is vividly reflected and the mind returns for the time b eing to its inner sanctuary, the Soul. In that state of profound unity, the inte lligence, the feeling, the willingness is effused into an unbroken stream of con sciousness. Therefore, in meditation there is no agitation of any kind, no rippl es, the perfect stillness of inner being. There is only Lucid Awareness and the mind reflects like a mirror in reflecting the wisdom of the Soul. In meditation the ego is overcome and the Soul manifest its hidden Goodness, Truth and Beauty. Your Potential Scroll Five Verse 7-15 7. Never think of yourself as so low that you are lost forever; 8. nor so high that you have no greater goals to gain. 9. Go to either extreme and you become a companion of disaster. 10. Both of these extremes are caused by the Ego which is the physical "I-ness". 11. The Ego is also the main obsticle in experiencing reality. 12. It is an attribute mostly carried out by the malevolent beings and is one of the hardest attributes to eliminate. 13. It is attended by Pride, Anger, De-lusion, Greed, Jealousy, Lust, Hatred, Ra cism, And Leader-ship. 14. The very high nature of the Ego eludes the Mind, while the individual is try ing to overcome it. 15. Through the teachings of the Sacred Wisdom, you will learn to burn out the E go, to use the Fire as you wish. When one holds the torch of fire, she may warm her family or burn the house, Its on her. And your energies will be able to util ize constructively, for personnal growth if you control the flame of life. The Meditator at this high point of involvement with all here abides in the Eter nal Soul, Pure Darkness Supreme Balancement, before we said, Let ther be light.

Meditation is as old as existence; therefore, it is as Universal as the Nature o f Mortals. It has been practiced throughout the world by humims and deities from all walks of life and existence. Modern as well as primitive cultures over the world have participated in some form o meditation for thousands of years. The ar t is as ancient as the primitive societies and as modern as the atomic age. Ther efore, you must clearly overstand once and for all times; that it is an insepera ble component of human personality that links one to THE ALL. The ability to med itate definitely present in all of us. It is not a monopoly of the exotic. Human personality and the ability to meditate is definitely persent in you all. It is an inner quality of every human being. You all possess the capacity to be quiet , to be absolved, to be intune with your inner being. After a hectic period of a ctivity you want to be relaxed and still. During moments of crisis and deep prob lems, you want to be alone and think things over without interruptions. So you j ust darken or cut off the light sit back and relax in peaceful meditation. Im te aching you how to do just that. After an intense group activity, you seek person al solitude; after experiencing the sound and noise of the day, which was the po int of chaos when th eday came into existence, when we said let there be light, before that there was supreme balancement Darkness. You inevitably long for sile nce, Darkness, Supreme Balancement. After a period of physical action, you'll li ke to be physically quiet. Similarly, the power of concentration, which is the f undamental step towards meditation is very natural to mortals. In fact, in the c ourse of a single day you are called upon to concentrate on many things. Every f orm or function, "Physically or Mentally" demands some form of concentration; dr iving, writing, talking, reading a book, planing, cooking, praying, all artisic environment, a dark quiet place, tranquil music, a hundred different sights and sounds of nature and life around us can easily hold our undivided attention over a long period of time. In those moments of absorption you lose yourselves in wr apped wonderment and joy. Patience Nuwaubian To sum it up, meditation is natural to mortals seeking Immortality All over the world. I'm here to teach you the art of meditation. It is not a mysterious thing which has been imported to the western world from the exotic orient. It has bee n practiced in many forms by millions of people, ancient and modern; right here in America by the true Native Americans. Just as sound, physical and mental acti vities, group participation and similar affairs are natural to mortals, so also is silence, solitude and inner personal experiences are inevitable necessities o f human life. Finally, all beings, including children, are naturally capable of attention, concentration and absorption which are essential steps toward success ful meditation, children can be seen giving undivided attention upon many things that catch their fancy: The many huge butterflies, a bird, a colorful flower, a magician doing an old trick, a fine story teller. The Right Attitude Toward Meditation Sometimes, intense effort for having true meditation is ineffective because of t he absence o the right attitudes. Therefore, the successful meditation depends a great deal upon the correct resolution and the right approach. From the very be ginning it is essential to discipline the mind with right attitude and Right Kno wledge, Right Wisdom and Right Overstanding which leads one to Sound Right Reaso ning before actual steps towards meditation can be taken. if one has from the ve ry beginning the correct frame of mind, one can move swiftly and confidently in this matter and the process is rapid and certain. Firstly, One can never just capture meditation by force. You do not get meditati on, you can only receive it. Just as it is impossible to enter into deep sleep b y force. One can generally slide into meditation just as one goes into sleep. Th erefore, the meditator who wants to meditate well has to suspend normal drives, the restless urge of your ego, the power of Will. In meditation, these normal ur ges, passions and desires have to be set aside. This is a difficult task because most of the time you move forward to obtain things through ego driven forces. Y

et, through effort and overstanding you can reorient yourself toward meditation which calls for the gradual silence of the Mind, the surrendering of ourselves t o Higher Consciousness. Therefore, the first correct attitude is one of patience and submission, of surrendering and opening of the Inner Spirit of Meditation. Second, There should be no desire for obtaining things for meditation. If one ex pects quick results and to immediatly obtain psychic powers, if one is eager to develop ESP abilities through meditation, if one is restless for immediate resul ts, if one is geared to great expectations in a hurry, then every attempt at tru e meditation shall be a failure, for intense expectations create impatience, gre ed and tension which are the lifelong enemies of meditation and a peaceful mind. Given these instructions, when there is no looking beyond the joy of meditation ; when there is no projection of desire there is a tremendous lifting of the Spi rit and the experience of great peace and power during the times of meditation. So, let meditation be sufficient onto itself. Let there be no ulterior motives i n meditation. This is the second important thing in having the right frame of mi nd. Third, Meditation is not possible under a Spirit of Compulsion, if you go to med itation under stress, then you cannot obtain fulfillment, for meditation is not a matter of should it, it is not a matter of must. Again, going to teh other ext reme, if you practice meditation it wil not come to you, meaning it is successfu l when there is joyful participation in it. When there is spontaneous cooperatio n wih it, the head and heart must be combined to produce a harmonious state of m ind. Therefore, in meditation, you avoid the extreme of obsessive compulsion and dull mechanical routine. Fourth, Meditation is the opening of the Spiritual door of life. It is a dual pr ocess of opening and reception. I recieve meditation with an open and grateful h eart. I gladlly respond to its call an dmy inner spirit blooms like a hidden flo wer. Thus, response and reception, acceptance and gratitude should characterize my attitude towards meditation. Above all, you need a sustaining faith to help y ou in time of success and mandatory failure. You need a firm resolution to go on . The beginners start to meditate and the first beneficial result are almost insta ntaneous. They feel fine. There is a surge of inner power. Then there is inevita bly a period of tranquility and progress is not so rapid. At this time, some ten d to give up and the tast seems to be rather difficult and oddless. Precisely at this moment, one needs that hope to carry on. If one can only hang on at this c rucial period, the failure is drammatically transformed into success. Afterwards the progress is rapid. The Primary Steps Toward Meditation With the right frame of mind and correct approach, with resolution and faith, th e meditator moves closer to the heart of meditation. here are the essential prim ary steps: Find a quiet, clean, peaceful spot for meditation. The outdoors is alright if th e environment is harmonious. A spot in open nature may be used for meditation wh ich is sheltered from public view and strong winds, but i suggest your prepare y our personal shrine, for it eliminates an oppressive atmosphere, noise, lights a nd other forms of distractions. In order to create a wholesome atomosphere for meditation you can place the pict ures of the masters on your walls, scent the room with some Frankinsence & Myrrh or The All Incense, and play your meditation music to create the serene environ ment desired. After the mood is set, turn the music off as it may be a distracti on.

If you are sitting on the floor, use your meditation mat or Ashutaat rug with yo ur meditation cushion on which you sit. When you sit, make sure you hold your sp ine erect, not rigid, but straight and relaxed. It is advisable that you meditate at least twice a day, everyday, not letting it affect your responsibilities, because this will inevitably bring about an inhar monious environment. Once at what many refer to as dawn and again after the plan et moves to the point where the sun is un-seen. If you can, sit in the cross leg ged position, preferrably full lotus position comfortably for 10, 15, or 25 minu tes, please do so. However, contrary to the popular belief, it is important to remember that it is not necessary to sit in any one position. The Nuwaubian way simply states that a ny posture is suitable for meditation if you are at ease and comfortable in that particular position over a period of time. So, if you cannot sit in a specific position, do not force yourself to do so, for any un-comfortable position would only create discomfort and hamper your concentration and meditation. One the poi sition is taken, it should not be changed in that duration. If it is at all poss ible and necessary, you may sit on a straight back chair, hold your feet firmly on the ground and place your hands upon your knees and keep the back staight at all times. if you can sit in a meditation position but your back still hurts, us e the wall for some support for your back. You may put a cushion between your ba ck and the wall. There are some people who lie on thier backs and meditate. This position is, of course, rarely assumed for meditation; yet if it is the only po sition which is suitable for some people, i recommend it without hesitation. It is especially comfortable for people who are either weak or ill in bed. Thus, wi thout hurry or rush, find your own individual posture for meditation. Then gentl y, firmly, and deliberately sitting down for meditation, ask that you be enfolde d in the spiritual power of life's higher dimensions. As you breathe, swing your head back and forth to your chest, exhaling upon saying the (Hayuh) which means "Life", and inhaling upon saying (Hu), meaning, "He who is". do this seven time s. I suggest that your eyes be half closed for starters, for if they are shut you m ight see too many mental pictures or feel sleepy. When you have gained some cont rol of your thoughts through concentration. Then it would beneficial to cut off all sense stimulation altogether. If your eyes were fully open, too many externa l things may distract your mind. The posture should be firm but not stiff, the s ecret is to be comfortable and alert and forget the body altogether. This is why it is important to remember that the body should not be forced into any uncomfortable position. Meditation can be difficult, you do not need paid an d additional discomfort of the body to compicate it even further. The regularity of hours are very important in meditation, as it brings familiari ty with it. Human beings are creatures of habits. They get accustomed to doing c ertain things at ceratin hours so if you have a fixed time for meditation, try t o keep to the schedule. However, if you cannot maintain fixed periods of time, y our times for meditation can be made flexible. Since the mind is fresh, quiet, and relaxed at what earthlings call dawn or sunr ise, it would be advisable to develop your meditation during this time and again after what earthlings call sunset. Next in importance is the duration of meditation. This is very important. Many i n the first flush of their enthusiasm, plunge into long periods of meditation, e ventually the enthusiasm runs out and the long duration becomes painful, and ver y unproductive. Therefore, i suggest at the beginning sit down quietly for medit ation for five minutes daily for some days. Then you can extend the time to 15 m inutes. Later, as you become efficient in the art, the period can be extended to

25 minutes. Finally, if time permits and if meditation is really profound, you can meditate twice daily at dawn and after sunset each period having 25 minutes. The long duration is not important. What is necessary is sincerity, dedication, and eagerness of the meditator. Eventually you will be able to sit in deep medi tation for 2 hours in one sitting. It is said that if one wants to be a master i n this lifetime, practice concentration/meditation for 2 hours a day. Yet, wise moderation in all habits is a big help to success in meditation. Over work, over eating, over change are harmful. Moreover, the life of meditation is to be sust ained and supported by the life of wholesome and noble virtues. Thus, the medita tor is called upon to practice the fundamental principles of Spiritual Virtue (M AAT); Love and Compassion, Service and Truth seeking. You cannot wantonly break all mortal principles and be successful in meditation at the same time. Patience Nuwaubian During the time of meditation, the stomach should be half empty. One cannot medi tate on the run, you cannot snatch a few minutes of silence between the rush and roar of activities. The Mind has to be relaxed and free from tension before and after meditating. Before entering into silence, create an appropriate atmospher e. The place is clean, quiet, and dimly lit. There are pictures of masters aroun d you, incense are burning. Your mind is relaxed and ready for meditation. By no w you have found a suitable posture, your spine straight, your are ready for med itation. All Discussions My Discussions Add a Discussion Lessons in Concentration/Meditation Part 1 Posted by Nebro Tishin on December 20, 2008 at 9:53am in Metaphysics of Mind & M ental Alchemy Send Message View Discussions The following is a revised version of Meditation instructions given by Dr Malach i Z York to the Nuwaubian community from the pamphlet (Nuwaubian Istatlaat). The reason for posting this is to not only help explain how to practice meditation in a balance way as outlined here, but also to inspire those Nuwaubians who are stuck on the path, and need further guidance from Dr Malachi Z York himself. Greetings, Nuwaubians! The reason i say greetings Nuwaubians and not Kosmosan or Tamarean, is because t he art of meditation can be beneficial to all Nuwaubians including all of the bl ack race, not just those nuwaubians that are members of our sacred fraternity. T he Ancient Egiptian Order. Thus, for all of my beloved students, devotees, and i nitiates. I will now take the time to explain in detail the nature and function of Meditation, the specific steps towards it, the easy way to learn methods of p racticing it, and the great benefit that comes out of regular practice of Medita tion. However, there are things about the art of meditation in this book that ar e only for initiates, because the art of meditation is a sacred art form. As an initiate you will know. As i always say those who tell dont know, and those who know dont tell! In the last 15 years, i have initiated thousands of people all over the world an d from all walks of life to the practice of meditation. I cannot emphasize enoug h the immense value and benefit to all practiciouners of meditation. This step b y step direction for meditation can be followed by the beginners as well as by t he experienced and advanced meditators. I have drawn upon my own experiences fro m ancient methods and modern psychological ways and means. In order to be succes sful in meditation, you need three things. First, you need determination and res olution to follow directions faithfully; Second, you must practice meditation re gularly at lest for 3 months; Third, you must learn to lead a life of moderation

and follow in your daily life moral and ethical principles of life. Good Medita tion to you, Nuwaubian. Now you may ask, Master, What is Meditation? Good Question, Nuwaubian! Meditation may denote contemplation on a prayerful communion with (Hu). The Sour ce of the Universe. The Sumerians and Egyptians practiced meditation. The word f or Meditation in Nuwaubic is (Istatlaat), often referred to in Nuwaubic as (Taal ut) meaning "Meditating". As an initiate you will learn to (Talut) "Meditate". I n the western world it has many meanings. It may mean deep and sustained thinkin g or attention upon an idea or a problem. It may signify a state of uninterrupte d silence and solitude or a state of profound tranquility. To some westerners me ditation is a very mysterious and mystical thing which has been brought from the exotic orient to the west by a few westernerers or orientals. Some people think of it as an absolute useless pasttime. Moreover, the current phrase "transcendental meditation", seems to be simultaneo us confusing, vaguely interesting and tantalizingly simple. When you try to expl ore indepth the meaning of the word meditation, you realise that it covers a wid e area of activities of inner life. It is indeed a sustained thinking and attent ion, silence and solitude, peace and tranquility, contemplation and prayerful co mmunion. Yet, it is much more, these states and functions of the mind. It is a L ucid state of deep awareness in which profound peace and wisdom abide simultaneo usly. It is a process through which the mind becomes unwinded and transcends its elf and enters into Higher Consciousness. Meditation establishes a living link o f mortals with its vast inner realities which is hidden and formatted in normal conditions of the mind. A truly successful meditation brings about an integratio n of normal consciousness with its higher counterpart, the Soul. Let us try to overstand the nature of meditation from another view point. Most o f the time mortals are thinking various thoguhts. The mortals seeking immortalit y mind jumps from subject to subject, idea to idea, object to object, in an irre gular fashion. In meditation there is first a calming of the mind with breath wo rk, then an observance of thoughts as a silent observer, then focusing the mind on a single thought. When the single thought is held for steady periods of time, finally the thinking is transcended altogether in a transcendental consciousnes s. Most of the time mortals are physically active. Your eyes move, your hands are r estless, your body is in ceaseless motion. In meditation all physical movements stop. Most mortals are struggling, straining and working. In meditation all of t hese strivings come to a momentary halt, and the energies both physical and ment al flow inward. Instead of becoming, there is a being, instead of sound there is a silence, instead of struggle there is harmony, instead of going out there is going in. Thus, in meditation the mind gradually becomes calm and serene like th e still surface of a lake, pure darkness bliss. In that transparency of the mind the pure consciousness is vividly reflected and the mind returns for the time b eing to its inner sanctuary, the Soul. In that state of profound unity, the inte lligence, the feeling, the willingness is effused into an unbroken stream of con sciousness. Therefore, in meditation there is no agitation of any kind, no rippl es, the perfect stillness of inner being. There is only Lucid Awareness and the mind reflects like a mirror in reflecting the wisdom of the Soul. In meditation the ego is overcome and the Soul manifest its hidden Goodness, Truth and Beauty. Your Potential Scroll Five Verse 7-15 7. Never think of yourself as so low that you are lost forever; 8. nor so high that you have no greater goals to gain.

9. Go to either extreme and you become a companion of disaster. 10. Both of these extremes are caused by the Ego which is the physical "I-ness". 11. The Ego is also the main obsticle in experiencing reality. 12. It is an attribute mostly carried out by the malevolent beings and is one of the hardest attributes to eliminate. 13. It is attended by Pride, Anger, De-lusion, Greed, Jealousy, Lust, Hatred, Ra cism, And Leader-ship. 14. The very high nature of the Ego eludes the Mind, while the individual is try ing to overcome it. 15. Through the teachings of the Sacred Wisdom, you will learn to burn out the E go, to use the Fire as you wish. When one holds the torch of fire, she may warm her family or burn the house, Its on her. And your energies will be able to util ize constructively, for personnal growth if you control the flame of life. The Meditator at this high point of involvement with all here abides in the Eter nal Soul, Pure Darkness Supreme Balancement, before we said, Let ther be light. Meditation is as old as existence; therefore, it is as Universal as the Nature o f Mortals. It has been practiced throughout the world by humims and deities from all walks of life and existence. Modern as well as primitive cultures over the world have participated in some form o meditation for thousands of years. The ar t is as ancient as the primitive societies and as modern as the atomic age. Ther efore, you must clearly overstand once and for all times; that it is an insepera ble component of human personality that links one to THE ALL. The ability to med itate definitely present in all of us. It is not a monopoly of the exotic. Human personality and the ability to meditate is definitely persent in you all. It is an inner quality of every human being. You all possess the capacity to be quiet , to be absolved, to be intune with your inner being. After a hectic period of a ctivity you want to be relaxed and still. During moments of crisis and deep prob lems, you want to be alone and think things over without interruptions. So you j ust darken or cut off the light sit back and relax in peaceful meditation. Im te aching you how to do just that. After an intense group activity, you seek person al solitude; after experiencing the sound and noise of the day, which was the po int of chaos when th eday came into existence, when we said let there be light, before that there was supreme balancement Darkness. You inevitably long for sile nce, Darkness, Supreme Balancement. After a period of physical action, you'll li ke to be physically quiet. Similarly, the power of concentration, which is the f undamental step towards meditation is very natural to mortals. In fact, in the c ourse of a single day you are called upon to concentrate on many things. Every f orm or function, "Physically or Mentally" demands some form of concentration; dr iving, writing, talking, reading a book, planing, cooking, praying, all artisic environment, a dark quiet place, tranquil music, a hundred different sights and sounds of nature and life around us can easily hold our undivided attention over a long period of time. In those moments of absorption you lose yourselves in wr apped wonderment and joy. Patience Nuwaubian To sum it up, meditation is natural to mortals seeking Immortality All over the world. I'm here to teach you the art of meditation. It is not a mysterious thing which has been imported to the western world from the exotic orient. It has bee n practiced in many forms by millions of people, ancient and modern; right here in America by the true Native Americans. Just as sound, physical and mental acti vities, group participation and similar affairs are natural to mortals, so also is silence, solitude and inner personal experiences are inevitable necessities o f human life. Finally, all beings, including children, are naturally capable of attention, concentration and absorption which are essential steps toward success ful meditation, children can be seen giving undivided attention upon many things that catch their fancy: The many huge butterflies, a bird, a colorful flower, a magician doing an old trick, a fine story teller.

The Right Attitude Toward Meditation Sometimes, intense effort for having true meditation is ineffective because of t he absence o the right attitudes. Therefore, the successful meditation depends a great deal upon the correct resolution and the right approach. From the very be ginning it is essential to discipline the mind with right attitude and Right Kno wledge, Right Wisdom and Right Overstanding which leads one to Sound Right Reaso ning before actual steps towards meditation can be taken. if one has from the ve ry beginning the correct frame of mind, one can move swiftly and confidently in this matter and the process is rapid and certain. Firstly, One can never just capture meditation by force. You do not get meditati on, you can only receive it. Just as it is impossible to enter into deep sleep b y force. One can generally slide into meditation just as one goes into sleep. Th erefore, the meditator who wants to meditate well has to suspend normal drives, the restless urge of your ego, the power of Will. In meditation, these normal ur ges, passions and desires have to be set aside. This is a difficult task because most of the time you move forward to obtain things through ego driven forces. Y et, through effort and overstanding you can reorient yourself toward meditation which calls for the gradual silence of the Mind, the surrendering of ourselves t o Higher Consciousness. Therefore, the first correct attitude is one of patience and submission, of surrendering and opening of the Inner Spirit of Meditation. Second, There should be no desire for obtaining things for meditation. If one ex pects quick results and to immediatly obtain psychic powers, if one is eager to develop ESP abilities through meditation, if one is restless for immediate resul ts, if one is geared to great expectations in a hurry, then every attempt at tru e meditation shall be a failure, for intense expectations create impatience, gre ed and tension which are the lifelong enemies of meditation and a peaceful mind. Given these instructions, when there is no looking beyond the joy of meditation ; when there is no projection of desire there is a tremendous lifting of the Spi rit and the experience of great peace and power during the times of meditation. So, let meditation be sufficient onto itself. Let there be no ulterior motives i n meditation. This is the second important thing in having the right frame of mi nd. Third, Meditation is not possible under a Spirit of Compulsion, if you go to med itation under stress, then you cannot obtain fulfillment, for meditation is not a matter of should it, it is not a matter of must. Again, going to teh other ext reme, if you practice meditation it wil not come to you, meaning it is successfu l when there is joyful participation in it. When there is spontaneous cooperatio n wih it, the head and heart must be combined to produce a harmonious state of m ind. Therefore, in meditation, you avoid the extreme of obsessive compulsion and dull mechanical routine. Fourth, Meditation is the opening of the Spiritual door of life. It is a dual pr ocess of opening and reception. I recieve meditation with an open and grateful h eart. I gladlly respond to its call an dmy inner spirit blooms like a hidden flo wer. Thus, response and reception, acceptance and gratitude should characterize my attitude towards meditation. Above all, you need a sustaining faith to help y ou in time of success and mandatory failure. You need a firm resolution to go on . The beginners start to meditate and the first beneficial result are almost insta ntaneous. They feel fine. There is a surge of inner power. Then there is inevita bly a period of tranquility and progress is not so rapid. At this time, some ten d to give up and the tast seems to be rather difficult and oddless. Precisely at this moment, one needs that hope to carry on. If one can only hang on at this c rucial period, the failure is drammatically transformed into success. Afterwards the progress is rapid.

The Primary Steps Toward Meditation With the right frame of mind and correct approach, with resolution and faith, th e meditator moves closer to the heart of meditation. here are the essential prim ary steps: Find a quiet, clean, peaceful spot for meditation. The outdoors is alright if th e environment is harmonious. A spot in open nature may be used for meditation wh ich is sheltered from public view and strong winds, but i suggest your prepare y our personal shrine, for it eliminates an oppressive atmosphere, noise, lights a nd other forms of distractions. In order to create a wholesome atomosphere for meditation you can place the pict ures of the masters on your walls, scent the room with some Frankinsence & Myrrh or The All Incense, and play your meditation music to create the serene environ ment desired. After the mood is set, turn the music off as it may be a distracti on. If you are sitting on the floor, use your meditation mat or Ashutaat rug with yo ur meditation cushion on which you sit. When you sit, make sure you hold your sp ine erect, not rigid, but straight and relaxed. It is advisable that you meditate at least twice a day, everyday, not letting it affect your responsibilities, because this will inevitably bring about an inhar monious environment. Once at what many refer to as dawn and again after the plan et moves to the point where the sun is un-seen. If you can, sit in the cross leg ged position, preferrably full lotus position comfortably for 10, 15, or 25 minu tes, please do so. However, contrary to the popular belief, it is important to remember that it is not necessary to sit in any one position. The Nuwaubian way simply states that a ny posture is suitable for meditation if you are at ease and comfortable in that particular position over a period of time. So, if you cannot sit in a specific position, do not force yourself to do so, for any un-comfortable position would only create discomfort and hamper your concentration and meditation. One the poi sition is taken, it should not be changed in that duration. If it is at all poss ible and necessary, you may sit on a straight back chair, hold your feet firmly on the ground and place your hands upon your knees and keep the back staight at all times. if you can sit in a meditation position but your back still hurts, us e the wall for some support for your back. You may put a cushion between your ba ck and the wall. There are some people who lie on thier backs and meditate. This position is, of course, rarely assumed for meditation; yet if it is the only po sition which is suitable for some people, i recommend it without hesitation. It is especially comfortable for people who are either weak or ill in bed. Thus, wi thout hurry or rush, find your own individual posture for meditation. Then gentl y, firmly, and deliberately sitting down for meditation, ask that you be enfolde d in the spiritual power of life's higher dimensions. As you breathe, swing your head back and forth to your chest, exhaling upon saying the (Hayuh) which means "Life", and inhaling upon saying (Hu), meaning, "He who is". do this seven time s. I suggest that your eyes be half closed for starters, for if they are shut you m ight see too many mental pictures or feel sleepy. When you have gained some cont rol of your thoughts through concentration. Then it would beneficial to cut off all sense stimulation altogether. If your eyes were fully open, too many externa l things may distract your mind. The posture should be firm but not stiff, the s ecret is to be comfortable and alert and forget the body altogether. This is why it is important to remember that the body should not be forced into any uncomfortable position. Meditation can be difficult, you do not need paid an d additional discomfort of the body to compicate it even further.

The regularity of hours are very important in meditation, as it brings familiari ty with it. Human beings are creatures of habits. They get accustomed to doing c ertain things at ceratin hours so if you have a fixed time for meditation, try t o keep to the schedule. However, if you cannot maintain fixed periods of time, y our times for meditation can be made flexible. Since the mind is fresh, quiet, and relaxed at what earthlings call dawn or sunr ise, it would be advisable to develop your meditation during this time and again after what earthlings call sunset. Next in importance is the duration of meditation. This is very important. Many i n the first flush of their enthusiasm, plunge into long periods of meditation, e ventually the enthusiasm runs out and the long duration becomes painful, and ver y unproductive. Therefore, i suggest at the beginning sit down quietly for medit ation for five minutes daily for some days. Then you can extend the time to 15 m inutes. Later, as you become efficient in the art, the period can be extended to 25 minutes. Finally, if time permits and if meditation is really profound, you can meditate twice daily at dawn and after sunset each period having 25 minutes. The long duration is not important. What is necessary is sincerity, dedication, and eagerness of the meditator. Eventually you will be able to sit in deep medi tation for 2 hours in one sitting. It is said that if one wants to be a master i n this lifetime, practice concentration/meditation for 2 hours a day. Yet, wise moderation in all habits is a big help to success in meditation. Over work, over eating, over change are harmful. Moreover, the life of meditation is to be sust ained and supported by the life of wholesome and noble virtues. Thus, the medita tor is called upon to practice the fundamental principles of Spiritual Virtue (M AAT); Love and Compassion, Service and Truth seeking. You cannot wantonly break all mortal principles and be successful in meditation at the same time. Patience Nuwaubian During the time of meditation, the stomach should be half empty. One cannot medi tate on the run, you cannot snatch a few minutes of silence between the rush and roar of activities. The Mind has to be relaxed and free from tension before and after meditating. Before entering into silence, create an appropriate atmospher e. The place is clean, quiet, and dimly lit. There are pictures of masters aroun d you, incense are burning. Your mind is relaxed and ready for meditation. By no w you have found a suitable posture, your spine straight, your are ready for med itation. So now it is the time to settle down in that particular posture. Try to relax yo ur body, taking a few deep breaths and sway the body gently from side to side; f orward and backward for a few moments and then make the body absolutely still. F rom the silent, still firmly held body, look at the Mind. It is now drifting low ly, concentrate on the inhale and exhale of your natural breath. Do not attempt to control your breathing, simply observe it as a silent witness. With your atte ntion gazing slightly upward at the point between your eyebrows. Your tongue sho uld be placed against the pallet of the mouth, as not to generate too much energ y in the third eye chakra. As you watch your breath, simply chant mentally i.e. silently "Hu" pronounced (Whooo) as you inhale, and "Hi" pronounced (Hee) as you exhale. Huhi, is the Neter of Primal creation. The Eternal breath of life, the creative force of will. As you continue to focus on the inhale and exhale of the breath while mentally chanting "HuHi" eventually your breathing will slow down and appear to stop, let this happen. The deeper you go in meditation this span o f time in the breathlessness will increase. Starting and stopping naturally, as the calmer the mind and body becomes the less the heart has to work. Dont worry or panic, when the body needs to breath, the breathing will start back up. It is the breathless state of supreme darkness that we want to embrace. In this condition when the body is held in Absolute Silence and Stillness two th

ings may happen in the Mind. The Mind may suddenly appear to be restless, it may appear to be restless in sharp contrast to the stillness of the body. The fast movements of the mind may gradually slow down. Thus, at the first stage of meditation you may witness apparent acceleration of the mind and then gradua lly slowing down a bit as the body is held perfectly still. Therefore, the medit ator should not be disturbed at this phenomenon but accept it as a natural thing . As you sit there in silence and as your Mind gradually slows down, you experie nce a feeling of peace. Become familiar with this peace and try to become one wi th it. All the while, continue your regular breathing which is very important in meditation. The ways of breathing reveals the mental states of persons. It is n ormal and rhythmic. Meditation is greatly helped by a regular deep breathing. Th ere is no mystery to it. simple deep breathing will help a person to quiet down for meditation. Yet, do not be over concerned with it, settle down and then brea th evenly for a few moments and forget about the whole thing. Simply watch the i nhalation and exhalation as a silent witness. As one moves toward deeper concent ration, the breathing may be slow; this is maturely. You should breath naturally , inhaling on the words (Hu), and exhaling on the word (Hi) pronounced (Hee). Hu hi is the Eternal One, the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omnicient, Everlasting awake ned Soul of every being. Huhi is recognized as Ra, Ptah, Atum as Atum Huhi or At um Ra. Then comes the most important thing in meditation, the training of the mind and its perparation for meditation through concentration. Always remember that conce ntration is not meditation; yet it is the only door to true success. Why is it s o? Why is concentration the sacred key to meditation? Let us find out. The average Mind is undisciplined. Its energies are scattered a ll over the many things and ideas. It is impossible for an average untrained min d to hold attention to one ting for more than a few seconds. The Mind drifts fro m subject to subject endlessly. It is weak and easily disturbed by external and internal forces and situations. There isn't any focal point and it is not under the control of the average morta l. Here is a fantastic, effective and superb instrument waiting to go into inten se action for the gathering of knowledge, for expansion of conscious in a profou nd concentrated effort. Yet, because it is untrained, it remains diffused, ineff ectual and unproductive throughout most of your lives. Therefore, the methods of meditation first of all involves simply the training o f the Mind in the art of concentration. The goal of the beginner is limited and very simple; deliberate concentration of the Mind on specific things such as the breath in a disciplined manner. The average Mind may think at random 19 differe nt things in the course of 19 minutes. The beginner is to focus the attention on not 19 or 7 subjects but upon three ob jects, giving each subject 7 minutes of undivided attention. This then is the go al of the beginner. He gently but persistently brings the mind back to Darkness, (Hu). All as step One is (Hu).

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