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RAG 333/3 ADVANCE COMPUTER AIDED BUILDING DESIGN: 3ds MAX Design 2013 Syllabus for Semester 1, 2012-13

Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Hassan (Coordinator) Objective: To develop skills and creativity in 3 dimension drawings and movie animation of architecture and interior design using advanced computer aided technology (3ds Max Design software). Time: Thursday 10:00am 12:00pm Venue: Makmal IT 1 or IT Lab, School of HBP
Warning! (1). 10% marks will be deducted from your 100% grade for each time you do not attend the class. (2). 5% marks will be deducted for late attendance. (3). Students who are having problem with attendance will be barred from Final Project (70%) submission.




13 Sept

Practical Training 3rd Year

No class

20 Sept

27 Sept

Introduction to 3dStudioMax & Conversion to AutoCAD file, Setting Unit Setup, Grid & Snap Settings, World-Space Tripod, Zoom Panning & Rotation Views, Maximize Viewport Toggle, Change Of the Viewports, Move, Rotate, Scale & Mirror Geometry - Standard Primitives, Extended Primitives, Stairs, Doors, Windows, Wall, Exercise Animating the objects (geometries), Name of the object lists, Group/Ungroup, Layer. ASSIGNMENT 1 (10%) Install 3ds Max Design 2013 in ITLab1, HBP. SUBMISSION ASSIGNMENT 1 (10%) Shapes - Editable meshes (Modifying vertices and polygon), Modify properties - Shapes objects (extrude), Shapes (outline), Exercise making a table & Exercise making a fan, Merge objects, Animation bouncing ball, Conversion AutoCAD file to 3d Studio Max, Option Fountain (Fountain *.avi) Clone (copy, instant, and reference), Terrain, Boolean Operations, Lathe 1 (goblet), Lathe 2 (column), Option: Editable meshes (continue) - Merge, Insert vertex (line) PROPOSAL FINAL PROJECT BRIEF (70%)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Hassan

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Hassan

4 Oct

SUBMISSION PROPOSAL FINAL PROJECT BRIEF (70%) PropDrSanusi3dsMax13 Mapping objects using Material Editors with material libraries & Configuring UVW Maps, Mapping objects using customised bitmaps*, Transparent* & Bump Map*, Reflection *. Figure without Background (Exercise with image photo*.jpg in a folder). 2 sided, Door with Pivot (Hierarchy), Camera and Path Constraints, camera walkthrough, Exercise making a bridge. ASSIGNMENT 2 (10%)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Hassan

11 Oct

No class

SUBMISSION ASSIGNMENT 2 (10%) - Folder Name: 2DrSanusi3dsMax13 Camera and Path Constraints, camera walkthrough, Still image photo motion (scale (*.avi) and move) Lightings - Omni and Target Spotlights - (Target *.avi and Projector Map *.avi) and Making Text Acknowledgement (Text *.avi), Trajectory ASSIGNMENT 3 (10%)
Eidul Adha

18 Oct

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Hassan

25 Oct

No class

SUBMISSION ASSIGNMENT 3 (10%) - Folder Name: 3DrSanusi3dsMax13 Window Movie Maker - Editing video clips and sound, Final editing movie and presentation. Audiograbber (sound) 1 Nov Q&A FINAL PROJECT (70%) Final Project Progress - drawing building model begins today!

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Hassan

08 Nov

Final Project Progress - drawing building model

Mid Semester Break (10-18 November 2012) Deepavali, Awal Muharram

No class

15 Nov

No class

22 Nov

Final Project Progress - drawing building model

No class


Final Project Progress - Movie editing/rendering

No class

29 Nov

6 Dec

Final Project Progress - Movie editing/rendering 12 Dec 2012 SUBMISSION OF FINAL PROJECT - Folder Name: FinalDrSanusi3dsMax13 (Late Submission Deduct 10% from 70% Marks) Presentation of the Final Project (70%) - Examination Individual Presentation is compulsory. Absence will be considered as 0% like the candidate does not attend the examination.

No class

13 Dec

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Hassan

20 Dec

No class

27 Dec

Study Week (22nd Dec 2012 1st Jan 2013) Christmas, New Year Exam Weeks (2-18th Jan 2013)


Architecture Programme School of Housing, Building & Planning Universiti Sains Malaysia

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