February 12, 2009

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Thursday, February 12, 2009 KEEPING THE SOUTH EAST INFORMED SINCE 1861 $1.00 inc.


– Page 12 ARTS DREAM
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Hoon ‘terror’

Meanwhile, fellow resident Colleen

Connell described the situation as
BY SANDRA MORELLO “It is prevalent every day; my prop-
Email: sandra@tbw.com.au erty has already been hit three times,”
HOON drivers are “terrorising” people said Ms Connell, who signed a petition
in Mount Gambier streets and residents over the problem.
warn it is only a matter of time before Frustrated resident Julie Lucchini
someone is killed. echoed similar concerns, claiming the
According to fed-up Jane Street residents were “absolutely fed up”.
residents, hoon drivers have crashed “It is particularly upsetting for the
into fences, written off cars and are elderly who live on the street,” Ms
frightening elderly people who live in Lucchini said.
the area. Mount Gambier City Council opera-
They claim at least one elderly tional services director Daryl Sexton
resident is petrified a car will crash told a committee meeting on Tuesday
through her front wall into her lounge night that hoon drivers were “terroris-
room. ing” residents along Jane Street.
A resident who lives near Corriedale “We are talking about a few people
Park has also written to Mount Gambier who are making it bad for everybody,”
City Council over hoon drivers “tearing Mr Sexton said.
up” Corriedale Park, fearing a child He said similar problems were being
could be killed. reported at Corriedale Park.
Jane Street resident Pat Barton, who Meanwhile, Wireless Road West
has skid marks outside her front door, resident - Wesley Reiter - is also fed
told The Border Watch yesterday the up with hoon drivers using Corriedale
situation had reached flashpoint for Park as a racetrack and has written
many residents along the street. to council.
“Some of the elderly residents are ter- “It is very dangerous, I fear someone
rified. These drivers use Jane Street as will be killed,” said the father of five
a drag racing circuit, with cars speeding yesterday.
up the street side by side,” said Ms “These idiots could lose control and
Barton, who recently had a close call squash a child. If nothing is done a seri- pABOVE: Fed-up resident Pat Barton and
when reversing onto the street. ous accident or tragedy will happen. her son Will fear someone will be killed
“On just one evening this month in “I have already seen three or four along Jane Street because of hoon drivers.
just 20 minutes I counted dozens of close shaves.” Skid marks can be clearly seen weaving
hoon cars on our street. Mr Reiter said many children used down the road.
“I just fear someone could be killed the park to play or fly kites.
walking along the footpath. They come He called on council to build a fence
pRIGHT: A senseless act: A pile of bricks
around so quickly, you haven’t got a around the park to stop people from
lay on the side of footpath, after a hoon
hope. being able to drive into the area.
driver crashed into a residential fence last
“I am just waiting for a big bang to
happen.” Continued page 3

WEATHER Mount Gambier Today - Possible morning shower. 20o – page 31 TV GUIDE Page 16 COMICS Page 21 CLASSIFIEDS Pages 22-24

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