Little Leopard News, January 2013

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LittleLeopard News

Jan 2012

Science and Technology in the Classroom

Some of the rst science process skills that students learned and applied in Mrs. Rodrigues class when learning about animals were observation and classication. Through the use of a Promethean smart board, students observed representations of animals in their natural environments. Then, based on the physical characteristics and behavior of the animals, students dragged the animals into their respective animal groups such as mammals, birds, sh, amphibians, reptiles, and insects. Mrs. Rodrigues encouraged the students to explain the thinking behind their classication decisions as they dragged the animals into the animal groups. Students selfconcluded that animals from different animal groups may share the same habitat, which lead to a discussion about basic survival needs of all living things and interrelationships is the natural world. Without realizing, students were also practicing the science process skills of inference and communication. !

Cross Curricular Holiday Project in 4th Grade

The students in Mrs. Maczkos 4th grade class participated in a research project that began in the library and ended in the classroom. The students practiced their research skills with the help of Miss Kordek as they gathered information about a topic related to the holidays. Working individually or with a partner, students collected information and recorded it on a graphic organizer. Back in the classroom, the information was transformed into a colorful poster. Each group was required to generate 3 questions based on their research. The highlight of the project was a Gallery Walk where students were given time to view all of the posters and answer the questions. The project was such a success that another joint project with Miss Kordek is already being planned!

Who is in your Family Tree?

In Mrs. Rodrigues class, students have been working on a Social Studies project with their families since the holidays. Students chose between creating a family tree poster and writing an essay about their familys ancestors and/or traditions. The projects include very detailed and valued information that students will be sharing with the class this week in the presence of their relatives. Students commented that they were very happy with the opportunity that was given to them to learn about their families, especially about relatives that live far away and/or are not with us anymore. Mrs. Rodrigues believes that the projects and their respective presentations will enable the class to celebrate diversity and grow appreciation for who they are individually and as a community. In addition, students will develop their presentation skills, attaching even more meaning to the content of the projects, and growing their self-

Take a look at Mrs. Rodrigues website for more photos of the projects, which can be found through the Easton Area School District website.

Reading Corner: Tips for Parents

What is Phonemic Awareness? Phonemic awareness is not the same thing as phonics. Phonemic awareness deals with sounds in spoken words, whereas phonics involves the relationship between sounds and written symbols. Phonics deals with learning sound-spelling relationships and is associated with print. Most phonemic awareness tasks are purely oral. -- Wiley Blevins in Phonics from A to Z: A Practical Guide Phonemic Awareness is important because studies have shown: ! It improves childrens word reading and comprehension ! It helps with spelling Practice Phonemic AwarenessActivities: ! Cut magazine pictures (commercial cards are also available-Ive seen some at dollar stores) and match pictures that rhyme- a cat & a hat , a sign & a dime, a sh & a dish, etc. ! Sing songs ! Practice making rhymes How many words can we think of that rhyme with__________ ! Play I Spy with beginning or ending sounds. ! Create tongue twisters !Pick words (a childs name/family names are a great start) and clap, snap, or tap out the sounds. For example -Bill /b/ , /i/, /l/ Johnson is /j/, /o/, /n/, /s/, /o/, /n/ ! Read Dr. Seuss or other authors that use rhymes. Read the story, then re-read the story leaving of some of the rhyming words-see if your child remembers them or can come up with one of their own.

First in Math
Top Five Players
Megumi B. # 6,235 Tiah F. # 5,026 Lyla V# # 4,924 Salman A. # 4,694 Estelle F. # 4,380

Player of the Month Mason W. + 3,029

March School is off to a good start using First in Math Online Program in grades 2, 3, and 4. First In Math activities employ Deep Practice techniques to rapidly increase computation, problem solving, critical thinking and essential math basics. Skills that may take months of regular practice can be mastered in a much shorter time using Deep Practice techniques and the immediate feedback online learning can provide. Children using FIM have shown dramatic increases in math scoresacross the board from the top students to the most mathchallenged learners. We are excited to engagement in the Team of the Month see students' activeyear. Classrooms program again this Mrs. Maczko have already started earning weekly trophies for being the team of the week +13,610 in their grade.

# The First Grade Students at F.A. March Elementary School participated in their second RIF day for the 2012-2013 school year. Students were invited to participate in various literacy-based centers which focused on phonics and building reading uency. The highlight of this event for the students was taking home a very special book to add to their own personal library. As you can see, everyone had a FAME-tastic

Reading is Fundamental & 1st Grade

Fresh Fruit and Veggie Program

The students have been trying many different types of fruits and vegetables. Some that they know and others they do not. One of the fruits they tried this month is a Meyer Lemon. It is a cross between a true lemon and either a mandarin or common orange. They have a slightly sweeter taste then a true lemon but doesnt mean that students didnt make faces.

ESL Stepping On the Right Foot

Happy New Year! The New Year is a time to start anew and resolve to do something to make oneself a better person. Mrs. Danyis ESL students discussed how we can Start the New Year on the right foot. We discussed what we can do to be a better son/daughter, brother/sister, student, neighbor, etc. Angel in kindergarten said, I will help my mom. Jeffery in 1st grade stated, I will be listen to my daddy. Sara in 3rd grade resolved, I will read more often. Rose in 4th grade proclaimed, I want to get 4s in all of my classes. As January rings in the new year, we wish everyone a safe, happy, and healthy 2013!

Winter Weather Art

Winter weather was the inspiration for January artwork. After reading "Snowmen at Night" students tackled the challenge of winter landscapes. They carefully studied the illustrations to notice the use ofhorizon lines, foreground, middleground and background. First grade applied this to their own landscape paintings while second and third graders created plates for printmaking. To see more examples by our student artists, visit our online gallery hosted at

Science, OREOs and ESL

Does the moon really change shape? This is the question that third grade ESL students explored as an introduction to a unit related to the moon. After learning that the moon does not change shape, the students learned about the phases of the moon. Using oreo cookies, the students demonstrated their knowledge of each phase. It was so fun to depict a waxing crescent moon out of an oreo! A full moon was yummy to eat because all of the icing stayed on the cookie. A new moon was not so yummy because no icing was needed to show the darkened phase. You can do this at home, too. Have fun!

Its Hip to Clip: Boxtops

Our Little Leopards are doing a FAME-tastic job of clipping Box Tops for the 2012-2013 school year. We set a goal of raising $1,500.00. The money earned through the collection of Box Tops will help to fund our FAME prizes. We are so excited to share that our school has already collected $968.00 in box tops. What a fabulous job! There is a new Box Tops tracking chart in the hall to help our school celebrate our progress. Don't forget to clip box tops and bring them into school because its HIP to CLIP!


Up Coming Events
Feb 2 # Groundhog Day Feb 6 # $2.00 Bookstore Feb 8 # No School Feb 15 # No School

Feb 18 # No School Feb 22 # March Pride

March 1 # Dr. Seuss # Celebration March 6 # $2.00 Bookstore March 27 - Apr 1 # No School # Spring Break
" " " " " K. Pasquel N. Niosi M. Woodland J. Brunetti C. Rodrigues " M. Danyi " H Maczko

Articles Contributions:

Compiled By: M. Kinney and C. Kordek

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