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Colour Codes

Moving coil meters must take a current to give a non-zero reading (a) Ammeter measures current (b) Voltmeter measures voltage

2 A V

Ammeter shunt resistance

For the Ammeter, the shunt resistance is given by


iRC Rsh = (I i)

i is the full scale deec4on current I is the current through the circuit Rc is the resistance of the meter coil

Voltmeter multiplier resistance

For the Voltmeter, the mulAplier resistance is given by


V Rs = Rc i

i is the full scale deec4on current V is the voltage RC is the resistance of the meter coil

A potenAometer is used to measure e.m.fs and p.d.s Consists of resistor(s) and a voltmeter

A E + - C L V B

VBC=kL where k=constant

A C + I B V + Etest - - - E + E A C - I B V + Etest 5

To determine Etest measure length of wire when voltmeter shows no deecAon (0 reading)

Measuring the e.m.f of a battery with a voltmeter

V r + - BaWery

Voltmeter has resistance R Power cell has internal resistance r Current through circuit: I = (e.m.f.)/(R+r) = E/(R+r) P.d across voltmeter: V = I R = ER/(R+r) Measured value for the voltage always less than the e.m.f of the cell

Converting Ammeters
A Galvanometer is a type of sensiAve Ammeter
Analog devices that can measure low currents No shunt resistor DeecAon of the pointer comes as a response to current owing through the coil (RC) in a magneAc eld

To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter, connect a shunt resistor in parallel to the galvanometer The value of the shunt resistance connected will determine your new range of deecAon
A lower shunt resistor will allow more of the current through that component of the circuit so less current will pass through the Rc of the Galvanometer, thereby increasing its range

Converting Ammeters
Galvanometers can also be converted into Voltmeters by adding a large (mulAplier) resistance in series with the galvanometer
A G Rc B Rs I Vfsd=IRc

The introducAon of the mulAplier resistor into the circuit INCREASED the potenAal dierence between A and B because the potenAal drops when current ows through a resistor

Measuring the e.m.f of a battery with a potentiometer


We want to measure Etest Connect a cell of known e.m.f and nd the balance point Edriver
Record the balance length Get k (the p.d. per unit length)

A switch Estand + +

Flick the switch and measure the new balance length LBD
k is known so solve for Etest Etest=kLBD = (Estand/LBC) LBD
Edriver + - LBD

B A D V Etest B + switch Estand 9 +


V Etest

Measuring internal resistance

To measure the internal resistance r of the test cell (Etest) use a similar arrangement Edriver
Get Etest with the previous method Replace the standard cell by a known resistance Complete the circuit and measure new balance length With R connected V across the test cell = k LBK = (EtestR)/(R+r)
A switch + K LBK B


kL R (L LBK ) = BD r = R BD R+r LBK

+ -

V Etest


To Do
From chapter 22 read secAon 22.5 From chapter 23 read secAons 23.1, 23.2 Homework Assignment wk3: quesAons 23.1, 23.3, 23.4, 23.5, 23.6 Hand it in no later than 4:00pm next Wednesday - LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED


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