BIU 2011-12 Syllabus For Students

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Introduction to Neuroethics
Buller, T. (2006). What can neuroscience contribute to ethics? Journal of Medical Ethics 32:63-64. Chesire, W.P. (2006). Neuroscience, nuance, and neuroethics. Ethics & Medicine 22 (2):71-73. Farah, M. (2002). Emerging ethical issues in neuroscience. Nature Neuroscience 5(11):1123-1129. Farah, M. (2005). Neuroethics: the practical and the philosophical. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences 9(1):34-40. Glannon, W. (2006). Neuroethics. Bioethics 20(1):37-52. Illes, J. & Raffin, T. (2002). Neuroethics: An emerging new discipline in the study of brain and cognition. Brain and Cognition 50:341-344. Roskies, A. (2002). Neuroethics for the new millennium. Neuron 35:21-23.

Foundations of Ethical Analysis

Beauchamp, T & Childress, J. (2001). Chapters 1 and 9 in Principles of Biomedical Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. Diller, L.H. (1996). The run on ritalin: attention deficit disorder and stimulant treatment in the 1990s. The Hastings Center Report 26(2):12-18. Manninen, B.A. (2006). Medicating the mind: a Kantian analysis of overprescribing psychoactive drugs. Journal of Medical Ethics 32:100-105.

Brain, Self and Authenticity: Personality, Memory

Antonuccio, D.O., Danton, W.G., McClanahan, T.M. (2003). Psychology in the Prescription Era: Building a Firewall Between Marketing and Science. American Psychologist. 58(12): pp. 1028 1043. Elliott, C. (2000). Introduction: Prozac as a Way of Life. Excerpt, Prozac as a Way of Life. University of North Carolina Press: pp. 1-11, 14-17. Kramer, P.D. (1993). Listening to Prozac, Introduction. New York: Penguin, pp. ix-xix.

Brain Imaging: Public Perceptions and Scientific Realities

Committee to Review the Scientific Evidence on the Polygraph, National Research Council (2003). The Polygraph and Lie Detection (excerpt). National Academic Press: pp. 1-9 Racine, E., Bar-Ilan, O., & Illes, J. (2005). fMRI in the public eye. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 6(2): pp. 159-164. Wolpe, P. R., Foster, K.R., & Langleben, D.D. (2005). "Emerging neurotechnologies for lie-detection: Promises and perils." The American Journal of Bioethics, 5(2): pp. 39-49 3

Brain Death and the Ethics of Consciousness

Bernat, J.L. (1998). A Defence of the Whole-Brain Concept of Death. The Hastings Center Report 28(2):14-23. Bernat, J.L. (1992). How much of the brain must die in brain death? Journal of Clinical Ethics 3(1):21-26. Bernat, J.L. (2002)). The biophilosophical basis of whole-brain death. Social Philosophy and Policy 19(2):324-342. Fins, J.J. (2005). Rethinking disorders of consciousness: New research and its implications. The Hastings Center Report Mar-Apr; 35(2):22-4. Fins, J.J. (2006). Shades of Gray: New Insights into the Vegetative State. Hastings Center Report. Laureys, S. (2005). Death, unconsciousness, and the brain. Nature Reviews/ Neuroscience 6:899909. Laureys, S., Owen, A., & Schiff, N. (2004). Brain function in coma, vegetative state, and related disorders. The Lancet Neurology 3:537-546 Owen, A.M., Coleman, M.R., Boly, M., Davis, M.H., Laureys, S. & Pickard (2006). Detecting Awareness in the Vegetative State. Science 313:1402.

Intro to Pharmacological Enhancement

Caplan, A. & Elliott, C. (2004). Is it ethical to use enhancement technologies to make us better than well? PLoS Med 1(3), e52: pp. 173-175. Farah, M. & Wolpe, P. (2004). Monitoring and Manipulating Brain Function: New Neuroscience Technologies and Their Ethical Implications (abridged). The Hastings Center Report, 34(3): pp. 35-45. Flower, R. (2004). "Lifestyle drugs: pharmacology and the social agenda." Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 25: pp. 182-185. Kass, L. (2003). Essential Sources of Concern (excerpt). Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness. A Report by the Presidents Council on Bioethics. Harper Collins: pp. 286301. Mehlman, M. (2004). Cognition-Enhancing Drugs. (abridged). Milbank Quarterly, 82(3): pp. 483-506. Diller, L.H. (1996). "The run on Ritalin. Attention deficit disorder and stimulant treatment in the 1990s." Hastings Center Report, 26: 12-18. Farah, M., Illes, J., Cook-Deegan, R., Gardner, H., Kandel, E., King, P., Parens, E., Sahakian, B., Wolpe, P. (2004). Neurocognitive enhancement: what can we do and what should we do? Nature 4

Reviews Neuroscience, 5: pp. 421-425. Fukuyama, F. (2002). Our Post-Human Future (excerpt). Neuropharmacology and the Control of Behaviour. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux: pp. 41-56. Troug, R.D. (1997). Is it time to abandon brain death? Hastings Center Report 27(1): 29-37.

Memory/Attention Enhancement
Farah, M., Illes, J., Cook-Deegan, R., Gardner, H., Kandel, E., King, P., Parens, E., Sahakian, B., & Wolpe, P. (2004). Neurocognitive enhancement: what can we do and what should we do? Nature Reviews/Neuroscience Vol 5: 421-425. Glannon, W. (2006). Psychopharmacology and Memory. Journal of Medical Ethics 32:74-78. Hall, S.S. (2003). The quest for a smart pill. Scientific American 54-65. Parens, E. (1998). Is better always good? The enhancement project. Hastings Center Report 28(1):S1-S15. Rose, S. (2002). Smart Drugs, do the work? Are they ethical? Will they be legal? Nature Reviews/Neuroscience (3): 975-979. Whitehouse, P.J. (1997). Enhancing cognition in the intellectually intact. The Hastings Center Report, May-June; 27(3):14-22. Wolpe, P.R. (2002). Treatment, enhancement, and the ethics of neurotherapeutics. Brain and Cognition 50:387-395. Wolpe, P.R. (2002). Treatment, Enhancement, and the ethics of neurotherpeutics. Brain and Cognition 50:387-395.

Mood Enhancement/Cosmetic Psychopharmacology

Bjorkland, P. (2005). Can there be a cosmetic psychopharmacology? Prozac unplugged: the search for an ontologically distinct cosmetic psychopharmacology. Nursing Philosophy 6:131-143. Chatterjee, A. (2006). The promise and predicament of cosmetic neurology. Journal of Medical Ethics 32:110-113. DeGrazia, D. (2000). Prozac, enhancement, and self-creation. The Hastings Center Report Mar/Apr; 30(2):7-12. Elliott, C. (2000). Pursued by happiness and beaten senseless: prozac and the American dream. The Hastings Center Report Mar/Apr; 30(2):34-40. Kramer, P.D. (2000). The valorisation of sadness: alienation and the melancholic temperament. The Hastings Center Report Mar/Apr; 30(2):13-18.

Neuroeconomics and Neuromarketing

Camerer, C, Lowenstein, G and Prelec, D (2005). Neuroeconomics: How neuroscience can inform economics. Journal of Economic Literature, 43: 9-64.

Montague, PR, King-Cassas, B and Cohen, JD (2006). Imaging valuation models in human choice. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 29: 417448. Lee, N., Broderick, AJ and Chamberlain, L (2007). What is neuromarketing? A discussion and agenda for future research. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 63(2): 199204. Kaplan, JT, Freedman, J and Iacoboni, M (2007). Us versus them: political attitudes and party affiliation influence neural response to faces of presidential candidates. Neuropsychologia, 45: 5564.

Psychosurgery/Functional Neurosurgery
Feldman, R.P., Alterman, R.L., & Goodrich, J.T.(2001). Contemporary psychosurgery and a look to the future. Journal of Neurosurgery 95:944-956. Feldman, R.P. & Goodrich, J.T. (2001). Psychosurgery: a historical overview. Neurosurgery 48(3):647- 659. Fins, J.J. (2003). From psychosurgery to neuromodulation and palliation: history lessons for the ethical conduct and regulation of neuropsychiatric research. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America 14(2):303-319. George, M.S. (2003). Stimulating the brain. Scientific American 289(3):66-73. Greenberg, B. & Rezi, A. (2003). Mechanisms and the current state of deep brain stimulation in neuropsychiatry. CNS Spectrums 8(7):522-526. Mahli, G.S. & Sachdev, P. (2002). Novel physical treatments for the management of neuropsychiatric disorders. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 53:709-719. Moniz, E. (1937). Prefrontal leucotomy in the treatment of mental disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry 15:6, June 1994 Sesquicentennial Supplement. Moran, M. (2004). Psychosurgery evolves into new neurosurgery approaches. Psychiatric News 39(1):28-32. Paus, T & Barrett, J. (2004). Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the human frontal cortex: implications for repetitive TMS treatment of depression. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 29(4):268-279. Persaud, R., Crossley, D., & Freeman, C. (2003). Should neurosurgery for mental disorder be allowed to die out? British Journal of Psychiatry 183:195-196. Swayze, V. (1995). Frontal leucotomy and related psychosurgical procedures in the era before antipsychotics (1935-1954): a historical overview. The American Journal of Psychiatry 152 (4):505-515.

Brain Imaging: Mental Privacy

Canli, T. & Amin, Z. (2002). Neuroimaging of emotion and personality: Scientific evidence and ethical considerations. Brain and Cognition, 50: pp. 414-431. 6

Gray, R. & Thompson, P. (2004). Neurobiology of intelligence: science and ethics (abridged). In, Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 5: pp. 471-482. Phelps, E. & Thomas, L. (2003). Race, Behaviour, and the Brain: The Role of neuroimaging in Understanding Complex Social Behaviours. Political Psychology, 24(4): pp. 747-758.

Neuroscience & Law: Brain Function and Responsibility

Blair, R.J.R. (2004). The roles of orbital frontal cortex in the modulation of antisocial behaviour. Brain and Cognition 55:198-208. Brower, M.C. & Price, B.H. (2001). Neuropsychiatry of frontal lobe dysfunction in violent and criminal behaviour: a critical review. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 71:720726. Manes, F.M., Clark, L., Rogers, R., Antoun, N., Aitken, M., & Robbins, T. Decision-making processes following damage to the prefrontal cortex. Brain 125:624-639. Rogers, R.D. & Robbins, T.W. (2001). Investigating the neurocognitive deficits associated with chronic drug misuse. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 11:250-257. Teicher, M.H., Anderson, S.L., Polcari, A., Anderson, C.M., Navalta, C.P. & Kim, D.M. (2003). The neurobiological consequences of early stress and childhood maltreatment. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews 27:33-44. Center for Cognitive Liberty & Ethics. (2004). Threats to Cognitive Liberty: Pharmacotherapy and the Future of the Drug War (abridged): pp. 30-38, 41, 47-50. Greene, J.D. & Cohen, J.D. (2004). "For the law, neuroscience changes nothing and everything." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B, Special Issue on Law and the Brain, 359: pp. 1775-1785. Hyman, S.E., Malenka, R.C., Nestler, E.J. (2006). Neural Mechanisms of Addiction: The Role of Reward-Related Learning and Memory. Annual Rev. Neuroscience, 29: pp.565-598. Sapolsky, RM (2004). The Prefrontal Cortex and the Criminal Justice System (sections 12.412.5 only). In Zeki, S & Goodenough, O (Eds.) Law and the Brain. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bufkin, JL & Luttrell, VR (2005). Neuroimaging studies of aggressive and violent behaviour: current findings and implications for criminology and criminal justice. Trauma, Violence & Abuse, 6(2): 176191.

Neuroscience & Law: Lie detection

Talbot, M (2007). Duped: can brain scans uncover lies? The New Yorker, July 2. Stern, P.C. (2002). Executive summary from The Polygraph and Lie Detection: Report of The National Research Council Committee to Review the Scientific Evidence on the Polygraph. National Research Council of the National Academies. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press.

Canli, T, Brandon, S, Casebeer, W, Crowley, PJ, DuRousseau, D. Greely, HT, and PascualLeone, A (2007). Neuroethics and national security. The American Journal of Bioethics, 7(5): 313. Skim: Thompson, SK (2005). The legality of the use of psychiatric neuroimaging in intelligence interrogation. Cornell Law Review, 90: 16011638.

Brain, Self and Authenticity: Memory

Henig, R.M. (April 4, 2004). The quest to forget. New York Times Magazine. Kass, L. (2003). Memory Blunting: Ethical Analysis (excerpt). Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness. A Report by the Presidents Council on Bioethics. Harper Collins: pp. 225-234. Kolber, A. (2006). Therapeutic Forgetting: The Legal and Ethical Implications of Memory Dampening (excerpt). In, Vanderbilt Law Review, 59(5): pp.1561-1626. Pitman R.K., Sanders, K.M., Zusman, R.M., Healy, A.R., Cheema, F., Lasko, N.B., Cahill, L., Orr, S.P. (2002). Pilot study of secondary prevention of posttraumatic stress disorder with propranolol. Biological Psychiatry, 51(2): pp. 189-92.

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