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Power Transfer Capability of Transmission Line Limited by Voltage Stability: Simple Analytical Expressions

K.P. Basu
Author Affiliation: Electrical Engineering Department, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. Abstract: Simple analytical expression for SV(MVA-voltage) and expressions for maximum MVA, MW, aiid limiting MVAR transrer through a transmission line limited by voltage stability have been derived for differcnt power factors. The exact representation of line with ABCD parameters is used. Expressions for critical voltage and critical angle between sending and receiving ends have also been obtained. Keywords: Voltage stability, power transfer capability or transmission line, SV curve, analytical expression Introduction: Voltage stability creates a serious problem in the ability of a transmission line to transfer maximum power, particularly with high VAR demand. Computerized evaluation of PV curves at constant power factors and VQ curves at constant power are used to get the maximum value of power transfcr limiting reactive power (Q,),), and the corresponding critical voltage (y,, for diLferent power factors ) [I]-[S]. Though analytical expressions [or Q(>,, V,, may be oband tained with some specific conditions by representing any transmission line with a simplified model by lumping the series impedance and neglecting shunt admittance [1]-[2], but generalized expressions with exact representation of transmission line have yet to be reported. Simple analytical expressions for the same quantities and equation for SV(MVA-voltage) curve have been derived in this letter by exact rep-

resentation of transinission line with ABCD parameters. Expression for critical angle (6<, between sending and receiving end voltages corre) sponding to V,,, has also bcen obtained and provides a comparison between angular and voltage stability. Derivations using elementary mathematical methods arc carried out starting from the power circle diagram used for angular stability. Maximnm Power Transfer Limited by Voltage Stability: Figure 1 shows a generator with a constant voltage E L 6 supplying complex power S to a load with a terminal voltage VLO through a transmission line represented by its ABCD parameters. The receiving eud load power may be expressed as

s =P+ ~Q=-(AVIR)L(P-U)+(EV//~)L(P-~)




where A = ALa and U = BLP Wph. Short circuit MVA of the line, measured at sending end, is AE I B. Equation ( 1 ) represents the familiar receiving end power circle for varying values of 6 in the complex power (S) plane and two values of voltagc, V, and V,, are obtained for each value of S. E and V being expressed i n KV(LL), S , P , and Q represent three-phase load MVA, MW, and MVAR, respectivcly. Normalized values of MVA, MW, and MVAR are obtained by dividing each of them by the short circuit MVA and normalized value of voltage is V/E. Normalized values are denoted as S, P , Q , and V . Figure 2 depicts the phasor diagram of ( I ) . In the triangle Ocp

Oc =AV, I R; cp = EV, I B; and 017 = s 6= 6 -a Power factor angle = A$( positive for lagging p.f.);

Using the familiar properties of a triangle, in the triangle Ocp,
A V f / B = V,Esine I (BsinQ).



V , = VI / E = sin@ - @ -6) I [Asin@ -a - $11

S = ( E I AB)sin($+G)sin6./sin2~
S = SI(AE1 B )
= sin(P -I$-6)sin(6-a)l[Asin2(P



At constant power factor, with increasing values of 6, the load power S increases and the load voltage V,, without having any voltage support, changes due to the voltage drop in transmission. This is evident from (2) and (3). For positive values of@ (lagging power factor) VI always decreases with increasing values of 6. But for leading power factor, initially VI inay increase with 6. The MVA transfer at constant p.f. reaches a maximum value S,,)for a critical value of load voltage y,! at a critical value o f 6 denoted by 6 <., No further increase in S is possible as the voltage decreases very rapidly. For S to become maximum,

Solution of (4) provides critical values of 6 and Vas well as maximum value of S

8(,= ( P + a - Q ) / 2

and 6<,=6<, -a


V,, = I / [Asin(QR)] = I / [ 2 A c o s ( ( ~ - a - @ ) / 2 ] ]
Figure 2. Equation (1) phasor diagram


S,,l = I /[4Azc0s2((p -CL - @ ) I211 = V,,.


1.4 T-

The same expression of S , given in ( 3 ) ,may also be obtained using the properties of AOc$ where Oc= AV; / Band c p = E V , I B. Therefore,

1.2 1


5 0.8

s = VlV2.
Each value o f S ( < S,,,)may bc obtained fora voltage pair, VI and &





S, V,, and

6 inay also be expressed as

S = sin@<, +A6)sin(6,, -88) (A*sin%,, 1

MVA (P.U.)

Figure 3. 27.5 KV, 400 Knr, SO Hz transmission line having constants A = 0.9 L 1 and B = 140 L 84 bVph SV curves at dqferent yower,factors

1.6 -

1.4 --



A6 =(6,,. -8); also, sin86 = ( I - S / S , , , ) z .


For a given value of MVA and power factor, load terminal voltages 5 and V2o f a transmission line inay be computed using (S), (7), (1 I), (12), and (1 3). The maximum value of active power delivered to load at constant power factor becomes

T,, = S,,,COS@ = vc;cosQ.


cal voltage and angle bctwecn sending and rccciving cncls (6) corresponding to inaxiiniiin power have been obtained. Thc equation Tor SV = S,,,sin$ = y.:sin$. (I5) curve has been derived. Expressions for two values o f voltages for each valtie of MVA in terms of S are given. The line has been modeled by its is the inaximtim valuc of Kceping thc active power P constant, ABCD parameters without having any simplified assumption. Conthe reactive power that can be transferred through the line at lagging parison between angular and voltage stability has been carried out. power factor. But Q,,$ becomes the minimum value of reactive power at References: leading power factor. This is due to the fact that at lower value of lag1I ] P. Kundur, Power System StubiIit,y n r z d Control. New York: ging power factor t,, decreases but with lower leading power factor P2,t increases. If lagging VAR is assumed to be negative thciiQ,,, always de- McGraw Hill, 1994. 121 C.W. Taylor, Power System Voltage Stnhility. New York: notes minimum value of reactive power transferred at constant value of P.Varying values of Q at constant value of P give values of voltage McCraw Hill, 1994. [3] CIGRE Working Group 38-01, Planing against voltage colpairs VI -V2, which may be computed by calculating S and power faclapse," Electru, pp. 5.5-75, Mar. 1987. tor for each value of Q and then repeating the procedure described ear11 C. Barbier and J.P. Barret, Analysis OF phenoincna of voltage 4 lier. For a 275 KV, 400 Km, 50 Hz transmission line having coiistantsA collapse on a transmission system, Revue Generde de Ielectricite, =0.9 L I a n d B = 140L 84~/phSVcurvesatdifferentpowerfactors vol. 89, pp. 672-690, Oct. 1980. 15 I M.S. Raviprakashii and K. Kuniar, Maximum power transfer in . are shown in Figure 3. Curves showing variatioii of critical voltage, maximum MVA, MW, and limiting value of MVAR with power factor a.c. transmission line limited by voltage stability, in Proc. IEEE, 1996, pp. 776-78 I . are shown in Figure 4. Copyright Statement: ISSN 0282- 1724/00/$ 10.00 0 2000 IEEE. Conclusion: Simple analytical expressions for maximum MVA, M W limiting value of MVAR transfer capability of a transmission line Manuscript received I Fcbruary 2000. This paper is publishcd herein in limited by voltage stability have been presented. Expressions for criti- its entirety.
IEEE Power Engineering Review, Seponabsr LOO0

It is to be noted that angular stability for constant voltages at the two ends ofthe line is maintained for6 I p but ( 5 ) suggests that voltage stability angle S,, is very low for poor lagging power factors. Eauations (6). (7). and (14) confirm the Dmctical experience or de, ,. , , ~, creasing values of critical voltage, i n a x i m u i MVA, a n i M W transfer with poorer lagging power factors. But with poor leading power factor (4 being negative) Y,,.,S,,,,and 4,zincrease. The limiting value ofreactive power is






f- lag

08 lead




Power Factor

Figure 4. Curves showing variation of critical voltage, rnaxirnum MVA, MW, o f M V A R with I,O,vErfactur and lilniting


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