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UDB, Didactics II J.

Puccini, adapted from SIT Cert course


Date: July 10, 2012 Time: 50 minutes Level: Beginner # of Ss: 12

Action points: USE VAKT Increase student talking time (STT) and decrease teacher talking time (TTT) 1. What are you teaching?

Language points List the specific vocabulary, grammar points, pronunciation points, phrases, structures you will teach on an attached sheet. (Remember to detail form, meaning, and use of target language). Review present continuous- be verb + V-ing

b. Language skills circle (or bold) the primary skill and underline any others you

will address: Speaking Listening Reading Writing Grammar

2. What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the new material that they couldnt do before the lesson? (Learning objective) By the end of the lesson, SWBAT:

Preliminary considerations: a. What do your students already know in relation to todays lesson?
Some of the park vocabulary words, basic sentence formation, present continuous tense that was presented in an earlier class

b. What aspects of the lesson do you anticipate your students might find challenging/difficult?
Understanding questions that I ask Pronunciation problems of some of the new park vocabulary words

c. How will you avoid and/or address these problem areas in your lesson?
Write questions on the board or on strips Choral repetition

UDB, Didactics II J. Puccini, adapted from SIT Cert course

Time Framework (PPP or PDP)

1. Introduce topic "park". Write "park" on the board and ask "What do you do in a park?" Share in pairs and then elicit from group. 2. Show picture of a park and elicit park objects they know using the language: T: "What's this?" STs: "Jungle gym", "Swing" 3. For park objects that STs do not know, elicit from other STs or give new vocabulary words. Write new vocabulary words on the board. 4. Give STs time to write new vocabulary words in their notebooks. 5. Pass out new park picture and ask "Now, what do you see?" and pre-teach the vocabulary words STs may not know: town, pigeon, bag, entrance, statue 6. Listening #1: STs circle the items that they can hear in the text. After, check with partner what things they circled. Use the language below: St1: "What did you circle?" St2: "I circled statue, bag, and pigeon. How about you? 7. Listening #2: Read false text. STs raise hand when false information is given and call out the correct answer. 8. Listening #3: Cloze sheet: Put up a poster of words that go in the blanks. STs work in pairs to fill in the blanks and check in pairs afterwards. 9. Review present continuous tense. 10. STs work in pairs to describe the park picture using the present continuous: A: "What [is/are] {she/he/they} doing? B: "{She/he/ they} [is/are] V-ing. Work with three pairs 11. (optional) Mingling: What do your peers like to do in the park? 11. T constructs favorite park with rods, step by step and explaining as s/he adds new element to the park (STs listen and watch). T tells a story using rods to represent people and describe what people are doing in the favorite park using the language: "Usually when I go to my favorite park, a man is feeding the ducks in the pond." 12. T clears the rods from the table and STs work together to reconstruct T's park and retell the story in the same order as T 13. STs use rods to construct own park. In pairs STs tell their own stories using the rods then clear rods and other partner (listener) reconstructs using rods. Switch.

Focus st-st/tst

Stage aims VAKT

Activating schema, begin with fluency, and FOWSK. VA VA Eliciting vocab To have written record Pre-teaching vocab for the text comprehension Listening for gist (STs can circle only few things) Pair work to check the answers More detailed understanding, kinesthetic feedback. Getting more details, word bank as scaffolding. Focus on grammar review Oral practice, developing speaking skills. R/I TL. VA VK VAK







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Developing productive (speaking) skills Personalized activity Developing speaking skills


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Ditto Ditto


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