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January 27, 2013

Volume 13, Number 4

One Message
For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2). I love the church. I love the idea of the church. I love the singular nature of it. I love the organization of it. I love the way we look at the scriptures. I love the head of it and the perfect ideal. I love the members, though imperfect. I love the hope of it. Really, my list could be much longer. There are so many things to appreciate. I love the church! There are the times that I love. When we gather for worship, there are smiles and words of encouragement to one another. There are embraces. There are conversations that share common interests, pleasures, and challenges. There are the times that share births, deaths, illness, and need. There are celebrations of life and new beginnings. There is food. There is great food, and the pleasure of sharing it with people who are family. Being a part of the church that shares life is something worthy of love. If it should be asked, what is there most to love about the church, there would be many things from which to choose. Still, one message stands above and before all of the other aspects that may be loved and appreciated. For, if we fail to get it right, all of the other aspects, no matter how much we love them, lose their value. Lets be up-front. We have a message. Our message is of Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. Without that message, we are just another social club competing for the attention of people in a very crowded world. Paul knew. He shared it with the church in Corinth, and other places too. Before all the other great things about the church is that one message. You just have to know it and love it; Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Russ

The Sentinel January 27, 2013

Keep These In Prayer

Larry Baldwin will be undergoing some medical testing in the next few weeks. Sam & Mattie Ruble are both having some difficulties. Mattie has fallen and injured her leg again. Sam is also having some trouble with his legs. Andy Haynes, son of Wayne and Mary had eye surgery to repair a torn retina. He is slowly improving. Riley Baldwin continues having surgeries about every six weeks.

Be a Daily Bible Reader In order to aid you in reading your Bible on a daily basis, we will run a calendar reading schedule in the bulletin each week. January2013 27. Isaiah 14-16 28. Isaiah 17-19; Mark 5 29. Isaiah 20-22 30. Isaiah 23-25 31. Isaiah 26-27; Mark 6 February 1. Isaiah 28-29 2. 3. Isaiah 30-31; Mark 7 Isaiah 32-33; Mark 8

Homebound or Limited:
Lorella Wilson Aline McDaniel Don & Jo Hutton

Special Dinner
- 2/1 1/27 1/28 1/28 1/30 2/4 On February 9 at 5:30 PM, there will be a special dinner to honor and express love to our members who have lost their mates. The Brothers Keeper groups will be in charge of preparing and serving this special dinner. If you have any questions, see your BK leader.

Happy Anniversary
Roger & Terri Scott

Happy Birthday
Howard Johnson Larry Baldwin Donna Greenroyd Chad Bruner - Donna Schumann

Deacon Resignation
After many years of service, George King has asked to be removed from our list of deacons. His recent health problems have left him with a lengthy recovery and some health challenges. Note: We honor Georges many dedicated years of service, and look to many more in the near future.

Paulas Request If you

have any old type pop bottle caps and/or Pringles cans that you would save and bring to her for a teaching project, it would be greatly appreciated.

There is a new quarterly calen-

dar on the east bulletin board.

Winter 2013
Announcements to Notice
A Teacher is Still Needed for the Wednesday evening Toddlers

class beginning in February. See Walter McFadden to volunteer, or for more information.
New Brothers Keeper Groups2013 Group rosters are posted

on the bulletin board. If you did not get your name on the list, just see Darrel. He will make sure you are added

Visitation Update Group #1 will be in charge of making visits

this week. See Kevin.

Christian Service Center An update on the Christmas bags that

were distributed through the CSC. A total of 523 bags were given. The Lakehoma church donated over 100 gifts. Southern Ridge gave money and gifts to fill 427 bags. A total of 523 gift bags were distributed. Kim Veitenheimer spearheaded this project. She was helped in distributing the gifts by Nancy Scott & Mary Haynes. Congratulations on a great and generous work.

Affirming The Faith Seminar February 22-23

Sponsored by: Oklahoma Area Churches of Christ Hosted by: North MacArthur Church of Christ 9300 N. MacArthurOklahoma City, OK Everyone is Invited! Over 25 Sessions and Classes Keynote Speakers: Noel WhitlockTim Pyles Bob TurnerThomas Jackson For more info:

The Sentinel January 27, 2013

Scheduled to Serve Next Week (2/3/13)

Order of Service
Announcements & Scripture: 1 John 4:17-19 Song 836 The Great Redeemer Song 287 I Love the Lord Prayer Song 646 The Love of God Comments Lord's Supper Collection Song 647 The Love of God (vs. 1,3,4) Sermon: He First Loved Us 1 John 4:7-21 Song 421 Love Lifted Me (vs. 1, 2) Song 423 Our God, He is Alive (1, 4) Prayer
Ministers Dwain Thacker Darrell MacDonald Randy Vance Keith McDougal Russell Dyer

Dewayne Ross

Sam & Donna Greenroyd Jerry & Joretta Doyle Darrell & Lindsay MacDonald

Lord's Table (am) Prayers: Walter McFaden

Blue Suarez Don Worden Max McDougal Wayne Haynes Dwight Andrews Hubert Nelson Sam Greenroyd Alex Suarez Chuck Cox Jerry Doyle Bill Sherman

Lord's Table (pm) Prayers (am)

Stephen Hopkins Horace Phillips

Prayers (pm)
Bill Fleming Sunday

Schedule of Services

Bible Study Worship Worship


9:00 AM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM

Deacons Michael Berry Joe Downs Bill Fleming Walter McFadden

Bible Study
Elders Kevin Keenan Horace Phillips Roger Scott Bill Sherman

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