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EWSD Based IN Services in Transit Network Nodes (TXS Services)
Definition With EWSD Based IN Services in Transit Network Nodes (TXS Services), alternative providers have the opportunity of also offering their services to subscribers in other networks. This service operates on the calling side of the connection. It is valid for analog and ISDN subscribers. Benefits ... for the operator cost-effective entry-level solution for decentralized markets with a number of smaller network operators alternative for service providers who only need a small number of features attractive and low-cost solutions for subscribers ... for the subscriber opportunity to use features that are offered by alternative providers

Alternative providers network

Calling subscriber

EWSDtransit network node


Local network node

Dial-up Access or TravelService

Local network node

Services and types of connection

Called subscriber

The calling subscriber is connected to the network of the alternative provider either directly (e.g. via assigned lines) or remotely (e.g. via gateway lines). Subscribers are identified via their individual access lines (administrated in the network node of the alternative provider) and/or via an authorization code. Alternative provider customers are treated as analog subscribers regardless of their access lines in their home network node (analog, ISDN, PBX analog/ISDN). Thus EWSD Based IN Services in Transit Network Nodes are only available as voice connections.

In accordance with the defined dialing procedure, different services are defined for the user of an alternative network: Dial-up Access Travel Service The various services result from the authorization of a user and the type of access to the network of an alternative provider. Dial-up Access With Dial-up Access an alternative network provider can offer subscribers of another network provider access to their network via a dial-up number (with dialed or automatically prefixed carrier access code). In the incoming gateway a check is made, using the directory number of the calling subscriber (CLI), to determine whether the subscriber may use the carrier network and its features.

Registered Site Access Call The following types of connection can be used by subscribers for whom an access authorization is entered in the database of an alternative provider. Registered Site Access, RSA, Call with Identication via A-number Calling subscribers can set up a connection via the network node of an alternative provider even if they are outside the network node of this provider. In this case subscribers are identied in the network node of the alternative provider by their directory number. Depending on the authorizations entered in the database, the subscriber can also use the features offered within this network. Registered Site Access, RSA, Call with Identication via A-number and Authorization Code. Calling subscribers can set up a connection via the network node of an alternative provider even if they are outside the network node of this provider. Calling subscribers are identied in the network of the alternative provider by their directory number. In addition, subscribers are requested via a second dial tone to enter an authorization code for their identication using dual tone multi-frequency signaling (DTMF). Depending on the authorizations entered in the database, the subscriber can also use the features offered within this network.

Alternative providers network

Local network node

EWSD transit network node

Dial-up Access

Local network node

Calling subscriber

Called subscriber

A distinction is made between the types of connection described below: Casual User Call without Identication A subscriber who is connected to the network of another subscriber can also set up a connection via the network of the alternative provider without prior notication. With this type of connection there are no entries stored for the calling subscriber in the database of the alternative provider. As a result, connections are set up without identication. The calling subscriber cannot use any additional features of the alternative provider here.

Direct Access Line, DAL, Call Private branch exchange subscribers who are connected directly to the network node of an alternative provider can set up a connection via the network of the alternative provider with or without identification: Direct Access Line, DAL, Call without Identication Subscribers of a PBX or PBX network who are connected directly to a transit node can set up calls via the network of an alternative provider without identication. The PBX dials the direct access to the network node of the alternative provider. The main PBX number involved (pilot directory number) is not stored in the network node. As a result calls are set up without identication. Calling subscribers cannot use any features within the alternative network here. Standard PBX features are available however. Direct Access Line, DAL, Call with Identication via A-number (and with/without Authorization Code) In contrast to the type of call described above, PBX or PBX network subscribers who are connected directly to a transit node can also set up calls via the network of an alternative provider using an identication code. The main PBX number involved (pilot directory number) as the directory number of the calling subscriber is registered in the database in the network node of the alternative provider (i.e. within an service switching point, SSP). In addition the calling subscriber can be identied via an authorization code (see also calls with identication). Depending on the authorization codes entered in the database, subscribers can also use features within the network.

Depending on the authorizations entered in the database, subscribers can also use features within the network. After successful identification the subscriber hears a second dial tone requesting entry of the destination number.

Alternative providers network

Local network node

EWSD transit network node Service number authorization code

Travel service

Calling subscriber

Features in EWSD transit network nodes

Using the services "Dial Up Access" and "Travel Service" the features described below can be implemented in transit network nodes for voice calls. Dial up access Barring of Destinations Follow on Calls Individual Trafc Restrictions Travel service Barring of Destinations Follow on Calls Individual Trafc Restrictions Abbreviated Dialing Fixed Destination Call Fraud Prevention

Travel Service Using the travel service, subscribers of an alternative network provider can use a specific service number and authorization code to make a call from any telephone or PBX from any network via the carriers network. Subscribers wishing to set up a call via the network of an alternative provider first dial a service number (e.g. Freephone service number 800). They then hear a second dial tone requesting them to use DTMF to enter an authorization code for identification. In this case the calling subscriber number is not registered in the network node.

For these services subscribers can be connected directly or indirectly to the network of the alternative provider. The subscriber is identified via the individual access (administrated in the network node of the alternative provider) or via an authorization code or personal identification number (PIN). To identify the directory number of the calling subscriber the signaling interface of the local network node must allow the number of the calling subscriber to be transmitted to the network node of the alternative provider.

Barring of Destinations With feature Barring of Destinations customers of an alternative network provider can define up to 50 directory numbers for their access for which a connection to them is either allowed or not allowed. Specification of partial directory numbers is also allowed. Subscribers can use this service in its functionality as White list or as Black list. White list Calls can only be set up to called subscribers whose numbers are explicitly entered in this list. Black list Calls to called subscribers whose numbers are explicitly entered in this list are rejected.

Alternative providers network Local network node

Called subscriber 1

Calling subscriber

Local network node

EWSD transit network node



White list Directory number 1234: allowed! Directory number xxxx: allowed! or Black list Directory number 2345: barred! Directory number 3456: barred!

Local network node


Follow-on Calls With feature Follow-on Calls subscribers only need dial into the network of an alternative provider once to enable them to set up a number of calls in succession via this network.

The new call can be set up if the called subscriber was not reached, when the called subscriber has replaced the handset after a successful call or after the call has been released by the calling subscriber using the midcall trigger.

Alternative providers network

EWSD transit network node Calling subscriber

Called subscriber Local network node 1

Local network node Local network node n

Individual Traffic Restrictions With the feature Individual Traffic Restrictions customers of an alternative network provider can bar specific destinations (e.g. specific countries) or destination areas (e.g. intercontinental) for their access.

Alternative providers network

Local network node

Country A


Calling subscriber

Local network node

Local network node

Country Y

Local network node

Country Z

Abbreviated Dialing The feature Abbreviated Dialing allows customers of an alternative network provider to set up a call to a particular subscriber by dialing an individual abbreviated number. The stored abbreviated numbers can be numbers for national and international calls.

Alternative providers network

Calling subscriber

EWSD transit network node Local network node

Local network node

Called subscriber 1

Calling subscriber 1: Abbr. number: 11 Calling subscriber 2: Abbr. number: 12

Local network node

Calling subscriber n: Abbr. number: xx

Fixed Destination Call The feature Fixed Destination Call allows customers of an alternative network provider to set up a call immediately or after a preset delay to a previously defined destination, simply by lifting the handset. If the calling subscriber begins to dial a different subscriber number within the delay time the feature does not become active.

Alternative providers network

Calling subscriber Local network node

EWSD transit network node

Called subscriber Local network node

Collect Account Code The account code can be used for identification in addition to the directory number of the calling subscriber and/or the authorization code. It is used primarily in postprocessing for charge accounting. The account code can be validated or non-validated: Validated Account Code MML can be used to administrate a list of up to 512 account codes (2 to 12 characters) for the calling subscriber number or for their authorization code. In this case the calling subscriber enters the account code (except when making follow-on calls). With a follow-on call the calling subscriber can also enter a different account code. If a subscriber does not enter any code, he/she must press the "#" button instead and the previously entered account code is written into an IN-AMA data record. The system checks the dialed account code and determines whether the call can be continued. Non-validated Account Code The dialed account code is not checked by the system. Despite this the length of the account code can be administrated and is used to establish the end of entry for this account code. The account code is written into an IN-AMA data record as for "Validated Account Code". If the calling subscriber does not enter any account code, he/she must press the "#" button instead. In this case no entry is made in an IN-AMA data record.

Fraud Prevention The feature Fraud Prevention prevents hackers from finding out authorization codes. The directory number of the hacker is identified and barred for further activities in the transit network node. The hackers directory number and the wrongly dialed authorization code are recorded. Every subsequent unsuccessful attempt by the hacker is also recorded. The threshold value for the number of unsuccessful attempts and the time between the unsuccessful attempts can be administrated. When the threshold value for unsuccessful attempts has been reached, the directory number is entered in the black list of the transit network node and, when the alarm output is activated, an alarm message is displayed on the NetManager. When the hackers directory number is entered in the black list of the transit network node, the hacker is barred for further calls. The message on the NetManager contains the directory number of the hacker, the incorrectly dialed authorization codes, the date and the time.

Alternative providers network


Local network node

Wrong authorization code

EWSD transit network node


Black list DIrectory number 1234: barred! DIrectory number 2345: barred!

Call setup
The example of call setup described below shows how the service works using a connection with identification via the calling subscribers directory number. The calling subscriber dials the entry number of the alternative network provider followed of the called subscribers number (1). The CP determines the appropriate trigger profile for the incoming call and sends the information about the calling subscriber, including the complete trigger data, to the Call Control Function (CCF) (2). The received trigger data, the available information about the calling subscriber and the destination of the call are sent from the Call Control Function (CCF) via the Service Switching Function (SSF) and the Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) to the internal Service Control Function (SCF) (3).

If a further entry is required, the SCF initiates a menudriven interactive dialog to receive further data. This dialog is implemented via the User Interaction LTG (UILTG) (4). The SCF requests the service data from the Service Data Access Function (SDAF) in the CP (5). The SDAF, in turn, requests the necessary data from the Service Data Function (SDF) and sends it back to the SCF (6). The received data is sent from the SCF via the TCAP and the SSF to the CCF (7). Finally the connection to the dialed directory number is set up (8).




3 5 6 6

6 8

4 4 UI-LTG Calling subscriber

8 LTG 8 Called subscriber

Capacity Up to 1 million subscribers can be created for each network node.

Technical Data
EWSD Based IN Services in Transit Network Node can be created when an internal Service Control Function (SCF) and a Service Data Function (SDF) are available.
Hardware for user dialogs Voice Processing Unit (VPU) Operationally Controlled Equipment for Announcement (OCANEQ)

Call charge registration

For casual calls without identification an AMA data record is created. For the other types of call (calls with identification via the directory number of the calling subscriber with/without access code) one IN AMA data record is created per call section. Output of AMA data records for unsuccessful calls can be prevented for the public network by MML, for switchbased IN by means of a patch.

Signaling between the network nodes: Multifrequency code (MFC), including calling subscribers number transmission Signaling System No. 7 (SS7) subscriber signaling:

The operator can perform all administration functions on the NetManager by means of user-friendly applications or MML commands. Service authorization The network operator assigns authorization for the service when requested by the subscriber. Call charge registration The charges for service usage can be administrated. For information on call charge administration please refer to OMN:EXCH-TA. System administration The following service/feature data can be administrated in transit network nodes: Service data Registration by trafc measurement For information on system administration please refer to OMN:EXCH-SY. Subscriber administration Authorization for the service has to be assigned. For information on subscriber administration please refer to OMN:EXCH-SU.

Analog: Dual-tone multi-frequency (DTMF) ISDN: Signaling System No. 1 (DSS1)

Subscriber interfaces the following interfaces for subscriber access are required: Digital line unit (DLU) Line/trunk group (LTG) V5.1 interface V5.2 interface

Copyright (C) Siemens AG 2002 Issued by Information and Communications Group Hofmannstrae 51 D-81359 Mnchen Technical modifications possible. Technical specifications and features are binding only insofar as they are specifically and expressly agreed upon in a written contract. Order Number: A30828-X1160-D305-1-7629 Visit our Website at:

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