Decision To Become A Teacher

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Samantha Rodrguez PTS: Dr.

Maritza Reyes Laborde EDPE4018 Practice Teaching

Why I Decided to Become a Teacher

I decided to be an Elementary English teacher because I feel that I have a lot to offer to children trying to acquire a second language. I believe that the elementary level is where I can truly instill value, appreciation and patience because this is the age where children are more open and motivated to learn. My parents, sisters and I only speak English at home and I think this has given me a great foundation for my career choice. English has been very important in regards to all of the academic and life choices I have made throughout my life and I know for a fact it will be a major benefit in the work environment once I get started. Currently, I am completing my practice teaching in the Luis Muoz Rivera Elementary School to a group of fourth graders and I am realizing just how great this experience is at the moment and will be as I would look back on it when finalizing my time here. I know that teaching is not an easy occupation, Im sure I will understand this much more as soon as I begin teaching, but I am prepared for the challenge and I am willing to give my 100% effort into it. I think that I would be a good English teacher because I first and foremost feel that I have acquired plenty of knowledge in my bachelors degree to take on this profession and apply every bit of it. I also consider myself a very understanding, nurturing and supportive person that can be very considerate towards their position. I know what it is like to be in their shoes because I am aware of how difficult learning a second language can be (I went through it when I was their age and still am learning new things in the

Written by: Samantha Rodrguez

For: Practice Teaching EDPE4018

PTS: Dr. Maritza Reyes

Spanish language because I havent yet perfected it), how much dedication and time is required and I know that it takes a lot to actually reach the point where you feel comfortable and confident enough to share your thoughts with others whether it be through writing or speaking. Classes such as Language Acquisition, Methodology and Seminar taught me all about ways to comprehend students hesitance and how to then transform it into willingness, appreciation and enjoyment of learning. These classes and so many more have made me want to be a great teacher that creates wonderful learning environments and is passionate about students being able to learn new things in innovative ways. I want each and every student that I have the pleasure of teaching to be prepared for the road they have ahead of them through my English class so that they are able to change and improve their future and that of everyone elses.

Written by: Samantha Rodrguez

For: Practice Teaching EDPE4018

PTS: Dr. Maritza Reyes

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