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Questionnaire Q. 1. Name: ________________________ Q. 2.Gender: a) Male b) Female Q. 3. Age (years): a) 18 to 25 b) 25 to 40 c) 40 to 60 d) 60 and above Q. 4.

Family Income: a) Below 5000 b) 5000 to 10,000 c) 10,000 to 15,000 d) Above 15000 Q. 5. Education: a) Illiterate b) Middle Pass Out c) Higher Secondary Pass Out d) Graduate and above Q. 6. What is your Occupation? a) Businessman b) Job c) Student d) Home Manager

Questions to Customers of Organized Retail Industry

Q.7 What item from the following do you buy the most? a) Cosmetics b) Books c) Garments d) Food e) Cassettes/CDs f) Crockery g) Fashion Accessories

Q.8 How would you prefer to do your shopping? a) In Store b) By Catalogue c) TV (Tele shopping e.g. Asian Sky Shop) d) Internet (online) c) By Telephone Q. 9 How often do you go out for shopping? a) Daily b) Weekly a) Fortnight b) Monthly

Q.10 What mode of payment do you usually use? a) Cash b) Credit card c) Debit card d) Online payment e) Cheque

Q. 11

Brands at organized retail shops are priced reasonably a) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree nor Disagree d) Disagree e) Strongly disagree

Q. 12. How often do you visit an organized retail outlet for your shopping motives? a) b) c) d) e) Very frequently Frequently Occasionally Rarely Very rarely

Q. 13. Up to what distance you generally go for purchasing? a) b) c) d) Less than 4 km 4 to 8 km 8 to 12 km Distance doesnt matter

Q.14. Are the customers satisfied with the quality of products marketed in organized retail showrooms? a) Very Good b) Good c) Fair d) Poor e) Very Poor

Q.15 On the scale of (1 to 7), how do you rate the following factors while shopping in organized retail outlets ?( 1 is the least and 7 is the most ) a) External Design and Style of the Store(17) b) Internal Decor and Ambience of the Store(17) c) Range and Quality of Goods Offered for Sale(1.7) d) Interaction with the Sales Staff(1..7) e) Proximity of Store(closeness to your residence)(1.7) f) Speed of Service or Processing a Sale(1.7) g) Promotional Schemes/Discounts(1..7) Q.16. From the following, which is the most important feature from the point of you being a customer & that you expect from an organized retail outlet. Give Ranks against these features:

Features Product Variety Discounts and Offers Brand Value of the Store Services provided by the retailer Proximity


Questions to Owners/Top Level Management Q. 17. What is the percentage of growth of organized retail industry? a) 0-5 % b) 5-10 % c) 10-15 % d) More than 15%

Q. 18. What are the reasons for the downfall of organized retailed growth? a) Employee theft b) Shoplifting c) Itinerary traders d) Government regulations

Q. 19. What type of changes can be made in order to increase the sales? a) Larger shopping area b) Multiple entrances c) Open counter format d) Educated employees

Q. 20. What are the things which can be done to attract the customers? a) Discounts b) Melas c) Exhibitions d) Providing gifts during festival times

Q.21. According to you which is the most important factor for the selection of a particular outlet? a) Merchandise mix b) Price value

c) Location d) Retail format e) Service experience

Q. 22.Which part of the month does the customers throng the shop? a) Initial First Week b) Mid Month c) End of the Month Q. 23 What appeals most to you? Rank the following factors in descending order. a) High Price/ High Quality Goods( ) b) Low Price/ Low Quality Goods( ) c) Acceptable Price/ Acceptable Quality Goods( ) d) Service experience ( ) e) Location ( ) Q. 24. Suggestions for the improvement of organized retailers.

QUESTIONS TO INDUSTRY EXPERTS Q.25. Based on your perception for the organized retailing in India, do you believe that the recent trend of shift from unorganized/kirana retail a format to organized retail formats is good? a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neither Agree nor Disagree d) Disagree e) Strongly Disagree Q. 26. What are the reasons for the growth of Retail Industry? a) Increased purchasing power b) Change in taste and attitude of the people c) Effect of globalization Others Q. 27. From the following, which product in retail industry is sold the most? Give ranks against the features. Features FMCG Electronic Products Consumer durables Others Rank

Q. 28. As an industry expert which of the following is the toughest time for a Retail Industry. a) Sub prime crisis b) Recession c) Market slowdown d) Economic turmoil and Instability in the government. Q.29. Which out of the following do you think offers best Value for Money (VFM)? a) National/ International brand b) Pvt. Label (in house , store brands) c) Unbranded goods

Q.30. Where would the customers prefer to do shopping? a) Multi Brand Outlet b) Exclusive Single Brand Store c) Departmental Store d) Shopping malls e) Unbranded Bargain Retail Outlets

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