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Nine Steps to Setting a Crystal Grid (Angel Assisted)!

1. Determine Its Intention: You can build a grid to help support any goal, intention, or desire, so your first step is deciding. What is if for? since it will amplify your feelings, thoughts and intentions, its crucial that you have a very clear focus. If you have any fears, doubts, guilt, or other emotions that could potentially disrupt your desired outcome, just call upon Archangel Jophiel to help you attain a positive outlook. 2. Decide on the Size: Selecting the appropriate size is up to you. A grid thats small enough to set on a tray can be just as powerful as one that is large enough to welcome a body in the center, since using the stones as a meditation focus point sufficiently expands their energy. However, there are times when the best choice is sitting inside a larger formation to feel its vibrations. 3. Find a location: Sometimes the locale for your grid will be obvious (such as the bedroom when you want to sleep better), but at other times, convenience is the deciding factor. For example, placing the pattern in your personal meditation space would help ensure that other people dont move your crystals or disrupt you while youre focusing on them. For more options, remember that you can also build outdoors, just as our ancestors did. a. (If you move your crystals in the grid you alter the formation which alters the vibration, which means that they can become less effective. Check in and ask if you need to reset the grid. If they are in a childs room, ask that archangel Michael keeps the grid working even if they get moved/bumped/altered.) 4. Use Feng Shui: As an optional enhancement to further clarify your patterns intention, use the Feng Shui magic square (nine defined areas), called the Baqua Map, to help choose location.
Page 1 of 7 Reference: Crystal Therapy: Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., and Judith Lukomski

For example, if you want to improve your love life, create a grid in your bedrooms Relationship area and meditate there on a regular basis-the results can be exceptional! The Baqua Map is on page 183 of Doreens Crystal Therapy book. Also included at the end of this handout. 5. Clear the Space: Once you determine the intent, size, and location of your project, youll need to purify and lift the energy in that spot. Any space-clearing method will work, such as burning sage, placing bowls of sea salt in the room, calling upon Archangel Michael, ringing a bell, and the like. 6. Create Ambience: Music, candles, and incense all add to the sense of tranquility and peace in the sacred space that youve decided to use. 7. Place the Crystals: Either using the recommendations in this chapter or following your own guidance, place the crystals around your chosen location. If youre using quartz, face all the stones the same direction to heighten their energy flow. The points go to the right to send energy outward, and they go to the left to receive energy. Dont worry as long as youre following your inner guidance, you cant make a mistake in the building process. 8. Meditate and Empower the Grid: Sit quietly, either next to the crystals or in the center of the pattern, and visualize lines of energy connecting each stone above and around you. You may see various lines, shapes, and colours; and hear celestial music or whirring sounds, which are all displays of the converging power. 9. Listen: Focus on your breath in order to quiet your mind, and then pay attention to any ideas, visions, words, or feelings that come to you. Surrender any distracting thoughts or worries to the angels so that you can visualize your desire as already being complete, and feel gratitude that this is so. Thank the Universe for its ever flowing abundance, asking the angels to help you be open and receive, and then complete the meditation by saying positive affirmations such as the ones outlined on the following pages.

Crystal Grid Ideas:

NOTE: The ideas listed are just some guidelines, the important part is to set an intention and to go with the stones and combinations that are right for you! Nothing is set in stone. 1. Cleanse your aura/energy field as you enter your home or any room that you want protected: Two Selenite Towers (or three selenite wands). a. Shape: Place the towers on either side of a door entrance, or the one wand standing vertical on either side of the doorway and on top (secured) of the doorway.

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Reference: Crystal Therapy: Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., and Judith Lukomski

b. Placement: The two towers together or the three selenite wands create an arch of energy around your doorway and make a very effective way to cleanse your aura/energy field as you enter your home or any room you want protected; leaving all the debris behind that you have picked up from the outside world. c. Affirmation: I enter my home knowing that I am bringing clean and clear energy with me. 2. Chakra Grid: a stone each representing the 7 or 8 chakras plus a grounding and an enhancing/clearing stone (see my Chakra Box kit for choices) a. Shape/Placement can vary depending on your use (Intention is the key and there is not wrong way with good intention): i. You could place the stones on your chakras on your body during a meditation with one stone above your head (clearing and enhancing) and one between your feet (grounding/clearing) for clearing, balancing and alignment (Perfect when combined with Cindy Smiths or Doreen Virtues Chakra clearing CD!) 1. This would also work when placed below your bed to work while sleeping. Or placed beside you on the floor when meditating...whatever resonates with you! b. Affirmation: My chakras are clean, clear and balanced in all areas. I remain in flowing energy and alignment for the remainder of the day or night. 3. Dreams: Any one or combination of the following stones (size doesnt matter): Clear Quartz, Labradorite , Moonstone, modavite, angel phantom quartz, Herkimer diamond, Jade, smoky quartz, sugilite, stilbite, sugulite, rutilated quartz a. With choice of crystal(s), hold them in your left hand (receiving) before going to sleep at night with the intention to receive clear lucid dreams with clear messages on whatever your intention may be like life purpose or any messages you need to receive. This only has to take a few minutes and then set the crystal(s) beside you on your nightstand or under your pillow. b. Note: When you wake up in the morning (or at any point in the night), journal your dreams while you are still connected to the experience. This is the time that your ego moves out of the way and you are able to connect with your higher self easier! c. Affirmation: I will dream clear lucid dreams that I will remember and be able to interpret easily.

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Reference: Crystal Therapy: Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., and Judith Lukomski

4. Garden/Plant Growth: clear quartz (points) = place a piece in each corner (flat end in the soil point up) and one piece in the can segment your garden into smaller squares and do this many times. Plant pots...a single quartz piece. Add a clear quartz to a flower vase to help them last longer. 5. Protect Your Land: Place clear quartz at each corner of your land (buried in the dirt) an two pieces at each entry way to your home (either buried or not is your choice) to create an entry way arch to cleanse those that enter with white light. (Selenite also works but needs to be indoors as it is not to get wet.)

Crystal Grids from Crystal Therapy Book by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., and Judith Lukomski
1. Abundance: 8 clear quartz points and 3 pieces of jade or citrine. a. Shape: Make a circle of quartz points and make a triangle shape with the jade or citrine in the middle. b. Feng Shui/Placement: Best when placed in the Feng Shui Wealth area of home or business. But remember abundance applies to all areas of life (health, career, love, etc.) c. Affirmation: Abundance in all forms now flows to me with Divine grace. 2. Angelic Communication: 9 clear quartz points, 2 pieces of angelite or celestite a. Shape: Make a triangle from the quartz points and place the two pieces of angelite or celestite in the center touching each other. b. Feng Shui/Placement: works well in the Partnership with Helpful People area of the home. c. Affirmation: I now fully accept the wisdom, insight, and protection from my angels. 3. Creativity: 7 quartz points and 11 pieces of carnelian a. Shape: Alternate the stones to create a spiral. b. Feng Shui/Placement: This grid is an excellent addition to the Creativity part of the home, studio, or office, since it helps the movement of thought into form. c. Affirmation: I feel and express the creative spirit within me now. 4. Forgiveness: 8 pieces of rose quartz, 4 pieces of aventurine, 2 pieces of moonstone, and 2 pieces of hematite. a. Shape: Make a double circle with an outside ring of rose quartz, and inner ring of aventurine and moonstone, putting hematite in the center.
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b. Feng Shui/Placement: Helpful to place these stones in the Self-Knowledge area. c. Affirmation: The unconditional love of Heaven now fills me with love, compassion, and understanding. 5. Harmony: 6 pieces of rose quartz, and 12 amethyst points a. Shape: Alternate the stones to form a heart shape. b. Feng Shui/Placement: Can go in any area of the Bagua-Map (Feng Shui) sectors to increase feelings of peace, serenity, and unconditional love. c. Affirmation: My life is in Divine order, and I now move in harmony with the Universe. 6. Health/Healing: 11 pieces of rose quartz or moonstone, 11 pieces of malachite, and 11 pieces of turquoise a. Shape: Arrange the stones in three intersecting circles representing mind, body and spirit. b. Feng Shui/Placement: Perfect for Health area as this helps heal by activating the positive flow in the bodys systems. c. Affirmation: I enjoy perfect, robust, and joyful health now. 7. Life Purpose/Career: 1 quartz cluster, 12 pieces of black tourmaline, and 12 pieces of citrine a. Shape: Alternate the tourmaline and citrine to create a double diamond, and place the quartz point in the center. b. Feng Shui/Placement: Keep the grid at your office or in the Career area at home in order to facilitate awareness and acceptance of your life mission, while asking for support from the community. c. Affirmation: I now know, accept, and act in accordance with my Divine purpose. 8. Love/Romance: 12 quartz points, 10 pieces of rose quartz, one heart shaped rose quartz a. Shape: Make a figure eight (which is an infinity symbol), and alternate the stones and points to signify the union of male and female energies (these energies are also part of the same-sex relationships). Place the rose quartz heart in the center point of the figure eight to symbolize the one love joining the two souls. b. Feng Shui/Placement: This layout works perfectly for the Relationship corner of your home, or in your bedroom. c. Affirmation: I am now in perfect alignment with love on all levels. 9. Protection (Financial, relationship, career, family, health, self, etc): 5 quartz points, 12 pieces of black or rainbow obsidian

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Reference: Crystal Therapy: Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., and Judith Lukomski

a. Create a square using the obsidian (three pieces per side), placing the quartz points together in a star formation in the center of the square. b. This grid can be placed in any area of the Feng Shui Map related to your life area of concern (e.g. financial protection would mean placing the crystals in the Wealth section of home). c. Affirmation: I release fear, knowing that I am fully loved and protected by Heaven, now and forever. 10. Sleep Grid: 4 pieces of rose quartz and one piece of hematite a. One piece of rose quartz at each corner of your bedroom and the piece of hematite under the bed to create an atmosphere of love and security that will improve your sleep. b. Affirmation: I am loved and protected. It is now safe to relax and sleep. 11. World Peace: 24 quartz points and 1 malachite and azurite sphere (a stone of the same combination will also work). a. Shape: make a circle with 12 quartz points with malachite/azurite in the center; then add four lines of 3 quartz points each in the four directions (north, south, east, west). b. Feng Shui/Placement: Place the grid in the Self-Knowledge area to buoy faith and inner peace. c. Affirmation: The world is in perfect and Divine harmony now.

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Reference: Crystal Therapy: Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., and Judith Lukomski

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Reference: Crystal Therapy: Doreen Virtue, Ph.D., and Judith Lukomski

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