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Theory of machines Tutorial 3 Acceleration analysis. Solution 1a.

Data: Angular velocity of link O2A : 100 rad/sec From Velocity analysis we got, Velocity of link O2 A = 7.5 m/ sec; Velocity of coupler link VBA= 4.63 m/sec

Angular velocity of coupler link

VBA/RBA = 4.63/0.075 = 61.73 rad/sec Velocity of follower link VB = 8.59 m/sec Angular velocity of coupler link B = VB/RB = 8.59/0.1 = 85.9 rad/sec


Acceleration analysis. Since the link O2A runs with uniform angular velocity, it will not have any tangential acceleration. Absolute acceleration of link O2A = Normal accln of O2A = - 2RAB An BA = 1002x0.075 = 750m/sec2 Normal accln of O1B An BO1 = 737.881 m/sec2 Normal accln of coupler An BA = 285.79 m/sec2 Steps: 1. Take any point as fixed center O2,O1. Draw a line parallel to link OzA and length suitably scaled for normal accln. 2. From point A, draw a line parallel and coupler link with length proportional to normal acceleration of coupler link. 3. Draw a perpendicular line at the end of normal accln of link AB. 4. Similarly draw a line parallel to link O1B with magnitude proportional to normal acceleration. This link will have tangential acceleration in addition to normal component. At the end point of normal acceleration line draw perpendicular line indicating the direction of tangential acceleration. 5. The intersection of two perpendiculars will give the point B. Connect O2B. This length will give absolute acceleration of point B. 6. The length AB will give the magnitude of apparent acceleration of B as seen by A. 7. Coupler point P is rigidly attached to coupler link AB. Hence draw lines having inclinations 380 and 29.50 from A & B. Their intersection gives the location of coupler point P. Join O2P. The length indicates absolute acceleration of coupler point P. From the figure, Absolute of acceleration of point B = 750.16 m/sec2 Acceleration of coupler ABA = 288.51 m/sec2

Tangential acceleration of coupler ABA = 39.52 m/sec2 Angular acceleration of coupler = 39.52/0.075 = 526.93 rad/sec2

Absolute acceleration of coupler point P = 831.22 m/sec2

Solution 1b. From Velocity analysis we got

From velocity analysis we got Velocity of link O2 A Velocity of coupler link VBA Angular velocity of coupler link = 10 m/ sec; = 5.735 m/sec BA= VBA/RBA = 5.735/0.025 = 229.4 rad/sec

Velocity of follower link VB = 10.886 m/sec Angular velocity of coupler link B = VB/RB = 145.14 rad/se

Acceleration analysis. Since the link O2A runs with uniform angular velocity, it will not have any tangential acceleration. Absolute acceleration of link O1A = Normal accln of O1A = - 2RAB An AO1 = 1002x0.1 = 1000m/sec2 Normal accln of O1B An BO2 = 1580.06 m/sec2 Normal accln of coupler An BA = 1315.61 m/sec2

Accelration image polygon has to be drawn following the procedures mentioned in the previous solutions. From acceleration polygon we got. Absolute of acceleration of point B = 3028.9 m/sec2 Acceleration of coupler ABA = 2186.5 m/sec2 Tangential acceleration of coupler ABA = 1511.3 m/sec2 Angular acceleration of coupler = 1511.3/0.025 = 60452 rad/sec2 Absolute acceleration of coupler point P = 2849.8 m/sec2

Solution 2.

Va =

2* *60 *0.15 = 0.94 m/sec 60

Complete the velocity diagram as per guidelines presented in previous solution. It is a six link mechanism. First consider the four link mechanism OACQ and write the vector equation. Aco = Aca + Aao Acq = Aao + Aca Links AC and CQ each can have centripetal and tangential components

Ancq + Atcq = Aao + Anca + Atca

The known acceleration components are Aao = 0.942/0.15 = 5.92 Anca = 1.0352/0.60 = 1.79 Ancq = 1.142/0.145 = 8.96

Complete the acceleration diagram as per guidelines mentioned in solution 1 for four bar mechanism OACQ. Draw the rigid link in acceleration diagram using similar triangle principles. Considering the vector equation for the slider crank mechanism QDB We get Abq = Abd + Adq Abg = Adq + Abd Abg = Adq + Anbd+ Atbd The known acceleration component is Atbd = 0.4952/0.50 = 0.49 Complete the acceleration diagram.

Results from diagram: From the diagram we get, Angular accelaration of link AC = 13.8/0.6 = 23 rad/sec2 Angular accelaration of link CQD = 2 / 0.145 = 13.8 rad/sec2 Angular accelaration of link BD = 7.2 / 0.5 = 14.4 rad/sec2

Solution 3. Velocity image

va =

2 100 0.09 = 0.94m / s c 60

Complete the velocity diagram. Write the acceleration vector equation noting that the crank OA and QB rotate at different uniform speeds. For the linkage OACBQ,

f ca + f ao = f cb + fbq f ao + f ca = fbq + f cb
o1a1 + a1c1 = q1b1 + b1c1 Links AC and BC each has two components, f ao + f c ca + f t ca = f bq + f cb c + f cb t

o1a1 + a1ca + ca c1 = q1b1 + b1cb + cb c1

Set the following vector table:

S.N. 1. 2. 3. 4. Vector Magnitude( m / s 2 )
(oa ) 2 = = (0.94) 2 = 9.87 = 3.55 OA 2 ( ac ) AC 0.09 2 (0.81) 0.815

Direction II OA II AC


f ao or o1a1 f f
c ca

0 A

or a1ca or ca c1

t ca

-------( qb) 2

= 22.2

fbq or q1b1





5. 6.

f cb c or b1cb
t ca

(bc )



= 0.078





or cb c1



Draw the acceleration diagram as follows: (a) from the pole point 01 , take the first vector and add the second vector to it as shown in Fig (b) Through the head ca of the second vector, draw a line to AC for the third vector. (c) From q1 ( or 01 ) take the forth vector and add the fifth vector to it. (d) Through the head cb of the fifth vector, draw a line to BC for the sixth vector. The intersection of the lines drawn in steps (b) and ( d) locates the point c1 . Now f do = f dc + f co f dg = f co + f dc Or Since f dc has two components,
f dg = f co + f dc c + f dc t

g1d1 = o1c1 + c1d c + d c d1 Set the following vector table: S.N. Vector Magnitude

Direction ----

sense ----C

1. 2. 3. 4.

f co or o1c1 f dc c or c1d c f dc or d c d1 f dg or

(cd ) 2


= 4.17





II to motion of D

From c1 draw the second vector and draw a line to CD through the head of the second vector. Draw a line parallel to the line of motion of the slider through g1 . Thus point d1 is located. (i) f d = 01 + d1 = 10.65m / s 2

(ii) ac =

f ca t orca c1 26.4 = = 142.7rad / s 2clockwise 0.185 AC t f orc c 8.85 ac = cb b 1 = = 47.8rad / s 2 counterclockwise 0.185 BC t f ord c d1 11.2 cd = dc = = 46.7 rad / s 2clockwise 0.24 CD

Solution no : 4

From velocity analysis we got Velocity of link O2 A = 0.8m/ sec; Velocity of coupler link VB3A = 0.15 m/sec (where B3 point assumed to be on the slider) Velocity of point B4 on the wheel VB4 = 0.487 m/sec Apparent velocity of point B3 slider wrt B4 VB3/B4 = 0.49 m/sec Apparent velocity of point B3 wrt A VB3A = 0.15 m/sec Angular velocity of link AB = Angular velocity of wheel = VB4/RB4 = 0.487/0.025 = 19.48 rad/sec. *. Since the link AB is constrained to move in the slot , it will have same angular velocity of body in which it is constrained. RB4 is measured from instantaneous center to the point B4 which is assumed to be at the center of the slider but lying on the wheel (in this case this point happens to be center of the wheel). Acceleration analysis. Normal acceleration of link O2A = 2O2ARO2A = 202x0.04 = 16 m/sec2 Normal acceleration of link AB = 2BARBA = 19.482x0.008 = 3.0 m/sec2 Normal acceleration of B4 = 2B4RB4D = 19.482 x 0.025 = 9.48 m/sec2

The acceleration polygon is constructed following the procedures explained in solution 1a.

From acceleration polygon we get.

Absolute acceleration AB3 = 13.54 m/sec2 Angular accleration of coupler link BA= AtB3A / RB3A = 0.252/0.008 = 31.5 rad/sec2 Angular acceleration of B4(ie center of wheel) = B4D= AtB4D / RB4D = 9.74/0.025 = 389.6 rad/sec2

.. Since the length of slider does not increase or decrease during motion, there will not be any

coriolis component of acceleration on the slider with respect to point B4

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