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Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE)

Body of Knowledge

ASQ Section 1530

Judy Smith, MBA,CQM(ASQ)

October 11, 2008

What is a Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE)? How is the certification exam constructed? Describe the Body of Knowledge for the CMQ/OE

Certified Manager of Quality Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) Champions process improvements Facilitates team efforts to establish and monitor customer/supplier relationships

Certified Manager of Quality Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) Supports strategic planning Motivates and evaluates staff Manages projects Analyzes financial situations

Certified Manager of Quality Organizational Excellence (CMQ/OE) Evaluates risk Employs knowledge management tools and techniques to resolve organizational challenges

Body of Knowledge (BOK)

BOK-a term used to represent a sum total of all knowledge in an area of expertise.
Examples-Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge -Project Management Body of Knowledge -The Body of Quality Knowledge for quality professionals.

CMQ/OE Certification Exam

I II Leadership Strategic Plan Development and Deployment Quality Management Tools Customer-Focused Organizations Supply Chain Management # of Questions 25 15 32 28 20 15 15

III Management Elements and Methods IV V VI

VII Training and Development

CMQ/OE Certification Exam

Four hour-two part examination Two essay questions45 minutes Levels of Cognition: Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis

150-Multiple choice questions


Organizational Structure
Basic organizational designs: Matrix, Flat, Parallel, Hierarchy

Characteristics of the organizational beliefs and values


Leadership Challenges
Roles and Responsibilities of Leaders Roles and Responsibilities of Managers Change Management Motivation, Influence, Negotiation, Resolving Problems Empowering Individuals


Teams and Team Processes

Types of Teams Stages of Team Development Team-Building Techniques
Form, Storm, Norm, & Perform Process Improvement, Self Managed, Temporary

Team Roles and Responsibilities

Goals, Evaluation, Rewards

Introductions, Ice Breakers, Charters Facilitator, Leader, Process Owner

Team Performance and Evaluation


ASQ Code of Ethics: To uphold and advance the honor and dignity of the profession, and in keeping with high standards of ethical conduct..

II Strategic Plan Development

Strategic Planning Models
Basic Elements of Strategic Planning SWOT Analysis Market Forces Stakeholder Analysis Technology Internal Capability Analysis Legal & Regulatory Analysis

Business Environment Analysis


Strategic Plan Deployment

Action Plans

Resource Allocations
Eliminate Barriers Champions

Measurable, Timely, Linked to Objectives

Organizational Performance Measurements

Quality Functions in Strategic Deployment

Voice of the Customer

Design Performance Measurements

III Management Elements and Methods

Principles of Management Management Theories, Styles, and Tools
Theory X and Y, Herzbergs Two Factor Theory Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Processes & Systems Planning, Leading, Delegating

Interdependence of Functional Areas Human Resources Management

Employee Selection, Development, Job Descriptions

Management Elements and Methods

Financial Management
Read and Interpret Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Budgets

Risk Management
Identification, Control, Mitigation

Knowledge Management
Methods to Collect Internal Knowledge

III Management Elements and Methods

Communication Skills and Abilities
Environment that is Conducive to Communication Interpersonal Skills
Empathy, Tact, Open Mind

Global Communications Communications and Technology

Availability, Etiquette, Variety


Management Elements and Methods

Project Management Tools

Benefit Cost Analysis, ROI, ROA, NPV

Project Planning and Estimation Tools

Critical Path Method, Gantt Charts, WBS, PERT

Measure and Monitor Project Activity

Cost Variance, Milestones, Project Plan

Project Documentation
Summaries, Lessons Learned


Management Elements and Methods

Quality System
Quality Mission, Policy, and Alignment

Quality Planning, Deployment, and Documentation

Develop and Deploy Quality Plan

Quality System Effectiveness

Balanced Scorecard, Internal Audits, Management Review, Feedback


Management Elements and Methods

Quality Models and Theories

MBNQA Criteria for Performance Excellence ISO TQM, CQI, Six Sigma, Benchmarking

Quality Philosophies
Deming, Juran, Crosby, Feigenbaum, Ishikawa, ect.

IV Quality Management Tools

Problem Solving Tools
Seven Classic Quality Tools
Pareto Charts, Cause and Effect Diagrams, Flow Charts, Check Sheets, Scatter Diagrams, Histograms

Basic Management and Planning Tools

Affinity Diagrams, Tree Diagrams, Process Decision Program Charts, Matrix Diagrams, Activity Network Diagrams

IV Quality Management Tools

Process Improvement Tools
Root Cause Analysis, PDCA, Six Sigma, DMAIC, FMEA, SPC Brainstorming, Mind Mapping, Critical Thinking Prevention, Appraisal, Internal and External Failure Cost Categories

Innovation and Creativity Tools Cost of Quality

IV Quality Management Tools

Process Management
Process Goals Process Analysis Lean Tools Theory of Constraints

Measurement: Assessment and Metrics


Quality Management Tools

Measurement: Assessment and Metrics Process Basic Statistics Capability Sampling Reliability and Statistical Validity Analysis Trend and Pattern Qualitative Analysis Analysis Survey Analysis Theory of and use Variation

V Customer-Focused Organizations
Customer Identification and Segmentation
Internal Customers External Customers

Customer-Focused Organizations

Customer Relationship Management

VOC, Focus Groups, Surveys

Satisfaction & Loyalty

Complaints, Interviews, Measurements

Basic Customer Service Principles

Courtesy, Attention to Detail

Multiple & Diverse Customer Management

VI Supply Chain Management

Supplier Selection Supplier Communication
Meetings, Routine & Emergency Procedures

Supplier Performance
Measures-Quality, Price, Delivery, Defects, Timeliness, Support


Supply Chain Management

Supplier Improvement
Audits, Corrective & Preventative Action Plans

Supplier Certification, Partnerships, and Alliances

Design, Strategies

Supplier Logistics
Just in Time, Ship to Stock, Assembly

VII Training and Development

Training Plans Needs Analysis Training Materials/Curriculum Development & Delivery Training Effectiveness & Evaluation

Quality Information
When ASQ says quality we mean best practices, continuous improvement, and tapping the full power of knowledge. Quality means making ourselves and our world better. Quality defines and drives successful individuals, organizations and communities. And it never stops evolving.

Okes, D. & Westcott, R.T. (2001). The Certified Quality Manager Handbook. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: ASQ Quality Press. The Quality Management Forum, Winter, Spring, Summer, 2008, ASQ ASQ Website

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