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CDP Certification Ontario

Draft Model Supplemental Information Jan. 25, 2013

Survey Results Importance of Tiers
76% say tiers are somewhat important to essential.

Draft Model 3 Tiers

Candidate Experienced CCDP Master CCDP

Jan. 25, 2013

Survey Results
Education Required Experience Required
60% say between 2-9 years; 24% <2 years.

Key Comments: It should be a combination of work experience and education.

Jan. 25, 2013 2

Draft Ontario Model

Candidate (Cannot yet use CCDP after name) Minimum requirements: 1 year certificate + <2 years related experience, or 2 years experience + enrollment in related program.
Experienced CCDP (Can use CCDP after name) Minimum requirements: 1 year related certificate + 4 years related experience, or 2 year related diploma + 3 years related experience, or Unrelated 3-4 year degree + 3 years related experience, or Related 3-4 degree + 2 years related experience, or Unrelated Masters degree + 2 years related experience, or Related Masters degree + 1 year related experience. All of the above also require mandatory coursework (see slide 6). A point system may be applied to determine experience and competencies. Master CCDP Minimum requirements: 6 years at the Tier 2 level + extra competencies to be proven + extra points required extra points may come from being published, mentoring, and presenting at conferences.
The experience and education requirements are based on survey results and are also similar to BCs successful model.
Jan. 25, 2013 3

Survey Results
80.4% want Grandfathering
About 63% say 2-3 years with some people requesting 5-7 years in comments.

Draft Model Available for 3 years to CDPs currently working in the field. Requires:
5 years experience Mandatory courses Proven competencies Using a point-based system

Key Comments: Those who use this option should still demonstrate some level of competency and skill; not based on years of experience alone.

Jan. 25, 2013

Survey Results Content Areas

Jan. 25, 2013

Compulsory Training
Survey Results
Key Comments: Wide range of courses suggested. Counselling, assessment, and ethics were those most often mentioned.

Draft Model Content Areas:

Ethics Career and Employment Counselling / Development Theory Case management Job search strategies
(not necessarily separate courses)

Jan. 25, 2013

Survey Results
Key Comments: Keep certification process voluntary for now; possibly move to mandatory certification over time.

Draft Model Voluntary

This is similar to other provinces, except for in Quebec. (The RFP winner may at a later date make it mandatory.)

Jan. 25, 2013

Professional References Required for Certification

Survey Results We didnt request input on this topic through our surveys; rather, we based draft model on other provincial approaches.
We look forward to your feedback.

Draft Model Experienced CCDP

Application requires 3 professional references from the field, including 1 supervisory/management reference.

Master CCDP
Application requires sponsorship by someone who is a Master CCDP. 8

Jan. 25, 2013

Initial Fee
Survey Results
About 53% are willing to pay $51-$200.

Draft Model Initial certification fee: $150 + GST.

This fee is similar to other provinces; however, the organization who wins the Request for Proposals (RFP) to oversee and manage the certification process will have final say.

Jan. 25, 2013

Renewal Fee
Survey Results
About 60% would like the annual cost to be under $50-$100

Draft Model Renewal certification fee: $125 + GST every 3 years.

This fee is similar to other provinces. Recommended but, again, up to RFP winner to make final decision.

Key Comments: renewing should not be required every year.

Jan. 25, 2013 10

We want to hear from you.

Jan. 25, 2013


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