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Chapter 6 - Cellular Membranes I. Membrane composition and structure A.

Cell membranes are lipid bilayers with associated proteins & carbohydrates. B. Functions: 1. Form boundaries between cells and their environments 2. Regulate movement of molecules into and out of cells C. The design is called the fluid mosaic model. D. Lipids are bulk of a membrane 1. Most lipids in membranes are phospholipids organized into a bilayer. 2. Each has a hydrophilic region (outside) and a hydrophobic region (inside). 3. The interior of the membrane is fluid, allowing molecules to move laterally. 4. The fatty acid chain length, attachments and their degree of saturation can vary by cell type and organelle. 5. Cholesterol is often present in animal cells [up to 25%]. 6. Fatty acids may be saturated [all single bonds, chains remain straight] or unsaturated [at least one double bond between Cs, chains have kinks] this impacts vascular health in humans. 7. Phospholipid membranes are fluid and flexible. E. Membrane proteins are embedded in the lipid bilayer proportions vary. 1. Carbohydrates attach to lipids or proteins on the membrane 2. Two general types: a. Integral [transmembrane] penetrate, have hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions; are asymmetric (1) Hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains are determined by the natures of the amino acid side chains in the given region. (2) Some integral proteins have lipids covalently attached = anchored membrane proteins b. Peripheral - on inside or outside; polar, some are lipoproteins 3. Some can move in fluid; are anchored by cytoskeleton or in lipid rafts F. Membrane dynamics 1. Membranes are in a constant state of flux' 2. Membrane lipids are synthesized in SER 3. Pieces can be added by Golgi vesicles and removed through phagocytosis, etc. G. Membrane Carbohydrates 1. Membranes have carbohydrates on their external surfaces. 2. Carbohydrate-bound lipid is called glycolipid. 3. Most carbohydrate in the membrane is glycoprotein. 4. Recognition sites and receptors. 5. The wide variety in sugar combos and branching allow for a

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wide variety of receptors, etc. II. Cell recognition and adhesion A. Cells use two processes to arrange themselves into groups [tissues]: 1. Cell recognition - one cell binds to another cell of a specific type 2. Cell adhesion - cells are cemented together - highly specific a. Glycoproteins can have many shapes and provide for diversity b. Homotypic both cells have the same receptors c. Heterotypic cells have different complementary receptors 3. STUDYSPONGE EXAMPLE [Fig. 6.6] B. 3 types of junctions form between cells in tissues. 1.Tight junctions - Plasma membrane structures that link adjacent epithelial cells in quilted joints. a. Barriers b. Define membrane regions by limiting movement of components 2. Desmosomes a. Spot welds between cells b. Plaques on cytoplasm side of one cells membrane send extensions through the membrane across the intercellular space, through the next cells membrane to the interior plaque of that cell. 3. Gap junctions a. Connections that facilitate communication between cells. b. Specialized protein channels span membranes of two cells & the space between. c. Dissolved molecules & electric signals may pass from one cell to the other. d. Plasmodesmata & cardiac muscle intercalated discs C. Cell membranes also adhere to the extracellular matrix through integrin proteins can detach and move as well. III. Passive Processes of Membrane Transport A. Membranes are selectively permeable B. Diffusion is the process of random movement toward a state of equilibrium C. In equilibrium, motion DOEN'T stop, it just goes equally in all directions. D. Net movement is from high concentration to low. E. Diffusion rates are determined by: 1.Temperature 2.Size of the molecule 3.Electrical charge of molecules 4. Concentration gradient F. Diffusion across membranes 1. When membranes are present, diffusion also depends on pore size 2. Membranes may be permeable or impermeable to a given substance 3. Simple diffusion of substance across biomembranes requires that the substances be small and hydrophobic. Water cannot traverse the

hydrophobic region G. Osmosis is diffusion of water. 1. Osmosis is completely passive [requires no energy input]. 2. Water diffuses from a region of its higher concentration (low concentration of solutes) to a region of its lower concentration (higher concentration of solutes). 3.Osmosis across a membrane a. Depends on numbers of particles present in solution, NOT the type. b. Isotonic solution - has solute concentration equal to that to which it is compared. Cell remains same size; in = out c. Hypertonic solution - has greater solute concentration than the solution to which it is compared. Cell shrinks. in<out d. Hypotonic solution has lower solute concentration than the solution to which it is compared. Cell swells in>out animal cells may burst, plant cell walls prevent the rupture. e. Osmosis drives many physiologic processes H. Facilitated diffusion substances pass through protein channels by diffusion. 1. Channel proteins a. Integral membrane proteins form channels lined with polar amino acids allow substances to pass - can open and close b. Carrier proteins can speed up the process c. Ion channels: hundreds identified (1) Most are gated" (2) Channel opens when something changes the protein shape (3) Can be caused by binding of chemicals, an electrical charge or mechanical action. (4) Specific for ion type (5) Voltage-gated channels - rate of flow depends on concentration gradients and electrochemical gradients => potential energy = voltage; Membrane potential in all animal cells - from -60 to -70 mEv (6) Aquaporins - water specific channels 2. Carrier protein a. Also involves binding transported substance to a protein. b. Allows diffusion both ways. c. Used to transport polar molecules, like sugars & amino acids. d. Has a maximum rate depending on carrier molecule availability IV. Active Transport A. Active transport requires the expenditure of energy. B. Ions or molecules are moved across the membrane against the concentration gradient. C. ATP is the energy source used either directly or indirectly.

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D. Three protein-driven systems: 1. Uniport transporters one substance one way 2. Symport transporters 2 substances the same way 3. Antiport transporters 2 substances opposite ways E. Primary & secondary active transport 1. Primary active transport a. ATP is used directly b. Ex. Na/K pump found in all animal cells moves both using ATP 2. Secondary active transport a. ATP is used indirectly b. ATP molecules are consumed to establish an ion gradient. c. The ion in question then moves by diffusion & the energy from that movement is used to operate a pump for something else. V. Endocytosis and Exocytosis A. Endocytosis 1. Processes that bring large particles & even other cells into cells. a.Phagocytosis- cell-eating b.Pinocytosis- cell-drinking c. Receptor-mediated endocytosis - receptor [e.g., clathrin] attaches to target in "coated pits". [E.g., cholesterol uptake] d. In all three, the plasma membrane invaginates toward the cell interior while surrounding materials on the outside B.Exocytosis - Materials packaged in vesicles are secreted from cells. VI. Other Membrane Functions A. Information processing signaling through attachment to receptors B. Organizing chemical reactions - sequence of peripheral proteins C. Energy transformation in organelles 1. The inner mitochondrial membrane helps convert energy of fuel molecules to energy in ATP. 2. The thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts are involved in conversion of light to chemical energy in photosynthesis.

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