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4,5,6 Ordnance 4,5,6 Tiny

Flyer Bomb/Torp 3,4,5,6 Tiny Flyer Bvs RB1 Primary omb/Torp 3,4,5,6 5,6 Bomb vs L/M Flying 5,6 Primary vs RB1 5,6 Impeded LOS Bomb vs L/M Flying 5,6 5,6 vs DivingOS 5,6 Impeded L 5,6 vs M/L/M Obscured 5,6 vs Diving 5,6 vs Small Obscured 6 vs M/L/M Obscured 5,6 vs mall Obscured 66 vs SSubmerged from Obscured from Submerged from Obscured from Indirect

Ordnance Ordnance


Auxiliary vs M/L/M Flying or Obscured


vs M/L/M lying or OObscured 4,5,6 Small F Flying or bscured 5,6 vs Small FTiny For Obscured 5,6 5,6 vs lying lyer Fighters vs Tiny Flyers 3,4,5,6 vs Tiny Flyer 5,6 Recon v vs Tiny Flyers 5,6 Fighters s Tiny Flyers 3,4,5,6 Dive Recon vs Tvs Tiny Flyers Bombers iny Flyers 6 5,6 Torp BBombers vs Tiny Flyers 6 Dive ombers vs Tiny Flyers 6 Torp Bombers vs Tiny Flyers 6
Ack Ack vs Rockets 5,6 Concussion vs vs /L/M Diving 4,5,6 MRockets Ack Ack 5,6 Concussion vs Small Diving 5,6 Concussion vs M/L/M Diving 4,5,6 Depth Charges vs Mines 5,6 Concussion vs Small Diving 5,6 Concussion vs Torpedos 5,6


Bombs F BRear Tiny Flyer C ombs Tiny lyer Torpedo Tiny FFlyer Bombs Ack Ack Tiny Flyer Torpedo Model A Ack A Tiny Flyer ck Ackck Model Ack Ack

Ranges Bombs FC Rear


4" 4" 0" 0" 8" 4" 8" 8" 4"

Concussion vs Diving 4" Depth Charges vs Mines 4" Concussion vs Diving 4" vs Gunnery Ordnance Shields 4,5,6 and Ack Ack vs Gunnery Ordnance vs Rockets, Torpedoes 4,5,6 and Ack Ack 5,6 and Sturginium Rounds


Shields Depth Charges vs Mines 4"

vs Submerged

from Submerged from Indirect

6 6 6 6

6 6

Depth Charges vs Mines Concussion vs Torpedos

Where more than one apply, use the most beneficial for the target.

5,6 5,6

vs Rockets, Torpedoes and Sturginium Rounds

4" Boarding Range 4" Ack Ack vs Robot 4,5,6 Ack Ack vs Robot 4,5,6 Ack Ack vs Non-Robot 5,6 Robots take Hvs Non-Robot ormal Ack Ack ull Points damage as n5,6 Non-Robots take 1 AP l amage as normal Robots take Hull Points doss for each Ack Ack P l Non-Robots take 1 Ahitoss for each Ack Concussion vs Diving Robot 4,5,6 Ack hit Concussion vs vs Diving Robot Diving Non-Robot 4,5,6 5,6 Concussion Robots take vs Diving Non-Robotas n5,6 ormal Concussion Hull Points damage Non-Robots tPoints damage as normal ake 1 AP loss for each Robots take Hull Concussion Non-Robots take 1Charge hit each AP loss for Boarding Assault Dice 4,5,6 Concussion Charge hit Each hit reduces targets AP by 1

Boarding Boarding Range



Boarding Assault Dice 4,5,6 Each hit reduces targets AP by 1

Where more than one apply, use the most beneficial for the target.

Boarding Action Results

Attacker is a Non-Robot
Target Model HAS 0 AP Attacking Model HAS GREATER THAN 0 AP OR Target Model HAS 0 AP Attacking Model HAS 0 AP Robot targets are Destroyed Non-Robot targets are Prize OR Derelict Robot targets are Destroyed Non-Robot targets are Derelict
When one or more models from a Squadron, or the Fleet 3D6 4,5,6 Commodore, has been Lost. Normal Test 1 Success Squadron has Lost HALF or more of initial size 1 Success Any models Out of Command 1 Success Fleet Commodore is Lost 1 Success Squadron Command Element is within 8" of the Fleet Add 1 Dice Commodore to test One Break Test per activation Losing Escorts and attached models requires no Break Test
Broken Models CANNOT Link, Combine, Split or Indirect Fire, Initiate Boarding

Break Test

Attacker is a Robot
Target Model HAS 0 AP

Target is Derelict

In All Cases
Target HAS GREATER THAN 0 AP Failed Action, the Boarding Assault ends Models involved in a Collison or a Ram in the current activation half their available AP

To try to rally, made in the End Phase in the same way

Bravery Test

DICE RFlyer Bomb/Torp 3,4,5,6 HP LOST Small Flying or Obscured RESULT Tiny OLL vs




Primary vs RB1 5,6 Bomb vs Magazine Explosion L/M Flying 5,6 2 Impeded LOS 5,6 3 Shredded Defences vs Diving 5,6 4 Raging Fire vs M/L/M Obscured ffline 5 Systems O 5,6 6 Weapons vs Small ObscuredDamage 6 7 vs Submerged ounding Hard P 6
8 Engine Failure 9 Navigational Lock from Obscured 6 10 Fusion Leak from Submerged Disarray 6 11 Chaos &

from Indirect

new position. Resolve any contacts as collisions, even if model is destroyed as a result of the hit. Models moving into Impassable Terrain beneficial for t Board are Where more than one apply, use the most or off the Game he target.destroyed. Damage Repair Test - Not Derelict or Prize, 1D6 for EACH repair attempt, 1-3 Success, 4-6 Failure. 2,7,12 CANNOT be repaired. Raging Fire rolls of 6 = -1AP and another Fire 12 Sturginium Flare 2

vs M/L/M Flying or Obscured 4,5,6 Critical HBombs FC Rear 4" Boarding Range 4" its EFFECT 0" 5,6 Tiny Flyer Bombs Ack Ack vs Robot 4,5,6 vs Tiny Flyer 5,6 Tiny Flyer Torpedo 8" Ack Ack vs Non-Robot 5,6 Model Destroyed. All models within 4" of the centre of the Destroyed model, regardless of Height Level, are subjected to an Attack 3,4,5,6 Tiny Flyer Ack Ack 4" Robots take Hull Points damage as normal ALL Fighters vs Tiny Flyers with Attack Dice (AD) equal to the initial Hull Point (HP) value of the Destroyed model. Obstructing Terrain blocks this Attack. Recon vs Tiny Flyers 5,6 Model Ack Ack 8" Non-Robots take 1 AP loss for each Ack 2 This model cannot use Ack Ack or Concussion Charges. Ack hit Dive Bombers oses 2 AFlyersPoints (AP) and gains a Raging Fire Marker. A model with a Raging Fire Marker cannot be Obscured. vs Tiny ssault 6 2 Model l 6 Model cannot use Generators and cannot Launch Tiny Flyers. vs Diving Robot Concussion vs Diving 4" Concussion 4,5,6 2 Torp Bombers vs Tiny Flyers 2 Attack Dice (AD) Depth Primary avs Mines 4"weapons are reduced bDiving Non-Robot of ALL Charges nd Secondary Concussion vs y HALF. 5,6 2 Model loses 1D3+1 Assault Points (AP) Ack Ack vs Rockets 5,6 Robots take Hull Points damage as normal Shields 2 Concussion vs M/L/M Diving 4,5,6 Model's Movement (MV) is reduced by HALF. Robots take 1 AP loss for each vs Gunnery Ordnance Non- 4,5,6 2 Model can only move DIRECTLY ahead. Cannot Submerge, if Submerged it immediately becomes non-Submerged. and Ack Ack Concussion vs Small Diving 5,6 Concussion Charge hit 2 Models Critical Rating (CR) is reduced to the same value at its Defensive Rating (DR). Depth Charges vs Mines 5,6 cannot use Rocket, Torpedoes Bomb Ordnance, or drop Mines. vs Rockets, Torpedo, or Boarding Assault Dice 4,5,6 2 Model 5,6 and Sturginium R and 2D6" Concussion va direction (1-2 Fore, 3 Port, 4 Starboard, 5-6 Aft) ounds for distance. Model is moved maintaining Arientation to the 5,6 Each hit reduces targets o P by 1 Roll 1D6 for s Torpedos




Attack Dice (AD) Reduction From Hull Damage (HP)

YES Primary & Secondary Gunnery, Ack Ack & Concussion Charges NO Rockets, Torpedoes & Mines Redoubtable MARS weapons suffer -1 AD for ervery 2 HP damage All other affected weapons suffer -1 AD for every HP damage

Fleet Commodore Actions

Each turn a Fleet Commodore may perform ONE of the following; Re-roll one Trecherous Terrain test for a model in their fleet within 8" of the Fleet Commodore's Vessel Re-roll one Critical Hit Table roll against an enemy model fired upon by a model in their fleet within 8" of the Fleet Commodore's Vessel Re-roll one Critical Hit Table roll against their own Vessel Re-roll one Damage Repair roll for a model in their fleet within 8" of the Fleet Commodore's Vessel

Dystopian Wars and all the other stuff on here, as far as copyright and all that jazz is concerned, belongs to Spartan Games. This is for personal use only etc etc etc. Enjoy.


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