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ED 321 Self-Assessment Lesson 3 1, 2, 3

Planning and Preparation (AEA: Conceptualization, DiagnosisWTS: 1,7DISP: Respect Responsibility) Explain and defend the decisions you made in choosing your objectives and the assessment tools/strategies for this lesson. Even if the lesson was given to you to teach, you must consider the effectiveness of the objectives and assessments. I decided to teach the students the 1, 2, 3 strategy to understand difficult text because I thought that will help them when finding information for their research or whenever they read something more technical or on a higher level. I wanted to highlight the importance of reading something multiple times in order to understand the text. The assessment I was going to use was the graphic organizer I was going to collect after the students finished their work. I think I would have provided me with information about the students ability to understand more difficult text. The learning objective for the lesson Cite your Sites originally was to have the students do citations, paraphrase information and use in text citations to avoid plagiarism. The original lesson was intended for 4th hour. For 3rd hour, I asked if they knew how to citations, to which responded they were not sure, so I change the objective from the original to students will create citations to help them start their works cited page. Classroom Environment (AEA: Coordination, Integrative InteractionWTS: 2,3,5DISP: Respect,

What were the discipline issues that presented themselves during the teaching of this lesson? How did you anticipate these and handle them? When the students were working on reading the text and completing the graphic organizer, I noticed the students were not into doing the work. Many students were not even reading the text I have selected. It seemed like they were not up to the challenge. The solution I found at that moment was to finish up with that lesson, and switch to teach the lesson I had planned for the next hour. So, the way I handled the students lack of interest in reading a difficult text a couple of times was to change the lesson of the day to learn about citing sources.

Instruction (AEA: Communication, Coordination, Diagnosis, Integrative InteractionWTS: 2,3,4,5,6,7DISP: Respect Responsibility), Assessment (AEA: Diagnosis, Integrative InteractionWTS: 8,9DISP: Respect, Reflection), Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication, Integrative InteractionWTS: 10DISP:
Collaboration, Communication)

After teaching the lesson and analyzing student work, describe how your decisions impacted student learning. How do you know? How well did your assessment connect to the lesson objectives? Are there changes you would make or things you could have done differently? Since I did not continue working on the lesson 1, 2, 3 and I did not collected any 1, 2, 3 graphic organizers, I had to improvise the assessment for the lesson Cite your Sites (which I planned to teach originally to the next class). The way I assessed the students was to have some examples of citations the students created as groups on the board (I selected examples that were good and some examples that were not as good) and together as a class analyzed them and make the needed corrections. Consider student learning as you reflect on your teaching of this lesson. Explain how the evidence you obtained in your lesson (assessment) demonstrated the degree to which all students achieved your objectives. As I was walking around to select the citations that the students were working on and that I was going to have the students analyze on the board, I noticed the students who needed more help on creating citations. If I had the chance to teach the next day, I would probably have another mini lesson on doing citations, then have all the students work on the citations they are going to be using for their research paper, and while the students were working individually or groups, I would help the students who needed more scaffolding. Professional Responsibilities (AEA: Communication, Integrative InteractionWTS: 10DISP:
Collaboration, Communication)

Explain how you incorporated feedback from your cooperating teacher and supervisor, if applicable, to the planning/teaching of this lesson. What decisions did you make based on feedback received? I have mentioned before that my C. T. gave me freedom to chose whatever I wanted to teach the students, and as before I did not wanted to teach something random to the students. I knew the students were working on research, so I decided to teach something related to that subject. Reading text multiple times in order to understand it and making citations, I think are going to be useful to the students journey on completing their research paper.

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