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SFRA Mini Tutorial

March 2007

Doble SFRA summary

SFRA is a test for transformers.

The test tells you if anything is damaged or broken inside your transformer without going inside.

The M5x00 is used alongside other electrical tests such as the M2H or M4000 and oil analysis

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Sweep Frequency Response Analysis A method to measure the frequency response of the passive elements (RLC) of a transformer. The result is a transfer function which produces a fingerprint related to the mechanical geometry of the transformer. SFRA relates to Mechanical Integrity

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Doble SFRA Measurement

Three lead system
Signal + Reference Measure Ground Ground Signal M5x00 Signal & Reference Leads Measurement lead

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SFRA What do you get?

Resonances peaks and valleys relate to an LC combination

Main winding

Tap leads Core

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Tap windings

Transformer Decisions
There are many decisions relating to transformers: Is it safe to go back in service after a fault? Has it been damaged in transit? Is it deteriorating as it ages? Will it fail unexpectedly? Decision making for transformers is not easy Quality data and engineers support good decisions

SFRA Reduces uncertainty

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Consequence of Bad decision

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Less spectacular, equally bad? Potential Human Casualties Lost Opportunity/Revenue Costs Lost Equipment Costs Insurance Increase/Loss Insurance Industry Awareness
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SFRA When & Why?

Acceptance Establish a Baseline Assess Condition after Electrical Disturbance Assess Condition after a Relocation Asset Management - Ranking and Prioritizing Reduce Catastrophic Failures

Winding technology hasnt changed much in 100 years Available tools have changed a great deal

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Real World Measurements

HV Winding
C AC real C transformer has R L many inductance andC C capacitances















Each LC pair C C gives a resonance


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Case: Factory & Field Fire

650 MVA GSU Transformer SFRA results from factory and initial field New SFRA results taken after the fire

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Fire: factory to field comparison

HV and LV results overlay almost exactly up to 2 MHz

Short circuit results to within 0.01 dB

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Low frequency variations are due to core magnetization

Case 1: Post fire conclusions

Results show no variation to 2 MHz using different: Doble test sets test personnel test leads lead positions etc SFRA results show no indication of a mechanical problem within the transformer this is a NULL result SFRA data was key in the decision to return the unit to service Full details in 2005 Doble Conference Paper (Check Rich Ladroga for full details)
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Case 2: Learning from the family

28 MVA Mobile Sub Known tap changer problem Leakage Reactance Results were deemed acceptable by transformer owner SFRA compared to sister unit revealed a problem

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Case 2: Learning from the family

Open circuit results show ONE phase with a shift left where it should not

Small change in frequency and dB

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Case 2: Learning from the family

Increased impedance in short circuit test

This phase appears to have symptoms of hoop buckling

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Case 2: Learning from the family

Diagnosis is that suspect unit has one bad phase through hoop buckling Transformer is bent, but not broken Unit was returned to service for some months, under advice that it was less likely to withstand a close in fault Subsequent internal inspection revealed hoop buckling on the suspect phase, as expected and predicted

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Case 2: Learning from the family

Inspection showed hoop buckling on suspect phase - as predicted

Transformer returned to service before being rewound

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Doble leads the world in SFRA
The best test equipment M5x00 & leads The best software and data management The best technical support The best product support

True SFRA value:

Its not a CIGRE test or IEEE test Its a test when a guy goes out late in the day, in the rain, with a suspect transformer. This is where Doble shines!
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Is it safe?

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Summary of Comments on SFRA Mini Tutorial, 2007 Conference SFRA Mini Tutorial, 2007 Conference contains no comments

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