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(part of the blog

, posted January 26, 2013)

Ready for Freedom and Peace?

Who isnt? Whether its uncertainty at work, day-in-and-day-out responsibilities with family, tensions between friends, uneasiness with global crises, concerns about global warming, or simply the steady pace of daily life theres a lot wed like to simply release even if just for a spell. What a relief that would be! But what if there were something much grander offered to us, freely, if we would just accept it? True freedom and everlasting peace are available to us through the One who gave up his life for us, for just this reason.
(image from

Scriptural Context:

(you can click on the links here to read the full Scriptural texts)

John 16:33 In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. In me you may have peace. 2 Timothy 2:8-10 God's word is not chained. Philippians 2:1-13 It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. Hebrews 4:15-16 Approach Gods throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Ill admit it. I dont spend a lot of time thinking about the seriousness of global events, the depth of the tragedies that hit certain parts of the world, seemingly again and again. I dont try to grasp fully the extent of the human tragedy and degradation, nor the cruelty that humans can inflict on one another. Ill admit there is a slight desensitization that is occurring I hear it all, I see it all, I dont pretend to understand the context of it all, nor do I want to in most cases but with my own plate feeling pretty full most days, I choose not to let it fully register, and try to focus instead on the day-in-and-day-out responsibilities of work and family. Sounds incredibly selfish, I know. I really think its part coping - to just keep the home and work life steady; but its dawning on me more and more, that to be so fully

engaged is also to admit to the tragic state of the human race and I dont want to go there. My glasshalf-full personality wants to believe theres hope for humankind! However, nothing brings the tragic state of humankind to the forefront more clearly than when it affects someone close to home. Its no longer a sound-bite on the radio, nor a snapshot on the web. Its personal. And the sense of loss, disbelief, despair and tragedy is palpable and unavoidable. It feels like a lose-lose situation. You can choose to ignore what is happening and simply go on with your life; but the what-ifs will haunt you. So your heart grows hard, little by little whether from not reaching out in the first place, or from turning off or tuning down that little voice that is trying to keep you engaged and honest. Either way, you carefully tighten your heart-investment one more little bit out of selfprotection. Or you choose to invest fully, offering all you have despite the risks, despite the vulnerability of your newly exposed heart, despite having to live with how others may interpret your actions. And, while you have reached out, you may or may not have actually helped in anyway, and are now left raw and wondering how to stuff it all back in. Either way, you have personally witnessed human tragedy and are deeply affected by it. So how on earth does one turn the lose-lose around? Ah. Theres the rub. There is no way on earth. There is only one way and that is to remove it from the earthly realm altogether. While we like to think we can control a lot of what goes on around us, and turn it into personal victory or personal freedom, there really is no such thing not in any lasting sense, anyway. Human tragedy will resurface. Its just what were made of. The one odd comfort we can take from human history, is that from the beginning of time, there has been tragedy. Humans have been inflicting horrific acts on each other for eons. The only way to truly release ourselves from this death grip is to surrender it all to Jesus. Hes been here. He knows exactly what its like. And he was willing to take it all by giving up his own life in exchange for ours. His release of his human body on the cross paved the way to our ultimate, unending release of our day-to-day sufferings. We can take it all to him, leave it all there, and exchange it for true peace, life-changing love, ultimate freedom. We do not have to be in bondage to the human tragedies that occur around us whether personal or global. He takes it all upon himself if we would just offer it up to him. That takes trust, and faith, and confidence. It takes hope, and heart, and humility all offered fully and without restraint even from those deep, dark inner places we dont want to open up or reveal or even admit to. If we truly surrender, accepting that He has overcome the world, we will find peace. We will find the freedom that comes from the chains of captivity to earthly matters being forever broken. And maybe then, without the weight, and with an open heart, we can hear and see and feel our way back to fulfilling our purpose here, without distraction, and with confidence that He has placed us here on this earth for His holy purpose. Praise be to God for that!

The Message in Music:

Free, by MercyMe Take me captive - you can lock me away; but my debt is already paid. Take me prisoner, but I will not fear 'cause my Deliverer is already here. No matter what they do my heart belongs to You, so I am free. The hands that hold the world have set me free.

The Words I Would Say, by Sidewalk Prophets Be strong in the Lord and never give up hope. You're going to do great things, I already know. God's got His hand on you so don't live life in fear. Forgive and forget, but don't forget why you're here. Take your time and pray, thank God for each day; His love will find a way. (full lyrics here)

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