Ancient Lies in History

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The ancient Egyptians (in Africa) and the ancient pre-Incas/Incas (in South America) evolved on opposite sides

of the globe and were never in contact; yet both cultures mysteriously possessed the same strikingly identical body of ancient art, architecture, symbolism, mythology and religion. The Victorian-era scholars, faced with this enigma, concluded that both cultures must have been children of the same Golden Age parent civilization, Atlantis. Today, Egyptian/Inca parallels are not only being ignored by American and Western scholars, theyre being suppressed.

Many baffling and unsolved similarities link the ancient Egyptians and the ancient pre-Incas/Incaseven though both cultures evolved on opposite sides of the planet, separated by oceans.

Victorian-era scholars, faced with this enigma, believed both cultures inherited the same high wisdom from the same exceedingly older sourcea shared parent civilization now lost to history. For the Victorians this common parent hypothesis explained the parallels well. These Victorian scholars called this common parent Atlantis, following Plato and the Classical historians. Today, establishment scholars reject Atlantis, with peculiar hostility, while the parallels shared by the ancient pre-Incas/Incas and the ancient Egyptians are ignored. Yet these same parallels were not ignored by the Victorians. Indeed, the most brilliant scholarly minds of the past believed Atlantis was realand heres why: Space Pyramids

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASbuilt stone pyramids and stepped pyramids in the desert along rivers and aligned with cardinal points. In both cases, deceased were interred within. space Mummies

BOTH THE EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASMummified their dead, which symbolized life beyond death. Mummies were interred inside pyramids, often with food offerings and personal belongings. Both cultures believed in life beyond death. space Mummies With Crossed Arm

BOTH THE EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASCrossed the arms of their mummified dead. This was to show the balance state that one entered in death, as one lived a balanced life. The two arms denote opposites in balance, a left side and a right side crossed. space Gold Funeral Masks

BOTH THE EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASPlaced gold masks upon their dead, symbolizing their entering back into eternity, the other side of the veil, the higher home in the heavens, which is eternal and spiritual, unlike earth, which is temporary and physical. It also conveys in an alchemical sense the idea that, while they were here, these eternal souls took on the lead of human form and turned it into gold. space Antithetical Animal Necklaces

BOTH THE EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASAdorned their dead with gold necklaces the ends of which are formed by twin animal heads facing outward, symbolizing our human/animal powers balanced and in an equal peaceful state and place of power and eternity. This balance state is how the alchemical transformation is achieved, hence the gold. space Similar Stonemasonry

BOTH THE EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASbuilt very similar looking stonemasonry, even down to the detail of carving bulges or bumps in the stones (see detail). What is the rhyme, riddle and reason here? How can this be explained? space Precision Stonework

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAScreated precision-like stone cuts in their masonry, such that a piece of paper can barely fit between stones. Often no mortar was used. This symbolizes the quest to gain perfection, or nearness to perfection, which leads one closer to our spiritual and heavenly home and eternal source. space

Trapezoidal Doorways

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASbuilt trapezoid doorways, signifying spiritual advancement upward. The trapezoid is similar to a triangle, which denotes ascension and spiritual transcendence. The trapezoid doorway is used by many ancient cultures. It relates a kind of futuristic state of humanity that occurred in the distant past, when people were calm and had attained nirvana; this doorway is the symbol of the high wisdom once possessed by our ancient ancestors.

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASdesigned twin symmetrical serpents above the trapezoidal doorway entrance to their temples. The idea of balancing the opposing energies is certainly presented here, via these twin animals in symmetrical balanced poses. This balanced opposites image seems to be the ideal that is taught within the building that is entered through these doors. space Elongated Skulls

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASelongated the skulls of their children to sharpen senses and improve spiritual insight. This seemingly-bizarre practice has not truly raised the eyebrows of modern scholars, not nearly as much as it should. space Obelisks (With Hieroglyphics)

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASbuilt and erected sacred obelisks as devices of profound male power, fertility, birth, longevity, strength. Great reverence was given to obelisks; they were among the most revered landmarks. space Earthquake-Proof Temples (With Picture Writing)

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASbuilt earthquake-proof buildings by using the same inward slant design, which has withstood the test of time. space Solar Religion

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASused solar symbolism as a definitive part of their religion, which was identical. In Egypt the solar deity was Ra, in Peru the solar deity was Inti. In both cultures, you are the solar deity; the sun is a symbol of you, of your soul. You are a sol. You are an eternal divine sun. You have voluntarily Incarnated in matter, but now have amnesia of your true spiritual Self, youve lost your way home. space Parallel Solar Symbolism

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASused animal deities in symmetrical poses flanking a central solar emblem. Just as the sun strikes a perfect balance between Winter and Summer, the extreme Cold and extreme Hot seasonsso it is vital for our own inner suns (the sun symbolizes our eternal soul or Self) to balance our own positive and negative twin animal energies, urges, instincts, appetites, etc. in order to stay in balance and in harmony with nature. space Animal On Forehead

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASused the animal on the forehead motif to evoke the power of the Third Eye. Both cultures understood that we can create a trancelike state where we awaken our so-called Minds Eye, Inner Eye, or Third Eye, a symbol of spiritual illumination thought of as existing near the forehead above and between the two eyesexactly where the animal is placed in the image above. space Cross Symbol (Chakana / Ankh)

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASused the stepped design motif, which symbolizes the gradual ascent the initiate makes on his / her journey from lower man to ascended human being. Rome wasnt built in a day; you dont find your Christ within or your Buddha within in one day. Ascension takes time and effort. space Triptych Three-Door Temples (Indicates Same Religion)

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASbuilt the same identical Triptych temples. The Triptych design is a worldwide

architectural phenomenon that graces the facades of temples, and that symbolizes the same Universal Religion practiced all over the ancient world. The religion is based on the same balance of opposites formula described above. The twin outer doors symbolize opposites (the left-side / right-side of our lower temporary self) while the middle door symbolizes the central point of eternity (the centered higher eternal Self). Triptych Temples were later inherited by the Gothic cathedral builders, the Freemasons. LEARN MORE HERE. space Metal Clasps

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCAScarved stones that were tightly bound and fitted together with the use of metal clasps. What are the chances that this technique evolved, after millions of years of human evolution, in the same exact spec of time (give or take 1,000 years) on opposite sides of the globe? space Staff God Icon

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASrevered the Staff God Icon, which is nothing less than the lost crucifix of the ancient Universal Religion described above. Not yet documented by scholars, the Staff God Icon is found everywhere around the ancient world; it symbolizes the perfected human being. LEARN MORE IN THIS BOOK. space Inward Slanting (Earthquake Proof) Buildings

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASbuilt similar looking inward slanting tombs and temples. space Anthropoid Coffins

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASdesigned anthropomorphic coffins for the deceased and designed those coffins to look like the local god or hero who had defied death and who had lived to tell about it. This is the example given for the masses to follow, for we all must defy death (in the end) by looking for and finding true eternity within. space Third Eye Solar Circle On Forehead

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASdepicted circle shapes on the human forehead indicating where the Third Eye or Circle Eye goes: A cyclops in Greek mythology and later Roman mythology, was a member of a primordial race of giants, each with a single eye in the middle of his forehead. The name is widely thought to mean circle-eyed. Wikipedia space Solar Image Associated With Circle Eye In Head

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASdecorated their Third Eye or Circle Eye with the imagery of the sun. The sun is an eye in the heavens; many ancient civilizations depicted the sun as an Eye, not just the Egyptians and Incas. space Single Eye Symbols

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASdepicted sun eye symbols, both associating the sun with an eye and vice versa. Both cultures knew that the single Eye (the Minds Eye or Third Eye) sees the inner sun (the inner soul). space Megalithic Architecture

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASbuilt their most important temples using massive stones each weighing hundreds of tons. space Reed Boats

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASbuilt parallel reed boats. space Floating Deities

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASdepicted floating deities. space Phallic Symbols

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASdepicted phallic symbols and associated these symbols with fertility. space Spirals

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASdepicted spirals to symbolize our entrance / exit to / from the material /spiritual worlds, which worlds encompass both sides of our eternal being. space Elaborate Temples

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASdesigned and built similar-looking temples. space Symmetrical Serpents Balancing

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASused symmetry in much of their art, balancing left / right. Often used serpents in symmetrical poses. space Master Craftsmanship

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASused very similar styles of stone-craftsmanship. space Symmetrical Art

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASdesigned similar-looking artwork, which focused on symmetry and esoteric symbolism. space Aten Hieroglyph (Circle With Dot In Center)

BOTH THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INCAS / PRE-INCASdepicted their solar deity as a circle with a dot in the middle, which was also a symbol of the Self in both cultures.

The Triptych Temples Of Atlantis

Unprecedented New Archaeological Evidence That A Highly Advanced Lost Civilization Flourished In A Remote Age Older Than Recorded Time Did the worlds first cultures inherit the same high wisdom from the same more ancient but now-vanished Mother Culture?

The ancient pyramid cultures all built these Triptych (ThreeDoor) Temples. Does this mean they shared the same religion?
Like the pyramids, the presence of these Triptych Temples worldwide throws enormous weight behind the Atlantis theorythe idea that civilization has much older roots than presently accepted by science; that there is a major forgotten episode in human history; that an advanced ancient culture once flourished but was destroyed in a cataclysm; and that historys first known cultures were inheritors of its legacy.

There are two different versions of history.

We already know the mainstream version found in history books. But theres another, more mysterious hidden history thats not so widely known. This little-known history describes the worlds first cultures as having inherited vast knowledge and ability from an older, more sophisticated but now-vanished Mother Culture, a great kingdom named Atlantis, once home to an advanced and spiritually sophisticated people.

This hidden history was proposed and maintained by Victorian-era scholars and archaeologists in the 1800s, after they discovered a series of mysterious ancient cultural parallels worldwide:

Above: No records exist of any contact between these civilizations. How, then, can we explain parallels like pyramid construction, corbel arches, and mummification? To the Victorians it seemed inconceivable that these similar societies could have evolved separately; it was more logical to think they all evolved from the same parent sourceAtlantis. The Atlantis model of history stood unchallenged for decades. But it was suddenly abandoned in the mid-20th century when a new wave of Western scholars declared that not enough evidence exists to support it. Now, the discovery of these parallel Triptych Temples offers groundbreaking new evidence supporting the Atlantis theory. These Triptych Temples have not only escaped the attention of modern scholars, but also the attention of the great Victorian-era scholars who studied ancient cultural correspondences:

Why and how do all these temples exhibit the same parallel architecture, as if constructed by masons sharing a similar knowledge base? Do these Triptych temples indicate a shared religion inherited from the same Mother Culture? In fact, the Triptych is the forgotten Universal Religion of Antiquitythe legacy of the much older Lost Civilization of Atlantis (see This Universal Religion of the Triptych was contained and kept alive in what modern scholars call the ancient Mystery Schools. Held in the highest secrecy and reverence, the teachings of the Mystery Schools were said to contain the secrets of the universe and the keys to great and magical practices. Members of the Mystery Schools were endowed with extraordinary insight and superhuman qualities and abilities. Forefathers of modern western thoughtHomer, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotlewere initiates of the Mysteries, who changed history with their philosophies and advanced knowledge. With the dawn of Christianity came a period of great change. In a quest to gain authority over the masses, the Church began to root out all traces of the wisdom of the Mystery Schools. Even Platos famous Academy, which flourished for over 900 years from 387 BC until 529 AD, was closed down by Emperor Justinian, who claimed the Academy was Pagan. As a result, students of the Mystery Schools went into hiding. To safeguard the wisdom, they shrouded their ancient secrets in allegories and symbols and placed it all under the guardianship of various streams of esoteric societies, the members of which have included Galileo, Copernicus, Da Vinci, Kepler, Isaac Newton, and Napoleon. The ancient knowledge waned a little more with each successive retelling, and as Christianity grew to empire status, the teachings began to die out. Ancient Triptych temples fell into ruin as did the wisdom they once preserved. It appeared that many, if not all, connections to the original source were severed or so diluted that the true Mysteries were about to become lost. It was during this era that a powerful secret society called the Masonic Fraternitythe Freemasonsstepped onto the stage of history and began what would become their triumphant quest to keep the details of the Mystery School teachings alive, and pass the torch on to a new generation. Commissioned by the Church to build Europes Gothic cathedrals, the Freemasons secretly encoded the Triptychs wisdom into the facades of churches, castles, cathedrals, stone landmarks, reliefs, monuments, and statues, where it remains concealed today. This partly explains why countless medieval Gothic cathedrals built by the Freemasons all share the same master blueprinta mystifying Cathedral Code of sorts, which is yet to be discovered, analyzed, or explained by modern scholars:

Above: Gothic cathedrals with Triptych entrances. In fact, all the great Secret Societies (before they were taken over in modern times and co-opted for nefarious purposes, which many are being used for today) once shared the same Universal Religion of the Triptych; hence the universality of the Triptych entrance.

Above: Secret Society headquarters with Triptych entrances.

Written In Stone takes you on a journey through historys earliest and greatest civilizations to show you the presence of the Triptychan undocumented and mysterious ancient cultural correspondence. The book highlights how different peoples in different times and places understood and practiced the same Universal Religion / Sacred Science which they all symbolized by the same Triptych three-door entry. It also shows how historys operative Freemasons fully understood the ancient legacy of the Triptych, and secretly incorporated its design into the entryways of churches, castles, cathedrals and other sacred structures. This quest for lost wisdom will carry you across the Nile in Egypt, to the ancient lands of Persia and China, into remote regions of India and Southeast Asia, high up the Andes Mountains, and deep into Mesoamericas thick jungles to discover and decipher ancient architecture and gain true insight into the ruins of the worlds most magnificent ancient empires. Well see how the Renaissance itself was nothing short of a rebirth of the Universal Religion / Sacred Science in Europe, and a rediscovery of ancient Triptych wisdom:

Above: The real-life Da Vinci Code is the ancient Triptych behind Christ! Leonardo da Vinci encoded the Triptych and its esoteric meaning in The Last Supper, a fact still not recognized by scholars. Well also see how the Masonic Fraternity is no longer a true repository of the Triptych / Universal Religion / Sacred Science wisdom, having lost its original purpose, but does still hold the lost wisdom in its symbolism, ceremony, and ritual. As a result, few Freemasons and even fewer Westerners know of the existence of the Triptych / Sacred Science; it is an enlightening and empowering tradition that enables humans to excel and reach seemingly superhuman levels of accomplishment. Its no coincidence that Freemasonry

has included many famous and world-changing men, including Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Voltaire, and Mozart. Join the Written In Stone newsletter and stay connected with videos, reports, web blogs, and updated information about the book. Written In Stone has the makings of an intellectual revolution, but it tells us something more. As we recover the truth about prehistory, we will slowly become awakened to our own hidden potentialfor its precepts are as applicable in our own lives today as they were in the lives of our ancestors thousands of years ago. Richard Cassaro

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