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CE-595: Finite Elements in Elasticity

Chapter 1: Introduction
Ref: Reddy - Chapter 1 Zienkiewicz & Taylor - Volume 1 - Chapter 1

What is the Finite Element Method (FEM)? Computational tool for obtaining approximate solutions to Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) Special case of a "Ritz" method Divide the problem (structure) into small connected "elements", assume a polynomial form for the solution (deformation) within each element, and "assemble" the global solution. Where does it fit in the "Big Picture?" FEM in structural analysis & design Historical perspective Objectives in this course: To formulate the Mathematical equations that govern the behavior of a system Setup the discrete FE form of those equations and code them into a computer Gain proficiency with existing FE software programs; modify/add capabilities Be able to understand some basic articles on FE from the literature

What are its Limitations? Quote: All models are wrong, but some are useful! - George E.P. Box Professor Emeritus of Statistics University of Wisconsin Computed solution always has errors. The trick is to know & understand (through mathematical error analysis & engineering judgment) "how wrong" the computed solution is. If used correctly, FEM (& this class of variational methods) is capable of producing the "best" solution to a (PDE) problem.

Applications of FEM -Structural Eng. (Buildings, Bridges, Dams etc) -Geotech. Eng. (foundations, Tunnels etc.) -Hydraulics & Hydrology (Ground water, sub-surface etc.) -Mechanical Eng (Automobiles, Aircraft, Space Crafts, Marine Vehicles) -Electrical Eng. (antennas, circuits etc.) In general, FEM is a tool for obtaining approximate solutions to different types of PDEs.

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Types of PDEs

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FE Historical Perspective

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Role of FEM in structural Analysis & Design Consider a project: say Bridge Simple Beam bridge

Things to decide Type of bridge Loading classification Traffic, Live Load, EQ, Winds, Snow, Temperature Thermal Stream Ice Impact Blast* Fatigue Lifetime ~50 years Design Process Assume a solution (based on experience, requirements) Preliminary analysis Refine the design Check with detailed analysis Designs methodologies ASD - Allowable Stress Design LRFD - Load & Resistance factor design


Arch Suspension


Note: Design is an inverse problem. It has many possible solutions. It can be framed as an optimization problem also Choose design parameters (criteria) Material / Construction costs Performance-based criteria

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