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Building Resilience of Communities Governance approach- Hamburg Learning & Action Alliances

Natasa Manojlovic Erik Pasche Hamburg University of Technology

New Orleans/Hamburg, 19th March, 2011


Intro Bottom Up - Governance Approach Implementation of the governance approach in the SAWA Project at the Wandse Catchment Area, Germany Lessons learned so far and conclusions

Introduction Paradigm shift in FM

4 As of resilience New legislative frameworks (EU Flood Directive, 2007)

new ideas and concepts are to be developed beyond the traditional FRM new technology and methods is required active involvement of private and public stakeholders

Question: How to get the new concepts&technology implemented and accepted by the key stakeholders?

Intro- Governance
Governance is a process Definition: the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (UN Economic and social commission of Asia and the Pacific) - It is about how authorities, institutions and social organizations interact with citizens when making decisions Top-Down the plan is developed by professionals. Publics opinion and input is only requested through public hearings and written objections at the end of the approval process necessary Bottom-Up all stakeholders, professionals and public are involved right from the start and together they develop the plan in a continuous collaborative process.

Governance approach
Bottom up governance strategy:
(Adapted from Ashley et al, 2009)

It is a PROCESS not an event!

Governance approach:
Phases are given as: 1. Scoping- Selection of Members, Ties, Trust, Raising awareness, Drivers, Development of shared vision and assessment of the problem 2. Understanding&Envisioning Toolbox of adaptation (NSM) measures, Development of shared vision of where to get to 3. Experimenting- Formulate options of adaptive flood risk management by NSM, Integrate them to scenarios of integrative planning 4. Evaluation- Evaluate effectiveness of responses, Evaluate conflicts and find ways of minimizing them, Consensus Finding Knowledge intensive process Methods and Tools are required to support it

Governance- Requirements
Objectives: Development of the shared vision of the problem


Stakeholder analysis (selection and characterisation of key stakeholder groups and their interactions) Building social competences Confronting with flood risk and raising awareness Understanding the system drivers and pressures, sensitivity, response
Methods and Tools Stakeholder Analysis Concepts and Tools for raising of risk awareness &Social Learning methods Methods and tools for quantification of effects caused by drivers&pressures Methods and tool for assessment of the criticality of the system

Material Flood Hazard& Risk Maps Projections of future development Climate Chang& Urbanisation scenarios On site assessment of the existing flood risk

Governance- Requirements
Understanding and

Objectives: Development of the shared vision of where to get to


2 1

Inventory of the adaptive measures and their interactions with the existing plans (e.g WFD) Knowledge acquisition through (active) learning

Methods and Tools Tools for quantification of the effect of the existing planning procedures Methods and tools for delivering knowledge

Material Inventory of the best practice of adaptive measures (NSM) Existing plans in the area (e.g. Measures of WFD)

Governance- Requirements

Objectives: Development of options for FRMP

3 2 1

Development of a toolbox of possible measures for flood risk mitigation for the studied area Development of alternatives by combining the single measures into strategies considering and weighting interests of different stakeholder groups Quantification of their efficiency
Methods and Tools Decision support tools for quantification of the effect of NSM

Material Maps with all focus areas where the action is needed

Governance- Requirements
Testing & Evaluation

Objectives: Development of options for FRMP

4 3 2 1

Identification and discussion on conflicts caused by different interests of stakeholder groups Iterative improvement of the final concept to its final state

Methods and Tools Development of Assessment Matrix for MCA Methods & Tools for participation in the assessment of conflicts

Material Different options of FRMP


Hochwasserschutz Hamburg im Zeichen des Klimawandels Methodology Information about Paradigmenwechsel - vom Deichbau zum Risikomanagement Flood Risk Failure I. Development of fundamental instruments for a collaborative platform in Modes Analyis flood risk management Planning and a) Guidance in role assignment Organization of b) Development of learning and social science instruments ( e.g. Evacuation Services ILGs, Flood Animation Centre) c) Development of decision support tools (Kalypso PlanerClient) Availability of II. Capacity Building of Stakeholders emergency forces III. Establishment and Operation of collaborative platforms in the case study area

Assessment of criticality of system

Understanding the criticality of system

Safety Chain 4As

Understanding how to avoid or improve Capacity Building

Adaptation by amphibious homes

Adaptation by Marinas with Floating Homes

Adaptation by dry- and wetproofing

Restrictions and Control of Land Use Implementing 2nd and 3rd dike lines.

Combination of resilience measures

Implementation of the concept

Wandse Catchment Area- Hamburg (~88 km2, 21,5 km)

Objective: development of a flood risk management plan (EU Flood Directive, 2007)

Implementation of the concept

Leadership: Leader: responsible authority LSBG (legitimacy- high) Scientific coordinator: TUHH Structure: Kick of meeting (constitution)
Increasing profile of the LAAs Raising awareness among decision makers/ politicians

Series of workshops (12-14 Working sessions), once a month/ 2months, 2 h each

Working sessions following the phases of the governance approach Core part of the LAAs

One site visits

Assessing the criticality of the system on site Embedded into the phases of the governance approach

Online participation
Scoping the expertise of the participants Consensus finding process

Implementation of the concept

1. Scoping: Stakeholder analysis (selection and characterisation of key stakeholder groups and their interactions) 1 Building social competences Confronting with flood risk and raising awareness Understanding the system drivers and pressures, sensitivity, response Workshops Methods:

Qualitative analyses

Objective: Development of shared vision of the problem

Implementation of the concept

Stakeholder analysis LAA configuration /per numbers of stakeholder groups
Categories of Stakeholders Strategic flood and drainage management Implementation and maintenance Urban development Agriculture Public transportation infrastructure Urban and landscape design Environmental protection and nature conserv ation Emergency services Politicians NGOs Public interest groups Economy and Industry Research
4 3 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 2 1 2 1 4

Nr of Pts

Implementation of the concept

Existing Links and Ties of LAA-members: Approval - Relationship State authority

District Authorities



Implementation of the concept

Existing Links and Ties of LAA-members: Participatory Planning State authority

District Authorities



Still underdeveloped

Implementation of the concept

Social Games (Balloons and Colours) Group work

Flip Charts and Discussions

Implementation of the concept

Learning Language of Risk

Lecture & Discussions

E Lectures

Group work

Implementation of the concept

1 Flood Animation Studio

Road show

Implementation of the concept

Confronting stakeholders with the real situation of flood Demonstration of unstructured reactions in case of a flood event without 1 previously undertaken resilient measures
Flood Animation Box Flood Cylinders

Multimedia& Flood Maps

Perplexed feeling

Implementation of the concept

Understanding the sensitivity of the system:

Bottle neck

On site analysis and risk assessment

Implementaiton of the concept

Future projections: Climate Change & Urban Planning Projection
NA-Node: Wandse 15 14,96 m/s Station: 7.1680 Km (Status Quo) 16,07 m/s (Redensification of detached buildings

Quantification of the effect

City still tries to extend into the flood plains Grabbing at the edges

Implementation of the concept

Conflicts/ synergies with the other measures (WFD) or planning procedures
1) Development of concrete concepts and discussion with the stakeholders

retreat adaptation

1 1


Implementation of the concept

Conflicts/ synergies with the WFD
2) Quantification of the effect

Dynamic space

Status Quo

Natural Restoration

Hydraulic Proof - energy gradeline

Implementation of the concept

Toolbox and Inventory of the best practices of NSM Flood Resilience Measures

Flood Probability Reduction Measures

2 1

E lecture

safety chain - the 4As (Ashley et al, 2007)

Implementation of the concept

Development of scenarios based on non structural measures Creativity workshops

3 2 1

Implementaiton of the concept

Onsite analysis and feasibility of the measures

3 2 1 1. 2. 3-5 6. 7.

Implementation of the concept

Analysis of the developed scenarios:
Sn, SQ Manahmen Beschreibung HWRMP- M1 HWRMP- Beschreibung Manahmen M2 HWRMPHWRMP- M1 M3 HWRMP- M4 Manahmen M2Beschreibung HWRMPHWRMP- M1... HWRMP- M3 HWRMP- M2 M4 HWRMPHWRMP-... M3 HWRMP- M4 ... Sn, kw, se Manahmen Beschreibung HWRMP- M1 HWRMP- Beschreibung Manahmen M2 HWRMPHWRMP- M1 M3 HWRMP- M4 Manahmen M2Beschreibung HWRMPHWRMP- M1... HWRMP- M3 HWRMP- M2 M4 HWRMPHWRMP-... M3 HWRMP- M4 ...

4 3 2 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Quantification of the effect

Assessment of the conflict potential


Implementation of the concept

Quantification of the effect; Tools are required!!
Kalypso Planer Client:

Swales Kalypso FLORETO:

Natural restoration of rivers

Flood Resilient Built Environment

Project status:

Lessons learned so far & Conclusions

Social competence crucial for the success Clear goals and indication on how to achieve them (transparency in DM process) is important Good understanding of the system required (hazard and risk maps have to be available, drivers&pressures assessed) Delivering facts important (such as quantification of the effect of pressures&drivers, NSM) Combine information with emotions The sessions have to be inviting for participants especially in the initial phase, that is learning intensive Dare to try something new

Lessons learned so far & Conclusions But: Time and resources intensive process Involves a range of tools and methods (social, hydrodynamic, learning) and needs interdisciplinary teams Still resolving: How to include the issue of Climate Change into the planning? How detailed to go in discussion on measures? Workshops vs. Online participation Beyond the project: Basis for governance for adaptation to climate change (development of a climate adaptation master plan, KLIMZUG project)

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