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Ann Webster Bunch Department of Criminal Justice College at Brockport, SUNY Brockport, NY 14420 Phone: (585) 395-5501 Email: EDUCATION Ph.D. University of Chicago M.A. University of Chicago B.A. Wellesley College

1993 1988 1986

Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology

LICENSURES AND PRIVELEGES Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Anthropology (Number 60) Fellow, American Academy of Forensic Sciences Henry F. Williams Associate, New York State Police, Bureau of Criminal Investigation MAJOR ACADEMIC INTERESTS Topical: Forensic anthropology; human and faunal osteological analysis; archaeological/recovery field methods; human taphonomy and site formation processes Area: Central New York, Southeast Asia, South America (Andes) Dissertation Title: The Role of the South American Camelid in the Development of the Tiwanaku State

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2006-present Consultant, Faculty Mentor, Syracuse University Project Advance, Forensic Science Program 2003-present 2002-present 1995-2002 Consultant, Jefferson County Medical Examiners Office Consultant, Onondaga County Medical Examiners Office Forensic anthropologist, U.S. Army Central Identification Laboratory, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii

Ann Webster Bunch Curriculum Vitae 2012

1990, 1989

Zooarchaeologist/human osteologist, Project Wila Jawira, University of Chicago and INAR, Bolivia Unit supervisor/zooarchaeologist, Project Wila Jawira, University of Chicago: Excavations at Tiwanaku, Bolivia Unit supervisor: Programa Contisuyu, Projecto Osmore, University of Chicago: Excavations at San Antonio, Moquegua Valley, Peru. Member, Brock University Archaeological Practicum: Excavations at Kalavassos-Tenta, Cyprus.




ACADEMIC/TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2010-present Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, College at Brockport, SUNY, Brockport, NY 2007-2010 Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, College at Brockport, SUNY, Brockport, New York Chair and Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, New York Assistant Professor of Anthropology, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, New York Instructor, Department of Anthropology, University of Hawaii, West Oahu Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Visiting Instructor/Lecturer of Anthropology, Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Teaching Fellow/Lecturer, Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago, Human Gross Morphology


2002- 2006 2000-2002 1993-1995



PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS 2011-present Director, Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board 2009-present Member, Board of Directors, American Board of Forensic Anthropology 2005-present: International Association of Identification, Member

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Ann Webster Bunch Curriculum Vitae 2012 1998: Henry F. Williams Associate, New York State Police, Bureau of Criminal Investigation

1996-present: American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Current Status: Fellow HONORS, AWARDS, AND GRANTS Post-graduate: 2009-2011 National Institute of Justice Grant entitled Continuing Education Program in Forensic Anthropology submitted by Syracuse University, Forensic Science Program. (Co-Principal Investigators: James Spencer, Michael Sponsler, Shannon Novak, and Ann Bunch.) $912,580. 2009 January May. Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Leave Award. $6337.80

2006-2007 National Institute of Justice General Forensics Research and Development Grant. Awarded August 2006. $7000.00 2006 SUNY Oswego Arts and Sciences Summer Research Grant for Students and Faculty (Heather Kozuba, co-author, principal investigator) $1000.00 SUNY Oswego Rice Creek Field Station Grant (Student/Faculty collaboration with Heather Kozuba) $500.00 Forensic Science Foundation Lucas Grant , AAFS. $750.00 SUNY Oswego Rice Creek Field Station Grant $850.00 SUNY Oswego Rice Creek Field Station Grant $750.00 Medina High School Distinguished Alumni Award


2005-2006 2005-2007 2004-2005 2005

2003-present Consulting Grant, Onondaga County Medical Examiners Office (with the Office of Research and Graduate Studies, SUNY Oswego) $100.00 per case 1999 Graduate: 1991-1992 Achievement Medal for Civilian Service, Department of the Army

Horton-Hallowell Fellowship, Wellesley College Alumnae Association, Ten month grant for $4000 Fulbright Grant, Institute of International Education, Twelve month grant for $12,000 University of Chicago, Unendowed fellowships, Full tuition.



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Ann Webster Bunch Curriculum Vitae 2012 Graduate awards (continued): 1987, 1989 University of Chicago, Center for Latin American Studies, Mellon Foundation Travel Grant PUBLICATIONS Peer Reviewed Journal articles 2011 Ann W. Bunch. Indoor Wet-Screening of Exhumed Skeletal Remains: A Suggested Procedure for the Preparation of Fragile Evidence for Anthropological Analysis Journal of Forensic Sciences, 66(2): 456-460. 2010 Ann W. Bunch and Calvin Y. Shiroma. "The Search for, Recovery, and Positive Identification of a Vietnam-Era U.S. Army Soldier" in Military Medicine, February 2010. Ann W. Bunch. The Impact of Cold Climate on the Decomposition Process. Journal of Forensic Identification 59 (1): 26-44. Ann W. Bunch and Christopher G. Fielding. The Use of World War II Chest Radiographs in the Identification of a Missing-In-Action U.S. Marine Raider from World War II. Military Medicine, 170 (3): 239-242. Ann D. Webster. Recovery of a Vietnam-Era Aircraft Crash: Use of Cross-Cultural Understanding and Dual Forensic Recovery Methods Journal of Forensic Sciences, 43 (2): 277-283. Lisa M. Hoshower, Jane E. Buikstra, Paul S. Goldstein, and Ann D. Webster. Artificial Cranial Deformation at the Omo M10 Site. A Tiwanaku Complex from the Moquegua Valley, Peru Latin American Antiquity 6 (2): 145-164





Book Reviews 2007 Of Fundamentals of Forensic Anthropology by L. Klepinger. In the American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Volume 132, Issue 3. p 484. Journal articles 1996 Robert W. Mann and Ann D. Webster. An Anthropologists Walk into the Past Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 87 (2). 1996 Robert W. Mann, Thomas D. Holland, Ann D. Webster, and William E. Grant. The Search for American MIAs: Forensic Anthropology in the Field The Director, LVIV (12).

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Ann Webster Bunch Curriculum Vitae 2012 Books/Book Chapters In preparation Dawnie Steadman, Ann Bunch, and Jane Buikstra.. Forensic Anthropology Today: An Introduction. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 2009 Ann W. Bunch and Colleen C. Shine. Science Contextualized: The Identification of a U.S. MIA of the Vietnam War from Two Perspectives in Hard Evidence: Case Studies in Forensic Anthropology. Second Edition. Steadman, D. W. (editor). Prentice-Hall Publishers: NJ. Ann D. Webster and John W. Janusek. Tiwanaku Camelids: Subsistence, Sacrifice, and Social Reproduction in Tiwanaku and Its Hinterland: Archaeology and Paleoecology of an Andean Civilization (2) Urban and Rural Archaeology. Alan L. Kolata (editor), Smithsonian Institution Press: Washington, D.C. Geoffrey Conrad, Peter Burgi, Peter Griffiths, Catherine Jacobus, and Ann Webster. Resumen de Las Excavaciones en San Antonio, Departmento de Moquegua, in Trabajos Arqueologicos en Moquegua, Peru. L. Watanabe, M. Moseley, and F. Cabieses (eds.) Programa Contisuyu del Museu Peruano de Ciencias de la Salud, Southern Peru Copper Corporation. Geoffrey Conrad and Ann Webster. Household Unit Patterning at San Antonio, in Ecology, Settlement, and History in the Osmore Drainage, Southern Peru. Don S. Rice and Charles Stanish (eds.) British Archaeological Reports. International Series No. 545.




Technical Reports 2006 Ann W. Bunch. The Impact of Cold Climate on the Decomposition Process, Report submitted to Rice Creek Field Station, April 2005. 1995 Steve McBride, Kim McBride, Margaret Scarry, and Ann D. Webster. Report on the Henderson Site, Henderson County, Kentucky. Archaeological Report 321. Program for Cultural Resource Assessment, University of Kentucky. Tom Sussenbach, William D. Updike, and Ann D. Webster. Phase II Archaeological Excavation at the Shop Hollow Dump Site (15LR40) in Letcher County, Kentucky. Archaeological Report 342. Program for Cultural Resource Assessment, University of Kentucky.


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Ann Webster Bunch Curriculum Vitae 2012 PAPERS AND TALKS PRESENTED 2012 Forensic Anthropology Introduction to Biological Profile -- Presentation and Workshop for the Syracuse University Project Advance Summer Course 2011 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology- Presentation and Workshop for the Syracuse University Project Advance Summer Course Forensic Anthropology Basics -- Presentation and Workshop for the Syracuse University Project Advance Summer Course Forensic Anthropological Problems and Solutions. Presentation and Workshop for the Syracuse University Project Advance Summer Course. A Multidisciplinary Test of the Lamendin Age Estimation Method. Presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Forensic Anthropology Today/ Estimation of Age at Death. Presentation and Workshop for the Syracuse University Project Advance Summer Course. Forensic Anthropology: Trauma Basics: Presentation and Workshop for the Syracuse University Project Advance Summer Course. Forensic Anthropology: Methods and New Technologies. Presentation and Workshop for the Syracuse University Project Advance Summer Course. Forensic Anthropology Reports: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Presentations and Workshop for the Minnowbrook Conference, Syracuse University Project Advance. A Preliminary Study of Decomposition in Cold Climate. Presented at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences annual meeting, February 2006. Darwin and the Science of Man: Discovery the Missing Links of Past and Present. SUNY Oswego IPAC Series for Darwin Day, February 2006. Forensic Anthropology and Recovery: Traditional Methods and New Innovations. Project Advance, Syracuse University. Guest Speaker, 19th Annual Orleans County Academic Excellence Awards Dinner. Twenty-first Century Forensic Anthropology. Presented at the Science Today Lecture Series, SUNY Oswego.













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Ann Webster Bunch Curriculum Vitae 2012 2004 Forensic Anthropology: An Overview. Presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of Project Advance, Syracuse University. Forensic Anthropology and Recovery. Presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting of Project Advance, Syracuse University. Be Tenacious in Your Searches for Clandestine Burials: A Lesson from the Field. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Atlanta. Forensic Anthropology and the Big Island Aircraft Crash. Presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Maui Memorial Medical Center Forensic Conference. Human Taphonomy and Its Impact on Forensic Recovery Operations in Vietnam. Presented at the 51st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Orlando. Forensic Recovery: Politics and Postdepositional History. Presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Seattle. Recovery of a Vietnam Era Aircraft Crash: The Use of Multiple Anthropological Methods. Presented at the Mountain, Desert, and Coastal Forensic Meeting, Boulder City, NV. Pastoralism and the Development of the Tiwanaku State. Presented at the University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology Colloquium Series. The Pastoral Foundation of the Tiwanaku State. Presented at the Northwestern University Department of Anthropology Colloquium Series. Shifting Faunal Usage Patterns in the Tiwanaku Valley and at Lukurmata, Bolivia: Formative through Tiwanaku V. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis. Ongoing Research at Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Presented at the Chicago Archaeological Society, Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago. Camelids of the Tiwanaku Valley and Lukurmata from Formative to Tiwanaku V: Size and Age Differences. Presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Midwest Andean and Amazonian Archaeologists, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Faunal Use Patterns of Tiwanaku and the Tiwanaku Valley, Bolivia. Presented at the South American Prehistory Conference, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.













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Ann Webster Bunch Curriculum Vitae 2012 1990 Los Camelidos de Tiwanaku. Presented at the Mesa Redonda, Instituto Nacional de Arquelogia, La Paz, Bolivia. The Fauna of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Presented at the Center for Latin American Studies, University of Chicago. Preliminary Analysis of the Faunal Remains of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Presented at the 17th Annual Midwest Andean and Amazonian Meetings, Central Michigan University. Household Unit Patterning at San Antonio, Moquegua, Peru. Presented at the Center for Latin American Studies, University of Chicago.




MEDIA APPEARANCES AND CONTRIBUTIONS 2011 Can Race be Determined by the Mandible? Contribution to The Slate, Washington Post Online Magazine. 2007 Wheres Peggy? Cold Case Files episode 110, A and E Channel 2003 Last Flight of Bomber 31 NOVA DVD/VHS on 1944 PV-1 aircraft loss and subsequent recovery in Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia (2001) 1999 The Hunt Discovery Channel Episode on MIA/POW mission

REFERENCES Jane E. Buikstra, Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. Phone: (480) 965-6213. Alan L. Kolata, Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Phone: (773) 702-7729. Thomas D. Holland, Director, Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command. Hickam Airforce Base, Honolulu, Hawaii. Phone: (808) 772-4583

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Ann Webster Bunch Curriculum Vitae 2012

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