Thesun 2009-02-12 Page07 Dap Wants To Contest BKT Selambau

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theSun | THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12 2009 7

news without borders

Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh

DAP wants to contest

Bukit Selambau
KEDAH DAP has indicated that it wants to risan Nasional.
contest the Bukit Selambau state seat left Teoh said as Kedah DAP has a ready pool
vacant by Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s (PKR) of possible candidates – including two Indians
V. Arumugam – setting the stage for a three- and himself – he would confer with the DAP
way fight if PKR does not give way. state chief as soon as possible to convey this
According to a report in China Press yester- message to the party leadership.
day, DAP sees it proper that a candidate from With the PKR adviser saying the party
the party be fielded to vie for the seat as, save would definitely field a candidate in Bukit
for the last general election, the party had been Selambau, it looks like the bad blood between
contesting the constituency. Kedah DAP and PKR may spill over at Bukit
Kedah DAP organising secretary, Teoh Teik Selambau.
Guan, told the daily that in the general election It is an open secret that DAP and PKR are
last year, DAP contested Derga and Kota Darul not on good terms in Kedah.
Aman state seats, making way for PKR to con- In the March 8, 2008 elections, Derga,
test Bukit Selambau following negotiations which was given to DAP, was also contested
among the three opposition parties. by PKR, resulting in Gerakan candidate Dr
PKR’s candidate was to face an MIC man Cheah Soon Hai winning the seat with a slim
and an independent. majority.
“However, PKR’s candidate was disquali- The Derga episode sowed the seed of dis-
fied for failure to submit the statement of the cord and Kedah DAP had said it would not
account of election expenses (incurred in his compromise with other parties in future over
previous contest) to the Election Commission. seat allocation.
The independent candidate (V. Arumugam) Following the last general election, PKR
won the seat and subsequently joined PKR,” and PAS formed the state government without
said Teoh. DAP although the latter won a state seat.
He said DAP will fight to be given the seat Meanwhile, Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk
to contest and if PKR does not give way, PR’s Seri Azizan Abdul Razak of PAS said his party
votes will be split between candidates from would leave it to PKR to pick a candidate for
the two parties, thus benefiting only the Ba- the coming state by-election.

PKR man clears the air

PKR assemblyman for Kulim, Lim Soo Nee, According to a report in China Press, Lim
is in the news again. This time he has to come has assured his voters that the creditor’s ac-
out to clear the air after a creditor instituted tion has not affected his position as an elected
bankruptcy proceedings against him. representative. He explained that the case
Responding to a bankruptcy notice in Nan- dated back to 2003 when he and two friends
yang Siang Pau on Tuesday, Lim, who has set up a construction company. The company
been in the spotlight lately following specula- had dealings with the creditor.
tion he might be crossing over to the Barisan He said his two friends were later declared
Nasional, said the creditor has agreed to an bankrupt and being partners, he ended up be-
out-of-court settlement. ing sued by the creditor for his friends’ debts.

others from the hospital to a safer area after

the shelling.

briefs “We did not fire at this location on Monday

and it is quite possible that the LTTE (Libera-
tion Tigers of Tamil Eelam) attacked them,”
The ICRC did not say who was responsible for
Indonesia court clears Monday’s attack, but urged both the govern-
Tommy Suharto of graft ment and the Tigers to spare civilians. – AFP
JAKARTA: An Indonesian court rejected yester-
day a US$400 million civil corruption case against Rifle man held at US Capitol
the youngest son of former dictator Suharto, WASHINGTON: A man who drove up to the US
provoking outrage from anti-graft campaigners. Capitol complex and told police he had a delivery
The Central Jakarta district court cleared Huto- for President Barack Obama was arrested by
mo Mandala Putra, popularly known as Tommy police after telling them he had a rifle in his truck,
Suharto, of government allegations that he illegally police said on Tuesday.
sold off assets to avoid paying debts to the state. The man “told officers that he had a delivery
“The panel of judges reject all accusations for President Obama so the officers began to
filed by the plaintiff (the Indonesian government) question him further and he admitted to having
against all defendants,” judge Reno Lestowo a rifle in his truck,” said Kimberly Schneider, a
told the court, adding that a countersuit filed by spokeswoman for the US Capitol Hill Police.
Tommy was also rejected. The man, Alfred Brock, 64, of Winnfield, Loui-
The government had alleged that Tommy il- siana, has been charged with possession of an
legally sold off assets from troubled car importer unregistered firearm and ammunition. – Reuters
PT Timor to five of his companies at a discount to
avoid paying off state loans made to Timor during Shark attacks diver
the 1997 Asian financial crisis. – AFP
in Sydney Harbour
Sri Lanka govt denies shelling SYDNEY: A navy diver was seriously injured as
he fought off a shark in a rare attack in Sydney
field hospital Harbour yesterday, police said.
COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s military yesterday The 31-year-old was taking part in a defence
denied shelling a makeshift hospital where exercise in the harbour when he was attacked,
16 patients were killed as concern mounted suffering severe injuries to his right hand and
for the safety of non-combatants trapped in thigh, an ambulance spokesman said. He was
the island’s ethnic conflict. rushed to hospital and straight into surgery.
Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanay- The attack took place near the Garden
akkara said security forces were not involved in Island Naval Base in Wolloomooloo Bay, which
the attack, which the International Committee is lined by upmarket restaurants and apart-
of the Red Cross (ICRC) said caused the deaths ments, a water police spokeswoman said. The
of 16 patients at Putumattalan on Monday. diver was taking part with a police colleague
Nanayakkara said the military had allowed in a trial of new technologies to protect ports
the ICRC to evacuate 240 patients and 116 and ships from underwater attack. – AFP

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