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8 theSun | THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12 2009

news without borders

Tsvangirai takes office

as Zimbabwe premier
HARARE: Zimbabwe’s opposi- leading to deadlock that has
Israeli rivals battle for power
after tight vote
tion leader Morgan Tsvangirai worsened a crisis marked by
was sworn in as prime minister hyper-inflation, food shortages which is a member of the current
yesterday by old enemy Presi- and a cholera epidemic. government but has fallen out with
dent Robert Mugabe and vowed He said rescuing the economy Livni over her refusal to keep the
to salvage the ruined economy. would be a top priority. future of Jerusalem out of Middle
Their power-sharing deal has “We must get the country East peace talks.
raised hopes among Zimbabweans working again,” said Tsvangirai Hardline parties gained ground
of an end to widespread hardship, in his inauguration address. JERUSALEM: Israeli Foreign Min- facing perhaps weeks of political on the back of the Gaza war and
but bitter wrangling since they He called on the world to help ister Tzipi Livni (pix) and hawkish uncertainty. security concerns, and the right’s
signed their agreement in Sep- Zimbabwe recover. It is suffer- ex-premier Benjamin Netanyahu An overall lurch to the right has likely return to power could hamper
tember has stirred doubts over ing unemployment above 90%, were locked in a battle for power made it more likely that Netanyahu US-backed efforts to revive the falter-
whether they can work together prices double every day, half the yesterday after a photo-finish elec- will return to the nation’s most ing Middle East peace negotiations.
to bring in aid and investment. 12 million population need food tion that could send peace talks into powerful post, but Livni immedi- Both Netanyahu – who became
Tsvangirai, 56, was sworn in aid and a cholera epidemic has eXtra: limbo. ately started coalition talks, meeting Israel’s youngest prime minister in
by Mugabe, 84, who has ruled killed nearly 3,500 people. Treading Livni’s centrist yesterday with ultra-nationalist 1996 – and Livni swiftly laid claim
with his Zanu-PF party since But foreign investors and Kadima party won Avigdor Lieberman. to the premiership.
independence from Britain in Western donors have made it
lightly 28 seats in the “This is an opportunity for unity “The people voted in their mass-
1980. Tsvangirai gave a little clear money will come only when in high 120-member that can promote issues that are es. I can feel the great responsibility
smile as he finished taking the a new democratic government office parliament, just important for our two parties. They to translate the power entrusted to
oath in front of Mugabe, who is formed and bold economic one ahead of agreed to continue their contacts,” me into deeds and to unite the na-
displayed his usual confidence. reforms are taken.
pg 10-12 Netanyahu’s Livni’s office said after the meeting tion,” Livni’s office quoted her as
“I want to assure you that The power-sharing pact left Likud party, with the Yisrael Beitenu leader, saying yesterday.
this is the only workable ar- Tsvangirai with the ministries leaving the who has emerged as a kingmaker Netanyahu told supporters on
rangement and I can assure you most responsible for addressing country after Tuesday’s vote. Tuesday he was convinced he
that I and my party will give it our 10 years of economic decline, Lieberman, who planned to would be able to form the next
utmost,” said Tsvangirai, who cut including the finance ministry. meet with Netanyahu later in the government.
his political teeth in the labour “The balance of power day, kept his cards close to his “I can unite all forces of this na-
movement as a mine foreman. favours Mugabe and Zanu-PF. chest. “We will clarify our positions tion and lead Israel.”
Mugabe said the parties should Tsvangirai will probably have and will give our part to putting Under Israel’s political system,
build on the deal “by turning our very little room to manoeuvre, together a cabinet as soon as pos- it is the party considered best
swords into ploughshares”. but over time he will become as sible,” the YNet News website able to form a coalition – and not
Tsvangirai won a first round liable for the failures of the Zanu- quoted him as saying. necessarily the winner of the most
presidential poll against Mugabe PF government,” said Aubrey Netanyahu already held talks seats – which will be tasked by
last year but boycotted a sub- Matshiqi of South Africa’s Centre yesterday with Eli Yishai, head the president with forming a new
sequent run-off over violence, for Policy Studies. – Reuters of the religious Shas party, government. – AFP

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