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theSun | THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12 2009 11


keep my independence. But I did wanted to explore federalism, adviser to GAM (Gerakan Aceh You have your vision of society? campaign, that was a phenom-
work closely with some of the decentralisation and all these Merdeka or Free Aceh Move- All these are related. I think there enal movement of Indians.
DAP members like Kit Siang, (P) things. The training was on ment) in the Helsinki peace talks all kinds is an underlying vision among all
Patto, and V. David. politics, the constitution and from January to August 2005. I of constraints. these. In the case of Malaysia, we Subash Chandra Bose (INA
I didn’t join any organisation different models of federalism. was still in UKM at that time. But I am have always fought for a genuine leader) was in Malaysia?
until August 2005 when I joined So I gave their political cadres Six rounds of peace talks treading very multiracial society where all the Chandra Bose was able to unite
DAP. And this happened when I a 10-day course in Killinochi. I and they clinched the MOU races are respected, where there Indians across class, across the
was told to leave the university. also drafted the interim admin- in August 2005. Finally, it was
carefully. I is human equality. Where a per- ethnic divide, to mobilise the ef-
In May 2005, I reached 56 and istration proposal to kick-start working. The killings stopped, think one has son would not be discriminated fort to liberate India from British
had to retire. Normally the the peace process. But the Sri and the Acehnese are happy. To- to be sensitive. on the basis of race or religion. rule. To me that was a phenom-
practice is if they need your Lankan government rejected day, the peace deal is working in One has to be To me this is an idealistic con- enal movement. I don’t think you
services, they give you a two- that proposal, and today there is their favour. They have got their careful. But cern, this is a position we move can reproduce such a movement.
year contract. open conflict. autonomy. towards. To me idealism is Muslims, Christians, Hindus… It
By then I had already received At the same time I was There were horrific killings at the same important. Without this sense of was the most interesting episode
a number of warning letters (for developing contacts with the during the civil war. I devel- time I believe idealism, I don’t think I would be in the history of this country.
activism) from the university, Acehnese. I had many Aceh- oped a good relationship with we must able to function. And this was the Hundreds of thousands, they
but they never took any action. nese students working for their the Acehnese and I now have not forget idealism that guided me when gave jewellery, all in the name of
PhDs and Masters. And I took a developed a very good relation- I was fighting for the workers liberating India. That liberation
How did you get involved particular interest in this. ship with the Indonesians. They
our original in the 80s. This is the idealism never took place, Chandra Bose
in the Sri Lankan peace When no Malay Muslim consult me on peace issues. I mission. Why that guides me in championing died in an accident, but it sped
process? dared to support the cause, I was also in Mindanao, and I am here international peace issues. up Indian independence in 1947.
The issue about the Tamils was supported it in Malaysia. became consultant to the and why my I believe that a political solu- Without INA you cannot explain
incidental. I read about the Sri They were asking me organisation UK Aids, people voted tion is important to resolve the Indian independence in 1947.
Lankan situation and I started to get a mediator for on peace issues, conflicts. There is no such thing Without INA you cannot explain
writing a lot on the ethnic ques- the peace process. on how to resolve me. Because as resolving conflict through why Indians joined the left-wing
tion until they had a ceasefire So I approached ethnic strife. people voted armed struggle. movement, why Indians joined
brokered by the Norwegians in the Norwegians. for change, the communist party in this
2002. After that the leadership They were ready You have been and they When you see movements country. In the fifties, there was
invited me to give training to but they were a political scien- like these that represent a struggle by the socialist par-
their top cadres on politics. a bit slow. And tist, an academic,
want not just individuals who have been ties. In 1967 you had the historic
after the tsunami, an activist and a superficial waylaid, and then you see march of Bukit Asahan workers
The Tamil Tigers? a Finnish NGO part of an inter- changes, they similar movements in Malay- from Malacca to Kuala Lumpur
Tamil Tigers, yes. I ac- approached them national mediat- want very sia, like Hindraf, do you see because they lost their jobs to
cepted because at that time and also saw me. ing team. Now you concrete and any similarities? agitate against exploitation in the
they were opening up, they I was are a political ad- To put in a historical perspective, plantations. After that, you have
ministrator. What is substantive the Indian community had un- Hindraf. And there will be future
changes.” dergone this kind of movement movements.
– Dr P. before. The first movement of
Ramasamy, Indians was in Klang in 1941 There have been other
deputy chief when hundreds and thousands groups that have also been
of Tamil labourers went on marginalised – orang asli
minister II, strike, on the eve of World War and many others. What about
Penang II. Many were deported to India. them? Do you see them com-
They fought for better wages, ing up like the Indians?
better living conditions against The orang asli is a very sad
the European capitalists. After aspect of the Malaysian picture.
the war, after the collapse of
the INA (Indian National Army) » Turn to Page 12

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