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Topic: Continents of the World

Lesson Objectives: 1. To identify the names of the seven continents 2. To know some interesting facts about each continent 3. To learn brief information and to see some sceneries for each continent What are 7 continents of the world? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Asia Africa Antarctica Europe North America Oceania South America


Asia is the largest continent in both size and population. Other Facts: It covers almost a third of the worlds land area (16.9 million square miles) and has about three-fifths of its people (3.7 billion). It has 49 independent countries. Asia extends from Africa and Europe in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. The northernmost part of the continent lies within the frozen Arctic. In the south, Asia reaches into the steaming tropics near the equator. Asia has some of the worlds longest rivers, largest deserts, and thickest forests and jungles. The highest and lowest places on the earth are in Asia. Mount Everest, the highest, rises 29,028 feet above sea level and is along the Nepal-Tibet border. In contrast the Dead Sea shore, located between Israel and Jordan, is the worlds lowest land, lying about 1,310 feet below sea level.


Africa is the second largest continent in area and population. Other Facts: Africa covers about one fifth of the worlds land area (11.6 million square miles) and is home to one eighth of its people (824 million). The continent is an immense plateau, broken by a few mountain ranges and bordered in some areas by a narrow coastal plain. It is a land of striking contrasts and great natural wonders. Tropical rain forests inhabit western and central Africa The worlds largest desert, the Sahara, stretches across northern Africa. It occupies an area almost as large as the entire United States. Africa also has the worlds longest river the Nile. It flows more than 4,000 miles through northeastern Africa. Much of the rest of the continent is grassland located in eastern and southern Africa.


Antarctica is an ice-covered continent located in the South Pole the earths most southerly region. Other Facts: Its nearly barren land forms the coldest and iciest region in the world. It is slightly colder than the region around the North Pole because the North Pole is located in the Arctic Ocean. The South Pole lies near the center of the Antarctic continent, on a high windy plateau of ice and snow.

Antarctica covers about 5.4 million square miles, making it larger in area than either Europe or Australia. But, it would be the smallest continent if it did not have its icecap. The worlds lowest temperatures have Been recorded in Antarctica. Ice and snow cover 98 percent of the continent. Underneath the ice, Antarctica has mountains, lowlands, and valleys much like the landforms of other countries.


Europe is one of the smallest of the worlds seven continents in area but one of the largest in population. Other Facts:

707.8 million. About

It covers an area of about 4 million square miles and has a population of 707.8 million. About eighth of the worlds people lived in Europe. Europe extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Mediterranean Sea in the south and from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Ural Mountains in the east. Because Europe and Asia occupy the same landmass, they are sometimes collectively called Eurasia.



North America is the third largest continent in area (9.3 million square miles) compromising about one-sixth of the worlds land area. Other Facts: It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to South America in the south. It ranks fourth among the continents in population. The continent is roughly triangular in shape with the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans bordering its three sides. At its northern end, North America stretches more than 5400 miles from Alaskas Aleutian Islands to the Canadian province of Newfoundland. At the southern end of the continent, the narrowest parts of Panama are only about 30 miles wide.


Oceania is a region centered on the islands of the tropical Pacific Ocean. There are three major countries located in the said continent namely Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. Other Facts: It is a stable landmass that lies between Indian and Pacific Oceans. The northern third of Australia lies in the tropics and is warm the year round. The rest of the continent has warm summers and cool winters.

Source: ge.jpg

South America is almost totally surrounded by water. Other Facts: It lies to the north and the Atlantic Ocean borders South America on the northeast and east. To the south, the Drake Passage separates South America from Antarctica. The Pacific Ocean is located on the west coast. South America borders land only at the Isthmus of Panama. This narrow strip of land links Central America with Colombia, in the northwestern part of South America.


Did you know?

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Additional Interesting Facts about each Continent

Africa contains the world's longest river (The Nile). contains the world's largest desert (The Sahahra). contains more countries than any other continent. most of the world's gold and diamonds come from Africa.

Antarctica - is the only continent completely covered in ice. - is the only continent that is uninhabited by humans (although some scientists live there for short periods of time). Asia - is the only continent joined to two others. - contains the world's biggest nation (China). - contains the highest point on Earth (Mount Everest). - is the only continent where tigers are found in the wild.

Europe - through colonization, at one time ruled almost all of the rest of the world. - has been the starting point of both World Wars. North America - is joined to Asia by ice in winter (Bering Sea). - is the only continent that lies entirely in the Northern and Western Hemispheres. - contains the world's tallest mountain (Mount Kea). - contains the world's largest fresh water lake (Lake Superior). Oceania - contains the fewest countries (Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea) - has more sheep than people. - is the only continent that lies entirely in the Southern and Eastern Hemispheres. South America - contains the world's Southern most city (Puentas Arenas). - contains the world's largest river system (The Amazon).

Fill-ins: 1. In number, there are _______ continents. 2. Asia covers nearly 1/_______ of the worlds land area. 3. Both the worlds highest and lowest areas are in__________________________. 4. __________________________ covers about 1/5 of the worlds land area. 5. __________________________ has the worlds largest tropical rain forest. 6. The ________________________separates South America from Antarctica. 7. __________________________ is the smallest continent. 8. Antarctica is larger in area than both __________________________ and __________________________. 9. __________________________ has the worlds longest river. 10. __________________________ is the highest continent in terms of average elevation.

SUPPLEMENTARY ACTIVITY: GAME (Continents Map Puzzle) If there is a computer lab in the class, a teacher can utilize this website to test the student.


Data/Information Sources: The World Continents. (n.d.) Retrieved from ts.pdf , Date: 26 January 2013 The Maps of the World. (n.d.) Retrieved from, Date: 26 January 2013

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