Scholarship Letter

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The Best Way of Writing a Scholarship Application Letter How do you write a scholarship application letter?

Before I get into the nitty-gritty, let us take the time to discuss what a scholarship is and what they really want from applicants. Once we find out, we will actually know the answer. I am talking about a scholarship in the sense of a programme of study. Usually scholarships are given to students with good academic performance. Considering that the institution pays for all the students expenses, it is essential to them to pick students of high quality, so that they do not waste the funds, so to speak. Scholarships are usually open to students from all parts of the world and for the most part, they involve going overseas to pursue these studies. Institutions usually require that students apply for themselves for these scholarships. Oftentimes, you will not need to do much writing but filling a couple of forms and sending other necessary documentation such as a statement of results along with such forms. Even so, it is still a good idea to write a covering letter, which in this case I am calling a Scholarship application letter. Advertisements for application are often seen in newspapers, or the internet. Some institutions make it very plain that they want you to write a letter of application. They will often tell you what you should mention in your letter, as well as the necessary documentation you ought to send. If you are responding to such an ad, you do well to pay close attention to the requirements. Yes, get it right! Having discussed this, how do you write a scholarship application letter? These letters usually involve the following:

Enclosures of things live resumes that might prove useful. But as I have already mentioned, information of what is really required is often mentioned. So the advert itself will give you the framework on which you must build your letter. For example, you may come across the following advert: Would you like to study in Zambia? The Copperbelt University is offering scholarships to students from all over the World. To qualify for this scholarship, you must have studied A-Levels from any recognized institution. Tuition fees, and accommodation are covered by the University. Apply in writing to: The Registrar, The Copperbelt University, P.O. Box 26192, Kitwe, ZAMBIA Remember to enclose a statement of results in your letter. Also, mention which specific area of study you are interested in pursuing. Though perhaps a bit too simplistic, adverts usually come in this way. But most institutions will at least supply you with:

Information about your current academic performance Details about your personality Reasons why you want to apply for the scholarship Your qualifications (what qualifies you for the scholarship) Mention of character references Mention of what you hope to achieve from the studies Any concerns or inquiries that you may have

The courses available for study Having been given this information, and having been convinced that you are qualified for the scholarship, you are ready to start writing your letter. Lets get started. Bear in mind that to minimize error, it is always a good idea to make a draft first, or to plan before you get to the actual writing. The following tips will help you to do so. Who are You Writing To? Often, this is not mentioned in the ad, but at other times it is, as in the Example above. But even then, the name of the exact person you are writing to will remain a mystery to you. That is why your salutation will be: Dear Sir/Madam That is the right way of going about it. The First Paragraph Yes, the first paragraph is important. What do you mention in this paragraph? Basically, the reason why you are writing the letter. Here is an example: With reference to the ad which appeared in the Post Newspaper of October 2, I am applying for a Scholarship at the Copperbelt University. I am interested in pursuing Computer Studies being offered at the institution, as well as studying and Staying in Zambia. Fair enough. Let us move on. The Body The body of your letter will typically consist of two to three paragraphs that elaborate your qualifications and the reasons why you are interested in studying in Zambia. When you are not told exactly what to include in the letter as in the example above, you can take certain liberties to mention certain necessary things. Structure each paragraph so that if focuses on one specific area. Determine before hand what each paragraph will talk about and how many paragraphs you will actually write.

The minimum requirements for entrance How you ought to apply The address you should write to What documentation to include in your letter

You can do it like this: Par2: Academic qualifications

Obtained A-levels at University of Zimbabwe Par3: Details about My personality

Works well with others Par4: Concerns/inquiries

Hard working

Accommodation/lodging How academic calendar is organised

Limit the number of paragraphs to three at most. Remember, write only the important details. A hundred other students will probably have applied as well so try your best to keep it brief and straight to the point. In the body, pay attention to the chief areas pertinent to your being accepted. In our example, it is specifically mentioned that the applicant should have studied A levels at a recognized instiution, so you definitely have to mention this. Often structure your letter so that you begin with the most important information first. In our example, paragraph two should definitely talk about what qualifies you for this scholarship: Last year, I studied A-Levels at the University of Zimbabwe and obtained very good results. I was waiting for admittance into my second year of my studies when I came across the advertisement and presumed that it would be more advantageous for me to continue my studies in Zambia because of the high quality of education administered in Zambian Universities. Please find enclosed my statement of results. Notice that the applicant directs attention to the enclosed documentation. It is always a good idea to do so. Sometimes, to lend authority to your qualifications, you may decide to include a letter of reference from a teacher or lecturer at your school. If you do so, please make mention of them. Take a look at the other two paragraphs: Here is a little information about myself. I am a hardworking individual who pays very serious attention to her studies. In addition, I also work very well with others. In fact, what helped me to pull through school and get such good grades was my willingness to work along with others. There are a few things though that I would like to find out. To what extent do you provide financial assistance to students? You did not mention anything about travel costs. Do I have to find my own transportation? Also, I want to find out how the academic calendar is arranged at the university. I will really appreciate this information. You will notice that it is certainly a good idea to talk about good aspects of your personality. And if you have some concerns or inquiries to make, write them down so that they are answered in the reply. Lets move on. The Conclusion In the conclusion, you state that you are looking forward to their reply. Let them know how they can get in touch with you. Tell them that you are also available for interview should they prefer it. I look forward to your reply. You can reach me on the address in the letter head above or the following number: +230940482902. I am also available for interview at any time. *** The example above should surely give you an idea of what and how to write. There are certain things that cannot be overemphasized. Always write a draft before you start your actual letter. Yes, plan your work. Secondly, always remember to proofread your work. If there is anything that you feel I have not tackled in this letter, Please feel free to let me know and I will follow up with your suggestion. Subscribe to my blog to keep updated with all the latest articles on letter-writing.

If you are searching the answer of the question how to write a scholarship letter You do not need to be worried about anything. Writing a scholarship letter is an important step in a students life. We shall provide you all necessary information in this matter. Some sample scholarship letters are also given below that will help you in customizing your own scholarship letter according to your own needs. Following are the important tips to write a scholarship letter;

In first paragraph write, why you are writing to them. State the type of scholarship you are applying for. Your recipient does not get time to see your scholarship letter thoroughly, so you need to write a letter in such a way that communicates whole idea in first glance.

Your scholarship letter should be in business format. You can follow any of the business letter format for the scholarship letter. You should include all your positive points in a scholarship letter.

Mention how you think that you are eligible for the scholarship. Include all your relevant abilities for the job but mention your most important ability in first paragraph. If you are thanking the person who has provided you scholarship, we would suggest you to write from your heart. When thanking the person for giving you scholarship, include all information about the scholarship as well. Mention how strongly it benefited you. Mention your objective and expectations of achieving those objectives with scholarship. Appraise your recipient for the work he / she has done. Address the letter to the recipient by writing Dear Sir / Madam In last paragraph, thank the reader once again for considering you for the position.

Proofread your letter at least once to see that whatever you wanted to include in your letter has included. Here are some Sample Letters to Apply for Scholarships:

Sample Scholarship Letter

Date: Dear Sir/ Madam, Things we do in life often have measurable results but the extent of their impact is often difficult to Quantify. The Millard Business Scholarship, which you have so generously donated to the College of Business, has had an impact upon me far beyond the obvious and measurable Financial help.

This year, as a senior majoring in Finance, I am already feeling nostalgic. I have begun to Wonder, How can I give back to this place that has given me so much? Your gift serves as an Example of the impact I would like to have beyond my graduation. In receiving this scholarship, I am touched not only by your generosity but also by our shared Desire to give back to this great college. You have eased my financial burden but equally Important, if not more so, you have allowed me an opportunity to see the impact such a gift has On a students point-of-view. I feel a kinship and camaraderie with your husband, a man whom I Never had the opportunity to meet, because we have a shared experience. I feel pride in being Selected to receive this gift. I feel a responsibility to uphold the expectations that accompany Such an honor. And, I feel an excitement to some day be in your position, giving back to the Institution that has helped builds the foundation for the rest of my life. This summer, I will begin my career in Chicago with The Northern Trust Company. As I move to The next phase of my life, I will remain strongly tied to my roots here at the College of Business And the people, like yourself, who have helped shape my collegiate experience. Thank you for your gift and the immeasurable impact it has had on me. Sincerely, Yours sincerely, / faithfully Name Signature

Sample Scholarship Letter

Your Name: Address: City: Phone Number: Postal Code: Email Address: Date: Dear Sir/ Madam, It is with deep gratitude I write this letter to thank you for you generous scholarship support Through the 2005 Jane Doe Scholarship. Its especially meaningful to write to you once again this year, as I received your scholarship last year. This support for two years means a great deal for me Im very proud to share this connection with you, and I am extremely grateful for your financial assistance. Your willingness to maintain strong ties to the University of Iowa and the College of Business is an inspiration as I begin to reflect on my college years and plan for graduation. Im beginning to realize just how instrumental this academic community has been in shaping who I am and my goals for the future. As a junior Marketing and Journalism major, I have found a number of opportunities both inside and outside the classroom in the College of Business that have encouraged my decision to pursue a career in integrated marketing communications. One of these opportunities has been serving as a communications consultant in the Business Writing Center. In this position, I work one-on-one with students to improve their written assignments and communication skills. I have been able to form important connections with faculty, staff and students through this position, and its motivated me to further pursue a career in marketing communications. Your scholarship serves as an exciting challenge for me to maintain and improve my level of achievement before graduation. It is also an important connection to someone else who has had a meaningful experience at the University of Iowa. I look forward to strengthening my own ties in the coming years to this academic community and someday being able to support students as you do today. Thank you once again for your generous support. Yours sincerely, / faithfully Name Signature

Sample Scholarship Letter

Date: Dear Sir/ Madam, This letter is an introduction of myself, (your name), and my desire to participate in the (whatever it is called) Scholarship Program. I have been accepted to (Name of your College) for the 1999 fall term. I would like to thank you and the (whatever) Scholarship Committee for supporting college bound students with an opportunity for financial assistance through your scholarship program. Enclosed you will find my application form, high school transcript, ACT results, letters of recommendation, and other pertinent information. Again, thank you for your interest on my behalf and for the youth of our state. Yours sincerely, / faithfully Name Signature

Sample Scholarship Letter

Dear Sir/ Madam, My name is Sarah Barnes, and I am a junior Finance major at the University of Iowa. I am Honored to receive the Millard Business Scholarship this year. I would like to thank you for your Generosity and thoughtfulness in regards to this award. I am pleased with the education I have received at the University of Iowa, as well as the Invaluable learning experiences this institution has made available to me that have expanded and

Strengthened my education. For example, in addition to my finance coursework, I am the Treasurer for the student-run, on-campus organization, Dance Marathon. (Dance Marathon Raises money for children being treated in the pediatric oncology unit of the Childrens Hospital of Iowa.) Upon graduation from the University of Iowa, I hope to carry this knowledge into the Financial services industry working as either a junior securities analyst or an economist with an Investment firm. My ultimate career goal is to become an investment portfolio manager. I cannot begin to tell you the many ways your scholarship will assist me as I pursue my Educational and career goals. I am extremely grateful for your support. Yours sincerely, / faithfully Name Signature

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