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RG 23

Would you pl recommend me any link for clarification on significance of PArt I and II of RG1
and RG23.??? This would be of great help. I have certain basic aidea but looking for some detail explanation.

RG1 is the register as prescribed the excise dept. for daily entry of production and deapatches
while RG 23 is Register used earstwhile at the time of MODVAT regim for entry of the Excise duty debit and credit at the time of depatch /receit of material in factory

Except RG 1 ( Daily Stock Account) RG 23A part I & II and RG 23C Part I & II has no use after
CENVAT Credit Rule, 2004 .instead of theses register u can use any format including Excell work sheet or any other software, for inventory of raw meterial and cenvat credit on these meterial ( Previously for This RG 23A Registers were there Part -I for Inventory for Raw Meterial and Part-II for detail of Cenvat Credit on this) and inventory for capital goods ( Previously for This RG 23C ).

RG 1 is a book which is maintained by the mfg for making entries of mfg sale their value and
the closing balance its is to maintained on day to day basis. RG 23 A part 1 contains entry of your raw material which you purchase and consume . RG 23 A part 2 contains entry of your cenvet duty.

RG23A Part-I (Daily Stock Register) Which is maintain for Exciseable Goods Purchase Bill wise
for Inventery detail for production & cunsumption. RG23APart-II (Cenvat Register) Which is use for Excise Dity & Cess Credit to be taken on Purchase Bill Wise, and utilized duty & cess on sale of final product which was manufactured. All excise records (whether Mannual or Computersied) shall abe kept at the :Premises registred at the time of Registeration of Central Excise Registarion. Even If accounting/ business office outside premises it shold be in Manufacturing premises. But on written request of Asstt Comm. or Commissioner of CE it can be take outside for audit/ computer feeding.

My interpretation is that under SRP the basic philosophy of excise rules changed in the year 2000, mainly to scrap statutory records and rely on records maintained by assessee. Now most of the Statutory records have been abolished , except a few records like DSA and Cenvat Credit , requirements of records have been prescribed but format is not prescribed. Non maintenance of records as specified in rules will mean contravention of specied rules and will attract penal action (ch 6 Part I paras 2.1 and 2.4 of CBEC's CE Mannual, 2001.

Under Rule 22(2) all assessee should submit a list of duplicate, of all recods prepared to maintained by him.

Records are kept only at place where manufacturing is case of depot etc. at the
depot , but not in registered office at all.

RG 23 A Part-1 contains quantitaive portion of inputs procured for final excisable product and
includes the detail of purchase i.e Invoice No & Datec of invoice.,Quantity stock charged and consumed and ECC of supplier with the Excise Range of Supplier.In RG 23 A part-11 Which is use for Excise Duty & Cess Credit to be taken on Purchase Bill Wise, and utilized duty & cess on sale of final product which was manufactured.

Except RG 1 ( Daily Stock Account) RG 23A part I & II and RG 23C Part I & II has no use after
CENVAT Credit Rule, 2004 .instead of theses register u can use any format including Excell work sheet or any other software, for inventory of raw meterial and cenvat credit on these meterial ( Previously for This RG 23A Registers were there Part -I for Inventory for Raw Meterial and Part-II for detail of Cenvat Credit on this) and inventory for capital goods ( Previously for This RG 23C ).

All the registers had been framed as per the union budget 2000 onwards except DSA & PLA.
The assessee can maintain these infomation as per their systems. The assessee have to explain about their systems to excise auditiors from time to time as asked by them. Following are records which were supposed to be maintained by the assessee for availing Modvat. Now after the introduction of CENVAT Credit Rules, all records which were supposed to be made by the assessees for availing MODVAT had lost their relevance as new requriements have rised like maintenance of RG I (Register - Daily Stock Account of Excisable Goods) which are taking care of all the legal provisions. Further details about the RG23A I & II are as follows: RG23AI : Entry book of Input receipts RG23AII: Entry book of taking credit of duty paid on inputs

Now a days, All format except form RG-1 had been framed a long time before. A assessee can keep the records according to his convenience. Only RG-1 (Daily stock account ) has to be maintained as per format prescribed by excise. However the purpose of the register is described as below:

RG-1 : It is daily stock account and mandatory to maintain to the manufacturer. RG23 Part-1 : Detail of Input on recipt of the material. RG23 Part-2 : Detail of Cenvet credit taken on input and utilization thereof. Also it is for RG23 C Part-1 & Part-2 in view of cenvat of Capitial goods.

concept of allowing computerized data is to ease the process, except DSA(RG-1) which is sensitive document for excise and has to be maintained for each transaction, all such records may be maintained in computer, provided the entries are made on daily basis or on date when the transactions take place. suppose an officer visit your place and ask to show the balance in RG-23A-Part 2, and reconcile the same with return submitted, under such situation if the assesee tells that RG-23A part 2 is not ready, then it will lead to evasion, so whatsoever manner the books are maintained, it should be kept ready and updated always.

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