301 Advisory Committee - 2007-30-10 - Mayoral Candidates Ricardo Dew and Jordan Salter Respond To Community Questions

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Mayoral candidates Ricardo Dew and Jordan Salter respond to community questions
Slugline Publication Date Section(s) Page Byline Mayoral_candidates_respond Wilson Daily Times October 30, 2007 Local News

In case you missed our online chat with mayoral candidates Ricardo Dew and Jordan Salter, here is an unedited copy of the hour long question and answer session. Incumbent Mayor Bruce Rose declined to participate in tonights chat. An edited version of the chat will appear in tomorrows paper. Question: What is the one thing that you think would help Downtown Wilson thrive? ***(18:56):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates, Ricardo Dew! Jordan Salter says to (18:58):First I believe downtown could benefit from popular stores and modern novelties such as successful clothing outlets and restaurants. Jordan Salter says to (18:58): First I believe downtown could benefit from popular stores and modern novelties such as successful clothing outlets and restaurants. timetraveler says to (18:58):How would you help improve our historic districts? *** (18:59):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , tsamuels! Ricardo Dew says to (19:00):Not a lot of retail - more restaurants, novelty and cafes Jordan Salter says to (19:00):First of all, we have to improve policing around the area and then we have to invest funds in upkeeping and improving the historical integrity of the infrastructure. Ricardo Dew says to (19:00):Give tax incentives to homeowners to fix them up. Arrange for grants to restore the houses to the original forms. *** (19:00):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , scooby! Tim_rogers says to (19:01):Question: Electric rates in Wilson are high due to the fact that this is

an electric city and not in the Progress Energy territory. The City pays membership dues to ElectriCities and is part of the power agency, both of which contribute, due to economies of scale, to the higher rates. How will you find out details about the budget of the power agency and ElectriCities and educate yourself and ensure that taxpayers are paying for what is necessary and not frivilous Jordan Salter says to (19:03):I'll sit down with the CEO and the Board of Trustees of the company and form a working relationship that will include more communication between the city and the company and will keep us better informed of the daily decisions that the company is enacting. timetraveler says to (19:05):As Wilson continues its sprawl towards the west, what steps would you take to insure that the inner city and east side of town do not fall into further decline? Ricardo Dew says to (19:05):First, we need to investigate the salaries and CEOs and Board Members because they are unusually high. If they come down, then that will help the rates come down. Go to Progress Energy to buy out the contract we are in, the rates will come down. We will pay Progress Energy 7% in order to pay off the debt. *** (19:05):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , tarleton! *** (19:06):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , SIMON! *** (19:06):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , painofwar! Ricardo Dew says to (19:07):The only way to do that will be to start development on that side of town. We need to put businesses there. The '99 Growth Plan said that development would be east and west and it only went west., So now, we need to start on the east,. Slow growth in the west until the east gets at a comfortable level. Tim_rogers says to (19:07):What do you know about the Vision 20/20 process and how could you contribute to it? *** (19:08):SIMON quit the room Jordan Salter says to (19:08):Besides refocusing our resources toward the east, we have to see to it that our city supports the education of those citizens living in the east. There are plenty of experts and economic data that will tell you that businesses will not invest in this area unless they are properly trained to deal with the challenges of a changing economy. Jordan Salter says to (19:09):I am not heavily involved in the process the way I will be if I am elected mayor. I don't have the information readily availiable to make a sober and accurate assessment of the project. Ricardo Dew says to (19:10):I attend the 20/20 meetings because I am a part of the Community Development section. The process is mostly a series of meetings and study groups to see which

way they want Wilson to be in the year 2020 and my contribution would be to get the community more involved because the community is not as aware of 20/20. *** (19:10):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , marshall! Tim_rogers says to (19:10):How would you contribute to the 301 task force and help steer redevelopment toward east Wilson? Tim_rogers says to (19:11):What would you do to bring in tourism dollars for Wilson County? *** (19:12):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , web7504! Jordan Salter says to (19:12):I would help steer the process by keeping business owners and potential investors aware that there is a lot of real estate that could produce ground breaking results for a part of town that is desperately in need of alleviation. Ricardo Dew says to (19:12):To me, the 301 Task Force was a joke. The few years that it was there it actually did very little for whatever reason. I don't know if was a lack of communication between the Task Force and City officials but it needs to be done away with and restructure and then work closely with the neighborhood around the 301 corridor,. timetraveler says to (19:12):What steps would you take to address Wilson's urban flooding issue? Jordan Salter says to (19:13):Where I come from, we use the physical geography around us to amplify why we are a great place to visit. Wilson has a history of agriculture that is remarkable, and we should cherish and celebrate that past in a way that is popular and profittable. Ricardo Dew says to (19:13):First you would have to beautify the City and make it appealing and then offer something that is unique to Wilson and exploit that with what makes Wilson so unique. To me it is the friendly downhome people - good old southern hospitality. Ricardo Dew says to (19:15):That's in the infrastructure and it needs upgrading. It is old and outdated. Jordan Salter says to (19:15):This is probably going to take a sit down with engineers and designers who are specialized in addressing this particular problem. The Army Corp of Engineers would be a good place to start. timetraveler says to (19:15):Follow up for Mr. Dew, How would you propose to pay for upgrading the infrastructure? Tim_rogers says to (19:16):What are the top three things you would work on if you are elected mayor? Ricardo Dew says to (19:17):You have certain projects going on like fiber optics, you have late payment fees from the light bill, you have taxes and once you start developing East Wilson that

will create a larger tax base for the city. A combination of all of this will help pay for the infrastructure. Jordan Salter says to (19:18):One, focusing our cities resources on updating city technology and infrastructure for facing the demands of the twenty-first century. Two, eliminating waste and inefficiency out of government operation. Three, bringing our city closer to the education process readying a market for citizens and businesses to meet. Ricardo Dew says to (19:19):The first would be communication between councilmen and districts. The second would be communication between the City and County. You get the right communication then things will start falling in place. You have to close the gap between city and people. tsamuels says to (19:21):Mr. Dew, Mr. Salter, thanks for being here! Our Police force has been recognized in the past for their outstanding performance. Do you believe they are over funded?, and if so, where would you allocate those funds? timetraveler says to (19:23):Mr Dew you mentioned improving communication between the city and county. To both candidates, what steps would you take to accomplish this? Ricardo Dew says to (19:23):I wouldn't say the police force was overfunded but I would say there is a misdirection of funding. It needs to be directed more towards crime, petty crime and petty drug dealing. Those are the things that lead to larger crime and bigger drug dealing. K-9 units are misused. They should be out walking the higher drug areas finding Jordan Salter says to (19:23):Good question, tsamuels. I believe that our police force is doing a fantastic job. I have a brother who is a policeman and I couldn't ever see the protection and safety of our citizens to be over-prioritized. I stress efficiency and good management in our agencies and that will be rewarded under the Salter administration. Ricardo Dew says to (19:24):stashes of drugs hidden behind bushes and once you get those off of the street, street-level drugs dealers have to find alternatives. It slows down crime and vagrants on the street. Ricardo Dew says to (19:24):A series of meetings to find out the root of the problem between the City and the County and then work from there. Jordan Salter says to (19:25):First of all, conference. Bring together both parties in an open Town Hall session where we can all talk over the issues and work together. Tim_rogers says to (19:27):Do you think there are city and county services that could be combined into one centralized department for both the city and the council? Ricardo Dew says to (19:28):Some can and it would be next to impossible for others. It would be a power struggle and nobody would want to give up their position and prestige. It would be

difficult to actually combine a lot of them. Basic ones would not be a problem. *** (19:28):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , MattShaw! Jordan Salter says to (19:29):There is a lot of talk about networking together an efficient transportation system. Other than that, since the city has worked so hard to bring us fiber optics, we could take on the cost of the process with the county. *** (19:29):MattShaw quit the room Tim_rogers says to (19:30):How many city council meetings have you attended to observe the process? Ricardo Dew says to (19:31):It is hard to say an exact number. I have attended several and watched on television - the ones I could not attend. Jordan Salter says to (19:31):I've watched a good portion of the meetings on the World Wide Web. This has been a great way to stay connected when I'm mobile or traveling. Tim_rogers says to (19:32):What do you think of the Chamber of Commerce's proposed Project Whirligig North Carolina Artisans Center for Wilson and do you think the city should financially support it? timetraveler says to (19:33):Each of you appear to be newcommers to running for political office, please state why you feel you are better qualified than our current mayor to lead the city. Jordan Salter says to (19:34):This is something that is a spectacular event for the city. It allows people to get out and meet and greet. It brings us together as a community. Of course it should be funded by the city. Ricardo Dew says to (19:34):I am not as familar with that project as I should be. But I will look at it and form an opinion and answer the question at a later time if at all possible. Ricardo Dew says to (19:36):I feel I am more connected with the community and some of the on-going situations within the community where I have friends and family. After a period of time in a position you get complacent and once you get complacent it is time to leave it because it does nobody any good. I bring fresh ideas and a willingness to grow. Jordan Salter says to (19:36):for change. Jordan Salter says to (19:36):Timetraveler, I have grown up in the information super highway. School has prepared me with technology and with different ways of looking at the world and solving problems. There are two kinds of experience in this race: there is the old way of doing business, and there is the new way, the way I represent. I represent a real hope Tim_rogers says to (19:37):What can the city do to reduce the number of boarded up and

rundown houses in the city? *** (19:38):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , JohnQ! Ricardo Dew says to (19:38):A much stricter housing code. Stricter ordinances on the landlords to either fix up, tear down and make a green place out of the lot or donate the land to Habitat for Humanity and let them build houses for those who cannot afford them. Jordan Salter says to (19:39):We should never underestimate their historical relevance. If the city helps maintain the properties and is able to find suitable tenants or owners we should be more than willing to hand that history over to them. People have a lot of belief in ownership and once they are responsible for something, they cherish it and take care of it. *** (19:40):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , missmixit1! tsamuels says to (19:40):What can the city do to be more efficient with waste management, recycling in particular? *** (19:41):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , robby! Tim_rogers says to (19:41):Do you think that the city adequately funds nonprofit agencies? Ricardo Dew says to (19:42):From what I see they do very little recycling. All recycling are one. It is not separated. To be more efficient, it needs to be separated. Ricardo Dew says to (19:42):No! timetraveler says to (19:42):Do you support the recent discussions to establish a locally designated historic district downtown which would allow the Historic Presevation Commission to delay demolition of significant structures? JohnQ says to (19:43):If you become Mayor, will you continue the practice of starting each meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance ? Prayer? Jordan Salter says to (19:43):We should incentivize the recycling process. People should have compelling reasons to recycle because it helps the environment and it saves people money in the long run. Jordan Salter says to (19:43):Non-profits are always not given their due.scooby says to missmixit1 (19:43):Will Wilson's survival depend on becoming a suburb of Raleigh? Ricardo Dew says to (19:43):timetraveler: Yes, because the historic district needs to be preserved because it is Wilson's history. Once that is gone, Wilson is gone - just a memory. Jordan Salter says to (19:44):Timetraveler, I do to a certain degree. I'll have to look more into the

issue and make a decision on what I think. Jordan Salter says to (19:44):JohnQ, I would like to continue this tradition at the meetings. Ricardo Dew says to (19:44):JohnQ: Yes, why change it? It is what our country was founded on. Ricardo Dew says to (19:45):I don't think it will depend on it. Wilson shouldn't have to depend on any other city for its survival. Tim_rogers says to (19:45):Do you think Wilson should set aside funds to help further foster the Wilson/Barton partnership and and what would you do to help it? Tim_rogers says to (19:46):As the Raeigh metro area continues to grow toward Wilson what will you do to help Wilson keep its own identity? Ricardo Dew says to (19:47):Yes, Wilson should further Barton's partnership. Barton helped put Wilson on the map. Therefore, a partnership with Barton should be. I don't know what I would do to help it. Whatever I see that may be in the best interest of the City and Barton. Jordan Salter says to (19:47):Of course I do. Barton provides $50 million a year to the local economy. It is a major economic engine that undoubtedly contributes to part of the city's growth. JohnQ says to (19:48):Are public recreational facilities important to you? What Is the correlation between investment in good quality public recreational programs and juvenile delinquency? Ricardo Dew says to (19:48):That would be to put a limit on the growth towards Raleigh to ensure that we remain separate from any outside suburbs of a big city. Jordan Salter says to (19:49):We should be mindful of the development of our real estate and safeguard our land assets to keep intact our territorial integrity. Some people are excited about passing the 50,000 population mark but we should take this as an admonition of a sprawl that would be harmful to our identity. Ricardo Dew says to (19:49):JohnQ: There is a direct connection. Recreational programs give kids something to do and it should be promoted and more programs are needed to keep the children off of the streets. Jordan Salter says to (19:51):The best way to keep kids from turning to gangs and violence is to make sure that there is a solid recreational backbone in the surrounding areas. This includes activities that kids are involved in today. Yesterday's fads will not work. We have to get into the minds of our children and show them that there is good in the world. JohnQ says to (19:52):Cities in NC are required to maintain a minimum of one month of operating dollars in reserve. How many months do you recommend for Wilson? timetraveler says to (19:52):Mr. Salter, you refer to territorial integrity, would either of you

support the notion of a growth boundary? Ricardo Dew says to (19:53):JohnQ: The city should have anywhere from 6 to 8 months in reserves.This will allow the city time to restructure or receive payments from taxes or other debts owed to the city. Jordan Salter says to (19:53):I propose a "rainy day" fund to help us in times of economic distress or a widespread emergency. This will require many years of reserve investments on dollars that we save through government and new ways of doing things. *** (19:54):missmixit1 quit the room Ricardo Dew says to (19:54):Yes. Wilson has always been a small community and that is what makes Wilson special. So, without boundaries, there wouldn't be as much integrity as it would be if it was a controlled growth. JohnQ says to (19:55):Thousands of people come into *** (19:55):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , gatekeeper! Jordan Salter says to (19:55):Timetraveler, a growth boundary depends on the crowded parts of our city and if some of these parts can be expanded to meet the needs of families and people who are moving in. *** (19:55):admin quit the room*** (19:55):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , admin! JohnQ says to (19:56):Thousands of people come into Wilson each day to work. What will you do to prepare local people for those jobs? *** (19:56):Welcome to Talk to the Candidates , CHLOHE! Ricardo Dew says to (19:57):We have to look at the jobs that are being held by people not of the city and then we would have to train people to do specific jobs and not just a training. This would allow people to be more "job ready" for particular jobs. Jordan Salter says to (19:57):We will build an adult head start program that will bring our local citizens to the table and will give them a chance to know what is required of them for the jobs that travelers are getting. A lot of this has to do with education and it will be a major focus if I'm elected mayor. JohnQ says to (20:00):Thank you for participating. Ricardo Dew says to (20:02):Thank you for your participating, questions and interest in the City. I am not one for a lot of big words, I am just plain old people but I believe that if you take the politics out and put the caring for the people and your City in, then the change that is needed will be a smooth and successful transition. Trust in me and I will do the best job as Mayor of our city

that can be done.Thank you and God bless! Jordan Salter says to (20:02):I would like to thank all the questioners and participants and "The Wilson Daily Times." I ask you for your support on election day. Have a nice night.:) Tim_rogers says to (20:03):On behalf of The Wilson Daily Times and wilsontimes.com, I would like to thank everyone for participating in tonight's online talk with the candidates. In particular, I would like to thank Mr. Dew and Mr. Salter for agreeing to participate. Timothy Rogers, Editor.

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