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Make believe September 11, 2012 (8:30pm-12:39am) By: Quenie Cressar Pastrana Make a wish Luke said as his

dazzling eyes stared at me while we were walking together entering this small historic church at our friend Celinas hometown; Are you for real? I replied as I stare back at his dazzling eyes finding what he said was silly but only really caring about how he held my hand as we made our way inside the church; yeah, people say that if you went to a church for the first time, you should make a wish and it will come true he said sounding so smart and looking so dreamy; really? Well Ive never heard that before, okay maybe Ill make a wish, hmm... I cant think of anything, how bout you, what did you wish for? I asked him; well you know how Ive always felt that theres just something missing like no matter how perfect my life is I just feel like I dont know I just wish I knew what it was he said; well now I know what to wish for, I wish that you find whatever it is your looking for I replied and our eyes met each other with a smile Ive never been a fan of make- believes, fantasies, wish upon a stars neither have I been superstitious. But there comes a time when all the things we once thought to be silly make- believes turn into the only thing were holding onto; Because true to it all wed rather have something to believe in than totally lose hope. Some people might find it hard to believe others might even laugh at you but wouldnt care youd rather spend your life holding on to a silly make- believe than not have anything to believe in, thats what Ive learned. Surprise Luke said as he removed the blind fold he wrapped around my eyes to unveil his surprise; Oh my God I said in shock embracing Luke when he handed me the copy of my first published book, my name is KC, an aspirant writer or I used to be as I can now proudly say that I am a published writer, and its all thanks to Luke, my boyfriend who I owe for everything, he was even the one who got the publishers to read my work and he was also the inspiration behind it. Luke and I have practically been going out since kindergarten, it was love at first sight from the minute he borrowed my crayons and gazed me with his dazzling eyes and held my hand when we were playing duck, duck, goose, I knew that he was the guy for me. We grew up together and had all our firsts together, our first day in school, our first date, our first dance, our first kiss even our first trip to the principals office. We rarely fight maybe because I was so lucky that I fell in love with the perfect guy, he was always on top of the class, has the voice of an angel, a great dancer, has the most dazzling eyes you could ever see, MVP of the schools basketball team, plays the piano and guitar, great sense of humor and he comes from a good family that was friends with mine, he took up business administration to take over his familys company but I think the one thing I loved most about him most was that he was a God- fearing man, very religious. He was the perfect guy, He said he was very much contented and couldnt thank God enough for all the blessings he had but through it all I was the only person who understood that behind this perfect life was an emptiness he felt inside, like he always told me he wanted to know what he really is here for and I was always there to listen and I always told him that Ill always be by his side as he continues his journey to fill that sort of emptiness inside of him. And I thought thats how it will always be, that I would always be by his side until I woke up one morning when we were on our vacation at our friend Celines hometown, it was right after that day we made a wish on that old church, I woke up and found a note from Luke saying: My beloved KC, Ive always lived my life doing the right thing; I always obeyed my parents as they wanted me to follow their footsteps however lately I havent been sure about the decisions Ive been making with my life like theres that missing part of me that I would be turning away from if I choose to go by the path Im going right now, I dont know what Im looking for, I dont know what I will find but its a risk Im willing to take and dont try searching for me, this is something I have to do alone. I need to find myself, it would not be fair for me to make you wait, I love you KC but you must go on with your life without me, I wish you all the best. Love, Luke And so here I am today, Church number 46, I know Luke said that he didnt want me to look for him and that he didnt want to make me wait, but he did said he loves me and thats the risk Im willing to take, thats what Im holding on to. Ive been traveling for the past 2 years, good thing my job as a writer allowed me to travel, I told everyone Im doing it to get new inspiration even if what Im really doing is searching for him, and I will not give up on Love, I will not give up on Luke. God this is my 46th church, and here I am still wishing for the same thing, please lead me to him, the love of my life I said closing my eyes deeply hoping that this might be it, the day when I find the love Ive been searching for when I

was interrupted with a text message from my sister asking where I was then a street children came to me so I put down my phone so I could give some alms after making my wish I stood up and walked away, I heard there was another church in that town but it was sort of far so I needed to hurry if I want to get there before sunset. Suddenly I noticed there was a guy behind me, he wasnt really suspicious looking, in fact he was kind of cute, he has nice hair and his chinky eyes gave him a mysterious look and he has soft thin looking lips but still I cant be sure, so I walked hurriedly but he was following me, which made me more scared I could feel my heart beat rising, finally I shouted what do you want? Please dont hurt me; relax, I was only trying to give you back your phone, you left it at the church he said in a calm and surprisingly charming way; Oh thanks I replied; what were you in a hurry for anyways? he asked; well I heard there was another church in town that Ive never been to, I had to hurry so I could make it I explained and he looked at me like I just said something silly youre looking at me like Im some kind of crazy person I followed; well nothing, I just dont get it why do you have to make it to a church just because youve never been there? he asked looking confused; well I have to make a wish I said but he still looked confused what youve never heard of that? When you make it to a church for the first time you could make a wish and it will come true I explained; well since Ive made it this far following you to bring back youre phone maybe I could try out that wish thing, Ive never been to that church too, I mean that is if you dont mind he said extending a hand my names Nate he said; sure its the least I can do to thank you for returning my phone, Im KC I said with relief that I got my phone back and I wasnt being followed by some psycho When we made it to the church, I closed my eyes and made my wish and I opened it only to find he was staring at me with those chinky eyes that seem to melt you with its stare, I cant believe I never notice how beautiful they were before, then I blushed why are you looking at me like that for? I asked; nothing its just I never saw anyone with that much passion in making wishes, what did you wished for anyways? he asked; the same thing Ive been wishing for in the last 46 churches, to find my true love, how bout you? I said and even before he could answer, my phone rang; it was my sister so I went outside to take the call, when Nate followed me I was already off the phone and was crying. I looked up to see Nate offering a white handkerchief, What happened, is anything wrong? he asked; nothing I just got into a fight with my sister, she wants me to come home and help her with the family business, she doesnt understand what Im doing, I dont care if others find it silly, Im not giving up but sometimes you know hearing the people you love tell you its a waste of time and show you how much they dont support you, sometimes it just makes you want to break down, but you now sometimes holding on to something even in make- believes is better than nothing at all I said looking at him, surprised at how easy it is for me to pour my heart out on a total stranger he didnt even had to say anything the mere fact that he was there made me feel better. I need a hug, thats what I had in mind then suddenly I just found myself wrapped around in his arms, and being there just made me feel so warm, secured, safe and then I felt my whole body weaken around his embrace. Ive never felt my heart beat that fast since, since the last time I was with Luke, I dont know what was happening how could a total stranger make me feel like the way Luke had always did only it was more. Im sorry if I was such a cry baby, its just that this is already my 47 th church, I dont want to lose hope but its sort of whats happening I said, dont lose hope, it will come in Gods time he said; thanks, its getting late, we should go I replied; hey theres another church outside town, I dont know if youve been there but if you havent I could take you there tomorrow, that is if you like he said; well I dont know youve done so much for me already I replied; its okay he said; you sure? Okay Id love to I replied The next day we made it to my 48th Church, and right after I made my wish went to walk around, it was a beautiful Parish, as we were walking Nate pointed out we give respect to the Parish priest, we approached him and to my surprise he turned to face us and there he was, my beloved Luke, the Parish priest Luke? Father Luke? How did this happen? I asked him; KC, Im so happy to see you, Im sorry it took me this long but I finally found what I was searching for Luke said; why didnt you tell me? I said; I wanted to see to it that everything was already in place before I tell everyone, I found it KC the purpose of my life, what I am here for, my meaning, and that emptiness I once felt is now filled with my spirit to serve God and I owe it all to you KC he said; I, Im happy for you, you dont know how long Ive waited to see you again and tell you how much I loved you one last time I said, I wanted to tell him how I was hurt and what Ive been through and the churches, the wishes but seeing how happy he was stopped me, I couldnt bear to make him feel guilty he was so happy, contented, he finally found what he was looking for; thank you KC, you were my first love but God is my one great love and serving his people would be my last and I would have never found it if it wasnt for you he said full of happiness I couldnt bear to break. That night I was crying, I cant believe that everything I was holding onto are now gone but I dont want a reason to be angry with God. That night Nate was still with me still making me feel better with his presence, suddenly a falling star appeared on the sky hey make a wish Nate said; you dont really believe that do you? Its not true you know I said; Of course I do, to believe even in make- believes is better than to have nothing to believe in, someone once told me he replied; I was wrong so dont get your hopes up like I did I uttered; can I tell you a secret, I actually lied to you, it wasnt the first time I heard about wishing on the churches youve been to for the first time, 2 years ago I heard a guy say that to his girlfriend, I turned to look at them cause they were behind and what I saw was the most beautiful girl

Ive laid eyes on, with eyes that sparkle and a smile that can light up the whole town and you know what I wished she couldve been mine I said; and did your wish came true? I asked; not yet but I know it will in Gods time he uttered; why is that?I asked; And just when I was about to give up my make- believes he shows me that maybe Luke and I did got what we both wished for and that with a little faith wishes do come true when he said: because that guy I heard talking was Luke and the girl of my dreams was you

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