Greek and Roman Sculpture

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UCL: Henri Triquetti Marmor Homericum (South cloister) and c.

1900 lead copy of Roman marble copy of bronze greek sculpture J. Zoffany Charles Towneley and friends in his sculpture gallery 1782 127 x 102 mm, Towneley Hall Museum, Burnley Kore (female figure) limestone 7th C bc. Louvre Euthydikos Kore, marble, c. 510 bc. Athens Chios Kore, marble, c. 510 bc. Athens Kouros (male figure), limestone. 6th C bc, both from Delphi Milani Kouros, marble. c.530 bc, now in Florence Medusa. Detail from pediment of Temple of Artemis at Corfu: 6th C bc; view of the whole surviving pediment The Kritian boy. Kouros, marble, unreliably attribute to Kritios. Acropolis, Athens, before 480 bc Charioteer (auriga) c. 475-70 bc. bronze. Delphi, and horses, now in Venice, probably 100 years younger than the charioteer, maybe from Athens, probably from a games-victor-statue Delphi Auriga, and Auriga, pulled from the sea-bed off Mozia (Motya), Sicily, in 1976. c.460 bc. (in London for the Olympics) Pediment (e) sculpture from temple of Zeus, Olympia, c. 460 b.c. Centaur & Lapith. Metope. Parthenon, c. 445 bc. London BM Centaur & lapith woman. Metope. Parthenon, c. 445 bc. London BM Horsemen and Gods. Details of frieze of Parthenon c. 440 bc. London, BM A small (950mm) reconstructive copy of chrys-elephantine Athena Parthenos, ?3rd C ad. Nat Mus Athens; cgi reconstruction of Phidiass statue as installed in c.445 bc, and C20 silver bracelet charm L. Alma Tadema Pheidias and the Parthenon Frieze 1868 ,Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery Gold votive Nike, Louvre, Paris, ?4th C bc, Athens Nike, from temple of Athena, Athens mid 5th C bc. Hermes & Dionysus, perhaps by Praxiteles, mid C4 bc., Temple of Hera, Olympia

Apollo Belvedere: (?roman?) marble after bronze of mid 4th C bc. Rome, Vatican. Seventeenth-century engraving (H. Adolfz after H. Goltzius) of same, as then restored Mausolus, from Mausoleum, Halicarnassus. mid C4 bc.: London BM and C19 speculative reconstruction of tomb of Mausolus (= mausoleum) Amazonomachy from Mausoleum, Halicarnassus, mid 4th C bc.: London BM Reliefs, Great Altar of Zeus, Pergamon, c.180 bc. Berlin, Pergamonmuseum Winged Victory (=nike) of Samothrace. ?2nd, ?1st C bc., Paris, Louvre, and a previous restoration Gaulish chief kills self after wife. Roman copy of Pergamene original of late 3rd C bc. Rome, Vatican Dying Gaul: Roman copy of Pergamene original of late 3rd C bc. Rome, Capitoline Museum Laocoon: Roman marble copy of Hellenistic bronze: current restoration. Rome, Vatican ON SLIDE 24

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